Are you voting for Trump in 2020?
Are you voting for Trump in 2020?
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No. Burn it all. Fuck glow niggers.
May as well admit you hate good pussy
yes you're a bit retarded if you don't
only a logless shill wouldnt
I have a good job and get laid regularly.
Why would I vote for that piece of shit? I don't need to tear down the world to find a place in it.
Christfucker no. Will actively and enthusiastically work to defeat him.
I just don't fucking care anymore, no matter what I "vote" it will probably be overruled by the fucking electoral college.
No, he's an international embarrassment. Time to put a grownup back in the White House.
>overruled by the fucking electoral college.
Your vote wasn't "overruled" Learn how your government works.
Technically the Electoral College "overrules" the popular vote. Thats what they did this election.
Im glad they did tho. Imagine a USA with Shitlery in charge
please take this shit to /pol/ where it belongs.
No, I have a big dick. Don't need to overcompensate by voting for a worthless coward fucking asshole.
No it doesn't. The "popular" vote isn't part of the government system so it doesn't "overrule" anything. It is a statistic presented by the media.
The popular vote is the national total. The electoral college goes by which candidate won the most vote in each individual state. Each state has electoral votes based on its population, with California having the most e. votes obviously. The winner of the electoral votes = president.
No it doesn't.
The popular vote leads to winning counties in a state. Those counties then determine the outcome of the election in that state. That states delegates are then bound by laws to vote based on what that state wants.
This is a real simplification but a good gist of it.
PragerU has a video explaining it.
PragerU is failing you then, because the popular vote is the total national vote, period. I teach this shit. That's where Hillary clobbered Donald by 2.7 million votes in 2016. Nationwide.
PragerU didn't teach you that not all states require the electoral college voters to go the way their state votes. You should look into it there is way more fuckery going on with it than you know.
Also popular vote is the total national vote. They call it the popular vote because the electoral college vote is what actually determines the presidency. Unless there is a tie in that regard than the popular vote decides.
The fact that you listen to PragerU is why you are so misinformed. Find a source that isn't propaganda completely funded by fracking magnates
Same fag. But nonetheless I'll reply to this shit, what would you call the majority vote a majority for a county or state? I call it the popular vote or the majority.
I also know that some states don't require their delegates to cast votes in favor of who wins their states majorities of counties. I said it was a real oversimplification.
im gonna vote for someone that takes all magatards guns away, take all of their monies, and ship their broke retarded powerless asses to Guatemala
*deport to Guatemala
>hurr durr highly developed intellect bad
Fuck off
trump wont be able to run in '20,
his mind's goin ......FAST !
Obama's not on the ballot, Cletus.
DT's AS LEAST that bad
>Imagine a USA with Shitlery in charge
We just got Shitler instead.
You're kind of a shit teacher then. Lying to your students is unethical
Why bother? The democrats and their 97,000 candidates have already ensured him a second term without contest.
No. Even being generous he's still a terrible President.
what is our standing about Denmark at the moment?
It was PRECISELY over ruled by the EC,
thats the IDEA of the EC :
the elite can over rule The People
And then theres gerrymanderng,
and Citizens United political donation rules.
So the US isnt a democratic repub,
its a plutocracy
>believing PragerU
Jesus fucking Christ you're retarded.
>believing CNN
Jesus fucking Christ you're retarded.
Calling it the popular or majority vote is redundant. Saying either puts the point across. Though I will say they will even call it the popular vote when talking about the final total so.
Also not same fag
americunts are so close when they stop trusting major news sources. but then the government-implanted retard chip kicks in and they go trust even worse, more blatant propaganda like prageru and infowars
nigga pls
I just take everything I hear with a grain of salt and verify it on multiple sources. Too many of the idiots around me in america don't even do that simple shit.
Relying on only one source, no matter how good, is stupid.
Not an American but I genuinely hope he wins again just for more sperg third wave feminist disbelief reaction pics, and hey a relationship with Kimmy Kim up in North Korea isn't a small achievement so at least he did that
b is for everything excluding ponies which is the only content that must only be posted in it's own board and not even on b, read rules before posting
After he called himself "the chosen one" not too long ago I'm honestly rolling the dice on if I want to vote for him for the sake of the memes or not be a retard.
Yes and only to fuck over the democraps
To teach something you should probably learn it first, Professor Niggeroonie
if anyone ever wonders how america got so fucked up, remember this is unironically how people are thinking over there.
You are a moron and don't understand EC. Did you pay attention in school at all? You moron.
Yeah I'm voting for him. He brought jobs back to my area. Jobs Obama said wouldn't come back
Fucking loser idiot.
Just to see how overwhelming the lead can get I guess
Russians interfere, they can't vote you dick sucking communist pig.
Well shit, now if he turns out to actually be the chosen one and you didn't vote for him you'll have egg on your face
Nice comeback user you did a fantastic job today
Does it even matter who we vote for? The moderates in society have to suck the dick of either the democraps or Trump, so America loses no matter what.
I loat faith in the political system a while ago.
Hahaha. fuck no. Never again.
You make a very good arguement
>Calling it the popular or majority vote is redundant. Saying either puts the point across.
So you're busting my balls for saying something everyone says and everyone has the same meaning of? Cool.
I don't fully trust them... I can differentiate between their explanations of constitutional process versus their opinion pieces. I prefer to look at their evidence and what I myself cna find.
WSJ ftw.
Lol. You truly believe this is a clever comeback, don't you?
no, fortunately i dont live in some 3rd world nigger hatchery.
Kek. No he didn't.
What jobs did Dotard bring back to Russia?
Why do you guys argue so much? It gives me anxiety as an actress.
"My logs are the smelliest, creamiest logs ever. I'm King of the logs. I will pay for the wall with logs, and Greenland too."
In a perfect world with a perfect system, the states hold individual elections and whoever wins in that state wins X amount of votes for some candidate.
Number of votes for a state = number of representatives for that state.
Then the states give their votes to their chosen candidate in the electoral college
That didnt happen because several states gave their votes to Donald Trump regardless of who their people voted for
Someone get this guy a beer
The EC was established to allow the states to elect the president.
Not the people
Then the people should lobby to change their states constitution. Also, those states were a very fucking small amount.
Its not in the individual States' constitution. Its in the United States constitution.
Good luck changing that
Not a troll.. Trump 2020. Our country is getting better every day. More jobs, better stock market, better border control.... The list goes on. Dems lie non stock and worry about farts.
So an individual states charter doesn't dictate how that states electoral votes are cast?
You're telling me federal law, the US constitution itself dictates individual states use of electoral votes?
Cite that please.
>Our country is getting better every day. More jobs, better stock market, better border control.
Not just that but more logs.
Log exports have trippled in the last year because of federal subsidies to the BVB Army and Andy Sixx's log of shit production
You realise the stock market isn't food, it isn't even cash money, it's just a sort of opinion poll.
A high stock market means that a bunch of people are feeling optimistic. THAT IS ALL.
Try turning all the stock into goods and services, and you won't be able to.
1. The mere fact that you're selling off stock will lower the prices
2. You will end up with a huge pile of cash that was locked away in financial instruments. When you spend it, you will trigger hyperinflation.
The stock market's a dream, boy. It's not real.
Theres nothing to cite because a State is obligated by the US constitution to do whatever it wants with its votes
Sorry about your status in your cult's misinformation bubble. The rest of the world is laughing at you, as is most of the USA... especially the Dutch over that Greenland absurdity.
>thinking your vote in a national election matters
The only vote that matters is what cut of meat to eat from the rich.
i would vote for a person with the best foreign policy
You're fucking stupid.
You can cite that by just reading what you posted.
You need a quick lesson on the inverted yield curve, which happens when long term bonds at lower interest rates start outselling short term bonds at higher interest rates. That's a signal of a coming recession. Saying everything is great is as absurd as guys on street corners yelling about the world ending. Opinions are worthless unless informed. Trumpsters don't understand this but Moscow Mitch does. People like you are simpletons being manipulated.
Sure am
Nope. I voted for Trump in 2016 because I wanted to make liberals angry. I wanted to make them angry, so angry that make of them would think of taking up arms.
In 2020 I want a Democrat to win. Why, if I hate liberals so much? Simple. I hate conservatives just as much as liberals. The conservatives literally believe Trump was sent by their god to bring their dead god back to earth. They're so close to getting what they want that they can't imagine anything other than a 2020 Trump victory and the return of Jesus. When 2020 is denied them, when the liberals take over the US and undo all that their dear leader has done they'll snap.
Civil War II.
Conservatives and liberals will kill each other and moderates will rebuild the nation based on rational thought, scientific understanding, and logic rather than ideology.
So no. The retarded cheetos has served his purpose. I will not be voting for him in 2020.
>he still believes the conspiracy theory
Almost 3 years later and people still believe that shit?
Yes, keep drinking Fox Kool-aid comrade.Just sleep. Sleep.
Explain to me why you still believe it even after being basically debunked.
And exactly how do you benefit from this?
Not him, but it ABSOLUTELY has not been debunked. The FBI just works for the right wing and not a damn thing has been done about it. There is an insane amount of fishy bullshit about trump's candidacy that just simply isn't talked about anymore and got swept under the rug.
Get to kill people during the civil war.
Get to live with the rationalists when it's over.
Implying you won't be killed first for refusing to pick a side and fight to the death for it.
>There is an insane amount of fishy bullshit about trump's candidacy
Like what? I'm actually curious as to what you'll say.
Like the meetings between Erik Prince and Middle Easterners, the weird Russian bank account servers thing, etc. Christ I don't even remember all the bullshit, but there was a FUCKTON.
Oh! Let's follow the breadcrumbs from the FISA warrents to the now debunked Steele dossier and I wonder who was behind that curtain of lies and attempted coup d'etat?
I'll pick a side. Kill people on BOTH sides.
If fucking Hillary Clinton were half as powerful as you budding fascists believe her to be, she'd be president now.
Oooohh. She man called me a fascist. I'm trembling in my jackboots.
Did you just assume gender?
Don't be a fascist and you won't be called a fascist. It isn't hyperbole when people call you a fascist at this point. It's just addressing your belief system.
Damn, demsucs are right. Conservashits really do only have two jokes.
>debunked Steele dossier
More conservative fake news. Nothing is debunked. Steele is a retired MI6. Parts of the dossier are confirmed, other parts are not. Republicans interviewed him in London for 16 hours. They found him credible.
Like I said, everything just got swept under the rug and everyone decided to forget about it. The reason is democrats and republicans are both right wing capitalists foaming psychos and democrats fear the left's growing anger with the mistreatment of the American people FAR more than they fear the actual fourth reich forming in America right now.
Unless a better choice comes along. We will have to see who ultimately becomes a rep for the dems
lol i remember when i was a freshman in college
great meme, comrade!
>The conservatives literally believe Trump was sent by their god to bring their dead god back to earth.
oh cmon, there's always some wacky religious minority. they don't represent 99.9 percent of people, get real
How about we just scrap the electoral college and allow the people to vote on the actual president, instead of letting a minority of pointless states full of mostly corn and livestock deciding everything for everyone and doing a shit job of it all.
he won twice with same rules and yet a woman can't?
Hillary can't.
Btw, the American people know that all of this bullshit is just a formality. The president doesn't set policy. That's why nobody fucking votes anymore. And soon why there will be full scale revolt.
Kek good one user, cant imagine a bunch of transgender whatchacallem giving a hand to the only people left with guns after they force legal action banning them.
Typical arguement goes: Because I dont want these damn liberal faggots in LA or NewYorkCity deciding who muh president is
>saw a trigger word
Got triggered
Pun intended
> Doesn't know how the government works.
> Wants to be allowed to vote directly at it.
> Technically the Electoral College "overrules" the popular vote.
No. There IS NO popular vote.
The name of the nation is the United States of America. Not the United Ignorant Fuckwits of America. It's the states that have a vote, because it's the states that are members of the union. We're not a democracy. We're a republic. And the reason for that is because Californians aren't supposed to make rules for Montana. They're different states.
As much as I can’t stand his jerry springer ass, I know he’s going to win.
For the record, I don’t care about immigrants but his stupidity is costing America allies and money.
I’m really hoping that he’s impeached or declared incompetent soon or immediately after the election.
As for the dems they’re a mixed bag of crazy.
Lazy nigger obama voters that stayed home in swing states + the "i voted for trump but realize he's retarded" voters = no way possible trump wins.
A lot of democrats hated hillary and was like "fuck it" and stayed home. Figured she'd win anyway, cause "lol trump will never win".. welp he did, so now those voters are going to vote.
The trump brigade came out in full force. I dont see a huge rise in those number(if any).
Its pretty much a shoe in victory if Bernie or Biden win the candidacy.
Nonetheless, no matter who is pres in 2020. America will continue to be a shit country full of hate and racists, the top 1% will still be worth 25 trillion dollars and higher than 80 fucking percent of the population and left vs right will still keep their eternal fued going.
Glad Im pretty wealthy and tucked away in my private society lol. I pretty much watch America as if it's reality tv.
I hate yourself too.
Yeah God forbid 40 million people get more say than rock
Nope, because I don't live in that shithole that Trump is president of.
Lazy nigger obama voters that stayed home in swing states + the "i voted for trump but realize he's retarded" voters = no way possible trump wins.
A lot of democrats hated hillary and was like "fuck it" and stayed home. Figured she'd win anyway, cause "lol trump will never win".. welp he did, so now those voters are going to vote.
The trump brigade came out in full force. I dont see a huge rise in those number(if any).
Its pretty much a shoe in victory if Bernie or Biden win the candidacy.
Nonetheless, no matter who is pres in 2020. America will continue to be a shit country full of hate and racists, the top 1% will still be worth 25 trillion dollars and higher than 80 fucking percent of the population and left vs right will still keep their eternal fued going.
Glad Im pretty wealthy and tucked away in my private society lol. I pretty much watch America as if it's reality tv.
See, for the dems, the whole impeachment thing goes like this. Trump is impeached and forced to leave office, for whatever reason. Next in line is Pence. That makes Pence POTUS, and Pelosi is VP, and AOC becomes Speaker Of The House. Next, Pence has an "unfortunate accident", or is assassinated and is no longer POTUS. Now Pelosi is POTUS and AOC is VP. Next is socialist nirvana. See how simple that sounds?
Trump's team was confirmed to have russian contact hundreds of times and lying about it.
Those are the people he hired, thus as leader it's his responsibility, which I think has been lost over the finish line whether a criminal charge is viable.
The puppet of Putin theory I've never put too much stock into, though there is alarming evidence that would suggest it.
The bigger picture is what is most beneficial Putin, and a narcissist moron being belligerent to NATO and agitating long standing alliances fits the bill perfectly, and there's some evidence to suggest there was russian influence towards Brexit, another giant piece of western cohesion.
Only viable choice unless you want to be sitting on a 75% income tax
>Next is socialist nirvana
You have zero idea what socialism is.
Ok, let's say "for the record", I have zero knowledge of socialism. Enlighten me.
The only group hurting western cohesiveness is the liberals demographic who was subverted by the actual kgb in 1960s in order to destabilize the west. The whole academic system is infiltrated by comies and has been for generations.
Is there any dem saying workers should seize the means of production, with a centrally planned economy?
What the right fear mongers as socialism is generally in fact Social Democracy.
Anti-Intellectualism and conspiracy, two pillars of Right Wing thought.
As opposed to Trump's opponent knowingly buying false and made up evidence from the russians to use in a smear campaign?
Not exactly how that works. Pence would nominate his new VP, who would need to get approved by both houses of Congress. I suppose Dems could refuse to approve any nominee but that would hurt them politically. True, if something were to happen to Pence before a new VP was approved then Pelosi would be next in line. Would be a shitshow though. In any case, there's no fucking way AOC is elected speaker, let alone VP
>buying false and made up evidence
If you're talking about the Steel Dossier, that was initially contracted by a conservative publication.
Steel himself merely compiled reports, which he explicitly stated to be maybe 60% accurate/truthful, since the world of spying goes that way.
Hmmm, no direct answer. Ok, I'll make it simple, multiple choice. Which kind of socialism are you looking for? China's? Venezuela's? Russia's? North Korea's? There are just too many examples where socialism just goes completely off the range unfortunately.
>Hmmm, no direct answer
You claimed Dems are pushing socialism, which I refuted.
> China's? Venezuela's? Russia's? North Korea's?
None of the above. Russia definitely doesn't qualify anyway, and China economically is state capitalism.
You're not very good at this.
If you believe guns are to remove tyrants and you haven't done shit for the past 40 years, you're a liar. Guns are toys for adult American babies. Nothing more.
> Is there any dem saying workers should seize the means of production, with a centrally planned economy?
Yes, all of them. They call it welfare.
Dems would be forced to fast track a VP.
Not doing so would be a strategic no no.
Not to mention they would look like assholes for screwing with the line of succession just for a shot at the WH.
>Are you voting for Trump in 2020?
No fucking way. There's no way would I ever consider casting a vote for Donald Trump. It would go against everything I personally stand for politically and would invalidate the system I actually believe in
Close except the heeb is probably sitting in a wasps lap.
You should realize that if you know who the puppet master is. He’s probably just another puppet.
Obviously yes. He's been a good president despite what the brainwashers in the media are spewing
Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s clearly unfit to serve another term.
>>You claimed Dems are pushing socialism, which I refuted.
But they are. "Rich man bad, we will forcefully take his stuff and give it to you" is what all of them hear and that my friend is socialism in a nutshell.
>>None of the above.
So you going with the argument that it'll be different this time if we do it?
>>Russia definitely doesn't qualify anyway,.
Russia definitely qualifies, they lived under "socialist" ideals for 70 some odd years and we saw how that turned out.
>>and China economically is state capitalism
But their government is socialist. At any time they want the government can take control of any and all business if they so wished.
>>You're not very good at this.
Better than you evidently.
>Wasp is pulling the Zionist's strings
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
Kek. Sure he did
>that my friend is socialism in a nutshell.
You can't reduce socialism to a single sentence anymore you can capitalism.
>that it'll be different this time if we do it?
Care to show where I'm advocating it?
>Russia definitely qualifies
Nope. They're a capitalist federation, one can argue effectively an oligarchy.
>But their government is socialist
Communist. The workers there do not own the means of production, therefore they cannot be described as a socialist nation.
>Better than you evidently.
We're here on your pivot after not understanding what I initially said.
Not a chance in hell. I would support George W Bush over Trump.
You say solialist but i dont think you grasp the concept. Socialist is not communist. Russia is a dictatorship pretending to be something else. I think perhaps you thought an 80 on the iq test was a passing grade because your ability to reason and put two and two together is atrocious.
Thebstory they dont want you to know.
Considering the fuck heads the left has running of course. Corey Nigger Booker? Really?
How much money would you bet on Trump being able to name the first 5 amendments and explain why they're important?
Courts ruled that the electoral college is not bound to the stated popular choice
In other words the appointed Republican schills on the court realized they cant win fairly so they want a legal course to bribe thier way to stay in office. That is what you are effectively saying.
and confirmed autist if you do
They don’t think that hard. Orange man says he’s the best; they believe him. That’s as hard as they’re willing to think
This is an obvious attempt to circumvent the constitution. It will soon be the end of the United States unless the Republican party is stopped soon.
Yes and then another republican president after him just to watch liberals eat themselves
That’s not how civil conflict works. Moderates end up on some boat begging for help from some other country
sorry that you vote with niggers and spics and think everyone else should too. Also that Google revelation is pretty spicy.
>Imagine a USA with Shitlery in charge
No trade war
Putin NOT having our president in his pocket
No childish tweets every fucking day
Respect on the global stage
>just imagine
There wont be another Republican president after 2020 election. The party will splinter and there will be a russian enslaved party thanks to #moscowmitch and the fucking fools who follow an orange buffoon. Meanwhile Lindsey Graham s head will explode trying to decide whose dick to suck
How drunk are you? The entire point to this was so purples can vote for their favorite demothot and reap the child sex slave rewards of their constituents
imagine being this big of a faggot
Echo chamber
No ability to think for yourself
Drains dicks just as fast as the economy
Supports actual treason and big government
I dont know a single democrat personally that has had anything to do with this ring you speak of. I have heard rumors of such circles for religious groups like evangelicals and Catholics. Typically Republican as well
That's a big kike yikes there goldbergenstein
Calm down Sean Hannity
Stop pushing the trump agenda. Please we have had enough of the fox news mind control. Everyone in his government echoing trump even as they as caught in lies. Lindsey Graham blowing every Republican senator eho he thinks can help keep him in office. And the whole cozing up to the worst dictators in the world while shunning our allies.
This is why OP. He fuckin loves Jews.
Bernie, bro
Imagine the guy you voted for is the "King of Israel" lol
Truth hurts. Fox makes up pizzagate with the Russians, proved false meanwhile many prominent Republicans and evangelical church leaders have gone down for child sex abuse, and lets not forget the Catholics... or ICE for that matter and the cases of rapes performed by these rethugican enforcers. I believe in managed immigrantion not open borders. I think if you listened to what is actually said you will find that almost universally democrats are for controlled immigration not wide open borders.
No, his policies fucked over small businesses big time.
At this point, I hope someone equally as crazy wins on the Dem side so we get 4 years of seething Repubs
>Not understanding how the game is played.
> what is a scapegoat
>thinking your woke when you repeat the same stupid shit your great great grandparents thought was true
No one of austrian hebrew descent should support Trump. The words never again still ring true
He fucking sucks heeb dick constantly. He said all loyal Jews vote republican. Vote with the Jew. Vote Trump. Vote Israel.
trumps a faggot, his supporters are white trash homos, they sit around in a circle and cum on their made in China Walmart purchases then load em up in their Toyota. Also I double dog dare you to compare trumps and Obamas deficit and stock market returns.... the results will suprise you
I like how we have to have this struggle session thread every minute of every day. It's definitely something I'll remember as a democratic contribution to my online community of choice when it comes time to vote.
yes, its always been like that, but name a single electoral voter who didn't vote the way of their constituents. I'll wait nigger.
Imagine being so ignorant that you wind up delusional.
Only the brain dead will be voting for this shit for brains. Hopefully there aren't enough left for himi to win again. Then we can send his dumbass to jail.
At least I'm still able to purchase High capacity magazines and assault rifles. No Clinton ban 2.0
Yea i'm voting trump, I honestly prefer trump over the other optiosn they all want stricxter gun laws and I kindas need my ar15 to kill boars and deer, and just cause well I own the damn thing dont need a purpose to own it.
Of course. Only beta males vote liberal.