What are 3 reasons to not kill yourself ?

what are 3 reasons to not kill yourself ?

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Who is that

1.it'll make your mom sad
2.it's a pussy ass way to leave this world
3.you're probably a virgin so life would be a waste if you killed yourself before losing your virginity
4. you haven't done every drug yet

Outlive your enemies
Succeed in the face of adversity
And if you kill yourself niggers are one step closer to taking over.

Kill yourself? life is already short, you'll be dead before you know it, just ride it out, try to make others happy along the way if you want, don't be selfish and think this life owes you anything, otherwise you'll never enjoy anything for what it's really worth

Fear and Family, I dunno, life blows cocks though

Not one of those is true

New videogames
Treating yourself to your favorite foods
Lots of good porn out there. The rule 34 is getting insane.

I got nothin.'

Kimber day

These are all acceptable to the in/sane mind
^Especially the last one^
Is a faggot attitude

your gonna soon die anyways
your lame for doin it
why not just do shit that might kill you but is fun until you die

1. Someone will miss you
2. I'm sure you haven't tried out everything you wanted to do or accomplish. Maybe some place you always wanted to go?
3. Even if people treat you like you mean nothing to them, they'll be sad if you die. Even if you don't really think they'll be touched by it.
4. You would be missed in your job.
5. At least 5 strangers care enough about you to give you reasons to stay alive. You are important.

i nevr thoght ab it

why the fuck would you want to do every drug you junkie failure?

1 Parents sake
2 Gf sake
3 I now find the world quite interesting.

>Life is amazing when you get the serotonin 2.0 update
>you get better weapons or tools that make it easier the longer you play thus making it way cooler
>you get to beat the game instead of throwing the ball over the fence like a fag

1 u
2 haven't paid
3 ur taxes

>your virgin butt hole
> if there is no point to anything, then what's the point in killing yourself? Youll only be putting in ACTIVE effort if you do. So if you really beleive there is bo point, you would just exist until your exisance takes its course. Killing yourself would therefore only prove you don't mean the reason you have for killing yourself.

I literally just want to see how history plays out that's all I'm curious.

Pussy. Beer. Burgers.

having a jerk session so good you cum into the trash can 3 feet from you.

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Good question, I'll let you know when I find some


I'm curious about tomorrow

You haven't had a good nut till you nut across the room.

No one makes it out alive. Just let life take you wherever you have to go.

Life is good for me right now. I'm happy because I have gotten most of the things I desire. My fault: wanting more. I'm happy with what what I got, but will always want more. It's like a game. No one want to play the same level. Once you pass a level you want to advance. Some call it greed, but I call it life

counter question: name 3 reasons why you should kill yourself

1) heresy
2) for the empire
3) for the emperor!

rock and roll, baby

for epic stories

chaos consumes you

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been a while since i heard anyone call someone newfag

Video games

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Those sweet 72 virgins from Allah

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>want to play Classic WoW
>need to reproduce to save the white race
>my family would be sad

There’s a lot more than 3

>killing yourself without trying theft, rape, or murder
Something in this world has gor to catch your fancy. Don't hit the power button until youve at least tried ot all, first. I mean, if you really feel like you have to go, steal somebody's shit, rape and kill them for resisting, THEN off yourself.

>Classic WoW
Pure molten trash.


You're living in an ancestor simulation right now. Millions of years ago we became a K2 civilization and discarded our biological forms to live immortal as digital lifeforms, Every K2 we've communicated with has done the same. It's really the only practical way to explore the universe.

Anyway, life as an immortal intelligence is so vastly removed from life as a mortal human that we can easily take a breather from our everyday life by enjoying a recreational simulated lifetime. When humans were biological beings our lifetimes were pretty short. For an immortal being living a human lifetime is less of an intrusion on our lives than playing a videogame is for the lives we simulate.

Ancestor simulations are popular just like videogames in ancient fantasy settings were for biological humans.

So remember. There is an immortal you that really wanted to simulate your life that you're experiencing right now. In your limited mortal mind you can't imagine why someone would choose to live a life with misery in it but when you're an immortal machine things like suffering and trauma don't really mean much. It's like the feedback from a game controller with a rumble device was for biological humans.

So don't worry about why your simulation is being run, don't worry about the so called discomfort this simulation causes. Just play the game and experience it. Trust me. When the simulation reaches it's end you'll be glad you stuck it out.

BTW, right now I'm playing a simulated being who is stoned off her tits, so if my post was full of typos and shit that doesn't make sense, well, don't worry about it.

Fuck I love this game right now.

I wish more than anything you where right lol

I don't do it that often but you deserve it this is an obvious call

Cool read, thanks

to make it easier just think what are 3 things you live for
>Self improvement
>Making money

If this was true I'd turn depressive I don't want this to be a sim. I hope my alien K2 superself fucking suffocates on whatever is left of my current mind in his gay ass digital superbody.
Fuck that shitass like literally I pour so much into this life if it's all just for his lunch break I'm willing to be the first case of third party minimind-vs-megamind suicide thoughts I'm ENDING this twat for what he's treating my reality as.
mark my fucking words if I'm also coming for the rest of us if possible

If you didnt killed yourself yet then its too late

1. One Piece
2. Death Stranding/RE3Remake
3. Autumn offroad motorbike rides

Let me clue you in on a little secret OP: there are no reasons not to kill yourself.
But you know what? That's why you shouldn't do it at all, because you should fucking *make* some reasons, because you are a member of the human race - a human being is what you are. A human being with the power to make your own destiny and fate. Give yourself reason and meaning. You do not need anyone else but yourself.
You should feel empowered that you are unhinged and have no reasons to live. That means you are at stage fucking zero and that you can now build yourself up however way you please. That is power.
Fuck everyone who tries to give you reasons. Those are THEIR reasons. Not yours. Liberate yourself from the pity wagon and rise up.

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You'll never feel how good a woman's ass feels.
You'll never feel how good deepthroat feels.
You'll never feel how good creaming her pussy feels.

Holy fuck you made me laugh so hard I don't want to kill myself right now.


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1. Jackie Chan


I've already done all those things. Women aren't worth it.


1) Yakuza Remaster collection releases in feb 2020
2) Still have a lot of shit left to do
3) I like eating at restaurants and lifting, that's a good enough reason to live

The reasons why i didnt do it is:

1. I would totally destroy the life of 2-3 people. and i mean destroy. my sister would prolly commit suicide herself.

2. Its a easy way out and im not doing easy things. Never.

3. its Waste, there is so much shit you can do and loose your life with meaning. Go to middle easy and fight with the Kurds. or Ukraine and help the bois defend against the fachists. So much meaningful shit you can sacrifice for. Dont be a bitch.

God, family, and country.

Only 3 reasons anyone would ever need.

You too chicken to blow urself away just admit it. You don't have to talk urself up and make shit up about ur sister, just admit it ur a fucking pussy and can't get urself to man up and do what u need to do. I bet your sex life is as beta as you are faggot.


There could be 3 reasons not to kys, but there are thousands stating that you should do it. Kill yourself loser.

1 B
2 B
3 C

And im serious i was like you. No will no fun no happy but then one day at the public i saw this giant dick and instantly craved it cause it was massive and black. Only black dick is good protip. I was depressed cause white peckers everywhere but then i found it and sucked it immediately in the cabin. Life changed i crave now im white and have a purpose in life. I serve BBC everyday worship it and tell everybody on Yea Forums that you need BBC. All the threads about it i make them. BBC is the cure to you OP trust my words.

Actually im pretty good atm. having alot of sex lately, i have a good job and enough money. my problems are more of philosophical nature..

It would be more beta to have retarded moron on Yea Forums telling me to killmyself and actually giving even 1 shit about him lol

Whats a good job? After u mentioned u have lot of sex means you rather primitive in your head means you do hard labor. So simply cause you stay afloat makes you happy and life fullfilled but given your primitive priorities you have low standards and is a numb pleb.

Im a german engineer working mobile in whole europe solving technical problems for big companies.. and i really really wish i was somewhat primitive, wouldnt ask so many questions if i were. life would be simpler.

1) I want to go suntanning today and play video games
2) I'm going camping next week
3) If reincarnation exists, then I run the risk in my next life of being born into a 3rd world country, dying before i grow up, or somehow disabled

not worth rolling the dice Yea Forumsros

I have a nice house, a nice dog, and a nice wife. I have a nice job and a nice car and my extended family all loves me.

I'm good looking and fit. People like me.

1, parents and friends would despise me
2. secretly want to see rock bottom
3. very tiny chance things turn around (expecially if I can get drugs that stop by depression, add, insomnia)

1.Don't want to close my eyes
2.I don't want to fall asleep
3.'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't want to miss a thing

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I like GG Allins' view on it, if I recall correctly he believed that once you reached your peak(in whatever your lifes' work is, his was music) you should just kill yourself instead of just getting older and stagnating(the trick is finding out when you're peaking).
I want to kill myself according to this 'philosophy' and not because of depressive shit.

10 years later and still at stage fucking zero

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1. Have a daughter im trying to raise
2.mom would be sad
3. I genuinely think i can turn my life around, some day...

-the interracial sex with my Korean gf
-The black pipedream extream I have hidden
-my pets

you can always try new things
you can always do what you want, literally
you havent fucked everyone yet

>having enemies

2. how
3. doesn't matter
3. degenerate

1. slurpies and stuff

Cyberpunk 2077, lets hope its worth it

If you're gonna kill yourself you might as well do meth

You did it with wrong was then, sorry for your loss

wrong ones*

Getting fucked in the ass is so good it's a good one, so you already posted one reason in your post

>To crush your enemies
>To see them driven before you
>To hear the lamentations of their women

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Cuz you will die anyways it just a matter of time
Your painful life is something fun to watch
Your misery makes you look sexy

>devastates the people you leave behind forever
>you dont own yourself the way you own an object
>you leave a hole in reality
>you deny the world your value, the good things you could have given as the locus of divine being

somewhere is a person that needs you. you may not have found this person yet. but you will. unless you die.

1) you'll upset whoever you leave behind, possibly for life
2) you haven't yet achieved your full potential
3) there's too much shit left to do in this world

I like gettin drunk

I have my dream job

Got a good woman with a tight vagana

Why leave?

ill give you one:
The feeling of meaning and self fulfillment you get from applying yourself in a field you find meaningful and maybe even making a change for the good of the world

My wife

My kids

My life

2/3 of my kids don't want me to. Third reason is I don't have the courage

You have been visited by the Laura of horrible cereal noises.

YOU HAVE TO B-BUMP THE THREAD! It's c-coming, don't you understand?! It's c-coming! And if you haven't b-bumped the thread by the time it gets here, the thread is going to D-DIE!

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