Smash or pass

smash or pass

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hard smash

Big pass.

smash so far - more?

Big smaash

smash or pass ?

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hulk smash

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smash all the way, more?

Smash or pass?

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Hard smash

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More please?

check the fat/slampig thread

smash or pass?

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More of her?

Who would smash this piece of late night fuck meat?

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disgusting, i bet that cunt reeks of dead fish and chinese restaurant dumpster.

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smash, but I'm not proud about it.

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pass buddy

id shit on it


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bitch stroked

see more

Total smash

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1 and 2 smash 3 pass

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how about these two?

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Would smash daily.

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Pass. Sabrina, got fat fucking piggy.

Smash or pass?

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Smash definetly

I love girls with good teeth

She's a prime example of Ugly Duckling syndrome. This was her at 12.

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And her at 15. Starting to leave behind that awkward phase.

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17. Almost legal but definitely fuckable.

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Smash or pass?

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Hard pass

Holy shit. Smash. Fucking destroy. Revive as a Frankenhoney and smash again. Damn. Moar?

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21. Ready for drunken mistakes.

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> *smash or pash


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Smash or pass?

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Smash or pass?

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Pass only because of eyebrows. If they didn't look so retarded I would smash.

Smash or pass?

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