Dumping memes. Come collect them

Dumping memes. Come collect them.

Open for debates. Loving of new ideas. Always appreciate new fresh memes.

I Take Pride, I Take the Rainbow! I take the Flag!

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Fag headass

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Cancer has power, I'd gladly use cancer memes.
Stole the one from Reddit.

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I'll deliver my "sexy" memes

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Self checked, PRAISE KEK!!!

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Delightful day, delightful digits. PRAISE KEK!!!

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On a streak! PRAISE KEK!!!!

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I love this.

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Everyone loves it!

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blessed, PRAISE KEK!!!!

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Check out the #DefenDiversity and #DontHateSeperate

I'm believe there may be other #s used.

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How ape shit do these "things" get when they see this?

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Very Triggered. They once tried to steal the Swaskias. Declaring they would paint the streets with Rainbow swaskias. Naturally we laughed at them and they got even more Triggered.

I believe they have an entire discord focused on stopping this meme.

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is this the epic new right wing trolling strategy? make everything think you're a gay clown?

They made this meme in an attempt to promote Pedophilia. We cleaned it up as
Added "PEDOS GET THE ROPE" to our phrasing.

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The clown is a call out. It calls out Canada cutting off dicks.
It calls out (((them))) and the silly shit they make happen in this clown world. HONK HONK.

The rainbow is now a symbol of Race Pride! Our Pride Our Flag! PRAISE KEK!!!

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When I say clown world, I also include that fact that the United States presidency has been blackmailed by a Jewish Pedo Trade for YEARS!


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this is... indescribably embarrassing. i'm starting to think this is actually a left-wing psyop to make the right look as ridiculous as possible.


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>Some user faggot tells you to shut it down.
Get cock kike.

Our Pride Our Flag! PRAISE KEK!!!

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Kek, I hope this keeps up. Seems to be the only thing combating their mental conditions. At the very least I would hope others can recognize just how crazy and detached from reality those people are.

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If we can make the media declare a Hand Symbol a Hate Crime, how far can we go?

We can Capture The Flag!

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That's the goal. We break the Media ans Trigger the faggot.

I pray to see faggots beating Trannies and such, for sharing the wrong rainbow meme!

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the irony is beyond palpable

You know the bullies in my middle/high school days always used to call me a faggot, now people get triggered when someone whispers faggot. (Muh feelings/hate speech) I think I've earned through physical beatings to call anyone I want a faggot.
Now that I think about it, let's get more bullies in school and get rid of participation trophies.

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I'm so glad to see this gaining more traction. This is Yea Forums's next big thing, I'd bet my pee pee on it

It will be big.

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I've been campaigning this IRL to people I meet for so long. This is my favorite fucking thing because it's so possible. The left will give ANY symbol to the boogeyman N A Z I

Our Self Pride! Our Pride Flag! PRAISE KEK!!!
I've been called a faggot relentlessly on Yea Forums, the worthless name calling means nothing, and the name calling of people who don't matter shouldn't.
We need a Culture of Pride and Growth. Participation Trophies weaken and devalue our children.

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Either they admit their stupidity, or surrender OUR Flag!

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Racism is not okay.

>Hitler was an oppressed gay man
I do need feminism and the LGBQT movement

Exactly!!! #DefenDiversity

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Faggotry Leads to Pedophilia. PEDOS GET THE ROPE

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Our Pride Our Flag! PRAISE KEK!!!

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Nobody can't stop KEK

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>There is nothing wrong with Society
Pedos run the US government.
Canada kidnaps children to cut off their dicks
Europe made memes illigal, is literally one fire, and wiping out it's population.
China is Still China, Killin its own people.

Normies don't say "let's fix that" Normies REEEE, cover their ears, and shake their heads. They pretend the world isn't happening.

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But we are men of action

Together, we Reclaim Get Gift! A rainbow, and Hope for mankind.

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Based and checked! PRAISE KEK!!!!

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With time, comes change. With Action, We dictate that change.

May kek guide us well, PRAISE KEK!!!

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screenshot this. trips of truth

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Kek, get rekted! I took your Flag Faggot!

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i miss him

Oh, sorry, I somehow missed the point of this. Thought this was trying to be some pro-left memes shit. Have fun degen.

Our Love is Our Pride! Our Pride! Our Flag! PRAISE KEK!!!

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He was a great man.

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Take this meme to a media platform you enjoy/know about!
Whisper raids were thing for a while. Twitter the Natural go to, but FB would be sexy if done right.
Collect and share! Together we can conquer all! Never forget, ShiaLaBoof. Even the moon is within our reach!

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I was going to make a /pol/ thread. But someone beat me to it.

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Can someone tell me why this is bad?

Bad from what perspective?

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I mean besides literal Nazis supporting it.

what's wrong with literal nazis?

Why is segregation bad? Does it make people fearful and hate on other races more? I always thought white and educated people were super tolerant of others. Does a Multicultural group thrive better, coming together with different talents, genes, and perspectives? Why does it all have to be so forced in media with gay people and race mixing? I guess America kinda does have to come together if they want to do the right thing. Gay bashing and hurting people with different sexualities is wrong, but it was always the fringe. Now more than ever Sex is dangerous, but it is so forced in everything and disease is spreading like wild fire.

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To be honest, your post got a little incoherent at the end. But I figured my meme answered the question.

Faggotry leads to Pedophilia, and that is out of line. PEDOS GET THE ROPE!
But to be honest I myself could care less about faggots. And memes that can be shared by faggots only help to Capture The Flag.

Image a gay guy/girl sharing this. And some Tranny lighting up their shit for "Racism". This might help "woke" the Homosexuals.

Trannies are a mental Disorder too far gone if you ask me. Especially the ones cutting of kid dicks.

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This one could be made better, but I'd love to see more "Feminism" memes.

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Peace Love and Life Anons.

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This thread is full of one meme not memes as in plural.

That's odd cuz they all look different and colorful to me

Kinda? But there are in fact several different memes in here. Even if they all have the same results/message. So kinda?
Seems like a frivolous post.

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Don't use The Dark side of the moon cover to disgrace is with your bullshit

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This is extremely cringe-worthy, so it's not surprising right-winger kids are into it.
Just know that nobody buys into it, it's exactly like the pedo pride shit where it was very obvious the banners where shopped. Only in this case, the overt use of nazi symbols by the same accounts just makes it easier to identify as trolling.


except it works

I'm stealing an entire Flag/Rainbow. I'll continue by taking whatever I want.

Nothing is Safe during meme warfare.

It's night, Thread Theme: m.youtube.com/watch?v=qcWKZTI9OC4

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>He doesn't get it.
Remember the "ok" hand symbol?

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If you think trying to co-opt the rainbow flag and diversity with what's clearly a segregationist message is in any way equivalent to abusing the ok hand sign with milk meme, you're in for a rude awakening. Then again you're playing the clown here, so you're well aware of your role in this play.
Haha, no it doesn't.

Listen here, bigot. You can't get in the way of diversity. It's 2019, get with the times

Haha yeah that doesn't work either. Man, I used to think shit like this was clever 10 years ago, now it's pretty transparent to anyone savvy to this bullshit. Normal people would just be confused while everyone else would realize how obvious it is by the pepe faggotry polluting the social media account you're obviously going to use for this. As subtle as a brick! Because God forbid you actually put a modicum of effort into your trolling.

then leave

you'll be seeing us around

>The point
>Your head

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There's no point beyond wasting your time "for the lulz" and trolling a few liberals who would already see through your shit by the time they look at your avatar. Big whoop.
Americans really are dumb.

The point is to be kinda obvious. Whole also making good red pills. I don't expect a faggot to share a Swaskias. But memes like and. might very well be shared by a common faggot/Tranny. Causing the Triggered Trannies to.REEEE and attack the "lesser""Alt-Right""Nazi" faggots.

>They see through it.
Clearly you can't even see it...

I'll state a simple Fact for you Triggered Tranny. It's a win win no matter what.

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Nah, I'm not American, I don't give a fuck about your nonsense. Keep "winning" in your pigsty, magapede.
Nah, think I'll stay.

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Let him stay. Let him see our memes.

>He thinks this is about AmerimuttLand

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Then accept the triggering will continue. Complain if you will, but I warned you

>MFW when the Triggered REEE

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Kek, I didn't even notice he used the White Power hand symbol.

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If anybody opposes race mixing, it's the native americans


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A meme is the spread of an idea between people and I am seeing the same meme being stylized differently here. Not plural memes but the same meme being memed maybe? I was just hoping to find a collection of like seperate memes.

I agree it was a frivolous post though. But if you think this whole thread isn't superficial than you must be delusional.

This is a meme that can be taken from Differnt perspectives.
Taking the Rainbow back for God.
Take the Pride Flag for X Pride
Using the Flag as a symbol of Segregation
But it is multiple memes. Getting the same point across that the Flag is Ours!

We Fly Our Flag! PRAISE KEK!!!!

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This idea is really old-fashioned. It doesn't make sense in the modern world.
Luckily, it's impossible to stop the mixing of the races in a modern world with cheap transportation and lenient immigration policies.
It's literally an entropic process, like the mixing of two gasses.
After you cry your feelings out, come to terms with the logic: you could only prevent it with really harsh immigration policies, which will never happen.

well lets be fair here, 90% of the memes here are the same general meme. but op said that they themselves were doing a meme dump, and tell us they really like using the rainbow flag.
100% of the rainbow memes probably arent just op's (theres 20 posters here theres no way its just him) but lets be honest its at least 80% op.
>but if you think this thread isn't superficial
pol tells the entire world their plans everyday and everyone still falls for their shitty dumbshit plans
a post being superficial doesnt matter when they fail to see past the surface time and time again


It's like 70-80% OP. I was dumping my memes you see. A few people already had some!!!

This isn't the end, only a seed for the beginning.

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I read throuh all this and didn't see any lions. Lions are transgendereds. They've been doing it for 60000 years folks.

? I think you misunderstood the thread.

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I saw lgbt

LGBTQP+ is a political group. I seek to break them.

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Lions are a political group. I seek to break them.

We are stealing the Rainbow back from Trannies and Faggots. Wana help?

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