Fill this out and post it here. If you got more blank templates post them here too fags

Fill this out and post it here. If you got more blank templates post them here too fags

Attached: 1234931246677.jpg (600x600, 112K)

Attached: 20190823_061628.jpg (600x600, 215K)

still hope for you

Did I win?

Attached: sketch-1566533911717.png (720x720, 359K)

Yes for being a fur fag you win automatically

Attached: sketch-1565152051836.png (720x720, 185K)

I suck at these. It's sad because I want to win.

Attached: Ihatefuckingniggersmorethanmyself.jpg (600x600, 222K)

Do I get double points for being in my 30s

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-22-21-47-25(1).png (653x650, 254K)

man that sucks lol!

You still have hope...but you have to stop being a fur fag you cunt

I mean, I know, but which part?

Not bad

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Suck it b/tards

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Yeah not bad lol

Since you are a fur fag you win automatically you wanker

It's a disaster so all of it lol!

I guess I will stop... because I don't recall ever marking that one. I mean.. the picture doesn't lie. That IS what I named it before posting it... so..

Attached: 1566533438098.jpg (600x600, 115K)

God hats furries so you better stop


Meh. Guess I pass.

Attached: bingo.png (600x600, 179K)

Yes, it hurts when you moved away from parents, and they decided to sell their house and move to your shithole

could be worse

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Oh shit wow lol

could be better

Yeah not bad.

Is it really bad? I'm still kinda young.

It’s time

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git gud

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Better start working on it.

Game oVer

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Fuck you

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iPad fag

well i think i might safely not be a loser....according to this bingo game.

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