I think Donald Trump has done a pretty good job as President, though I understand if you disagree. ITT: a reasonable and levelheaded discussion about policies and the pros and cons of the issues of the day. Please don't name call or otherwise attack your opponents, focus on attacking their arguments.
I think Donald Trump has done a pretty good job as President, though I understand if you disagree...
Other urls found in this thread:
If you think that dotard has done a good job at being the President of the United States, it's not saying much for your character, ESPECIALLY at this point in his presidency
What has he done bad? Besides hurt liberals' feelings?
Everything. You just don't place any value on anything important, or long-term. You want immediate fixes to multilayered problems, and pitching asinine solutions is all he's good at. In time you will realize just how much worse things are because of his presidency, it won't be today, it won't be tomorrow, but someday you will look back on this day, and realize that you were wrong. We've all seen it before, and we're seeing it again.
I'd like to ask you what you could possibly think he's done a good job at.
the open border shit is pretty gay tbh
I keep hearing bitching about immigrants...
These immigrants are being employed by trump himself, and his friends companies, yet the irony is completely lost on the republicans.
Also, they aren't freeloading the system. To "freeload" on welfare and whatever other assistance programs republicans have issues with, you need to be DOCUMENTED. Undocumented immigrants are getting any assistance, how is this not common sense?
I agree. I hated him at the start, and I voted Democrat for years, but he really changed my mind about him. He's the best President we've had so far.
Big Poppa Joe's got your back
I think a lot of problems do have simple common sense fixes. Those in power trick us into thinking it's all too complicated so they can continue the status quo that benifits them.
A lot of udocumented immigrants have fake social security numbers.
I think he's done a good job deregulating the economy and helping American businesses more fairly compete with their international competitors. I think he's done a good job redefining the word "male" as "someone who is born with male genitalia" and not the postmodern pseudoscientific obama era definition. I think he's done a good job following up on his campaign promises, and representing his voters. I think he's done a good job as an elected representative, to truly represent the will of the people and not his own interests. Most importantly he's acting as a bulwark against communism.
Are you saying this video is good? It's literally packed with lies and propaganda. Is abandoning critical thinking now the prerequisite for the right?
buhhh he's the most bigliest and smarter than anyone, guy, ok so when he says it, you know, that he did it the best and otherwise fake news
you have to be 18 to post on this website
Oh sure, link for the facts on that?
lol here come the feelings again.
>I think he's done a good job deregulating the economy and helping American businesses more fairly compete with their international competitors
Tell that to the farmers who are losing more money than ever before
> I think he's done a good job following up on his campaign promises
Name some
> I think he's done a good job as an elected representative, to truly represent the will of the people and not his own interests
You think his cabinet appointments were a good job? have you even been paying attention to like, anything????
>Tanked US's standing amongst its allies
>Causes daily volatility in the stock market off the pants-on-head-retarded tweets he puts out
>Started an "easy" trade war that is hurting us more than china. It's putting family farms out of business while the large corporations scoop up their land.
>Cut taxes in a way that minimally affected middle and lower classes while giving his rich fuckwad sycophant friends more money in their pockets
>Allowed corporate takeover of government regulatory agencies with almost every appointment he has made
>Still has hundreds of empty positions in the white house, some haven't been filled since the inauguration
and yet despite all that, you can't wait to vote for him again because he's got a nice little (R) next to his name
"[Democrats] want to do a lot of bad things to Israel," he said in comments reported by the Washington Examiner. "In my opinion, you vote for a Democrat, you're being very disloyal to Jewish people, and you are being very disloyal to Israel. And only weak people would say anything other than that."
Not feelings, an ability to think for myself. Give a try some time comrade
you went right for the character, are you that fucking dense?
Not to mention the 400 and some people that have left or been fired from his administration
Little (R) next to his name is better than that Big (D) that's in your mouth faggot
Interestingly enough, even though undocumented immigrants won't qualify for a traditional Social Security benefit, it doesn't mean they aren't contributing to Social Security in a positive way. A recent analysis from New American Economy found that undocumented immigrants contributed $13.3 billion into the system via the payroll tax in 2016. This jibes with an AARP report that found $12 billion in payroll tax contributions from undocumented workers in 2010.
thank you for talking policy with me, I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my thread. I know our trade disagreement with China is disadvantageous to the farming industry in America but their disregard of intellectual property laws and their abuse of forced technological transfer was becoming intolerable. He's followed up on literally all of his campaign promises, at least in significant effort if not success. I know we're not on best relations with our allies anymore but the job of the president isn't to suck up to europe or anyone else, it's to represent the will of America and to negotiate the best deals possible for the American people.
Yeah, as in integrity? Are big words hard for you?
please refrain from personal attacks!
>"He's followed up on literally all of his campaign promises,"
Name one that actually went well, you brainwashed fool
1) Nearly every single policy push he's made to congress has either died or is mired in court.
Exp: Repeal and Replace Obamacare. This was not only a failure of one of the main campaign issues he capitalized on, but a titanic embarrassment for the GOP as a whole. Only now with election season starting does he dare to even talk about it.
2) Iran, North Korea, China. Three key conflicts he initiated, and all three have not been resolved, at all. It's clear neither Trump or his administration had a long term strategy, and at this juncture it seems all three prefer to wait out until his term is over.
3) He's corrupt asf. The GOP congress is at the mercy of his wrath for future elections, he appointed his useless family to the White House, and has traveled exclusively to his own businesses on the tax payer dime. The Mueller report detailed his attempted to obstruct an investigation, one he vehemently declared total innocence of, and member of his team outright ignored unlawful order.
4) He's a fucking moron, and caters his platform to morons. Every one of his insights/opinions, from climate change, to tariffs, to basic functions of government betrays either a high schooler's level of understanding at best, and typically at worse an arrogant ignorance which can only be described as malicious. Never in his whole life has Trump said something interesting or thoughtful. Pic related.
Farmers are getting subsidized. Meanwhile you ignore the thousands of American factories that shut down and moved to China.
Please refrain from name calling in this thread. He successfully ended the obamacare mandate. He successfully defunded planned parenthood. He successfully got troops mostly out of Iraq. He successfully repaired the economy. He successfully began construction on the wall.
>He's followed up on literally all of his campaign promises
I'm gonna go ahead and post this, and you can see he's not even close
w politifact com /truth-o-meter/ promises/ trumpometer/
May I please ask for clarification on point number 2? In what way do you see him as responsible for initiating the conflicts with Iran and NK? I had seen these as long running rivalries with USA.
Thank you for the reply, if I may ask, which promises would you say are the most significant that you think he has not fulfilled?
>Farmers are getting subsidized
And WE are stuck paying for that because of a trade war he started. And I didn't forget about the factories, I just didn't bring them up. TRUMP himself has factories overseas
Those trips don't lie.
>He successfully ended the obamacare mandate
No, we have Zombie obamacare. No replacement = failure
>He successfully defunded planned parenthood
Pure partisan position of no benefit to anyone.
>He successfully got troops mostly out of Iraq
>He successfully repaired the economy
All the upward trends began in 2010
> He successfully began construction on the wall.
2.5 billion out of his initial desire for 25 billion is chickenshit. That's pretty fucking hilarious too, the world's greatest negotiator can't even get a preferred budget passed.
Hillary isn't in jail and the swamp only got worse
>for initiating the conflicts with Iran and NK?
I'll clarify NK. He promised peace with NK, had his stupid photo ops with Jong Un, and now we're directly back to square one with NK weapon testing and threats.
As for Iran, he betrayed them. They had been honoring the deal set up by Obama. Trump proceeded to wiped his ass with it, slap more sanctions to starve the Iranians, and Iran predictably doesn't care to give them the time of day.
Personally i dont care, democrat or republican. Ill vote for whoever has the best policies and the majority of the american people in mind. None of this represents trump. And if you did get more money back in your taxes, so you love him omg what a great job. Well guess what that was temporary. By the time people reelect gim it will be too late to realise and we will be paying even more taxes for him to pump into our military which, doesnt need to expand anymore than what it has. Weve always been the biggest and strongest. We dont need a military base in greenland, even they know it is an assanine idea. I could go on but i dont fucking care more than that, everyone is a fucking sheep and they will flock with the other sheep around them.
I think he has terrible policies so the less he fulfills, the better.
I'm just pointing out that there is a ton that he hasn't fulfilled, though I'm sure faux news tells a different story
I think the defunding of PP is a great win in the fact that our government no longer sends money to subsidize the murder of children.
Specifically though what did he promise that he hasn't at least made a significant effort to fulfill? I was under the impression that he literally did his utmost to fulfill every single promise made on the campaign trail, a first for a president in my lifetime.
Get the fuck back to /pol ASAP!
Good job tonight /b, a lot of people in this thread making me feel a little bit better about society... maybe we won't be completely fucked in 2020
No one forced you to get an abortion. Now women will die because of your obsession with a fetus.
1000% guarantee Trump's paid for a few in his part.
I think we're making great progress with NK, at least 10x more than was made before he came into office. With Iran it's good that we're not bound to that lame agreement anymore, the money never went to the poor Iranians, it went to terrorist groups in Iraq, Yemen, and Palestine.
Draining the Swamp. He made it a protected nature reserve for Swamp monsters.
I think Drumph sucks, but will 100% vote for him next year because the Democrats are so fucking Anti-White.
I'd rather have a shitty leader who likes Whites, rather than a competent leader who is against White people.
EVEN IF, that was for whatever reason the way you feel about abortions, PP does wayyyy more than just abortions.
And just because the church tells you abortion is wrong, remember, not everyone plays make believe with the guy in the sky. So that opinion has no place in our government
lol he did so much to drain the swamp, he's already raided epstein pedo island and after his reelection he'll have all the political clout he needs to finish the job
o rilly op? you think taking 1/3 of your work time to golf and watch tv and tweet nonsense and make personal deals costing hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars is doing pretty ok?
>I think we're making great progress with NK
Zero besides circle Jerking with Kim.
>to that lame agreement anymore
Avoiding Nuclear conflict in the middle east is lame to you?
> it went to terrorist groups in Iraq, Yemen, and Palestine.
Bullshit, but even if true, it's their money to spend as they please.
Furthermore, Trump is giving the Saudis hundreds of billions in weapons, and they are one of the main sponsors of terrorism.
His betrayal of Iran was cynical and arbitrary, and the only logic behind it was to destroy Obama's legacy.
You're right, but I think that murder is wrong and immoral even if both the victim and the perpetrator are not christian. I view abortion as the murder of a human life. The religious views of the people involved have nothing to do with the fact that it's a crime against life.
trump hasnt even raided epsteins new mexico pedo ranch yet. they must not have had enough time yet to clear it out.
>lol he did so much to drain the swamp
An epstein trial that began in NYC? kek you're a paint chip eater.
Right, it's their money to spend as they please, until America got wise and cut off the money, now they can't spend it as they please.
>until America got wise and cut off the money,
You understand it was their frozen assets, right?
The fire department is going to have a lot more babies to deal with.
Murder is wrong, murdering a baby that's been born and living it's life is wrong. Aborting a fetus before it's even made it's way into this world is not murder.
And to go along with that, republicans consistently use the most ineffective way to teach sex ed (abstinence only), AND don't want to have anything to do with the baby they made go full term once its born if god forbid it needs assistance programs.
Trump hasn't tanked US's standing among allies. The liberals have. All the media does is slander the president and made it mainstream to shit on him. That's fine if you want to criticize policy but all they do is attack his character. Also, this trade war with China was a long time coming. China has very unfair business practices and has been leeching off companies for decades now. They steal research then sell the products back at a discount. Think of all the money made off counterfeit goods. Also, stock market volatility is only bad for the amateur investor. Those are great buying opportunities for those who are experienced. Remind me again how despite all the dips, we keep hitting all-time highs.
So 400 people have been cut from his administration yet he still gets stuff done. Why did we need those 400 people who probably cost tax payers $100k each? Why does AOC make 6 figures yet shows the mental capacity of a high schooler? President is saving your tax dollars.
the economy has been in an upward trend since obungo. we're going to go through the "republican crashes the economy with sugar rush tax cuts, democrat fixes it" cycle again. i'm a conservative and even I know my guys have no fucking idea what they're doing and are only in it for the rich execs.
care to explain how she has the mental capacity of a highschooler?
>All the media does is slander the president and made it mainstream to shit on him.
And you think the leaders of Europe are too braindead to form their own opinion after dealing with Trump directly?
How fast do you think peace with NK will take? What other president has come even remotely close to solving the NK issue? You think this is going to resolve itself in just a year or two?
considering we're in the same place as before trump met with KJU, i wouldn't say trump was remotely close to solving it
I think our previous hands off approach was the way to go. NK are a bunch of trolls that would never have the balls to follow through on their threats.
Yes. Most European politicians just want to play nice and pander to the PC crowd. If they think the crowd is anti-Trump then they'll act accordingly regardless of how they feel. He has gotten so much hate right from the start simply because of the character attacks during election and not on policy.
Nice trips. But he hasn't been able to accomplish very much and it's not the house stopping him. Even before the dems he wasn't really able to make any moves other than restricting travel for people under the guise of safety when the real threat is internal.
>waaaaaah everyone's mean to Trump, it's only a conspiracy he's so hated
Trump's entire schtick is talking shit and being controversial. On top of slapping tariffs on Europe, he pulled out of the Paris accord, really because he doesn't understand anything about climate change. If I were Macron or Merkel, I'll tell him to go fuck himself too.
>no one forced you to get an abortion
Nice strawman. That's not the argument and you know it.
>blah blah obsession with fetus
Not everyone opposed to PP gives a fuck about abortion. Some of us just don't want to pay for other people's abortions. Go get your kickass abortion, I could give a fuck. Just don't expect me to pay for it. Stop being freeloaders.
obvious shop, he was wayyyy closer than that. That poor woman was just trying to do her job inspecting the fence.
NK is a ticking time bomb and your solution is to just let the timer go and hope it doesn't blow up on your watch. Gotcha.
Do you really think NK won't go balls to the wall with something when they are under too much pressure and collapse is almost guaranteed? This is like ignoring the loner kid in class then questioning why he decided to shoot up the school.
Literally most things in life are subsidized by the government. If you're a vegan, your taxes are being used to pay the meat industry, but all of us are paying for coporate welfare and the MIDC. Why are you fine with the previous, but not with public health issues?
Where's the wall?
>Some of us just don't want to pay for other people's abortions
imo this is shortsighted or puts morality before reality, its cheaper to pay for an abortion than to pay for the effects of an unwanted child living a full shitty life of crime etc.
i can absolutely understand why you wouldn't want to and i don't think you should have to but the reality is that either we help to pay to get rid of unwanted pregnancies or we end up indirectly paying the cost of their result
Barrier? What do you mean you need a fence?
Here's your caution tape. now go patrol it yourselves
>when they are under too much pressure and collapse is almost guaranteed?
I think like Cuba they're mainly concerned with maintaining the regime. It's more likely than not China occasionally pulls their string to create semi-fase tensions.
Fuck, you're stupid
Aaaaaaannnnnd you'd be wrong.
You are window-licking retarded
I live in Canada, a US ally. It wasn't the 'liberal' media (I have to tell you how idiotic you guys sound when you say that, btw) that tanked the US's standing with us, it was Trump. Trump, the fact you morons voted for him, the fact any of you think he's doing a good job, and the fact that you'd even consider voting for him again. For that, we don't think you all are responsible enough to have your own democracy anymore. Sign control of your country over to us so we can at least fix some of the shit you've broken.
You're making the assumption that I am accepting of those other things and, again, strawmanning. Make your own arguments, don't try to make mine for me and then argue against those.
Your argument is too presumtive to be considered. You are assuming that unwanted pregnancy only leads to a criminal, and further implies that wanted pregnancies do not. Crime will always be a thing, and those that commit crimes come from all corners.
Common Core is still going even though he said he'd get rid of it, 5g will literally kill us all with all the radiation and he's made it a top priority, he questioned 9/11 when it happened and now he's mocking and talking negatively about all conspiracy theorists even though it was mostly conspiracy theorists who voted for him, and he's calling himself "the chosen one". Oh and he's stealing people's money even though he's a billionaire all for some stupid wall that'll never be built. Yeah this guy is a great President. Not. Keep trying shill or bot. Whatever you are.
>You're making the assumption that I am accepting of those other things
That the practical reality you're faced with. Support of defunding planned parenthood is thus arbitrary.
>u are assuming that unwanted pregnancy only leads to a criminal
It's statistically more probable than not. Not only criminality, but also poverty of couples/single parents burdened with a child they weren't prepared for.
And if you cucks hadn't voted in Trudy, then your opinion might not be as big of a joke as it is to us. Now you go on and enjoy watching your prancing dress up queen tongue-wash the nearest muslim asshole.
Ball licking Israel is fine tho?
I keep forgetting what anti-Semitic you bigot cucks are. Racism isnt really as widely accepted anymore down here in the civilized world power country. We're trying to set an example for you bigots, please keep your racist views to yourself.
Israel is not representative of all jewish people.
PM selfie is doing fine, even with our very minor problems (the biggest scandal we have is the PM cold shouldering an idiot AG who couldn't handle a demotion in the middle of a job shuffle) we still manage to be a farrrr better place to live than the usa.
Fuck Israhell.
>banned bumpstocks
>but gave border patrol lethal force priveleges
Life is about balance. Right now he's in the grey for me, if this violent video game stuff goes through im gonna start to get mad.
Then what's wrong with one nation supporting another nation? Why do you hate Israel so much? I cannot recall any acts of aggression from Israel against Canuckistan. What is it that drives your animosity? Why do you deem them unworthy of support?
Oh and you better hope the "goyim" don't wake up. Not a threat but just the truth. When/if they find out how Israelis think we're their servants they're not going to be very happy. Probably will never happen but who knows maybe the sheeple will wake up someday.
Then why yall have to keep coming down here for medical procedures? Thought yall had that on lock?
Honestly couldn't give less of a shit about your scandals fam. Your boi is a joke and cringy as fuck and deep down you know it.
I don't hope one way or the other. I'm not Jewish so I don't really care either way. I just want to know why the Canuckistani hates them so much.
You do seem dumb enough to believe in communism.
affluent canadians go abroad for service because they think they know better than the socialized and private care available here. They'd rather skip over the riff raff and good for them for not clogging up the system. now why is it having a baby in canada is free whereas it's 10 grand in the states, hmmm
cause poor people don't have babies? lol. go fuck yourself
Them being a fascist ethnostate for one, with a long term genocide policy against the palestinians.
But the main reason is their hardliners like Netanyahu are always trying to badger us into another middle east conflict, as with his horseshit about Iraq WMDs and most recently his lies about Iran violating the nuclear deal.
Jesus freaks in the US are probably the largest pro-Isreal demographic, thinking it's the sport where Armageddon occurs.
It's a shitload of fuck, and what positives there are for Israel are heavily outweighed by all the lunacy.
Nice try conservacuck
Gay cunt
Cant read or spell. Hows that gubment cheese, cletus?
Mug scary commernisms
How far has larping on the internet gotten you in life?
I disagree; but your civility on Yea Forums no less should get you a medal. Kudos!
I get 30 cents a post for this
Shits great
Underated post