I'm 21 and already balding. Fuck

I'm 21 and already balding. Fuck.

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Shave your fucking head, men who start balding and don't shave their heads are freaks

I didn't start balding until my 30s. Once I can no longer hide it convincingly, that entire thing is going.

Bald can be a good look user, especially bald/goatee. Workout and buff your chrome dome and you'll look great

Finally caved and bought Rogaine today lads. I'm not expecting it to cure anything but I at least hope it will keep my hair thick. What am I in for?

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No! this looks horrible.
user, don't do this

not OP, but what do you recommend

accept your faith and just shave it off.

Shave it all off, duh!


I started at 17.

Good fucking luck.

:( why?

Ya know what to do user, shave it all and wear sunglasses to look badass and cool like pitbul

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Post a pic of your hairline so we can see what you're talking about.

Just your hairline, not your stupid fucking face.

Just cut it short to start with and start growing a beard. Not a fucking goatee like it's 1997 and you're Smashmouth

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I can't imagine any other people dealing with slight corner balding

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Shave your head, OP.

joe rogan is bald

Woo. That's comforting.

thats from jack ass right? and not from jack nicholson

If someone roasts you for being bald just show them your hair asshole


I'll split your wig

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not anyone but nothing mayte

I'm 23 had cancer for 5 years and have a full head of hair

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Welcome to life, now go shave and forget about haircuts.

OP, Why don't you make like your hairline and recede?

nothing at all?

My hairline receded out of fucking nowhere last year when I turned 31. Go to dermatologist and have them check it out. Could be stress related or from a fucked up sleep schedule. Could be from workout supplements if you started taking any. See what they say, I hear finasteride breaks your dick though so don't take it. Rogaine might slow it down, mine kind of chilled out after using it and maintaining better sleep and stress

I bet you're still looking for that upvote button, eh?

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Fucking hell, everyone seems to say shave it off. I'm 24 and I have a nasty bald spot. I'd suppoet you to find some hair growth/recovery although you'll be choking up a pretty penny as moat of those have to cost an ass load of money.

Bald cucks like you belong on Reddit. Go drink some Soi. You've been through nothing

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Did you not go through chemotherapy?
>Being happy for your own health is reddit
Dont try to hard to fit in fren

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Who cares.

at least you're acknowledging it.
so many cunts go well into their 40s looking like Mr Burns and still like to pretend they have 1 or 2 hairs left.
There are no drugs or chemicals that can fix it and the few that can force hair growth (like Rogaine and some others) have shitty side effects, expensive or your hair falls out if you miss a day. Dont waste your time pissing away money to take pills every day. I
If bald was so easily cured then there wouldn't be any rich bald people.

Just do like everyone says and just enjoy it until it starts getting noticeable. When it's starting to get noticeable start clipping it short, like a #3 or #4.
Once it's noticeable through that then just start shaving completely. Hit the gym this entire time and grow a bit of facial hair. Dont go a moustache or a full-blown beard unless you're sure, shit's high maintenance and looks shitty unless you put a lot of work into styling it. Smaller, shorter facial hair is quick n easy to maintain.

Are you still using it? I've heard the horror stories of Propecia as well. Seems like playing russian roulette. Thought I might try minoxidil though.

It was a myriad of things. Had skin cancer/melanoma stage 3. Mostly Interferon. I got my grandpas hair genes. He died with a full head in his 80s.

double niggerfaggot spic

>caring about going bald

why do so many people do this?

the same reason why you care about how you dress

But did you go through chemotherapy?

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How he do this?

Just be a millionaire faggot

I’m pretty sure it’s hair transplant surgery.

Not who originally replied but god damn I relate. I’m 24 and I look similar, trying to lie to myself it seems. Are we goners?

i'm not sure. i bought rogaine, didn't try it yet though. propecia works but it might kill your dick, wouldn't try it unless sex isn't a big deal to you just in case.

I’m 19 and already have a mature hairline and since I was 14-15 I remember having thinning hair on the front. It hurts like hell at first specially knowing that I’ve been known for having very long and nice hair but I can’t really do shit about it and I’ll have to cope. It’s something most men experience and it’s completely natural.

hair transplant and finasteride

You down for another man to lick your head op?

so beautiful

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you must follow twice a day every day for the first year. then you can do once a day. then you can do every other day in the third year. You will have to take it for life. couple it with a good shampoo like nizoral and take your biotin.

You will keep the hair you have and make your thinning hairs thicker. It worked for me in my temples and top of my head. my hairline has receded a bit but theres nothing you can really do about that.

Nigga, just own it, being bald isn’t a death sentence like it used to be

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Get a prescription for Propecia (finasteride). It can stop a lot of what is going to happen, at least in the back.

I started balding at 16 and finasteride has worked great from me (24 now). Considering stopping it tho, it's not cheap and I can't hide from the truth forever, I'm only getting older.

Do not fucking do this OP unless you really really like American History X

Have you considered blowing your brains out?

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when did you start? did you have any side effects?