Gun collection thread?
>gun collection thread.
Post your guns Yea Forums. You do own guns and are a free man, right?
>pic related
Gun collection thread?
>gun collection thread.
Post your guns Yea Forums. You do own guns and are a free man, right?
>pic related
Other urls found in this thread:
i want your ammo supply! im to broke right now to afford anything other than a few .22 rounds
Illegal and....reported your IP to authorities. Sorry. Not personal.
The 2nd Amendment should be repealed.
get ready for the party van haha
i lost mine in a tragic boating accident
Nice try FBI
I get owning like a handgun and a shotgun (me) but are you planning on shooting something up lmao?
Fuck the 2nd Amendment. Only way to stop shootings is to ban all guns. Mass buy-back scheme like Australia and New Zealand have successfully implemented.
So there is a trove of guns at the bottom of the ocean?
Hope this guy gets arrested.
fuck you, this is america, first you come for the second amendment then you come for the first, we know how that shit goes
Hey it is no joke now they look at these gun threads - predict you would piss your pants OP if FBI comes knocking
Being this retarded
Nice bait
If your only justification for the second amendment is to wield weapons in deadly force against the government that you mistakenly believe will take them, you sir are a terrorist.
Not bait. True belief and true success.
>be canadian
>have a bunch of hunting rifles
>have a bunch of war surplus rifles
>have a fuckton of ammo
>have all necessary permits
>my life doesn't revolve around guns because i'm not a retarded amerifat
The first amendment permits to me disagree with the second amendment
Should still be banned.
I heard that too. Especially if they find out you have something highly illegal
Guns kill people. End of story. Not mental illness. It’s literally guns. Not bait. Just truth. Try and fuckin convince me otherwise.
>when bait tries too hard
Not bait. The fact that nobody is willing to try and convince me with an opposing point of view just demonstrates how weak the counterargument to my beliefs really is.
America doesn’t have a surplus of mentally ill people. But we do have a surplus of guns.
>trolls trolling trolls
nice try foreign guy. a single timestamped image with one of your war surplus rifles would shut us all up. Lets see it
You just came here to post about your guns. You're no better than op. Faggot lmao
Your rifle is only a tool. It is a hard heart that kills. -- Gunny in Full Metal Jacket
heres my home made firearm. Its legal to make in the US but even talking about it is illegal in most countries. HA HA
Oh really, check out the boards on here hahahaha
By design. Literally. The guns we have today are for hunting humans. Combine that with fucked up parenting and the current American nightmare, and you get mass shootings.
No counterargument? I guess gun owners are straight busters.
Go on....
this guy gets it
Fake and gay, this is from a news story developing right now
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Image reported and IP recorded....have a nice time in jail, terrorist
>The guns we have today are for hunting humans.
>The cars we have today are for mutilating pedestrians
>The internet we have today is for humiliating humans
Here, have my gun on top of Nazi propaganda too
That was written before machine guns
I mean we obviously know you're trolling. If you aren't there's no way anyone here can convince you that inanimate objects act on their own so no one is going to bother trying.
How gullible do you think people are? Just curious. I'm sure some idiot here will believe you.
Also, who ever said the founding fathers were correct or infallible? Just regular men like the rest of us. Not gods.
You can't get in trouble for saving photos from news websites
Yes, it was written in a time when free citizens instead owned honest to god artillery pieces and privately possessed all the most deadly weapons in direct parity with the military.
of course its gake and fay. Its the continuation of foreigners coming to Yea Forums to sow discord because their little kingdoms are so hilariously irrelevant
hows that streamlight holding up for you? Mine fucking broke just sitting in the safe (battery door)
That is unsafe.
>let's all circle jerk and bitch about a bait thread
>pic related is (you)
You jaffa are posting in a sholv'a thread
What's that role playing game?
Reporting this. MODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have some facts:
>Just about any other country with as many guns as the USA still only has a fraction of their gun-related deaths. This measurement works both per capita and overall, which is extra scary.
>A gun left unattended will not kill a person. It must be used as a tool by a person to kill another person. This is why knives, hammers, poisons, and cars aren't banned whenever they are used in a murder. If someone wants to kill someone badly enough, lack of a gun will not stop them. London banned guns, and they are now the stabbing capital of the world.
>The USA glorifies guns as an effective problem-solver, from kids cartoons to tv shows and movies. Related, these medias are FAR more often censored for sexuality or political correctness than for violence.
>The USA has more mental health problems per capita than any other country on earth. The USA also has the most mental-health related adverts for prescription medication of any country on earth. The USA also charges the most for prescription medication than any country on earth, making it grossly inaccessible to the lower classes.
DIY submachine pistol. Make it yourself. Make a gun. Construct a firearm. Illegal to do in most other countries except the US. build a firearm. build a gun
Those are some janky looking kids toys
Can I see some sources? Seems poorly researched and in all likelihood just largely your opinion to justify your viewpoint.
The fact that someone would become this enraged over an all-around troll thread is amazing.
japanese home made firearms. A man made some guns in his home which is completely illegal in japan.
lots of countries have massive black markets of home made firearms. Heres my favorite from canada
Not bait?
>extra scary
like how american gun death rates are on par with civil wars in third world countries
actual quotes from the good old united states:
>"3/4 of the way through the year and we've 'only had' 255 mass shootings so far"
>"we've only had 14,332 gun deaths this year"
This thread is disgraceful.
>gun death
I'm kinda proud. Usually anti gun people immediately start talking about dicks and that hasn't happened so far itt. You guys are still delusional but getting better.
If you detect rage in that post you are surely american
Never had an issue with it. I currently use three streamlights. TLR7, that TLR1, and a HLX railmount on my AR. They all work great.
So are swimming pools
Myfarog, Varg Vikernes wrote it.
Why does it matter that they are gun deaths? Americans kill more people with our bare hands than you Eurotrash do. We're more violent. Go worry about yourselves.
lol but thats not possible because murder is banned and hi cap magazines are illegal in california
go to sleep faggot you have a PFT tomorrow
:sob: H A R A M B E
yeah, and I will fight to the death for your right to express that opinion, because I think it's absolutely vital to protect the first amendment as the cornerstone of a free society
It's retarded as hell but looks effective.
What are you running for mags and caliber?
heres a home made shotgun. You can also make shotgun shells by hand using simple products you buy off the shelves anywhere in the world. Completely legal in the US but illegal to even discuss in most other countries.
Did you guys know that a few years ago some people in the UK got locked up because they were looking at the home made 3 winds shotgun on /k/? its pretty funny
pulmonary function test?
That doesn't look half bad. I'd be worried about the quality. I like my fingers and hands attached to my body
hahahaha you yanks
Just started out, what should I get next?
>Inb4 Hi-point bad
*firm handshake*
i'm being facetious. If you start posting home made firearms and their schema all the little foreigners skedaddle before big daddy govt cuts their dicks off.
No way!? I lost mine in a train accident.
I took an arrow to the knee
literally this guy
He did
That seems pretty cool. Only roll playing games around here are Warhammer and 40k. Sometimes vampire the masquerade 3rd edition
Maverick 88 and a blem PSA 16" freedom set to complete the poorfag trifecta
Yeah didn’t realize it was bait
>get $100 for police buy back
i mean if all you had was 50$ to spend on gun, ammo, magazines, holster, range time, medical bills, tax and the gas it took to get you to the store you can't do much better but...
Get a penis pump
Orrrr... we just ban violent video games. Everyone keeps thier guns and the horror comes to an end. Win win.
Hi-point not bad. Lifetime warranty for anyone who possesses the firearm, not just the original owner. Can go through 1k rounds without cleaning. Super affordable.
Get on my level fggots!!!!
Ah. I asked because I legit want to build one one day.
Would be hilarious if they did a forced buy back and all they got were the lower receivers.
PSA isn't that bad. It shoots 5.56 and doesn't afraid of anything
> i'm not a retarded amerifat
lol i got news for you sno bro
you're a..... faggot
its a good way to scam gun buyback programs
Directly shipped to your door, no FFL permit needed. Technically is not defined as a gun, is a toy Cannon and you can carry it on you without a permit.
oh freak!!
someone get the hecking atf this dudes a fucking crazy guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got it for $11 after gift cards, I also got 5 boxes of 9mm Luger with gift cards at a later date
>Can go through 1k rounds without cleaning. Super affordable.
>can't go through 1k rounds without the magazine randomly falling out or jamming though
It's quite interesting. A little clunky and it can be kinda hard to memorize things because like half the goddamn book is in old norse, but it's cool. Lot of interesting flavor to the magic and setting.
Neither is a Maverick88 or a hipoint. Kinda. They're just cheap. I'm an HK snob but they're good cheap guns that exist to arm every American, and I respect that.
that's a nice AK47
My friend said I should've cleaned it after 6
So much wasted money...
Try to do so is literally the reason it exists.
and all the little foreigners scattered like roaches when the lights come on.
thats interesting
You gonna shoot up a school or something? Why would you need that many guns if they are fun to shoot you could totally just rent them. You can rent a god damn tank if you wanted!
Damn I'm sorry to hear that. That's actually rare for that light, we dont see many issues with those. I'm a streamlight dealer. We can fix that for free. Lifetime warranty. Just bring it in and they will most likely hand you a new one right there. Some stores send them in.
Nice elder scrolls septum
finally an user with common sense.
careful redcoat, you might get arrested for making an offensive tweet
Nice shoop. I can tell by the pixels.
i get you but theres a certain point where better than nothing could easily be replaced with just save a few more bucks and buy a police turn in glock 17
I want to ban guns but since texting and driving kills more teens (by like 1000 to 1) I'm going to work on banning cellphones first. Who's with me?
Getting a suppressor for that USP? I've got one in NFA jail for my Mark 23.
>feels bad man
>pic related
>That's actually rare for that light, we dont see many issues with those. I'm a streamlight dealer.
go to amazon and pull up the light you'll see 30-40 "broken battery doors" i even killed a govt contract for them in afgh because of the lack of response from streamlight addressing the issue. They even sell replacement battery doors because they know they break.
>We can fix that for free. Lifetime warranty.
ive heard this before and gotten told to kick rocks but i'll give it a shot
I have the HLX as well. You should look at the protac. The high lumen models are badass. Not great for mounting at all but law enforcement in our area use them and love the strobe.
nope — the usa is far more open and accountable so it has more reported mh issues and treatment than anywhere else in the world. big difference. ie., france has no heart attack or smoking related deaths, people just die of le gripe. all other countries stats are a hoax like that.
mfw my hands are too small to operate my Mk 23 so i sold it to a friend.
Definitely. Browse
still putting in research on which one I want, but yes that's the plan
>45 supers
BIG dick energy
That's the one I have, protac hlx railmoint or whatever it's called I dunno. It's on my backup AR. The ones I love get surefire
Yeah thats a good rule of thumb but its nice that they are pretty reliable when cleaning might not be an option for whatever reason
Yea Forums needs you all to pay attention to this. I'm all for getting some foreign bugs locked up for idiocy
>still putting in research on which one I want
I went with the big Silencerco Osprey. It's super light, was made to fit the lines of the gun, and is actually quieter than the KAC which costs almost double and is hard to find.
It's between that and the Hybrid 46, any idea how the two compare in performance?
its Septim
Always wanted a Soviet battle rifle.
Maybe some day user...
ive always wanted this stock for my SA NM M1A
fuuug me too.
>it's ok I don't need to buy that PSL they'll be cheap forever!
>you don't need the Vepr, they're not going anywhere!
kill me
>It's between that and the Hybrid 46, any idea how the two compare in performance?
Ah yes. I looked at that one too. It's 17 ounces vs the 11 ounces of the Opsrey. I held both and the Hybrid felt so much heavier I decided to go with the Osprey, and then later on get a dedicated big bore (.308 and up) suppressor.
Damn I'll look and see if they have updated the design since then tomorrow at work. I know your confidence in the product is already shaken because it's broken but I can honestly say that light never comes back in for repairs at least where I am. Alot of people want the pressure switch too, which comes with a different door, so I wonder if theres a difference between the two. Either way I just pulled up the repairs on my phone and it says we are supposed to give you a new backdoor for free. We sell the product so I'm sure I'm bias but they are usually higher quality and better than that. I was actually bummed to read it shit out on you so fast.
Nah, he has a light duty chit.
lol where did all the foreign shit slingers go?
they got arrested after user posted the home made shotgun, were extradited to the US for falsely accusing me of owning illegal firearms, and are currently on their way to Guantanamo bay pending trial
post everything in that picture excluding the gun, im actually interested
>give you a new backdoor for free.
stop hitting on me and help me
I liked the other streamlight shit i had but that battery door and streamlights heinous lack of response was what killed it for me. No seriously if they got on amazon and offered those people even verbal responses to their issues i'd have mad respect for them but theres literally nothing. You can scroll through the dozens and dozens of people asking wtf to deaf ears and thats never good.
i bought mine on base at camp lejeune but thank god it failed before i needed to rely on it. I had a chintsy nebo protec for the duration
"americans murder rates only appear high because other countries dont report their murders"
this is why the world hates your moronic joke of a country
OP has a gay ass cheap collection anyways, only thing that is impressive is his ammo
ok, here's the desk, it's more fucked up because I keep using it as a workbench even though ikea shit clearly wasn't designed for that
what model?
also could i see those deutsche papers?
lol i have the cheaper version of that build but i can't post it because the size limit
Why the fuck are your rounds loaded in backwards into your mags?
>he doesn't know
I dunno the one I got for free
>also could i see those deutsche papers?
Sure here they are
why haven't you eaten that cheese tortellini its gonna go bad
an old injoke from /k/. HK itself once had an advert or series of adverts where the rounds were loaded backwards in the magazine as an intentional joke
my bed sheets were too high def
Shouldn't this be in /k/?
yeah probably but some foreign agitators are the ones that started it here. Things didn't develop the way they wanted to
on a serious note, I took pictures of fronts and backs just for you user
cumstains, chickfila polynesians sauce, stray hairs, a lego for some reason
a true wonder of science
That’s not where it’s eyes are wtf
it will all be ok
i love you too
nice collection, thanks. i've always wanted to learn more on this stuff.
Guns are for wankers. Real men carry a good knife
LOL. I was wondering when I'd read the gayest thing on Yea Forums today.
Now I can snooze.
I have a small collection, a few rifles and a couple handguns. I don't fire them much because tinnitus, but I wipe them down and put 'em back where they belong, because I'm not a faggot with a surrogate penis fetish.
then get ear protection
Don't let the crazy numbers trick you, they're not really worth anything. Post-WWI was experiencing ludicrous hyperinflation when those notes were printed. The art is very cool though.
what if we add knife to gun?
nobody believes you anymore
is this you
Nuh uh my days ruined
why don't you just manufacture your own firearm? its not illegal in the US but it can get you locked up in almost every other nation just to discuss online
have picture of happy dog
Fairly certain it's illegal to have a unregistered firearm
what manner of creature is this
well youre fairly wrong silly little foreigner
Ya is weird but nice doggo
Absolutely certain that you're an idiot.
i sexually identify as an unregistered firearm. send nudes to fill out my NICS
>unregistered firearm
In numerous states the very concept of a firearms registry is unlawful. So not only are unregistered firearms legal, they very concept of a registered firearm is unlawful.
Welcome to America, fucker.
Got an AR-15 made from an 80% receiver.
Got 2 1911's made from an 80% receiver.
Got a Glock 9mm made from an 80% receiver.
None registered.
All legal.
fun fact: its hilariously illegal to knowingly possess or view schematics or images that show instructions on manufacturing firearms in most nations outside the US. Even images just showing them can be considered the intent
i have nothing to do while i look for a job. I'm gonna see if i can make a full receiver from an 80% with only a wood chisel
would you rather see my penis?
could you post both?
along with the 4th !
If you can read this, you're going to prison in the UK.
get out
I have ear protection. Ear protection is not perfect. Since they are tools and not entertainment, and I'm way over the amusement factor. I'd rather listen to tunes and TV, and fall asleep without it sounding like radio static every night. Tinnitus is permanent, but it tends to fade and get aggravated again. So, go fuck with your hearing, they're my ears and I'll shoot when I want.
Don't care what you think.
Okay. I could hit you in the eye at 400 yards with my Remington .308, & Leupold scope. Or you could just stick it up your ass. Shit wipes off.
Let's see...
Ruger PC Carbine
Mossberg 500
CZ Redhead 0/U
Beretta 92FS
Glock 19
Ruger 10/22 - custom
Ruger American Rimfire
Walther p22
I think I'm missing a couple but too lazy to open the safe.
Bye Bye, Eurofags.
hnnng all three holes
also a few years ago some foreigners from the UK got sent to the klink for "accidentally" downloading the instructions to the 3 winds shotgun.
instructions consisting of maybe 4 sentences got them time in the hole. Imagine that
Question: did your mom do a lot of recreational drugs when she was pregnant with you?
Thats the kind of shit the niggers make in the Philippines.
but I like my guns
and my fast cars
and my truck
and my motorcycles
you can have my wife though....
its like that family guy joke where liam neeson tries to act like he's from the west.
whats the perceived recoil like on that beast?
why couldn't you have been born as a girl
if you're not asian fuck off
bruh that flock 17 is garbage compared to what comes out of the rock.
Philippines makes gorgeous hand made 1911's
>imblying that's me
You gotta get a glock
or a Mini-14
Or a shotgun
Scratch that...definitely a shotgun.
If I could only have one gun it would be a pump action shotgun.
its actually no more or less than a regular pump action errr just a higher chance of catastrophic failure. Either way the only reason to make on in the US is to turn in at a police turn in for a profit. turn 15 bucks worth of scrap into 100.
the one in the image isn't mine. The one i made sacrificed its stock at a bonfire the same night i shot it
stop making the brownies
a Desert Beagle?
I will once you stop eating them
crusader corgi
And like that you've become gayer than the g/fur threads
im not gay okay please stop
God speed crusader corgi. Bring the light of god to those heathens with that tikkity tak tikkity tak on the kitchen floor
Pagan Meccan Islam Persocution
1099 Capture of Jerusalem Crusade
Aghlabids loss against the Byzantine Empire
Mongol Islam Invasions ; Muslim Loss
Iberian Peninsula capture by Berbers
Forced conversions of Muslims in Spain
Spanish Inquisitions
Tatar Muslims Polonized by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and converted to Catholic
Asian Minor, Armenian, Turkish, and Kurdish persocution, May 14th, 1919
Southeastern Europe conversion of Ottomen, ethnic cleansings, Albanian Expellation, Bulgarian Insurgency, Turks murdered in Greece.
Cham Muslims purged by Cambodia
Uyghur Chinese Population Revolted against, Khafiya Jahariyya Gedimu, murdered.
Libyian pacification by Fascist Italy, 225,000 of Cyrenaica's population purged.
Imperial Japan raped, tortured, and murdered Rohingya Muslims, in a massacre in 1942. Expelling 1000+ of Rohingya into Bengal.
Lebanon Sabra and Shatila massacre. 762-3,500 civillians purged. (Palestinians and Lebanese Shiites.)
Syrian Ottoman-ruled Syria 500,000 civillian Ottoman murdered.
Myanmar Rohingya Muslims, 200,000 dead.
Russian conquest of Kazan, 1552. ascension of Catherine the Great, 1762.
Tatarstan famine, 5,000,000 civillian Muslim deaths.
Vietnamese Cham Muslim persecution.
Bosnian Srebrenica & Zepa massacre, 199.
Buglarian 310,000 Turks in Bulgaria being opressed.
rance, Charlie Hebdo shooting, & 54 anti-Muslim incidents.
Marwa El-Sherbini shanking, July 1st, 2009.
Netherlands 1/3 of Mosques threatened, attempted arson, vandalism, and other aggressive actions.
Azerbaijan security forces clash with Shia residents killed, 4 deaths.
Chinese May 2018 Uyghur Muslim Re-education camps.
Karamay Islamic Ban, Uyghurs face widespread discrimination.
Glock 1911
Ruger 11/23
and my favorite
A Dessert Falcon in .22lr
I want a dino-doggo now..
but, you kinda sound gay. Just being honest, bro
my newest
haha me neither bro but for real how soft are your legs though?
Get it all lubed up with your spit and shove it up your boi hole. Maybe pull the trigger too if you're feeling so inclined
You got a license for that slang?
mfw this will legitimately get some euroanons fucked in the pooper
sounds kinda gay bro
*unzips dick*
not that there's anything wrong with that.
I mean, if one guy wants to shove his dick up another guy's ass and the other guy is into it, then, you know, more rainbow power to them
Wow..I really think I ate too many pot gummies...they just hit :-)
shit this nigga got them dick zipper mods.
this is one of the reasons /k/, /diy/ and /x/ was banned for places like the UK and Australia for a bit
They weren't cheap. Totally worth it though
They had canons dude
they also had actual machine guns look up the puckle gun
why'd you decide you'd want to get a penis
alright just kill yourself
I'd fuck em
M-590 tac 12g ... Yes thats an ar15 stock
stop giving me attention
you can admit you're just replying to me to give another post to reply to, meaning you'll get to see more tiny trap bulge.
Fag. America
stop replying
dont take bottom
nice dick bro but where's the gun? Not gonna lie, pretty gay posting dick without gun.
up your ass
I would but its not sunday gunday
As soon as you do be prepared for a war.
I just ran out of trap pics too, damn
woah thats an epic photo
im still this guy
Its actually not guns. Guns are just tools. Its the niggers. The vast majorioty of mass shootings in the US (defined as 4+ victims shot in 1 incident) are committed by niggers with felonies using illegally acquired firearms against niggers. Ban guns and they will use swords, knives, hammers, and steel toed boots.
I just got three sets of dubs in a row what is happen
My sentiments exactly
Well actually for the mags that is a yes and no. In the state of California the Sale, Purchase, Transfer, Inheritance, and Construction of magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds is illegal but not the ownership of. About 3 months ago a judge Binetez overturned the rule for about a week saying it was an affront to the second amendment as it imposed an unnecessary burden on the people with no results. California DA convinced him to put a stay on it. For about a week it was legal to acquire magazines holding more than 10 rounds and keep them.
Why not Duty?
being this much of a man boy faggot.
so fucking pathetic, i bet you would reach for a gun if someone punched you, cunt.
it'll all be ok user
Get a cheap stripped AR lower. Over the next few months buy each of the parts needed untill you have a full rifle. That way its less of a sudden shock to the wallet and you have a nice rifle.
Glowniggers gtfo
this just ruined my day user. Why would you do such a thing to a piece of history? Ya know what at least you arent like that k98 brony faggot from a few threads ago.
Is this a rough prototype or a Philippine jungle gun?
>Why would you do such a thing to a piece of history?
implying I did it
>y? Ya know what at least you arent like that k98 brony faggot from a few threads ago.
That's from like a decade ago, it was a Mitchell's mauser anyway, and someone even restored it.
Anyway here's another ponygun
It depends on the state.
I have one of the 45s (JHCP45 or some shit) pretty solid I just hate the fact you have to use a punch to do a field strip. Also, slide serrations are non-existent but I run a little skateboard tape on the slide to help with grip.
It's not like there's a shortage of Garands around.
Actually in Europe this part is not the registered part. Over there they acre about the pressure bearing components like barrels and bolts
>no tacsac
I am disappoint
Lol, is this from the HK photoshoot where they had the magazine loaded backwards and everyone lost their shit?
My favorite rifle.
Not fancy but it rarely misses.
Imagining a 6 year old behind a vickers is absolutely hilarious for some reason.
Why does he need so many guns, not like he can hold them all.
WTF is this? An anime crossover of a CETME and an MP 10?
This one is actually nice. It fits the character and is not over the top.
took these out the other day- im up to 32 guns in my collection. gonna get a bersa thunder with my next check
Why waste money on that shit? Id rather put that cash wasted into my car.
it's in the constitution
Varg roleplay is shit
wow im retarded i didnt even notice the joke
That's a Nikon Camera, you idiot.
Sorry, besides having a normal relationship with guns, I don't watch cartoons, either.
Yeah, they do. Do you think every garage band is Led Zeppelin?