Sup Yea Forumsros, What are ya drinking tonight? Nothing but porn here in Yea Forums. Just get off work...

Sup Yea Forumsros, What are ya drinking tonight? Nothing but porn here in Yea Forums. Just get off work? having a few drinks after a long day? Tell me about it anons

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I wasn't going to drink, but my local walmart marked down several wines to $1/bottle.

Guinness, and thc

I've been off the last 3 days just playing gay games like dokken battle and getting stoned on my couch I've only moved to get beer, food, and to take shits

Water, my dude. 5 years sober. Enjoy your drink.

Holy shit, May i ask what country you live in? Damn thats so cheap. Good wine atleast?

Recently been on a Guinness kick. Is that your go-to or did you just have a taste for it?


Nice dubs user, and thank you, i wish to one day carry the pride of being sober

>Good wine atleast?
USA and no... this wine is normall $5-$10 bottle

OP here, guinness is tasty, but expensive here in edmonton alberta. So i usually stick with moosehead, caribou, Canadian and black ice.

on my 5th watching baby driver dont have to work tomorrow so relaxing tonight.

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Laphroaig. It's been a long day and typically don't drink on weekdays, but I deserve this one.

12 Heineken’s! I’m so lonely

some cheap cognac to help with back pain. I did
supersets pyramids on the bench finishing on 175. I'm not a big dude so i'm hurting

i'm looking for a job atm so i'm eyeballing my bottle of glenlivet i'm reserving for celebration

I've had decent wine in the $10-12 range. Look for Cabernet from Napa Valley 2015.

Just had a taste for it tonight. People were talking about 40s earlier and I decided I wanted something tasty instead. I'm usually a pbr guy

Oh shit, but cmon even if it tastes like shgit, 1 buck a bottle even at 12% i couldnt argue lmao. But i live in Alberta canada and going to a liquor store is like checking out a jewelery store

I have a pretty large disposable income. I don't normally get Guinness because they only come in 12 packs around here. I like getting 30 packs because they're cheaper and have more beer

Oh fuckin A bud, ive never seen or heard of that beer myself but a friday off is fuckin legit bro

Get a pet

Some of those port wines fuck me up

I hear you user

the US has had good wine for years. Look online and you'll see what to look for. Shit even japan has better wine than what you get from the OG wineries now. Things aren't going so well in old wine country

I live in a small town of about 7k people and we get some good imports at our liquor store


vodka neat, with some sprite on the side

Yea for sure, if i only buy an 8 pack im going every day to get another, atleast a 15+ would last me more then a day.Tho i dont have the disposable income you speak of lmao

Ever have Maynard keenans wine?

one of the biggest micro brew selections ive ever seen in my life was about 6 long aisles of craft beer at a piggly wiggly in south carolina. of all fucking places.

Oh wow. Me too bro. I was out with a friend on Monday. After the gym we got some cheap wings at a local place. Though I don't usually go for stouts because they make me thirsty, he got me to order Guiness. After 2 of those I was hooked. Went to another place after and had two more in between some PBR's.

Pabts is my favorite. It's 14 bucks for a 30 pack

Damn who would have guessed

nope but i'll try it if i can find it in tx

Yeah I love both beers. Guinness just tastes excellent

its only in a few states in the midwest and yeah im gonna enjoy it next week im working nights all week

Money problems, workless at the moment. Shit sucks.

I think you might have to order it on line. Idk if his winery is private or open to the public.

Is that like a summer Shandy?

Had a long Island earlier, now I'm having gin and pineapple juice

Gin is gross imo

ah no go then. Tx doesn't allow delivery of alcohol. Backwards as fuck but i don't think anyone has ever argued against it.

ive been jonesing for some Shellback Rum and tempted to drive 120 miles just to buy a crate

i love the taste of Gin but i also eat limes like snacks so

Sounds worth it. I love rum. You know who I'm talking about though right? He's the lead singer from tool

more like a fruity ipa but not super bitter

coors tallboy cuz i'm a broke piece of shit. on a related note, just got out of my personal finance class, depressing as hell. bunch of nineteen year old freshman talking about money when mommy and daddy are paying for everything. ugh

If I were to drink gin it would be with ice water and lemon and lime slices

jesus christ bud. Cant find a 6 pack for less then 12 bucks where im at.We canadians apparently have the best beer but its so damn expensive. Alcoholic feels eh bud

Check out budwiser hurricanes. They're 9% and like a dollar fifty

Yeah that sucks. I'm from Illinois so I don't really have that problem. My condolences

I love my job. I don't make very much money but I'm happy to be alive and breathing and tasting air and water and just... being alive I guess.

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Smoking hookah, took some norcos and having new Belgium day blazer easygoing ale. Not that great but it was my day off today and was lazy af so its whatever is on hand day. Normally it get an ipa and been on a pliney the elder kick. Expensive af but I've been lucky to find some at a local liquor store last few times so I've been enjoying the fuck out of it.

yeah i googled it. I mean if alex jones can make a brain pill then why can't a lead singer from a 90's metal band make wine.

i like Rex Goliath Giant 47 Pound Rooster though so maybe i'm not the best somalier

i drink it straight because i have stack underflow standards

Heh. I haven't tried it myself. It's fucking expensive. I'll just get a 17% port for 10 bucks

I commend you my fellow human/user. I dont mind my job either, but alcohol is great haha What makes ya so appreciative if i can ask?

its 4.30 here in the uk
taking coke n really horny looking for a milf got about a gram left and all my mates have gone

Thank you, i appreciate your condolences

This is Yea Forums not yahoo chat

Np my Canadian neighbor. You guys are alright

I've been drinking a bottle of wine every night for the last 2 months? I guess. Sometimes I skipped it but at least 5 days a week I do it
all by myself, all alone, fuck this shit, fuck this wordl

Yeah we definitely try, we give you our condolences on trump fellow ally. Although we cant say much because trudeau is pretty lacking in the testicles department

Nice dubs user, and fuck yeah man you are not alone. Never alone.

Svedka and Jaeger

It died, but thanks

Damn all these dubs lol. Nice bro, you work today?

Least we all have one another here on Yea Forums

dry gin

I've already had 10 oz of rum so far tonight. I don't think I'm happy with my wife any more. Shame that we have 2 kids or the decision would be easy... Fuck my life.

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Pic related? Why not user?

well I just think about all the unlikely events that brought my maternal grandparents together... and all the unlikely events that brought my paternal grandparents together... and all the unlikely events that brought my parents together... and it repeats back to infinity. And even after all these matches have been made, each time intercourse is performed, there is only a small chance of conception, and that small chance is divided into millions on millions of possible combinations of sperm, and here we are, miraculously who we are. Every life is an unbelievable miracle. It's absolutely astonishing that we live in such luxury and wealth. We have problems no doubt but we live in a standard of living that the ancient roman elites would have boggled at. Hot water in the shower! Soft toilet paper! Modern medicine and surgery! Television and video games! I am so grateful to be alive, so grateful to be "in the flesh," so grateful to have been given the gift of life, to be able to breathe and see and read poetry and watch star trek and love and experience loneliness and piety and horror and mystery and all the fantastic experiences of alive-ness

Eh, semi-related. She is Asian, but fat and angry. I basically come last in her life (Kids and school are #1 and #2 priorities, I don't even get a number)

Your god damn right.

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basically zero sex, she wont even kiss/hug me??? If i try to intercept her for these she shoves me away, either after like a few seconds of hug or 2 kisses max. Dunno. Fuck my life.

Yeah. Let's just leave politics out of it

That sucks. Get a new cat or something

As an Irish man rum gets my blood boiling and always end up fist fighting with my friends which is mutual.

Did you get a prenuptial agreement?

Fair enough bro

Today tomorrow and the next day. 6 days a week forever

Do you get vacation or personal time? What kind of job do you have

Im married with no kids. I want out about half the time. I dont want to lose half my shit

no. lol been married 10 yrs....just drifting away over time....

You only get one life, user. Don't waste your time and devotion on an ingrate who hates you. If she's not fulfilling her duties as a wife, divorce her ass.

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dad got pulled off life support last night. been drinking pretty heavily since that happened, vodka and whatever looks good to mix

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Surprised you don't have a piece of side ass

Jacob Daniels no. 7. Fuck life

Eh, I would but I'm taking care of kids most of the time. I'm underemployed and miserable lol.

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Prostate Cancer. Dick permanently dead. Lost 6 figure job. Lost my home. Income Tax audit and owe $20,000+. Govt trying to take away my SSDI.

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Shooting spree??

Shit dude. I'm taking a drink for you!

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Just got home from cleaning the fryers drinking a 40 ounce

Not a big drinker, but its nice to have a thread that aint porn
Shit fucks with my head too much

Spent all day at minimum wage job, came home and spent all night listeing to Giles Corey and Have A Nice Life while smoking and thinking about killing myself. No alcohol cause too poor, smoked some ashes and crumbs i had left over from by weed box

Naw too depressed to do anything but post here. Natty is my go to.

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Thanks! 30 pack Natty almost killed.

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You can't accurately post fakes by using her extra bra padding as well. Let's come back down to reality

I just killed my bottle of Mount Gay rum. Going to have to go out to buy some cheaper bullshit morrow. Beer sounds good.

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Are they even your kids?

>Guinness book of world records for the highest pain tolerance

On my second Heineken. I always liked the beer personally, never was that into those trendy IPAs though I've tried plenty.

Got off work a few hours ago, it was actually a pretty good day overall. I have a page left of a paper I need to write for my Masters program but it isn't due until sunday so I decided to just chill tonight.

Also made some spaghetti earlier, cooked some shrimp with it, it was pretty good.

200%. She hates sex so would never cheat. lol

That sounds good. Instead of spaghetti I would have used bow tie and made a vodka sauce to go with the shrimp

Just saw it a thread earlier today dude don't give a fuck if real, made up, or the man in the fucking moon. Just made me chuckle slightly.

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That sucks. You're stuck man

If she passes school she'll make tons of money (doctor!)
Things may look up?

Ya can only buy shit tier stuff now

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how the fuck do you marry someone you dont wanna fuck
what happened man

We used to fuck constantly. It's just gone down a lot over time. I need sex to live, basically, whereas she just views it as like an occasional thrill (but almost never initiates). Such is life. She keeps telling me I need to do stuff above and beyond to get her to even consider sex, but she could give less of a fuck.

For her maybe. You really want to be a stay at home dad? Can you even cook?

Can I ask you why you feel suicidal? I really hope you don't kill yourself. Please talk to me about what's on your mind and what's making you feel that way.

I think he should do it

it can get worse - hang on

I'm a great cook. However, wife is absolutely GOD TIER cook, and I have crippling psychological stuff going on, so I rarely cook. I do have a part time job, just wish I could work more (but basically impossible because childcare is unaffordable in USA). I LOVE working, but its economically infeasible with her in school. (childcare for our two wonderful kids would be unaffordable)

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um if you can work the psych stuff is not that crippling sorry i cant get out of bed or leave house most days

Dude I work like 2 days every 2 weeks. Any more I can't do because can't pay for childcare at weird hours and wife can't take over care of kids.....

doesn't change anything in my first statement and you actually say you love to work, etc. you are not that crippled snowflake

Ah that type of shit
Women dont get that it isnt just for pleasure for us.
Have you tried any of the shit she told you about?
Women are all emotion, so thats how you get them to do things

You need to get a professional to do your taxes. Having kids gets you a lot of money

When I was a kid my parents left me and my sister alone. That was in the early 90s though.

I was probably about 7 or 8 years old

Drinking some cheap vodka with my cousin and watching a movie. Bummed that I don't have enough cash to last me till next friday but Fuck it. Pretty happy tho, saw a girl at my interview today who I wasnt expecting and I might have a new job so that helped. Can't really complain bro.\m/

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The thing about mirage is knowing each others families and being close. You need your mother in law to watch them for free. Where is your mom?

I've been drinking Evan Williams whiskey and Session Lager

I've been having Boilermakers all night

LOL, could you suck Trump's dick any harder, you fucking troglodytic christ-fucking drain on society? Try caring about other people for once.

Knock off the political shit. There's already plenty of threads about it

idk if trumps dick can cum

why else would he make the pisstape???

I hate Trump and I have paid shit tons of money to SS in 30+ yrs of work. Fuck off kiddo you and this snowflake have no idea what real problems are.

Aye, cheap vodka, Miller lite a 6 pack in. Gave up a great career in Cali to move East, bad decision maybe, but can't change it. Being driving for Lyft the past few weeks. Everything always works out! Cheers!

I'm sorry for your loss user.

21% ABV black current wine

Just spent 18 hours on an ambulance. Paramedic school the day before with a shit load of homework. Drinking some strong shitty beer I got on the way home from a gas station. Fucking stressful. Any questions?

That sounds black out worthy

Has the rekt threads helped you become desensitized when it comes to looking at the inner works of the human body?

Drinking some 8% abv craft brew shit from TX. Really hoping I hear back about this job interview soon.

bro I have a solid stomach. Seeing crazy shit in person is very different then watching it online, though. I’ve always watched “shock” videos and have explored the twisted depths of the internet, because I found it interesting. Part entertainment, yes, but also as a “what if I got called to this scene” kind of scenario. Kids are the worst though. No amount of internet preparation could ever get you ready for a pediatric catastrophe. Dealing with countless bystanders and crying family members.. cheers with a tall glass

It's a giant guess. Best job I ever had I joked around on my resume. The ceo said my application was the only one that made him laugh. Said I'd fit in good with the crew. You never know. You don't want to be working with a bunch of picks anyway

Before tot roast me, I know I spelled “entertaining” wrong.

its 135 am here in canada but im waiting until 10am to have a bottle of vodka delivered

I've done EMS work, (also still working on it). but yeah the shit ive seen on his website has made me a lot less squeamish when it comes to blood or anything gory. While seeing shit in real life fucks with you, stuff in books or pictures.

Drunk. No further corrections

I threw up at a projection on an autopsy on a mannequin before. After seeing some of the rekt it help me in a way where I can help others

You have any stories?

I’ve never had a problem dealing with gore. Grew up in a law enforcement family. I liked the medical side better and got into EMS and Fire. But yeah, the internet, especially Yea Forums, got me prepared for some of the shit I’ve seen

I also work in the medical field. But I can't talk about it. I can't go against my hippocratic oath.

For me it was military or medical. I got stuck in medical. Kind of ironic just the way things go

Fucking HIPPA faggot. You work in a hospital, I’ll bet. Get your bitch ass out in the field

howd you get your nails naturally long like that?

Don't like pissing buckets when I black out

No I work in a non for profit field paid for by the government

I've only blacked out once in my life. It was from a strong port wine

Yeah no dude I feel you. This job is kinda a dream job though, pretty similar to my last one, it's a startup company. I'm a chemist and I love working for these kinds of companies, the research is a blast compared to the boring BS and red tape of massive corporations.

Technically I'm still a student and have had limited experience with stuff but the worst call I've been on so far was some junkie that was overdosing on prescription morphine, and slipped and fell splitting his face open with a big nasty laceration. We ended up picking him up in a car dealership parking lot a long ways away from his home cause he starting hiking down a main road while high.

The only really gross thing that happened to me was when he was covered in vomit and passed out on me en route to the hospital.

I meant to say pricks

Also thought about military. Hard. Went through the fire academy instead to stay local to my family. I don’t give a shit about fighting fires, that shit sucks. I’ve done it many times and I’ll be happy if i never have to put that bunker gear on again. Medical on the road is where I found my calling. It’s disgusting how little you get paid though

That sounds cool


Should have strapped him down and put a stomach pump in him

Every job is just like that. Do you get paid to be a fireman? In my town it's just voluntary work, but we have great trucks and tech

Nice thread OP. Simple. Needed the relaxing chatter with a drink. Cheers to you not being a faggot

GF is pursuing bayflight nurse, any tips?

Macallan 12 double cask
Great go to.

Hard to find strong wine that isn't ungodly sweet. Hate the sweet shit.

Yeah in my area you do. It’s a career. EMS is also apart of the fire department where I am. But it’s barely enough to get you into a two bedroom apartment. No big deal though, it’s not like you’re out there saving lives or anything....

He was strapped down pretty good but being a totally limp overdosed man he was like a limp noodle and got the upper half of his vomit covered body on me.

All I did during the encounter was put a nasal cannula on him, take glucose, check BP, and talk with the hospital.

man Yea Forumsro vomit fucking stinks tho .

Drinking Yuengling Lager and pining.

No problem my fellow user. I dont come here much anymore but its nice when we can get together and just chat about something.

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Im on probation getting ETG tested so im not fml

School. And do fucking good in it. Flight medics/nurses is a pretty competitive field. You need to have experience on the road in an ambulance, or in a hospital emergency room. Both, preferably. Flight crews are the intermediate between first response ambulance crews and full blown hospital ER staff. Critical care courses will also help. You also have to be in a certain physical weight limit to be on a flight crew. It’s a good career, but not an easy one to get

Yeah dude it's pretty sweet, especially since I've primarily worked with highly flammable or pyrophoric materials. I'll have to edit down some of the video files and post them at some point.

What's worse? The smell of vomit or feces? Not including bile

You should I would love to see some original webms

No alcohol for me tonight. Ben drinking a lot lately figured i'd slow down a bit but normally i'd have a 3-4 fingers of Tequila, or a rum and ginger beer. or a Little sumpthin', or a ABK Hell.

Nobody likes a quitter

I don't know man, for me I think its vomit, I fucking hate it.

It's the HCl mixed with all of the other stomach contents. Smells fucking awful. IMO HCl is one of the worst smelling chemicals