its offcial now. Yea Forums is dead.
i havent lurked /b for 10+ years... is this still a thing, or did i just witness someone from the Domino era just win?
ancientfag here that would be me hahaha
Yea Forums never changes
Traffic is way down. It's just shitty porn and politics now.
introduced to /b in the early '00s, heavy user from 07 thru 10. came back tonight for nostalgia. not sure if things have changed, or if kids are literally repeating the same shit i was 10 years ago.
I got this and was in the 7777777 thread hahaha
Remember when Yea Forums was good?
LOL good one m8 good one. i r8 8/8 gr8 b8 indeed.
Yea Forums was never good
id have responded sooner if it wasn;t for the fuckin capthcha. "please click pictures of hills" ... glad to see this is a bastion of old timey internet. i jsut left newgrounds trying to find teletubby playground. good old flash hilarity
how old is everyone here? I'm 31. legit, this is the first serious discussion ive ever attempted on Yea Forums so i expect it to get derailed,
If I see anyone older respond otherwise too ashamed to say
Well mate, I'm 31 as well. Been visiting this shithole since '04.
HAHAHA I did it again
I guess there is no challenge any more so I will quit
so were confirming no one does combos anymore? do we still try to get camsluts to put sharpies in tehir ass?
confirming no one breaks them
my bad. i'm still trying to find an old pic of the camwhore domino with a shoe on her head
nah not moot. some camwhore that filled the void after boxxy. there'd be like 500 people in her chat asking for retarded things adn shed occasionally entertain us.
I was being funny - did you not get it ?
If not this one I don't care there are lots that did it