Why do liberals get all the sex when I’m still a virgin
Why do liberals get all the sex when I’m still a virgin
The dicks in your favorite porn, are fake.
Huh, it seems like if you don't treat women like property, they are more willing to have sex with you.
Who knew?
They have gay sex that's why
Says only virgins
Anyone that goes to these extremist viewpoints is using them as a shield. Antifa members are likely very similar. Get rid of both, I say.
We already knew this to be true. It's because alt right ideology is fundamentally misanthropic. You literally need to remove yourself from society and escape into a fantasy world constructed entirely of propaganda before you start to embrace it in full. And there's no pussy in fantasyland.
The research says otherwise, virgin.
A lot of liberals were apparently raped at age 10.
I've been choosing immigrants and minorities lately. It works for me.
are you guys just now figuring this one out?
Libs count watching their girlfriend fuck a black bull while they seep the soy of satisfaction as sex?
This is false. Prepping the bull does not count as sex.
Lost at the healthy age of 14 vicecucks
Because you're retarded and think retarded things and do retarded things.
Get an education or just stop being such a fucking incel.
>believes what he reads on vice
hurr durr
I'm a Trump supporter and the only way I can make myself feel better is to pretend anyone who doesn't think the incel-brainwashed things I do, must be a literal cuck to niggers.
fucking kill yourself, or just wait until you get lynched.
Getting molested at 11 years old isn't really brag worthy :-/
Why do you think? Look at where the males were asked. No college girl wants to fuck someone who doesn't suck the Libtard dick and swallow daddy's self-entitled koolaid. If she's not a special snowflake like all the other mediocre children in the world then there's some other little shit willing to believe whatever truth is most convenient for him at the time.
In this case it's getting fucked at Columbia University, a year after Trump was elected.
Yeah both sides bad
Yeah, women want their best friends that compliment them continously. You're definately not an incel, Cletus.
I could tell you, but you will never hear it.
I've been using Obama for a while now. I'm heavily invested in him being bad. Anything that challenges that viewpoint has to be fake news, otherwise I'd be wrong.
You'd be a fool to believe this garbage.
Nobody cares.
Found the incel. Would you like to complain about makeup and sarahs?
i love how the media are the only ones keeping the alt right alive.they dont realize the real right has rejected them since the day they got created
nobody cares about these edgy zoomer retards
That's by design. If the media keeps giving them the platform they want while getting dems to believe that this is how all trump supporters are it's a great tool to rile them up and get passionate about defeating trump.