Andropoors BTFO

Andropoors BTFO

Attached: iphone.jpg (652x621, 108K)

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obvious bait is obvious

I like my pixel, and that's all that matters

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Go find a Soyboy to cuck

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Implying I'd give that pretentious skank the time of day. Rotary phone Master race

Her tattoos look like a retarded kid drew them

Oh no, some smelly cunt doesn't like me. Whatever will I do

Exactly. That nasty looking thing should NOT be picky about what kind of man she can get.

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>when you text someone and your text is in a green speech bubble

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And she wonders why she's single in the first place

Androids are awesome. I run Nova launcher and can completely customize everything about my interface.

I'm sure it's us mens' fault, what with our unrealistic standards of beauty and patriarchy and privilege and stuff.

Why do women get those tattoos that look like drawn by a 5 year old? How much they pay for thta?

You mean my android will automatically repel pretentious Assholes who would literally hang an entire relationship on brand consumerism
Fucking A-plus

Have fun paying 40 dollars for a cable lmao

Android wins again

So a good-looking, charismatic guy with an Android would probably be rejected by this lady, I take it.

fuck it looks like im missing out on this one

Wonder if she would change her mind about it for a nigger. I doubt she wants to seem racist, because she seems like the type who can't think for herself.

No that does not exist...

She looks awful. Terrible! Worse than that stone cold loser Rosie ODonnell!

whew dodged that bullet

>How much they pay for thta?
They pay in self respect

iPhones are always 3 gen behind. Speed, no storage. When they make a fast 4tb icrap then maybe

Ugh, don't make me think about it

I definitely have no interest in dating someone that superficial in the first place so literally no loss.

That girl in the pic just looks like a trendy cunt.

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I have two phones with their own phone numbers. One android and one iPhone. My Android is more customizable and feature rich then my iPhone.

android wins again

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Apple users just get shafted by Apple constantly, and by paying a massive premium you just encourage them to add 1 new feature per new phone, mac etc.

The reality is most people use an Apple device to try and pretend they are well off, while in the background they are paying off the 24.9% APR loan they took out to buy the device. Just making minimum payment per month and eating cheap $1 ready meals to live.

And that is very sad.

Also I don't have a mobile, I think they are a waste of money, I can message anyone I want on my PC etc.

Oh fuck off. If you judge people by their phone you're a -15 IQ brainlet

lol,why would anybody want to date these hipster retards still sucking on the dead cock of steve jobs?

Not your usual bread Mr Moscow

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This is like a really fat broke neckbeard retard saying he would NEVER date a supermodel.

He doesn't want to feel like a loser for getting turned down by someone obviously better than him, so he goes to the newspaper to let everyone know that he's not interested in supermodels so that he gains a false sense of superiority that he desperately needs due to low self esteem.

It's a defense mechanism. A very sad one.

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>These iphone snobs won't date you.
Thank God. Katie looks homeless.

I'm just looking at this picture and it totally looks like she has a Samsung in her hand...

It's the other way around. The dweeby little kid suits Apple users more than a masculine man.



I remember all those apple fags crying in twitter when instagram became available to android users. It's worth looking up if you want a cringe.

Check my third dubs bitches

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pol is always right

That is the point. Her expression is like she is holding a turd.

as if someone not manually breathing would be even slightly interested in a hep-ridden hand-tattooed leftist feminazi trans-lgbtq too-stupid-for-a-customizable-but-fucking-expensive-phone trumptard bitch
i r8 5/7, highest score ever, fucking troll

pol is never right and that's the author of the article, not the cunt in the photo, you moron

She looks like a muff muncher I think any guy would get rejected

right you are genius, and jewish media never attempts to arbitrarily divide people into opposing groups for their own purposes

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