It's my burfday, guys.
Not a sob story, just want Yea Forums frens to wish me happy burfday.
Thank you for the constant entertainment.
Love you, fags.
It's my burfday, guys
happy bday, how old?
I'm still a newfag but been lurking for almost a year now and loving every bit of it.
Also, uploaded wrong pic for some reason
Checked btw
happy birthday faggot
are you gonna spend time with friends and family?
Also, ty!
Thank you!
Plan on it. Spending time with friends during the afternoon (after popping my jaw back in place. Slightly dislocated it today and hurts like a bitch), all you can eat pizza for dinner and then party on with friends and beer thru the night!
sounds cool desu
Thanks. Have a beer for me today and think you've made another person in the world happy with your comment.
havent' had a beer in a while, but for you, i'll get one
Trips agree with that decision
alright, was nice meeting you, Yea Forumsirthday boy
Nice meeting you too. Have a good one!
boys cologne makes me hard
fuck this website
how the fuck does one dislocate their jaw?
After sucking as much cock as OP, you learn some things.
That's a very good question with a very uninteresting answer! I'm prone to joints to pop out of their sockets. I dislocate my shoulder on demand and I'm able to crack 80% of my joints. The jaw thing happened 3 times before but I ignored it and a week or so later it passed. Hurt like shit but powered through. But since today's my bday, I looked for help and went to the doctors yesterday who said they'd only be able to do something tomorrow (today). 3:34am rn and going to appointment early afternoon (2:45pm). Really hope it's gets sorted cuz I planned my dinner party at an all you can eat at pizzahut and I'm a fatty boi who wants pizza.
Anyway, here's the story.
>be me
>laying in bed during the afternoon cuz it's really hot rn and I was bored at
>says niece is awake and wants water (she's 2)
>get up
>aw shit, here we go again
tl;dr: I'm prone to joints to pop off and was in bed, got up and started hurting. Went to doctor, xray and confirmed slight dislocation. Hurts a bit but manageable. Really hard to chew
Nice trips tho
Weird flex, but ok
Savage, ouch. Got a giggle out of me so kudos!
On my last birthday nothing happened. Despite people saying they wanted to make things happen. Nothing happened. You could call it a hail marry full of gay but really there's not end to that retardation. I mean really, do you thin that there is a place in spaghetti land for these people. Here i am opening cans of spaghettios and arranging them on layers of angel food cake and freezing it to preserve maximum positioning and these people can't even call to tell me they can't come and eat my masterpiece. I really can't think of any reason that you deserve a birthday if you're not eating some kind of spaghet product. I mean really, only the socially inept and retarded would eat spaghetti or spaghetti like products alone, what are you stupid? You might as well be stupid, stupid. There is no happy birthday, you should just be happy on your birthday because it's just another day for everyone that's not cramming spaghetti up their ass with a potato masher. Faggot.
I.... Do not have an answer for that.
Nice... trips?
That's because you're gay
Nice dubs yourself.
it's true. You need to investiage the value of pasta. It has all you need to live and if you're not finding a way to it through a hole or your mind, you are lost.
Blessed thread? High dubs+trips/comments ratio
Ate pasta today cuz it's easier to eat with my fucked up jaw. Pasta is life, I agree with you on that.
OP out. 4am and gotta wake up early. Thanks for the bday wishes in advance if there are any. Love you, my degenerate individuals. Keep doing you cuz no one else will!
Dubs and trips out the ass in this thread, guess it is your birthday op. Checked.