i posted this already but it went away no clue wtf happend
but heres a story (kinda belongs in x)
>be me >be first year on job truck driver >works hard but relaxing >driving back home at 2:00 ish >im in the dark country side alone because 2 am >tired see a small woman or a little girl in the street keep in mind this is the middle of the woods highway in america >wtf.png >slam the breaks like no tomorrow >miss her barley >wtf bitch .webm >young girl asks if i was going to a city i was going to in a urgent tone >cant just leave her >"fine you can co- " >she climbs in and tells me to go >driving down the countryside now >"maam is there somthing wrong?" >"yes very" >"i can call the cops" >she instantly begs me not to >ive been to /X/ to not be super suspicious of her >casually show her im armed >wrong move .rawr >she physically tenses up >"your not gonna kill me are you?" >"no just for my own personal safety" >oh okay she is slumped down in her seat with her knees in her face >pull in to truck stop >"maam we cannot go further unless you tell me what is going on" >turn on lights shes a 8/10 young white woman probably in her 17-18 range >mfw >"there was a party with my boyfriend-"