Dubs decides if i eat this Carolina reaper

Dubs decides if i eat this Carolina reaper

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Eat it


Pepper time

Eat it and rub the juices on your eyes and cock

eat it

Eat it and post face after 2 mins.


Half in eye, half on wiener and butthole. Eat whole thing after.

Porkchop sandwiches!

Ding ding ding

No. I ate 3 if those - 2 dry and 1 wet. Worst decision ever. The dry ones activated in my stomach and the wet one hurt going down.


Oh fuck


It’s dry

do it OP or you're a fucking pussy bitch

Eat it and post result

Do it OP. It can't hurt forever.

I sneezed while eating a reaper and got it in my sinuses. Still wasn't as bad as getting stitches or anything.

Lets see if op comes through for once.

Op is a faggot like always.

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