How tall are you?
I'm 3'11" midget
How tall are you?
I thought we aren't supposed to be using that word anymore.
Who tells you what you can and can't say?
Faggots say we can't call 'em faggots anymore.
Niggers say we can't call 'em niggers anymore.
Kikes say we can't call 'em kikes anymore.
Trumpsters say we can't call 'em idiots anymore.
Even here You look stupid
5'7 :(
I'm 6,2, which is a tad above average in my country, Denmark.
5'6 is the ideal male height.
b-because.. I'm 5'6
pls no bully
People say hitting 6 feet means you're always neck deep in pussy, and I can say without a doubt that it's false. Yeah some girls are into tall guys, but very very little of them make that the number one priority.
I'd rather be 5'9" and gain 5 inches of leg room.
Where u from
Retards say I got my finger stuck in the dog but we can't call them retards anymore
You can hug your girlfriend without having to bend down and you can wear children's size clothes.
That too.
23 km
Oh yeah, 6'1, forgot the point of the thread.
my dad's penis
pls luv me senpai
Allow me to explain. At 5'6" he's no threat to anyone as most girls can kick his ass. This makes it easier for Chad to fuck his gf/wife. I find manlets particularly convenient when I'm fucking their gf in a car and need someone to drive. They don't take up much space.
You remind me of my wife's son.
Lame bait is lame
sure tyler
joke's on you, I'm your son's wife.
5 foot 6, dont really care
I can't have a son, my wife made me get a vasectomy on our first date.
Why do you listen to adult diapers? They're fully of shit
immaculate conception, dad.
dammit.. I mean father in law. Or dad, incest is hot btw,
i liek mudkipz
You can eat a woman's pussy while she's standing up.
My 2 sister's are dwarves, and I am 6ft
Post pics of your hands op
Yeah, let's see some sausages
Hey, squirt.
Asshole you don't need to claim "and a half"
you squirt
Hah, fucking manlet. 3’12’’ master race reporting in.
Post nudes of the bearded ladies
The three and a half is his dick size, he's need every half inch he can get
Ah yes. My bad
6 foot here.
Feel like a manlet if there is a dude any taller than 6'3 in the room.
0.000987 nautical miles
wow, that's more than 1.22E11 astronomical units
I was going to say...
What I want to know is wtf does avionics use nautical miles?
5"10 and growing
How old are you, tiny?
I was 6ft 2 for years. Then one day I wasn't.
Here is that story:
> be me new in the army
> nervous about getting a raft of shots
Step on the scale maggot
>step on scale they measure height
72 inches
> 72 let's see, 5 ft is 60 inches so 6 feet is 70 inches with 2 left over
>me a I'm 6ft 2
>ff 7 years at a party another guy taller than me and a girl much shorter are talking
> grill to me how tall are you user? I'm six foot two little lady.
> no you're not. I'm 6ft you are shorter
> do math in head again, get it right slink away from stolen valor event.
Remember to stay in school kids.
6'5" 235. But I actually am tall not like these fucking posers. I can verify if anybody wants to throw down or whatever maybe hang out have gentle sodomy.
There's like three relevant brackets for male height.
>6' 1" and higher
Optimal height. Being this tall opens many, MANY doors for you in all avenues of life. Your height actively works in your favor. People notice your height positively and treat you better. Definitely a plus for those in this bracket.
>5' 6" to 6'
Neutral height. Your height is not actively working for or against you. Unless you're directly compared with someone from the other two brackets, no one really notices how tall the men in this bracket are. You're just average, so no inherent plus or minus for those in this bracket. You may always lose to the bracket above, but you'll always have a leg up on the below one.
>5' 5" and under
Negative height. Both men and women alike definitely notice that you are short, and it actively works against you. Women openly hate you. Height (or lack thereof) is definitely a minus for those in this bracket. It is not only socially acceptable to treat people in this bracket like subhumans, but is encouraged.
If you need help learning this system, just remember: people applauded when Bagel Manlet got physically attacked by a 6'1"+ man, even though Bagel Manlet's whole sperg-out was because some roastie had just laughed at him. And even if we give her the benefit of the doubt and say she hadn't scoffed at that poor little faggot, there was no reason for the tall dude to escalate the encounter to violence. We remember the guy in the top bracket as the hero even though he was the aggressor, and we remember bottom bracketeer Bagel Manlet as a total loser even though he was the one who got physically attacked.
There's also extreme brackets like giants and midgets, but those are outliers.
>5' 6"
manlet detected
You're a fool
Those dubs can't hide the short
Are you a guy or a girl?
More like:
5'5 and over - giant
6'1- 6'4 -ideal, 'tall'
5-7/8-6'0 - acceptable, i suppose.
Under 5'7. Manlet.
6'5 and over omfg.