>You are employed aren’t you?
Where does Yea Forums work? What fulfilling careers do you guys have?
>You are employed aren’t you?
Where does Yea Forums work? What fulfilling careers do you guys have?
Other urls found in this thread:
Insurance company
Game studio, best buy, and I own my own comic book studio
How do I get a job with insurance? Do I need certifications? Even entry level pays well.
Head chef at Wendy's
Nighttime janitor at a liberal arts college
We all work on Wall Street bud, Murders & Executions
Pepsi sales rep making six figs
I work at Wolfson college as a professor of astronomy and planetary science.
I'm a high school life science teacher
How’s that? Sounds comfy, you smash any liberal pussy?
Retail banking
Your life is a joke
Construction and security and music production
Tradesman, pays good but takes its toll on the body. I come here to rot the mind, all is balanced
32 year old dishwasher reporting
sysadmin for a voip provider
It's ok, I get to travel sometimes too which is nice.
butt sales in the new division
fuck you
You usually need to get licensed in a few states. I’m not the guy you asked, but my pops sells health and life insurance. If you find the right company they may pay for the licenses you need so you can work otherwise it can get kind of expensive. I don’t know about other forms of insurance though.
Your job sucks faggot
Nice septs
Way to waste the get, homo.
Waste fuck you
>pic of nigger sexually assaulting an innocent white girl
not great not horrible
I own a home and auto insurance agency.
Fucking interracial cuck nigger faggot waste
discord faggot
Yum, not a waste at all
Currently unemployed collecting neetbux but returning to work soon. Was a graphic designer/product photographer. Starting a program for respiratory therapy in about 8 months.
Your job allowed you to hack Yea Forums and get a epic get
nice photoshop faggot
I'm a incel so no. but yea its pretty nice basically just listen to podcast the whole time
Bartender and musician.
Want to get decent enough money together to work in a decent studio or independent label
I do the dishes at home and play videogames at dads house when he goes out to work
I'm sorry, but people are gonna realize pepsi tastes like shit and you'll be out of a job.
I run a marketing agency. SEO, social media marketing, ISDM, ad campaigns, and the likes.
I switched careers probably about a year and a half ago, started my own company 6 months ago, and havent looked back since.
Been working in the software industry for 20 years this month.
Wakeboarding park
Holy mother of god!
Any details on how you got started? How old are you?
Phoenix, arizona. Software Engineer
Seven sevens. I'm sweating
hydrogemologist for a consul company
I'm a facilitator for a two people.
I work for the government, Immigration Officer, I love my job, hard to believe I get paid to do this, paid well, with excellent benefits, telework and alternative work schedules, great work life balance and job security, challenging work, every day is different and interesting, you meet people from every corner of the globe
I really need to get my certifications because wage slaving at the airport is killing me. I need a comfy computer job.
Lots of entry level positions have insurance. Just gotta be entry level for an actual career, like pharm tech, network tech, clerk, etc.
I started on a production line 3rd shift making car parts at a supplier and had alright benefits, and they got better as I moved into an actual career and not just a job. Hope you can find something similar in your neck of the woods, Yea Forumsrother
Do you get to visit ICE camps and rape Mexicans?
mold maker, been doing it for 12 years now
Nope, that’s a different agency CBP
Seven sevens, doenst that meje it eigh sevens?
Yeah sure I'm glad to talk about myself lol.
I actually got started working for a marketing firm probably right around when I turned 20? I'm 22 now. To be completely honest you dont need a lot of experience in my line of work if you're willing to do a lot of self learning like read a couple books and watch a lot of YouTube. I had to do a lot of learning on my own because I ran direct marketing campaigns for retail clients and performed closing deals with medium sized companies. I probably dove into online marketing soon after leaving my prior job.
If you got any other questions just ask since I'm enjoying reading this thread anyways.
How long have you been working as a software engineer? In simple terms what does the job usually entail if I may ask?
Nice bait douchebag
How much do you make? Like what exactly do you do to make profit?
tree climber, self employed
Sounds boring
Vagina inspector
Not that user but I have been software engineer for 16 years. Work from home for a famous club.
No pressure but have to be available 24/7.
I get the best toys and tools from the company, get training in new tech all the time.
Oh my, witnessed
Underwear model
Pics if female
Own my own commercial painted company. It's fucking gay and I wish I could quit but I make decent money and people rely on me.
work for a general contractor im his only employee, hes been in business for 35 years. its nice not having to deal with any shitty management. i like the one on one learning and the pay is pretty nice (21/hr) hes not shy with the raises either i started at 17/hr 2 years ago only thing im nervous about is hes damn near 60 and if something happens to him i might be SOL but until then ill enjoy my laid back learning experience. pic is our current project 120 year old house that was his first rental property finally time to gut and modernize to rent out again.
i shit my pants for money
: )
To continue answering your question, management asks me to streamline processes. I watch people, ask questions, purpose changes then write software to address the issue.
Do you work with a lot of Indians? Do they come to steal your jobs?
Yearly would be a hard guess since I just started being full time self employed. I will probably make about 70k in gross profit if I continued for another 6 months and kept my current rate.
Although with me upping my rate, my pace is speeding up, and me looking to work harder as I'm full time I could see myself easily breaking into 6 figures on my 2nd full year.
The basic step by step to make money as a marketer is work as a telemarketer for a bit. Seriously it sucks if you arent used to making cold calls but to give you the simple rundown. I look for businesses that are lower down on the search results for keyword results I want to work on, attempt to find businesses that arent on google, or contact businesses which I believe have weak landing pages (all of this can be researched on google to give you an idea on what to look for). I'll contact them, ask for the person in charge and tell them why I am calling them and that I believe that I can help them and will ask if I can have a few minutes to quickly give my pitch. I'll tell them my experience, who I've helped, and the benefits from taking my services.
After that its as simple as trying to sell my services. Send them a contract with an invoice of payment (I personally offer the option to pay half up front and half upon completion). After payment I do the work.
I'm self-employed. I sell weed and trade crypto, I'm a businessman.
I don't have a job I'm a neet
Pics if male
Just bc ur 15 does not make you a neet bud.
Shut up you are gonna get us all killed
Shut up fag
Lol it kind of is. I like it personally, not really "difficult" per say. Although each client has its own challenges, every day has many similar processes but the solutions need to be custom tailored so a lot of research is involved, and the pay is really good. I cant complain ^.^
I work alone. I have worked with Indians before, and yes there was a shortage of American talent.
Of course there are the of shoe contractors that under bid on online gigs. Sometimes people want an American though
That looks like some garbage bud
> weed and crypto
So which one is better for you? I made a few bucks off of the bitcoin surge a while back, havent touched it since.
*those off shore*
So is the shortage of IT workers real or bullshit? I often think that companies just would rather go with a foreign contractor then the hassle and expense of training or paying a US worker
data analytics
total comp is 100k+ base is a little lower than that though
good benefits, 20+ pto, 11 holidays, remote/telework options
trying to get into leadership roles atm. you only want to be the person doing the work for so long.
im 27, went to college, live in the us. i have good friends in sales. you can make more money doing that kind of stuff but i hope everyone realizes the value of having routine hours, time off, work from home, etc. sales will run you into the ground if you're not a manager just overseeing work. unless you like that kind of lifestyle
been new construction plumbing for 5 years, shits cash
More and more onshore contractors. The offshore guys are costing more, between that and the learning curve it makes less sense than it used to.
IT exec. Boring but pays well.
It's not as bad as it was. But there is still high demand for tech workers especially sys admins and programmers.
I would recommend programming... Sys admins can spend lots of time in very cold server rooms
School Bus Driver. I never thought I'd love a job where I have to clock in at 530 in the morning.
Correctional officer for the last 18 years. Nothing fulfilling about baby sitting losers all day.
Checked lucky motherfucker.
Roughneck on a drilling rig
Here's a closeup.
Been trading for almost five years, made enough to quit my job as a sysadmin and just grow weed and shrooms at home + do some traveling.
Ive been wanting to go back to school for this. How hard was the schooling and getting into the field
What's the pay/benefits like? I'd assume a government job wouldnt have it bad in those regards, but I'm not sure if its worth it for the shit you guys must put up with.
Financial auditor for a well known hotel chain. It's easy enough work, great money and my family doesn't really have to worry about anything finance related. Aspiring to be an author eventually though.
field is mostly about experience, but a masters is liked by a lot of companies if you dont have prior experience. you can demonstrate experience outside of jobs by getting certifications and completing data projects with desired languages (r, python, sas, etc.). also figure out where you want to be: data science / advanced analytics, data visualization, business intelligence, etc.
Good shit
any tips for SEO?
Its GOD its really him. Oh shit God can you help me? Ive been praying to you for weeks now. My job has went to shit and not sure what to do. Thinking of starting my own business.
So should i get another job, ride this one out, or open a business?
I work for a major company as a manager job is alright aomw travel, pay is ok. Just not for me.
God thanks for showing up man.
Pay and benefits are great, and that's the kick in the ass since there is no way I'm willing to give up on building up my 30 year pension now. The job can be soul crushing but I like money.
Modeling/Simulations Engineer at Boeing
If you have the savings it's worth a shot, just don't go into debt trying to grow something that's dying.
Seven of sevens. Get of gets.
Male escort. Most of my clients are old men, and it’s pretty much ruined my self esteem. I feel like any woman I date now resents me so I’ll never find love, but I make a ton of money and have regulars.
>pic related kind of what I look like
I do PET/CT scans on cancer patients. It's kinda sad
Nope. Donna
surrrreeee Daryl
You got me
Too bad. If you were Dorothy I was going to ask for picture of your tits.
I think there are four major things to live by when starting out.
First, self study and improvement. Dont be afraid of doing really small free/cheap projects for friends just so you can not only learn but actually have referrals and a portfolio going. This is also the case that working for free isnt that bad as most SEO work doesnt really require any personal cost unless client has no website/landing page and you dont want to learn basic web design (which is really easy) which wouod essentially force you to shift part of the work to a professional website designer.
Second, work local businesses. People forget that marketers charge a lot. And big marketing companies are unable to pull small and medium sized businesses usually because of their prices. These larger companies are constantly trying to woo over the Netflix's and Walmart's of the world, not your local chain resturants, seedling companies that might have millions of capital invested, or just your local mom and pop shop.
Third, dont undervalue yourself. I sort of did this, but remember that marketers arent cheap. ESPECIALLY marketers that specialize (example, SEO). I don't charge by the hour but rather the service, yet I know my hourly comes out to about 80 an hour and thats still not on the higher end of local marketers. If you are charging to cheap you are wasting time, energy, and you may lose clients because they will not see you as professional enough even though you might be really good. Also eventually you'll need to limit clients by charging more so you sont have clientel backed up by many months.
Lastly, dont quit your dayjob. It could take months or maybe even a couple years before you really start to get the ball rolling. While I admit the best motivation is stacking up debt and rushing to make enough to eat, I wont say its the intelligent thing to do lol.
Has a huge potential and i got years of experience in it and management. Been working on my business plan. Thank you for the advice God.
Freelance Japanese->English translator.
>inb4 weeb
No, I don't do the animus, I do academic research papers and the like.
You old dudes fuck you and you wonder why women dont want nothing to do with you
I meant 60 not 80, accidental typo.
I was thinking the same thing
i mean SEO methods
i am a web designer and just started a local marketing type of thing in my area. i know the basic things but what else could I do to get websites ranked higher
Teacher at a school for students with severe behavioral and emotional disturbance.
I'd totally be a truck driver if they didn't care about pot
Best part about being a custodian. Music or podcasts or books or whatever for most of the day makes it go by faster
You're a potato handler?
Welcome to 2019 /b
When screenshot worthy gets are ruined by burgers
Janitorial. I make 22.50 an hour. I get to listen to music all night. It doesn’t really fulfill me so much as pays the bills. I enjoy the freedom I’m given. Work at a slow pace, i get paid to exorcise. I work in an heated air conditioned building. My life is pretty good. Could be worse.
No. That's retards. I work with assholes primarily.
Nice repeating pattern of the numerical kind
I have enough money to do this, and sleep til 5pm most days. Bills are low and I spent enough time running on the rat wheel. KIds are almost done with college, so I'll get a pretty good bump soon. Drink beer a couple nights a week, have a few tokes, watch the fights. Play some chess, read some books.
I'm Canadian lol
Campus Police @ a state psychiatric hospital is Mississippi.
Also a lot of dispatch work in my recent past.
International tax. I help companies hide their money and never trigger taxable events.
Lol. I work for an insurance company. I make over $100k a year. I have no college degree. No certifications. I don’t sell the insurance. I don’t answer phones. How the fuck did I get here?
Still in high school but work at a trucking shop. Shit sucks but better than fast food
There's tons of entry level jobs that pay well in the insurance field. I got mine through a referral but plenty of people at my company started in my position just applying. It depends on what you want to do in that field I suppose. I'm a rater. I price policies. My natural progrssion would be to become an Underwriter. There's lots of certs required for that and it takes some money and time. But see if any companies have rater positions. You can become an UW in like 2-3 years and make at minimum 70-80k if you work hard and learn the field.
Do you work in the rest room of a truck stop filled with lonely truckers?
What's your position
>Where does Yea Forums work? What fulfilling careers do you guys have?
I'm long on Boeing and short on raytheon. What is your position?
Nah but that would probably make more than what I'm making rn
Well I was long on GE but I sold that shit fast this week. Buying into Vanguard ETF alot lately. That being said, what do you do at an insurance company. I'm in the field. I'm curious.
Employment Law
If any of you get injured on the job or want to unionize, HMU.
The dub that almost was.
I knew this would be a good thread but I never could've imagined it'd become legend
I make propaganda for the government.
I'm actually a part of the system that I hate but the pay is stable.
They would end me just for half the shit I've posted probably. Such is life.
Sorry not that user
I am a licensed psychotherapist (PhD in clinical psychology and an MSW). It's a good gig. I have wanted to do this since I was a kid and I couldn't be happier.
Of? We can't take photos on campus, not even of cool birds or shit like that.
Here's an NCIC terminal.
Very funny
Oh damn thats going to be a long post. First off making sure a client has a webpage is a good idea. With google's new smart search engine system trying to keyword stuff is not a good idea anymore, so I think good content is more important that dry, robotic, old marketing hashed content. If you work on website design I'm going to assume you understand the importance of backlink use and making sure that your client is signed up on as many relevant sites which cam be backlinked to your site/landing page which should be able to be indexed by google.
Getting news coverage might be a good idea. This is one I dont bother too much with but paying some money to have your client listed in a local paper might not only drive traffic but most importantly it will improve your optimization rating.
Social media is a cheap and easy way to create more backlinks to a landing page. Make sure clients are on Facebook, Instagram, Instagram, Indeed, Twitter, and Snapchat if any of them can possibly be used actively by said client (or may give you the possibility to offer a seperate service like social media managing retainer fees).
Using sites/tools like ubersuggest. Ahrefs, and other site trackers are a good way to measure yourself against competition. I think you already know about anchor texts, articles, pbn posts, and how google ranks websites by other strange measures like number of images used in website page posts and such.
I cant answer specifics on those as any small change to how google operates will completely change the specifics. That and I'm honestly not sure myself at the moment (I have pages backed up on my computer with all the information regarding minimum/maximum use pf characters, images, ect that can be applied and how many posts before hit with a penalty. Similar to how google penalizes keyword stuffing now).
I got to different companies and set it up. Each doctor and hospital has a different agreement with the insurance company. So you have to set up each provider differently.
thats actually retarded
bathroom at least? in uniform? in a stall? no gay shit
You could use that ORI code to find out where I used to work. They're unique to the agency.
Here's one taken from inside that agency's dispatch room.
Let me look, this might take a moment. I kind of doubt I even have any though.
I was also a pepsi sales rep and this man is lying
Didn't find any, other than one I had to delete. Why the interest? I'm off work tonight but maybe I can answer a question you have?
I want to be a part of history
thanks a lot
how much do you charge per client per certain task
like give an example, i feel like i undercharge
yeah, give me a picture of your uniform
>fulfilling career
Software engineer at a video game studio. Pretty decent gig.
I am a forecast and replenishment analyst for a major cpg company. My customer is the largest membership warehouse retailer in the world.
My supply chain is worth 250 million dollars a year.
Sounds like a pretty decent job Satan. How much of that 250 mil does the boss man let you keep each year?
now has to fuck
My thoughts exactly. Bragging about how much money your boss fleeces off you each year is sad.
automotive, civilian and military autonomous vehicles
worked as a picker and packer for a clothing company, got fired for leaving early without notice twice in a row, it was a shame becuase my productivity shat on everyone elses but i'm hooked on stims (nasal decongestant, vyvanse and phenethylamine). i'm looking for a new job but i know why i'm enemployed
Anywhere from the market of 1500-2500 per client. Although this is also because I bundle ad campaign costs. I think 1500 with a website sounds about right of you dont do anything other than SEO.
How I break it down for business owner terms is charging base services but figure out an hourly amount and connect it with your services so when your speed improves and you will earn more naturally. And skill alone is a reason to upcharge your service costs.
Starting out if you are making less than 40 an hour in your first year you are severely undercharging imo. Amatuer SEO make generally about 40-60 an hour. People who have done it for over 5 years make over 120/hr.
big fancy tech company 210k/yr in my 20s come at me
You aren’t wrong. It sucks. My responsibility far outweighs what I’m paid.
What exactly do you do there?
Nah, I'm a dude. But if I were a girl I'd post tits or gtfo
jesus man i been charging a one time fee of 600 per build
and 200-300 monthly for maintenance / seo
Fluffer for the CEO
Remwmbee your servicez are worth a lot because of how specialized they are to clients. Google ratings mean a hell of a lot more than a facebook ad campaign. And just to add onto what I charge, since I also do ad campaigns whatever the ad budget is my services cost 20% of the budget.
What size box does that afford you in SoCal?
I tutor foreign PhDs, MDs and JDs English. I can't understand why anyone would pay me for this when it's surrounding them everywhere, but I guess I just have low self esteem and the vocabulary of a lawyer/politician but without any of the education. Eh, whatever puts food on the table though. :-/
I'd think it won't be long before AIDS or a bullet take out out of circulation... I mean c'mon, you're an old dude's fuckpuppet... how good can that feel last and first thought of the day???
EMT here. In medic school. Pay sucks but I get to do cool stuff sometimes. If you’re even mildly intelligent then stay away from ems as a career. Long hours and bad pay.
Why are you in it then?
Wanted to be a cop but failed the psych eval due to anger management issues and ocd. So I tried it and I have a pretty high aptitude for medicine. Knowing what I know now though I would have gone to nursing school so I could get that good pay.
Actor. If you know what's good for you, never go down this path. It might sound or seem fun, but it sure as hell isn't. In theatre rn, but moving to canadia so I can go to film/series auditions. Wish me luck if you feel like it Yea Forumsros.
user is waiting for the drug dealer that cracks out on his own shit and yoinks himself a grip of cash no doubt. Well, that and the occasional double meat at chipotle for no charge cuz he's in uniform. Amirite?
i hope that's not how you dry it
Farmer, first job that I actually enjoy tbh
We never get to stop some where that slow and nah no cash grabs for me. These cards were too hard to get. I just couldn’t be a cop
Go to europe you will find more success in acting there.
Getting PhD at god-tier university in STEM. Own fellowships so I'm not required to slave away like other faggots.
Am in Europe, can deny, been in acting for past 4 years now, if you want to be in series/film, it's hard af cause pretty much all the auditions are for people they know only, that number only goes up if you wanna do anything promising. Theatre will end me before I reach 40, so, that's a no.
Had some friends in northern ireland who went on do do some noteworthy stuff on tv, can't say what as sharing stuff like that on here is a bad idea
Good luck Yea Forumsro break a leg
Doctor here. Currently resident physician. 10/10 would choose career again.
Yeah, you'd need luck for that to happen, or just generally be in the right place, right time. If you're still a nobody (I am, only 4 years, am 20) it's hard to get out there, literally just graduated an acting school so hope that helps, worst shit year of my life, but met a couple fun people at least.
Much love my man, really means something.
I design custom doors
we got chu
I go into the desert to pick herbs and then sell them at the beach
I travel to tokyo, shanghai, nyc, and dubai and implement software for $200k a year. my fiance comes with me
Ypu arent doing basic web deisign are you? SEO with a website shouldnt be less than 1,000 minimum.
Hell a basic 3-4 page website will run you about $400-500 from an amatuer. So if you bundle website in there you should be charging A LOT more.
Typing on a phone sucks
no, im my own boss
fuck having a shitty job and working in an office like a fucking pawn and slave
techno and trap producer here
Christ what a waste
damn seven
you ready to have a divine intervention
soon enough well have the 88888888888
That's good news, It's my birthday in 24 minutes
fuck a routine
nightshift as security guard at a graveyard
All i do is play games on my laptop and shitpost on b all day, shit's boring as fuck
Public safety director at a shopping mall. Aside from the factor that I'm a decorated rent a cop, it pays really well. Company I work for is really demanding though. Constantly on call. Had to move states for a promotion and practically live and breathe work. At least I didn't have to go to college kek
Whenever you’re seeing the 777 numeric pattern, the angels send you their congratulations! The reason? You are riding the wave and are in tune with your true self and the whole Universe. You are in alignment with your life purpose. It is a confirmation telling you that you’re doing well. When you understand who you truly are, you work on what's meaningful to you and bring your energy and light to the world. This is what the world needs from you.
I'll live it up Yea Forumsro thank you
"I draw at home"
Soon to be Air Force. Tried applying for warehouse jobs for the past three weeks. I am now NEET until I ship out
ups worker and carpenters assistant.
15 / hr and full health benefits at ups and time and a half on saturdays... 17 / hr carpentry ... yeah i'm poor but its not so bad I like physical work.
I work in the IT industry. My position is full time telework and my job also requires very little work. I spend the majority of my day getting payed to play video games.
I would like to be a janitor at a high school so I could hide spy cams in the girls locker room.
Did sysadmin in the Navy and they keep their server rooms so fucking cold you have to bring hats and gloves.
From what I understand you can do well with crypto if you wait for it to crash before you buy then sell before it gets too high and crashes again.
BMC etc is a godsend, there's not too much time spent in the fridge.
when there's no projects or alerts it's mostly fucking around and testing things
you do you user. When you end up in federal prison I hope you have an eidetic memory
>Where does Yea Forums work? What fulfilling careers do you guys have?
Law student about to start my 3rd, and final, year of school.
Went to a 4th tier shithole school and am now drowning in debt and facing limited employment prospects.
Advice: stay the fuck away from law school. Especially those ranked in the 4th tier shit-league.
I'd like to just drop out if they'd return my tuition. Otherwise, I'll report my true salary and employment situation.
I went to a 4th ttttier and make a little over 250k/year.
It isn’t about the school, it’s about being lucky, being likable, actually being a good lawyer, and most importantly, practicing in an area with statutorily one-way attorneys fees.
took my brother 2 years after graduating law school to land a job
Help a fellow shit-tier lawyer out..... what is yur job title.
My law school is so shit that they actually admit undergrads! You don't even need a bachelor degree to get in. This toilet is ruining my life.
Debt collector for student loans. I'm the one who garnishes your wages if you stop paying.
>took my brother 2 years after graduating law school to land a job
That's very common.
Then they're too embarrassed to report their actual salary and job, which makes the shit-tier schools look good because the real employment statistics are hidden while those who land good jobs are eager to report their salary and job title.
Don't do law school, especially shit-tier ones.
What a world. I guess some societies haven't figured out investing in their people is worthwhile.
Not that I blame you, it's just a shame.
well i just started so im kinda charging cheap cheap for now so i can build the portfolio. i have 4 built right now.
i do about $400-$600 for basic sites hand coded, been web designing for fun for years so not necessarily at the amateur level. i include some generic SEO so basically ill make sure their site is up to google standards when it comes to the google webmasters recommendations. just started on backlinking and getting clients to begin creating blogs. i get them on management / maintenance plans for 300/mo.
some questions
what do you mean by bundle?
what do you mean by ad campaign?
how do you advertise yourself as a whole company or just one guy?
Wait, what. So I take it the school isn’t ABA accredited, and is likely in California...
Honestly, I’m happy to answer questions, but you’ve heard it all before:
1. You need to put the time in and actually be a good lawyer (most of this can be accomplished by actually knowing the rules of evidence and civil procedure, but people overlook the rules of judicial administration, that shit provides easy ways to fuck people). Writing skills are important, except on Yea Forums
2. It’s better to be competent and likable than amazing and unlikeable.
3. Look for practice areas that aren’t flooded. I rep doctors in insurance and licensing claims. Meaning my clients aren’t annoying dumbasses who want 1mil for a scratch, they pay a retainer or the insurance company pays me an hourly rate when I win. Those are the cases you want, it’s guaranteed money.
See what your states legislature carved out with atty fees, preferably one-way fees, and dive into that. Hopefully a small niche field.
4. Don’t take cases just to have a case load. You don’t want the liability representation in a practice area you know nothing about.
>Wait, what. So I take it the school isn’t ABA accredited, and is likely in California...
It's ABA accredited in Oregon. Willamette.
I do not know how they got the whole admit undergrads to law school past the ABA..... A money grab that the ABA must approve of.
Willamette Law sucks, fuck Willamette Law.
I 100% agree, user. They don't even pay me very well to do it. For the amount of verbal abuse I put up with I ought to be making double what they give me. To be fair though, we give you plenty of opportunities to prevent it from happening, even stop it once it starts. And if you can prove its causing a genuine hardship to your livelihood, then we HAVE to stop no matter how much you owe.
defense contractor
Honestly man, you’ll be fine.
If I could do it again, I probably wouldn’t go into law, but if I did, I’d strongly consider doing a 2 year stint at the PD’s office right after law school. You won’t get that level of trial experience anywhere else, except the district attorney office, but those fuckers are typically awful. Also, it’s great for networking.
Just remember, civil defense is steady income, but plaintiffs make the money.
: )
High school history teacher.
I don't hate it, but if anyone is considering being an educator seriously reconsider. Education isn't just dead, it was murdered. College positions are no better, and it is a position you will be stuck in for 30 years or more.
I come home depressed most days, and have been angry with administration nearly to the point of blows. Your only achievements will be those three to ten students whose lives you make an impact on each year. Never expect recognition or thanks for that. It's enough for me, but not for most. I've seen more talented people burn out by their 4th year than I care to count. I think that might be why the system is so poor in it's current state. The best and brightest recognize the decaying carcass that is education and run from it, leaving a workforce comprised of the elderly, lazy, masochistic, stupid, or any combination thereof.
sucks because education only needs two things, a good program and motivated educators. And for some reason some places force their administrators to make things abject hell holes for the students and staff teaching weak programs.
Baseball place selling shit in the retail center
Pic related. I took this a little bit ago.
When I worked the pipelines, we would do a hundred million a day. Product is product, except mine would occasionally explode. Unless its yours, nobody gives a shit.
I knew a guy who became a HS History teacher. One of the biggest assholes I ever met. I hope it's you, because I really want his life to feel shitty and pointless.
The job unfortunately tends to attract a lot of assholes. For some reason people think teaching is easy, and they peg history as the easiest to teach.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm probably not the guy you're talking about. If it's any consolation, I'm sure he's doing far worse if he's as much of an asshole as you claim.
Cheeeeeky breeki
Deliver pizza for Domino's
Here, it tends to attract a lot of people who want to spend 35 years sitting on their ass, and bitch about the money and bennies. Fucking unions, man. It should be illegal to have a unionized government job.
Work from home infosec engineer. I get paid pretty fucking nicely for playing with code/automation all day and basically standing up and maintaining security software, mostly in a pair of shorts and a wife beater. Usually have documentaries or music going in the background. Comfy as fuck.
dumbass trips meme
In the 80's teaching was advertised as a secure job with plenty of benefits and summers off. That's when a lot of the issues started. Just so happens that when you tell people they don't need to work all of a sudden the standard of worker drops. Who would have thought?
Unions are a confusing topic at the best of times, but I've seen both sides of it. I've seen people get fired who deserved to keep their job, and I've seen complacent old fucks keep their job for no other reason than their union protection.
that pay though I get paid far less now that I moved but at least there less riff raff
huh in canada most teachers spend the time off on professional development and designing the next year's courses.
tfw scorpio and poor I need to be more ruthless
In America professional development isn't needed to maintain your license until you receive "professional" status, or three years in a district. At least in New England. It's a ridiculously stupid system.
After that point it really only requires minimal effort in professional development. Most teachers that I know work another job in the summer, but that's mostly just to have some extra padding. Teaching rates really aren't that bad around where I work.
Course design depends on district. We have fairly complete control of our curriculum in my building so long as it follows state standards. I'm just as likely to revise my curriculum on a week to week basis as I am in the summer. We also generally repeat courses. I only teach maybe one completely new course a year. The rest has already been made, and it's just a matter of improving it year to year. A lot of people don't even bother with that though, which reflects poorly on teachers as a whole.
Kek there’s only one person listed in the directory that meets those qualifications femanon
tfw i was born on the cusp and flip from leo to virgo depending on what star worshiper i consult
Uni student but I work at wendys
by far the most underrated ff chain
Yeah Im not gonna lie, ive never been a big fast food guy, and I thought I wouldn't like it, but I ended up really liking the Wendys chain. (not my job though, I hate my job)