Life with a 4 1/2 inch dick

Life with a 4 1/2 inch dick.

I'm 20 and my dick ruined my life. I could have been happy, had the girl of my dreams, done more with myself but my dick put a stop to all of that. Everyday is depressing as fuck and I have virtually zero self esteem. I haven't had sex yet because I'm scared girls are just going to laugh at me. I've even debated suicide over it and I'm not joking here. It has made my life pretty shitty and I can't help but think that if it was bigger I'd be better off and way happier. Anyone else in the same boat or have any tips for getting over it?

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Peepeepoopoo no!

Kys nigger jew jk just go to asia dicklet lmaoo

Become a millionaire to compensate and then give me some money for my good idea

Fucking pig threw him in the portal

user your centering everything around your dick stop that its incredibly stupid focus on something other than your dick get a hobby and work out find a girl who is wholesome and good i know it seems nearly impossible but always keep an eye out the younger t=the more chance of them being pure obviously dont be a pedo but you get it trust me i have a barley 6 in penor but i have a semi pure gf who doesnt even care about shit like that im lucky you can get lucky too i believe in you

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Get a petite gf and stop being such a fucking moron.
I doubt you can do that tho because your issues with women have nothing to do with your alleged 4.5 inch penis.

How the fuck is getting a hobby and working out gonna fix ops mental illness?

>turn gay
>become escort
>charge 200 bucks to get ass fucked for 30 minutes
>assuming you get 8 hours of sleep a day you could make 4800 dollars a day with non stop gay sex
>get surgery on your dick to make it longer
>now charge 300 bucks to fuck someone’s ass

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distractions as well as working out helps with self-esteem a hobby like art music or something similar will develop interesting qualities and can lead you places

Well it seems my only hope is to find a tiny asian girl. I just can't seem to get over fantasizing about how nice it must be to have a big dick. Am I really mentally ill guys?

no just retarded

>still virgin
Your a fucking moron quit crying. Girls don’t care as much about dick size as you think. As long as your not autistic and ugly, you have a good chance at a good life. Talk to girls and quit being a sensitive pussy.


OP here, you probably have a monster dong so it's easy for you to say "just get over it bro" when you have no experience with it

You might as well at least try to get laid, if you get laughed out of the bedroom then that's just how it is, no point in worrying about it.

No one else is on the same boat

>be me
>very average dong

I don’t get laid and have relationships because of my dick size, I have a good personality and am not ugly. As long as you can make thots laugh and aren’t inbred you’ll do fine.

have sex incel, there are dudes with micropps getting more ass than a 8-inch gigachad

I highly doubt that user. I can't be the only male out of fucking trillions with a 4 1/2 inches you absolute fucktard

If you had a bigger dick or me a smaller one, neither of us would have been happy.

Women don't care if you don't have a huge dick if you learn to do other stuff well. A well placed finger in the ass will make a girl Cum in seconds

If I had a big dick I could slam any ass I want and have bitches swarm me how could I ever be sad?

Or be a camboy and do kink stuff and make a ton of money not even having to touch gross old dick

>thinking having a big dick gets you laid

pic related

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Just find some petite woman to pump.
Women in general do not give 2 shits about your dick size.
It is NOT an issue for them

I feel like the majority of them do and then there's the few who don't care....

Fukken dicklet! rotflmao!

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OP, my GF literally just broke up with me cuz I have 6 in length by 6 in girth. Sex was too painful for her. She always just wanted me to finger her. Her favorite dildo is 4 in long.

Stop being a faggot and crying about your dick size. Any woman worth having won't care at all as long as you've got something, and you have enough. Some do care, and they're literally all whores. The G-Spot is only a couple inches inside anyway.

I had a good friend who legit had a 2 inch dick, now him I feel bad for. You're fine.

>6 in girth
>4 in dildo
>2 inch dick

When I was 16 yo mine was 5.9 inch and it grew till 7 - 7.5 inch at 20 yo, an advice, your dick is like a plant if you contaminate it with trash food and no exercises I won't grow up

Sometimes I get confused as to what I am doing because it doesnt make sense alot of the time. Then I had realized its because my dick gets in the way, you just have to work without putting your thoughts on your dick and eventually it will show you the way. Also sex is just a figure of speech to define an interaction between two individuals, whereever you look there is sex, its not really hard to find. I am having sex with at least 150 different things right now and its no big deal. As far as your weiner size I am sure the bacteria inside your peehole dont really notice.

Dude, check this out I'm 40 years old thought I had a small dick my whole life, turns out I do, JK! I got a grower not a shower it's about 5 inches hard that's an average size, so is 4 1/2. You need to put it out of your mind stop watching porn, because that's not reality. A woman will want to be with you because of the man you are, not how big your dick is. And if the off chance, highly unlikely to happen, a woman makes fun of the size of your penis, she can fuck right off. You don't want a relationship based on penis size, I've seen my friend who has a large dick go through some shit, he's probably going to be single the rest of his life, it's sad, really. Don't worry Yea Forumsro good women don't emasculate men, cunts do. Hang in there and don't let that shit bother you! Peace!

>you just have to work without putting your thoughts on your dick and eventually it will show you the way
>let the dick guide you

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thank you man

Welp, might as well put on your sister's clothes in secret and post pictures of yourself riding a dildo like everyone else who didn't make the cut to be a man.

Based Yoda

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Become a trap take dick in your ass the one you got is just a decoration