What are British People Really Like?
What are British People Really Like?
Oi! What's all this, then? Mushy peas, innit?
They're faggots mostly. Couldn't you tell from the accents?
eh wear skirts and doesnt afraid of anything
Literally every city in my great nation has a unique and beautiful accent, you are a nigger and don't know anything about the UK
kinda blew your cover there mate as if anyone from the uk considers dialects other than their own to be anything but gobshite
We're like cold weather Australians.
@Us being faggots, call us what you want but you're the same blood, just immigrants that invaded foreign land ;)
Britfag here. Depends where you are in the country. Southern parts are horrendous, think of downtown LA a bit smaller maybe, colder and more muslims. The more north you go the better the cities are better, less homelessness, less rubbish on the streets, cleaner, friendlier people, communities are mostly white, few "refugees" dotted around but are few and far between. Mostly Irish/Scottish descendants, Sikhs are around and they're incredibly friendly and well mannered, through out their community they're sound people. If you want to Include Scotland and Wales in British people, big cities are trashy, outside of cities unbelievable scenery and nice smaller towns.
This is what the accents would look like if transformed into written text:
على الصعيدين الدولي والمحلي على حد سواء مناقشة سبل استخدام يونكود في النظم القائمة وفيما يخص التطبيقات الحاسوبية، الخطوط، تصميم النصوص والحوسبة متعددة
Most of America is german
Like everyone else. Mostly ordinary people with a steadily increasing number of cunts, druggies, etc thanks to the rapid decline in morality and humanity.
Basically, like every other country in the world, we need eugenics or we're fucked. Too much toxic sludge in the genepool.
The typical Briton is often somewhat stoic, prone to mild eccentricity and casual violence. We like complaining, and bond over things to complain about e.g. weather. We form queues naturally and like order, structure and fairness.
We enjoy a smorgasbord of cuisines due to persistent immigration/colonisation, but if you fry it, we'll probably try it. In my experience we are not dissimilar from the average American, except we are more critical of optimism/dreaming than you are (not a good thing imo). We like to act pragmatic and sensible but really we have an almost underlying sense of 'ennui' like the best has come to pass.
Newer generations tend to be a bunch of cocky, loud, spoilt and rude fuckers with no respect for anything - pretty much like anywhere these days.
Also I haven't included London-ians in this because that is an absolute shit-pit of scum that isn't worth even considering 'British'.
Look at what’s happened to your nations capital
>Most of America is german
what century are you living in?
Don't even get me started. The touristy areas are still quite well maintained, and enjoyable, but the rest of it...christ almighty.
You ever see those videos of like 'a drive through NY or London from the 1950's' and think how much worse things are now?
68% percent of the United States is white excluding white hispanics. Of those 68% the ethnic majority of those people are German, second being English, then welsh, then Irish, then Scottish, then Dutch.
Wannabe Americans
Go over to Britain and find out, numbnuts.
Of course I have. British pathé. Their fucking depressing and I’ve found myself nearly at the brink of tears when I first realized how things have changed for the worst, that was years ago and shit like this doesn’t even faze me anymore, I’m more so focused on making things back to the way they were.
>68% percent of the United States is white excluding white hispanics
Sorry to say this, but the US is barely 50% white excluding white hispanics.
Including white hispanics it's like 59% white.
And the 2020 census will show whites below 50%
The one to the right of the middle is qt
Welsh fag here, were normal, we just have better education and less fast food and incredibly high sugar bullshit. Honestly american confectionary tastes fucking awful to us.
Oi, mate, cunt, sod, tosser, wanker are all things commonly said by us. Any more specific questions?
They're like muriKKKans, only some of them are better educated.
>my great nation
> the UK
Pick one.
>The typical Briton
What is this, 1066?!
Bending over for pakis and nogs. Just like mutts really.
>Pick one.
Being British means we don't have to.
Mostly white and living in bubbles like every other nation
c'mon now. Don't destroy little Adolph's nazi fantasies.
Best cuisine in the world
Well, the Welsh, Scottish, English are more likely than not descendants of the once global superior race known as the true 'Brit' which rightfully gained the largest empire in human history, shaped the world as we know it today, saved Europe on multiple occasions (moreso than faggot americans who claim the brits would be speaking german without them if it wasnt for their "assistance" in ww2 despite not even committing nearly as much to the European front as they seen to believe, the TRUE Brits in my experience having traveled to and from britain on multiple occasions in my life do still exist but in far less numbers, your avg brit today doesnt give a shit about their ancestors supreme history their clear dominance across all over gene pools as it's now considered racist and all that other pc bs, most brits are raised as cucks and faggots due to a general leftist outlook they now have acquired post ww2 and it's truly a shame, I think the UK is a beautiful place particularly Scotland and Wales, whereas england seems to be full of eurofucks, niggers and pakis.
Anyways, Rule Britannia
Hello, Hello. My names Terry and I'm a law abider
There's nothing I like more than getting fired up on beer
And when the weekends here I to exercise my right to get paralytic and fight
Good bloke fairly
But I get well leery when geezers look at me funny
Bounce 'em round like bunnies
I'm likely to cause mischief
Good clean grief you must believe and I ain't no thief.
Law abiding and all, all legal.
And who cares about my liver when it feels good
What you need is some real manhood.
Rasher Rasher Barney and Kasha putting peoples backs up.
Public disorder, I'll give you public disorder.
I down eight pints and run all over the place
Spit in the face of an officer
See if that bothers you cause I never broke a law in my life
>What is this, 1066?!
The description is pretty much spot on mate, you yanks wouldn't last two minutes in my home town before someone would put you in the fucking hospital.
The appetite for casual violence is as old as these islands, did you ever wonder how we colonized so much of the world?
If we hadn't been fighting all over the world in a dozen separate wars then you tax-dodging cunts would still be British.
>put you in the fucking hospital.
Serious (but completely OT) Americunt question:
I thought you guys said "in hospital"
and we said "in the hospital"
I've known 5 brits. Have hated them all. Same kind of shitty narcissistic and empty yet arrogant personalities, fucked up teeth, selfish as fuck and stinky.
Maybe we're getting the worst ones in Sweden.
But seriously though, I hope their shitty island sinks.
notice how nobody died
Thx m8
Judges America by news and TV like. Bunch of spoon-fed cunts.
Oh wait. Americans do that too.
We are one in the same brothers.
>notice how nobody died
dunno, didn't see the conclusion
There are no Britons anymore.
Yeah, they suck.
He needed to die, though. See, the laws there favor criminals. Your politicians think that criminal's desire to slash people with a knife is worth more than the health and well-being of the people he wants to slash.
I believe your life, your bodily integrity, is worth more than the whims of a criminal, and when you are threatened with potential death and almost certain bodily harm, the best option is what stops the threat the quickest.
In stead, you pansies get a single criminal chasing a bunch of cops around the street for a while. It's an excellent way to help your local thugs feel empowered. If they knew drawing a knife could potentially result in a slow death while they feel the life drain from a painful wound, more of them would hesitate.
Great tour guides.
The UK isn't a nation.
Get bent user. Nobody gives a shit what you think
lol You'll just ignore anything that doesn't fit your narrative.
Good luck with your acid attacks, tradesmen getting fined for having a crisps bag in their truck, gardeners being arrested for putting up fences, and carpenters being arrested and fined for carrying a box cutter on the job, only for that same box cutter being returned because they need it for their work -- but it's still illegal to possess.
Oppressing your populace does not reduce or stop crimes. It empowers the authoritarian to further step on your throat, and it empowers criminals to act even more knowing they will face little in the way of consequences because your laws make the criminal the victim.
Kill the criminals. Crime decreases significantly. Hold the threat of violent revolt against the politicians, and they know they can't just do whatever the fuck they want.
They say John Oliver is an intellectual.
> Doesn't fit your narrative
> Promptly spouts a bunch of bullshit narrative.
Go back to CNN Americunt.
They're very British.
The UK is very safe and no one is opressed.
You are the one ignoring anything that doesn't fit your narrative. Fuck off America. Your country is a third world shit hole. Literally the worst place to live in the world outside of warzones. Why the fuck do you think you can tell a successful country what to do?
Kill yourself. You are pathetic and useless, just like your entire shitty thirdworld country.
A large part of the working class are uncivilised, rude, drunk and criminal, but not all of them. The middle class tend to be more outwardly reserved and polite, which is probably why the myth of British people being stoic, polite and reserved is still alive. Really the middle class are petty, rude and judgemental but prefer to avoid confrontation. Drunkenness is probably the only common feature that the two classes share.
Haha. Another Trump supporter. You are a very dumb person. Hope you wear your helmet when you go outside.
A cogent and well-reasoned response®
None of that is real you retard.
Our country is a million times better and safer than yours, get fucked.
Dingdingdingdingding! Winner!
We are just like Americans but with much less pride, narcissism and volume. We prefer pessimism and impartiality.
We’re just Australians but without the relaxed attitude. We take complaining, queuing and paying for our license licenses very seriously.
We’re like the Swiss but without ever being on time. Public services are a bad joke.
We’re like the Germans but have a shitty industry.
The southern, more rural parts of the country are like the shire from lord of the rings. The midlands are like the first area in a fantasy video game. The northern parts are the second area. London is basically Mordor but instead of orcs and goblins it’s Muslims and the homeless.
Hello Muhammad
Fuck Donald Trump. The man hates the Constitution, and has voiced his opinion on the matter repeatedly. The man thinks the news media should be regulated (They shouldn't be allowed to say that!, says Trump), hates free speech, hates the due process of law, hates armed citizens (though he acknowledges he'll be elected if he panders just hard enough to the right crowd).
Fuck authoritarianism.
Muslims are much more civilised than the average Brit. Pic related
Northern England in a nutshell
What the fuck
>The man thinks the news media should be regulated (
Source on that? I don't like Trump either - he's a Zio puppet and neocon - but I don't think he's wrong for criticising the American media which is a total shitfest
Don't agree with him. He'll be tweeting about that tomorrow.
All the brutish people I’ve ever met, always had an air of confirmed boredom about them!
Can confirm. Am bored. Be funnier Yea Forums
God that looks horrible no wonder we left that shit hole
Need american enjenuity to fix your nasty fucking food
BBC likes to promote the US's unnecessary wars as well.
> Kids in cages, Walmart regulars, slaughtered schools
You really traded up user!
Betcha can't eat just one.
I agree. BBC is propaganda and the worst thing about it is that many people still think it's an unbiased, reliable news outlet
And then there's the injury they add to the insult…
I'll see your spotted dick
and raise 6 faggots in gravy
Bbc is unbiased news.
>Bbc is unbiased news.
shitty b8 m8
Honest question. What would be the single best thing to do in your opinion to return to the better old ways?
Haha, the actual state of Britain
Kill all the neoliberals/neoconservatives.
Outlaw mortmain. Again.
looks like a bad hair day on both sides of the pond