Why are you still a virgin while in your mid-late 20s or god forbid your 30s user? maybe i can give advice!
Why are you still a virgin while in your mid-late 20s or god forbid your 30s user? maybe i can give advice!
yep, found the one but shes not interested
she's not ''the one'' then
women that dont want to have sex are not worth the time. Seriously. no matter how cynical it sounds, sex is EVERYTHING in a relationship.
maybe not, idc anymore
if she has no interests into you, well she is not worth your time. Find another girl, which will have interest in you. Easier said than done, but that's how it works
ur mom gay
i guess so
Should I hire an escort?
yes, best thing you can do to build confidence without comitting or playing the game.
I'm virgin because I'm born in September
That's all the virgin you'll find in me
if u do tho make sure she does GFE (girl friend experience).
fortunately i foresaw this turn of events, and had the insight to create a copy, which is in the process of maturation currently for the next 8 years
Sex isn't as good as it sounds
I'd rather worship it for the rest of my life than realize that it isn't the best thing of all time
I'm just too lazy to commit, honestly
I'm still a virgin and I'll be 40 soon, got any advice on that?
Dont want to fuck a stranger but someone i like and thrust
is it easier past 30?
Keep your freedom
It's about the same. Though my boners aren't as stout anymore.
I did pick up the hobby of drawing furry lolis though, so that's something.
its pretty fun and comfy tho.
first question is, why?
Fear, mostly.
get a escort.