Hypocritical. Corrupt. Ignorant. Incompetent. Mentally unstable. Racist. Misogynistic. White supremacist. Xenophobic...

Hypocritical. Corrupt. Ignorant. Incompetent. Mentally unstable. Racist. Misogynistic. White supremacist. Xenophobic. Islamophobic. Self aggrandizing. Self dealing. Disrespects allies. Embraces dictators. And all wrapped up in a constant stream of lies.
Ladies and gentlemen: your President of the United States.

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Other urls found in this thread:



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What! I'm intrigued, I've never heard this before...

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Yup. Utter failure. He'll be gone 1/20/21.

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Go back to Twitter you solf shelled cuck

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Fucking degenerate.
Do fucking something or shut the fuck up you loser faggot

You crying all day every day only hurts your position. Fucking pathetic and zero critical thought

Great, only 435+ more days to go of this back-and-forth between Trump-lovers and Trump-haters!

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Yeah I'm not the one crying and making threads every single fucking day like a chimp.
You fucking nigger. Your time is coming
Cope for four more years.

Fucking love it. Can't wait til Joe restores dignity to the office.

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He's from /pol/. Kicked off over a year ago and came here. This is the 'It's Over" guy, the Trump spammer, top goyim and DSA operative. Pic related is my advice, but it will cap, the left is that hated and for good reason.

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I only see the homo shit from the left.
Of course it's the leftists that are the fucking faggots without a soul.
Keep saving that gay shit fag

>the seethe

Is it the Israeli dick in his mouth that makes you angry or that the wall still isn't finished?

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OP is all of those things and more since the left harbors pedophiles

I thought you were talking about liberals for a minute until you corrected me at the end

>trust me guys
>I'm an internet detective

It's the fact that you're such a fucking ignoramous and all you do is seethe in your DERANGEMENT syndrome while we laugh continuously.
Fuck yourself you fat nosed Jew kike.
You got four more years of making threads so start being funny

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Easy there champ. Your heart can't take this strain.

>Muh soggy knee
Cry harder

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Yeah. I'm out.
You're a fucking loser.
Who saves these pics on their computer besides leftists?
Degeneracy. I will accept the hood. When the day comes.

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The two aren't mutually exclusive. I'll give you that one is a bigger problem than the other, but both are definitely problems.

That's the right. See: Trump, Kavanaugh, Foley, Epstein.

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Poor melty snowflake

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not an argument

Still your president and will be again after 2020..

nice bait thred faggot. go fellatiate a loaded mossberg.

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not an argument

you forgot the most important trait of any of them, hes an oldazz old fuggin man.

no trump no biden no bernie next tiem k? literally anyone else is fine.

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You forgot …


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Starting a thread and not even being able to defend yourself.
Fucking leftys.
You can't even tie a knot to hang yourselves with.

Orange man . BADD!

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>donkey face cortez

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Oh, by the way, keep posting "stay mad kid", libtard. Your posts reflect your shitty arguments

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You don't meet many Roosevelt fans / Obama haters. I'm guessing you didn't finish high school.

>cherry picking

Forever the asshole, eh RR?

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except trump hired acosta you nitwit

Is that Andy Cooper?

Stay mad fag

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Stay mad fag

Imagine losing an election to that mess? You’d have to suck pretty hard right?

Yeah you especially. Stay mad lol keep it up

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cry more, lie more, triggered little leftard

>don't meet many roosevelt fans/ obama haters

You don't, but many others sure do. How about you take a step to the fucking right, faggot?

This, except unironically.

Keep crying you absolute fucking autist OP. You're giving us a good time

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still better than Hillary

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how bout you take a step toward healthcare is a human right instead of doing nothing about it like trump?

Don’t talk about yourself like that bro

Remember when they said "Madam President"?

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she does dress better than trump

Seething OP

Really, so you love the most liberal president in history, but not the center-left president... because he was liberal.

You're a special kind of stupid.

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Looks like she finally had a stroke, bad picture user.

Keep seething OP, your my favorite leftty lolcow of the hour

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You niggers are faggots and unconscionably stupid.
Sage this post, faggots.

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should be "the nightmare begins"

No I like to belittle the faggot.
And you're a faggot too

and that's a good thing!

well thats politicians in a nutshell. what's your point?

He's not a politician.

he is now.

He's your president for 8 years now so fucking get used to it

Might wanna try that math again, little guy.

Yeah you too chimp

Whether you fall on the left or right, anyone still supporting Trump is a autistic, stupid, or retarded. The guy is a complete fucking idiot.

It used to irritate me to see these shill threads up in the same tired format every 10 minutes but you know, thinking on it, it just tells me they're still worried. These threads are a sign we are winning and that we're gonna keep winning.

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Don't be mad when he gets obliterated in 2020 okay?

Yeah keep saying that , then keep making these threads for four years while we laugh more

>you too

Trump took office in what, early 2017? That isn't 8 years, you fucking mongoloid.

>can't count to eight
>calling other people chimp

The state of Yea Forums

8 total years of presidency you fucking cretins.
Fucking pathetic

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This level of idiocy can't be faked.

Everyone hates trump but the sad reality is that he represents the truth of the American people. He is what half of America is. Really fucking stupid. Time to move on from the USA.

I have no pity for your chimp brain. All I get is keks.

You know, if I could let him do what Putin did to Russia and become president for life, I would. He's the best president the US has ever had or ever will have, he would make a good king.

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Lol at all the libtards in here. MAGA! 2020 baby, ya'll stay mad.

Bruh I don't need pity from someone who thinks 4 is 8

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USA is as shitty as ever IDK was trump supporters are so excited about

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No one needs you at all.

It stated as a meme. Just like the casual racism back in the day. Then people made memes their life and here we are.

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If someone holds up four fingers do you scream out eight?

He's getting too wacky. Even his base are getting tired of his horseshit. He doesn't know when to shut up.

What is the great America you want to return to?
The time when women stayed home and men went to work?
I don't understand.

Go back to Jail loser

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>evades question

You're doin terrific

No he's not


Hey faggot.
How many squares are up there? You know which one you're on right?

And yet he won? What does that say about his opponent? And before hurr-durr da too pidid pee po voded fo him, I'm not asking about the people, I'm asking about the opposing candidate, to be specific HILLARY CLINTON since that was the choice you dumb faggots.

They are literally incapable of answering anything legitimately

Are you a clairvoyant? Can you tell me which stocks will rise in the next four years?


Hahahhahahahahhahahhahhahaahaha there's fucking nine pictures ahahhahahhahahahhahahah you can't make this shit up

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Get the fuck off of here , you really think you can sway Yea Forums with your political bullshit ?

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voting for him. The chosen one.

His mind is going...

Name his replacement.
Pro tip: you can't.

>sway Yea Forums
You think Yea Forums are all Trumptards? You fucking moron. Only the retarded half of Americans are. The entire rest of the world fucking HATES you, and we're going to KILL YOU :)

Soon :)

**retarded 36%

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Europoors often have delusions of superiority

yep. he's right, ya know. one way or the other & Yea Forums will be a better place.

No u

If you have to make a list it means no single one is compelling enough. You're losing.

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Quit posting Ivan.

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>All trump supporters are fat
makes sense

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