Honestly has Yea Forums been a good thing for your life or a bad thing...

Honestly has Yea Forums been a good thing for your life or a bad thing? I honestly feel like anymore rounded human since being here. If you think it's been a bad thing for your life post a Belle Delphine and tell us why.

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im just here for the delphines

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Yea Forums was a bad thing for me, in 2014 I was considering being a mass shooter because of the type of stuff Yea Forums was exposing me to. I ended up having a nervous breakdown and went to counselling instead. I was off of it for years but recently started coming back

>has Yea Forums been a good thing for your life or a bad thing?
a good thing. perfect to waste time and be myself without worrying about other people opinions

this. I would do so far as to say Yea Forums is mankind's crowning achievement.

A big ass waste of time and life while you are developing your shitposting skills people are gaining real life experience and working on themselves

>people are gaining real life experience and working on themselves

yeah but who fucking cares about that

You when you go outside and see how backward you are compared to others

while you were shitposting on Yea Forums I was mastering the blade

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nudes pls

the whole point of being a shitposter is that you don't compare yourself to others

That looks like a bathtub filled with fake jizz.
Such scenes of women literally bathing in male ejaculate are common in hentai.
Not gonna lie. Delphine knows her customer base.

Just don't give her any money please.

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>point of being a shitposter

lol. no.

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It wasn't very effective...


Try hitting up some of your more obscure boards. It's fun, but sometimes I purposely get myself banned from a board so I stop going there for awhile /pol/

Where else can you go that people understand humor

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I kek‘d. This is true dude, but drug has settled in, no way back.

Not enough delphines. Hold in one sec.

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Ok this should balance things out.

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She honestly just creeps me out but I kinda want to play Texas hold em with her.


>scuse me

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I would have probably been another NPC without this place. Unable to challenge ideas, take real criticism, and would probably still have some form of white guilt. The most important thing this place taught me is to say fuck it.

i dont like the fake ass sexi pictures
i wish she would just post a normal picture of herself in a normal environment

its ok i guess. when i feel like shit i can come on here and shitpost until its late enough to sleep and try again tomorrow

That's a rough looking broad.

Like this one, assuming it's her and not altered?

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I want Belle to castrate me

oh yeah i forgot about that one

That looks so horribly fake

Bad bad bad. I've been posted here (not the bad bit, but not so great either) I'm addicted to reading everyone's shit, waste bulk time aimlessly looking at porn and the like. I have an unhealthy view of females and consequently of myself. 4 Chan is the devil. But here I am.
And I fucking hate belle dolphin or whatever her stupid name is. She legit makes me angry.

Yea Forums is probably my second favorite website after YouTube, but Reddit is starting to take up a lot of love just because of all the autism I've been able to find. Essentially people of Yea Forums in different places.

Been coming here for years. Mostly just to pass time in my bleak life.

I mainly lurk since I don't like interacting with total retards. That being said, there are some decent people here, they're just rare among the countless spastics.

Pretty sure that during my early days here I became desensitized to gore which was a bad thing I guess?. Also pretty sure that coming here got me into traps, which I don't see as a bad thing really.

Overall I would say my time here has been neither good nor bad. It's just another meaningless thing in my meaningless life.

fuck niggers

Have intercourse with African-Americans.

Engage in acts copulatory in nature, with peoples of African decent.

Ironically kinda opened my mind cause I grew up being told liberal ideals, and now I'm somewhere in the middle and don't take offense to disagreement because there is nothing anyone can say to me in real life that even rivals the shit I've seen and read here. Thank you for breaking me in like a cheap pair of shoes, anons

Dubs gets more make your request

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tiddy fuck

I've learned critical thinking, research skills, to question everything,especially authoritative figures, to defend my opinion and never allow anyone to change it just because they don't agree with it or because it hurt their feelings, to use facts and evidence to base my arguments, and not emotions. That race or having a vagina does not validate your post simply for having them, and that if you take offense to being called a nigger, you've already lost in life

Yea Forums isnt like this anymore, and im glad i was here in 2004+ and grew up with the real internet and not this echo chamber that millennials and zoomers are growing up in where emotions and pc matter more then factually support evidence

No clue why the fuck it double posted

haha first one too

Don't have

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camel toe pics?

Anyone fapping to her?

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Yes. Show butthole

Think she takes it in the ass?

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Yea Forums made me gay idk if that's good or bad depending on how you look at it

>t. newfag

You got one with her bending over?

t. guy who didn't get the joke

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Best ass shot

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Best shot here imo agreed. Moar?

oh my god stop. the joke wasnt that i was pretending to be a newfag. those two posts were double posts
now do you get it?

the "coolness competition" is the worst thing about this website

I was using the internet before 2009 but that's when I found Yea Forums so I consider that to be the year I officially started using the internet

Anyone gonna bust their nuts for her?

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Gymnast, cheerleader, or something else?

Anything nude?

Dancer. Amazing legs and feet

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I met my now wife and mother to my daughter on
Yea Forums. She ended up dropping everything and moving across the country to be with me, so I'd say its worked out well

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thats so sad. she never posts uncensored stuff so these retards go to the effort of photoshopping a pussy on her in order to not feel scammed.

Go on...

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hi nigola

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cutie for sure. age/relation to you?

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I went to a date with a coworker, and we where playing some ice breaking games during the date.
She looked at me and asked me what is the first word that comes in my mind...
It was nigger. Literally the world nigger. The worst part is that english is not even my mother tongue...

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my dad

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There is no way this fucking happened this is some shitty bait.

Hmm, quite

What's her ig?


Well, your daughter is as shapely as a relative of mine who happens to engage in similar activites so kuddos. Also, moar kind sir

Post yours

Where else can one talk about the sex they had with their sister growing up.
Fuck its cheaper than therapy

i've been here since 2006 frankly I don't really have a good handle on who I was then

I'm 33 now

4 chan is great dude... you can say whatever the hell you want and in 20-30 minutes its gone forever. So say you have some red spot on your nutsack but are too embarrased to ask irl you can just post it here and all the experts will tell you what to do. It is simple really. You get to have any conversation you want that could be too embarrassing to have irl.

Well that and... I found the answer to an honest question I had all my life. "Why do women find men attractive?" 4 chan has a funny way of answering that... now I know @_@

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Op here, been out drinking. What the fuck happened to this thread?

Literally read this and found a red spot on my Gooch that you have to know about

yeah, except sometimes you say something that angers the faggot mods and they ban you


sage and hide


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