I'm making a Yea Forums clone. What would you change about this site?
I'm making a Yea Forums clone. What would you change about this site?
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Nice multi post faggot
who are you?
A pedo board.
get rid of all the fucking spooks
no more https
Remember a few year ago when there was actual content? I'd try to go back to that. Maybe moderate the porn on Yea Forums... it's random so its allowed of course but fuck if that isnt all there is these days. Try to bring OC in, make it a culture haven again. Post information threads, revamp anarchy threads, maybe post scans of the anarchists cook book on a regular basic in order to attract the right people. Fuck if I know though
just use ID like on /soc for everyone
Better moderation. By which I mean any moderation. Stricter board use. And no "random" or "general" board; everything on Yea Forums could fit into new subdivisions.
I have a fetish for cum in eyes and this image gave me a slight erection
user is the one that decides what content is on Yea Forums. If user only wants porn, there will be only porn. Pic related is literally (You).
ban the niggers and all nigger-related content
Ban niggers, jews and Muslims.
>Yea Forums clone
so another pedo haven site?
Call it 44chan, Block israel from posting and keep porn posting on Yea Forums to a minimum.
no fucking captchas
4inches detected
Automated bans that merely require 7 reports
No rules against raiding. Less porn. Etc
The user base, I'd make the new Yea Forums teenage girls only.
Lol, made one before you. Never finished it but you could upload photos and vids. Built all from scratch. Go to /g/ for that shit. Could post old ass development demo videos
Bring snacks back
ban traps
Beast board since eight Chan is gone.
Fuck off kike. Yea Forums has always been anonymous. We need to bring back noko, ban trip fags, avatar threads, and other gay shit.
The truth could not be more spoken than with this post, friend. The loss of InfiniteChan was a devastating blow to our pedophilically inclined brethren.
No gore or animal abuse
>Lol, made one before you. Never finished it
So you never made one
ban all the newfriends
Make boards that can filter out some of the samey shit Yea Forums keeps complaining about, like giving traps their own board, so they take up less space on the random board.
That looks really nice user! Why didn't you go forward with it?
Which imageboard software are you gonna use? Is tinychan still a thing? To answer your question, I would train an AI by hand using google's new fancy deep learning bullshit, and just let it hand out 3day b&s however it wanted w/o review.
Still better than furries.
make sure that OP can never get on it
I would make it like how 30chan was
just one board
maybe add a blue board
I would just mirror certain boards on Yea Forums only slower, but add the ability to post to the mirror threads so that only other mirror users could see it.
>pedophilia is a lesser evil than drawing cartoon animals
How old were they ya sick fuck?
Was making it for a discord group but they left me and I lost all hope and inspiration.
This website is the gunny pig that I was learning to code with and the only one I have made advance enough to resemble its purpose. It can currently do photos and webms up to 20 mb. I always hated the 4mb rule
I don't care about evil. Pedos think outside the box and have a sick sense of humor like mine. They're fun to talk to anonymously. Furries are relentless autists who spam terrible art and try to smear their shit all over everything they can. They're almost a political party, and can yiff in hell.
i'd make it to were you can't make shit threads anymore
Gay porn >:)
Don't waste your time.
Ever think of giving it another go?
>What would you change about this site?
Shut up yellow nigger no one gives a shit about your bullshit crusade
Somtimes I muster up the will to write 10 - 20 lines of could but then just give up. tbh Im thinking of trying again or finish it to a state of decent standing as a source for a job or something. My main worry is I have no way to legally protect my self because loli isnt illegal in my state, its still a major grey zone.Then I have the problem of storage, hosting, and name domain.
There's dozens of Yea Forums clones. None of them get traffic because they're all identical to Yea Forums. You're not clever enough to make something novel or to break new ground. Don't bother.
>No redditors
>No phoneposters
>No twitch meme shit
>No discord trannys
>No politics shit fling
boom its already 10 thousand times better
Just the second and fifth would be enough, really.
That first point needs to be heavily emphasized.
Block all IP addresses from Russia. That'll help more than you might realize.