Other urls found in this thread:
Best bro claimed
Hell no. I'm insulted by this
Hey man, you coulda fooled me.
y-yeah just metaphorically
its good if you enjoy yourself and have fun :)
and i dont think youre the worst astolfo claimer, although youre the only one i know so if we're going to be technical....
oh, sorry i guess i didnt really understand
youre welcome, i dont remember which one it was. if its whiskey lullaby thats a favorite of mine
hello :)
i always like your pictures of ritsu they look really cool
Comrade!! I have come to haunt you!~
mai po
ster claim
for ever
2 = 16
4 = 16
I love Fujino!
Still disrespecting me like that. I'll remember you
Yaaa, metaphorically, nudge nudge. All good
What other option do i have. Have to take a moment to enjoy the small things or those mundane moments. It helps change your mental image of things... That or i'm just really really dumb. It's probably that. Hope you also find enjoy in those little things
What a shame. The worst one is your first :P
That's the one. Whiskey is my kind of lullaby. Love everything about it, really appreciative you
shared it with me
Hello, hello. Sadly it is me who is running around your walls
You don't even know my name~
uhhh suffering i guess. its probably a bit more nuanced than that, i just hope you have fun is all, and thank you i hope i find enjoyment too :)
but also the best one!
oh its very good, its no problem at all, im honestly glad you like it.
it feels very.... sad. haha, i dunno i just really like it a lot
Hi hi dear comrade! How are you today? Done anything?
Nope, if I'm trapped then you are trapped with me dear comrade
So bored
im well! ive been playing world of warcraft for a few hours now. i have the day off so im just taking it easy
how are you?
how are you today?
Am gud, had a very comf day today.
im glad to hear it!
got any plans for the rest of your day or just gonna extend your comf right into sleep?
For rest of the day? I think I do since it's just past midnight lol. And I'll probably not go to bed for another hour either. I got people like you to talk to after all.
When it comes to insulting me there is only 2 people who'd do it. I have a guess
You keep chatting with like that and i'll infect you. Don't underestimate stupidity
Always try to. Good you do as well
Oh me. You flatter me
I definitely enjoy it. Hits what you're saying just perfect, not too much over to be sappy not too little to be forgettable. Maybe that says something about me. It's got good instrumentals with vocals coming in at just the right spot. Really good song. I thank you
But who was trapped with who the whole time
Fine, how about it's a draw and we're equally as bothersome/ great?~
Well then if I give you three guesses that should be plenty!
I'll not give up until i hold the title of most annoying. Got to make sure i live up to my claim
Hows your day been going. Hope well
Natalie, kei or jules only ones who remember me
If your actually not them, i got no clue, my bad
fair enough!
oh, thank you, you flatter me. im sure im not so interesting to talk with as you think
i dont think thats how it works
i do! :)
hmmm, i cant say what it means that you like it, but i like it because its kind of about a guy who's already given up and its just kinda like "ah whatever, can it really even get much worse from here?"
and maybe that says something about -me-, but oh well :)
p.s. very impressive doot
Hey hey people, degenerate here
Ruusskies never surrender dear comrade! And my day is great, only 25 minutes past midnight and am already talking to a few great comrades, one of them being you.
Nahhh you're pretty neat to talk to dear comrade.
how are you today?
I feel like im still high from the mivht before so pretty gross rn. How about you?
oh no, youre too kind, thank you :)
i see, im sorry to hear that. i hope it clears itself up soon
im good, i have the day off work so im just taking it easy. i was playing wow until a minute ago but i got bored so now im gonna play something else. fallout probably
do you have any plans for the day?
Why am I in a discord?
why does your waifu have a terrible character design
Who's Waifu? This is Boogiepop. Duh.
Yeah i reckon ill watch some movies with my roommate
that sounds very comfy! i hope you enjoy them :)
how are you today?
Okay, perplexed, feeling a little bad for all the special kids in this server. Youself?
i see, must be an interesting server
im good, i have the day off work today so im just playin vidya and taking it easy
got any plans for the rest of your day?
I love maki!
I dont even know what i'm doing here lol, I was invited by people from this thread.
Only a while before it's tomorrow honestly so probably browse, chat a little and head off at some point. You playing anything interesting?
Tis the truth. And sorry but I think am going to sleeo bow, exhaustion finally caught up with me
You've already underestimated stupidity, you poor fool, what have you done
Good on you, buddy
One way i took it as a guy who fell into addiction, who gave in to it all abandoning their hopes.Your interpenetration also fits with the drinking himself lines. Maybe that's one reason i like the song so much. It creates thoughts, but maybe that says something about me
Hi ho hi ho
We have a challenge. The German in my won't let me quit
That's good, but you should call in a night soon considering it's about midnight for you by now. You don't want to be having a bad time like the other poster a few days back. I also can't associate with some one who doesn't respect proper sleeping etiquette :P
Oh my. Too kind
oh, who knows then
i see, well i hope you enjoy yourself :)
right now im playing fallout new vegas, i started a new run recently so just going through the stuff
thats alright, i hope you get some nice rest :)
im gonna head out to dinner here in a minute actually so i may disappear suddenly
i-i dont know, what have i done?
well forgive me if im wrong, but im pretty sure Patrick Schneeweis, the vocalist and frontman for most of his projects including johnny hobo traveled around homeless for a while, and was involved in every kind of substance abuse, alcohol, heroin, etc, so its probably more about addiction and all that than anything else, but its broad enough that i can kind of pull how i feel out of it too, i guess
maybe everything says something about someone!
hello there! :)
bad timing im sorry to say, im heading out to dinner in just a moment, so ill see you later :)
Oh? New Vegas is neat. It's a shame Bethesda games are being dumbed down for accessibility. I'm currently going back into Skyrim and just seeing what works in VR.
Hope you have a good run and RNG be with you.
Well let this be the start of a new friendship then, and you can add to your list.
>dumbed down for accessibility
What world do you live in?
They are being dumbed down because the target audience is dumb.
>the target audience is dumb.
yes, accessibility
>A game developed on PC to ship primarily ported to consoles.
>UI controller based
>babymode automated or limited functions
The only good thing about Fallout 4 was the basic engine update and the voice thing which they hadn't done before with a sandbox and even that was limited to average American Christian names and limiting mechanically.
I remember being able to dress myself on Morrowind, get out of here with that 3 piece outfit shit.
>>A game developed on PC to ship primarily ported to consoles.
When are they going to start developing games on Xbox?
You've open pandora box be ready unmatched stupidity
>well forgive me if im wrong
Wait. I did not imply you where wrong only meant to give my one view point
That's an interesting guy. At least he's one who got himself clean. See too many fall in those traps
It's definitely vague enough an relatable. If your not a good boy. It let's the listener put themselves in those shoes easily
Says something about a someone with pink hair
Wait? You're not one of them and your not messing with me? Welcome to club, look foreword to having you forget about me
I am not one of them. Why would I mess with you?
Alright, what should I call you then? You know, so I can forget it later.
It's kind of already started. This is what we get for having nice things.
People shouldn't dilute games because they're being ported. They should buck up and ride out the exclusive sales if they put in too much unoptimised crap. This is why we have shitty games like Destiny or whatever ever hollow franchise.
I don't know you are posting pics my one buddy would. I'm skeptical
Just called astolfo here so that works. If you what to call me something else don't mind. What should i call you, future buddy
You mentioned i should know you. Give me a hint, you've shamed me
I don't think they would be developing games on a console. That was the joke I was making. All games are developed ON PC.
No shit sherlock, all games are developed on a PC.
You do realize that the console market is way bigger than PC, right? It simply brings more money.
See above.
There was absolutely nothing good about FO4, you might as well name it "wasteland survivor" and it would be as "good" as FO4. Protagonist VO? callouts? It was possible many years ago, in fact, it has been done before.
It's the same engine they are using since Morrowind. Even the old code from gamebryo is still present till this day, hence the same bugs over and over again.
>you are posting pics my one buddy would
That's just because Fate is too popular. I should use one of my less used folders.
>you mentioned I should know you
No, never said that, just wondered if you knew Nezi because you were both from ponychan~
You can call me Spec if you want.
How are you all?
I know but sooner or later there will be some lame drag and drop equivilent. It'll happen.
O rly? That being said it's nonsense to scale down your engines capabilities just because you can hit some more sales. You can tell when developers cut corners but people still buy the shit anyway and fork up for the DLC to boot.
I'm not saying it's a different engine, I know what a fucking iteration is. It's improved a lot since and I was referring to bethesda's sandboxes, particularly Fallout not the entire industry as a whole.
Oooohhh your that guy from last thread. Ya, i don't know who that is besides who you said i was talking to last thread. Sorry
Not a ponyfag, never was
I'll try to remember your that, am bad with names but yours should be easy to remember
I'm good. Meeting new people who'll forget about me. What about yourself
This contract is now sealed then, Astolfo-bro.
Feeling pretty fucking gnu-emo-metalcore right now.
I'm seeing if these threads give me happiness to post in like they used to~
A very specific mood! Are you the old Tomofriend?
>old Tomofriend?
I don't know what you mean by that. So probably not.
Ah, I see. There was a different Tomo poster a year and a half or so back who I was friends with, I was hoping I'd see someone familiar if I came back.
Yeah, good luck with that.
More than likely you are thinking of S-mug, they always post Tomoko drinking from a coffee mug. Sound familiar?
Yes, that exact poster!
Sealed by dubs. Okay now i'm scared
Spec buddy don't hurt me i'm sensitive
Hmm. I can only say they are calmer now. Depending on time. So if you like a slower more relaxed thread you might find it here
It only hurts at first.
I'm checking off now, see ya next time bro.
Literally, every single game that releases on consoles scales down their capabilities because consoles lack the computing power and memory. And yes, sales, etc. are being taken into consideration heavily.
It makes perfect sense to scale it down, you don't want console retards to yell at you that you sold them "inferior" product, it translates into sales after all. As I said, whether you like it or not (I don't) console market is way bigger than PC and absolutely nothing is going to change about it in years because of how they're designed to function.
It's the very same engine with minor/major changes (to an extent) It didn't really improve a lot since 2002 if you take into consideration what new (at the time; post 2002) engines were capable of. Bethesda is a few years behind any new modern engine at the moment, and they do not intend to change anytime soon. Their sandboxes are literal copy-pasta's with minor adjustments, much like Ubisoft's.
I suppose it's a lot better than when the threads were filled with spammers!
What do you think of Akame?
What hurts at first?!?
Have a good one new buddy. See you around
Most left after that so you might not see familiar faces. Hope you enjoy your welcome back, just don't have high hopes, sorry
hello!!!! the person avatarfagging as akame? they were a cool person that i enjoyed talking to, it's nice to meet people who have similar interests as you, i don't meet many anymore, why do you ask?
My waifu can beat up your waifu, faggots.
Yeah, I had a feeling I wouldn't. Doesn't mean I can't make new friends, though~
Well when you win the lottery remember i welcomed you back :P
Then be my friend!
Listen, don't talk to him anymore
why not? he seemed cool and i have no opinion against him because he hasn't done anything wrong to me, just a cool person to talk to, why should i not talk to him? is he bad news?
Decent day
goodnight everyone
goodnight friend, sleep well
he's a comfy person and I want him all to myself
god i wish I was that teddy bear
How can i say no after dubs
Too bad i'll be the worst friend here :P
Goodnight, rest well
i'm not interested in him in anyway but being friends that like similar games so don't worry, if that doesn't satisfy you then too bad i guess
Pfft, you seem like a nice friend :)
Make sure it doesn't go any further
i'll make sure of it
Thank you for understanding...
I'll keep my eye on you just in case
Pfft, your pfft. You've given me a chance to disappoint you, i'll take it
Heh, disappointing me is impossible.
i'd rather not have a stalker but it's your life, do whatever satisfies you i guess, i don't think guys really like over controlling relationships but idk him well enough to know if that's his thing or not
deadtube friend, how do you enjoy the manga or do you just like mai? i only read it for mai because she's really cute
Is this a challenge? You and junko will learn my abilities
he knows i'm quite possessive and obsessed of him... smothering and over protective...
but we're working on it... and we made progress...
I still lose my mind when he doesn't answer the phone
At this point, just sticking around for Mai. The raccoon suit killer arc was fucking great, and I enjoyed the incestuous anti-superhero arc although not as much, but the current arc is too edgy for me. The whole school shooter incel shit just isn't interesting or creative imo. But yeah, Mai is a badass yandere goddess.
Try me!
well it's good you and him are working on being less possessive, relationships are about trust so don't forget that and try to be a little more open
the raccoon arc had the best gore and story hands down, the hero arc was more comedic for me and yea the whole school arc is just so edgy, even by this manga's standards
just remember he belongs to me
you can have him, he has good tastes in manga, anime and games so he's a real keeper, good tastes yandere user
back in MY day, we only had room for ONE mai poster!
can either of you recommend decent yandere manga? just finished ana satsujin and loved it.
How many times (Insert name) got the thread spammed. Counting began 17.08.
Tsugu: 6
Akame: 3
Aegis: 2
Matsuri: 2
Undefined: 1
Kokichi: 1
Djeeta: 1
Retarded incel
ana satsujin is the only other decent yandere manga i can think of outside of mirai nikki and some one shots, sorry man but damn ana satsujin was so good
he makes me so happy
seriously if you take him from me you'll regret it
Come at me bro!!! I'll give you stone cold stunner if you think i can't push your buttons
Back in my day we could only handle 1 burn
Looks like he's having fun. See you next thread or around. Take care /waifu/
i don't what yandere is...
it's good he makes you happy, he seems like a great guy, i'd like to get to know him more too and become friends
I wish Djeeta would stop
sexy time?
This is what happens when mothers breastfeed their kids until they're twelve
im back
nice 9s
yeah its pretty good! i hope the next bethesda game is less dumbed down. i doubt it though, the way things are going.
thank you!
there's always a bigger idiot, as they say. dont be so hard on yourself
i meant if i was wrong about what i said after, thats just how i understand it
yeah he did one album thats sort of his experience with getting clean and stuff, dont ask me which i think its a 'pat the bunny' album
says something about everyone! i dont know, i hope youre ok
my waifu isnt for fighting, so youre probalby right
Go get your dad out of the bar and your mom off of the street corner
talking to you is making me itch...
Why are you mad?
Stupid indian immigrant, imagine being "American" that cannot speak proper englando.
why's that? nothing wrong with becoming friends with the person you like, you can have them but they seem like they'd make a great friend so you don't need to worry
Being gay
hi there!
hello there! who are you and how is your day today?
>Shitronella (you): All