Happening in 10 minutes. White bois on suicide watch

happening in 10 minutes. White bois on suicide watch


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well that was shit

Who gives a fuck. Taylor swift is a no talent sjw coal burner


>*blocks your fantasy.

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from sean o'pry to some ugly nigger
talk about hero to zero lol

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She's a lesbian

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>when you accidentally reveal that you're a flaming cuck faggot.jpeg

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Wtf why would she do this?
Fucking nigger lover

this made me a little sad but then I remembered Saint Tarrant slaughtered 51 mudpigs in the name of lulz get fucked kike

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Why do you have dick pics on your pc? That's really fucking gay.

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the only way she can write albums is if she CAUSES drama in a relationship then breaks up with them.

Fuck her.

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yeah I really don't understand why anyone would get involved with her

No, I don't want to see your selfies bro. Stap.

Tenda is a fucking mongrel subhuman who should be fucking shot! Prove me wrong!

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OP here. white bois btfo! xD

but can someone shoop a blacked logo on this screenshot?

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White boys on suicide watch

Okay Dimitri.