Why do republicans think immigration is a big issue

why do republicans think immigration is a big issue

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The poor ones do because their jobs are most in danger of being taken. But the rich ones probably love it because it provides cheap labor for their businesses AND the persecution only extends to the immigrants themselves, not the businesses that hire them. It's really a win-win, in their book

for the most part they are pretty fucking stupid

Nothing sounds more fun to me than more of my taxes going towards helping even more freeloading faggots. Seriously, I can't tell if you fuckheads are trolling still or if you genuinely do not see the economic damage that is being done.

>Muh taxes
Your boss is stealing more money from you than you will ever pay in taxes

Not sure if I'm understanding you, Captain Nonsequitor

What are you talking about with taxes and freeloaders and faggots and all that shit?

Explain yourself

What I don't get is why no one is talking about legal aliens boosting Social Security. Whole dame SS system is destined to run out of funds in a decade or two, and those aliens would boost its funds quite alot. Even odder, the poor Americans fighting immigration are the ones that will need SS most.

case in point


Get hired to do a job. Agree to pay. Do job. Get agreed upon pay. OMG boss is sealing from me!!!!! Fuck off commie scum. Cut your hair and get a job.

Which are they, freeloading faggots or jerb stealers?

Democrats have already tried in the past to pass laws allowing illegals to collect SS . It's not a gain.

someone doesn't have an economics degree

It's called Shrodinger's Immigrant

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Because they immigrated here and got theirs, so now everyone else can fuck off.

>i just don't understand why anyone wouldn't want to live around spics

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Freeloading faggots

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Looks like they just played the long game and took back their rightful land, and some extra as interest.

Republicans don’t hate immigration. They hate illegal immigration

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You don't make enough money to matter

This, or

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>my taxes are going to freeloading faggots

>even though i support a president who avoided paying his taxes

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nice one dude republitards owned by how much more eloquent and intelligent democrat presidents were than this current nitwit

thats because trump supporters hate legal immigrants to,the only immigrants they'll accept are people who are white and stupid.just like them

funny,their attitude suggests otherwise.trumpshit

also,republicans dont even care about immigration.its only an issue when trump became president,every other republican has cared about the constitution and freedom that your orange man has shit on

that you on the left ?

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Kek, spoken like a true NPC wage slave that will live his life on 500$/month for the rest of his life.


Republicans won't understand this though. This joke is out of their comprehension.



choose 1,also obama was a fucking retard.even more stupid then donald trump

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They need someone to hate.

This actually raises the average IQ in your country.

Than* you retard. Way to prove your point dipshit

nope i know better than to try and shave my beard all the way up to my jawline like a cringelord

It's common sense, hundreds of thousands of people jump the border every month while we are already overcrowded as it. They take up resources that don't even belong to them and the tax payers have to spend billions to feed their sorry asses when all that money could be spent on our own problems. A lot of them have already been deported before only to jump the border again committing more crimes. Socialists want to use wealthy peoples money to take care of these asshats but what happens when the moneys gone and the resources dry up? People get angry and riot and people die. They don't belong here they did and will never ever be a real American no matter what any socialist says

meanwhile,this is your average trump voter

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murder and drugs is what really goes up

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oh dont worry,i have 8 years of obama's supporters to prove my point,go sing and dance about how black your president was,yet you'll call republicans racist even though they support a president who's as big of a left wing pile of shit as you are


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is that what trump told you? retard,americans are the dumbest people on earth

>146th densest country in the world

Nothing you said was correct. Stop getting your talking points from Fox news and Trump tweets

Falling for these conspiracy theories... Can't win an argument with something so stupid it will gobble up anything you throw at them.

>common sense


choose 1

Maybe tell your trailertrash neighbors to stop tweaking and dealing crack.

Are you a fascist or something?

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Sounds like you continue to listen to the lefts framing of the issue without question. Most (not all) Republicans support LEGAL immigration. We understand that this country was founded on immigrants, and they are the backbone of our society. What we do not support is unfettered access across our border without any accountability with a subsequent drain on our already inadequate resources. We cannot take care of our own, so it is only common sense that cannot afford others unless they can contribute.

In short; "Welcome, but at least sign the fucking guest book on your way in.."

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nah dude i would also never wear a scarf, always struck me as a beta move, who the fuck wants pressure on their neck like a submissive

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the choice was between narcissistic buffoonery and actual evil

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Yo dawg, how tight are you wearing your scarfs???

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ethnic ?

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>30 million illegals isn't overcrowded
Yeah whatever you say dumb nigger

Well, the poor and uneducated ones won't. And the exceedingly wealthy ones? Well, as I said before, they're secretly for more cheap labor and creating fear, but they go along with the rhetoric just to get their tax cuts.

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Yet you managed to vote against your own interests. Respect, not many people do that, there are some stupid ballsy people in the world.

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no,im not your shitty buzzword for people who dont agree with your political opinion.libtard

>AND the persecution only extends to the immigrants themselves
lying on the internet will get you no where

$10,000 fine/employee and jail time

>wah I don't want any my taxes going towards helping people
>holy hell a huge increase to how much I pay in tax to build a wall where there is already a wall?! WHERE DO I SIGN UP!?


fuck you got me

>tax cheat

so,its acceptable when democrats do it.but not acceptable when people who consider themselves republicans but have been democrats most of their life and have life long democrat family members do it? how come trump gets shit for his tax returns but not the democrats? even though trump is as much of a left wing pile of shit as the rest of the democrat party is

im doing fine thanks its turned out bpretty much as i expected

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considering you cant even spell libtard right,i guess i did

>wah I don't want any my taxes going towards helping people

here is the line of people waiting for help funded by your tax dollars

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>country literally one of the least dense in the world
>still says it's overcrowded

Check Out this EXTREMELY HOT Active Server for the BEST LEWDS of FEMALES and TRrAPS!

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getting closer actually but no im entirely white, ill settle there though if you like, i do smoke weed like an ethnic

>wah I don't want any my taxes going towards helping people

here is the line of people waiting for help funded by your tax dollars...

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Kek. The cope.

porque no los dos?

>steal job
>don't pay taxes
>kids reap governmental benefits like education and food stamps

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kike detected

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right i feel we are getting closer to the real you

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Topkek, Clinton atleast got some money out of it. Your hard earned taxpayer money is going straight to the saoudis in free weapons and subsidies and military equipment and you're cheering for it while they manipulate the price to make your oil more expensive! God this is getting better and better. You, just like trump, have no fucking clue of geopolitics.

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obviously since more spics mean lower % niggers

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because it is

64% of those arrested by the feds where illegals

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you lost your nerve and dumped Bernie and paid the price

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nah the last one was closer im a pretty regular guy not into any of that freaky deaky stuff

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>im im im doing fine thanks
> i-i-it turned out bpretty much as i expected
My sides

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this would've been funny if you didn't include the top half of that picture. just further proving that LCM

You'll be glad to know that your taxes do NOT go to helping people. They go INTO the pockets and bank accounts of the radical liberal politicians that you blindly support. Do you really think they care about you even a little bit? No, they don't. That's why your life totally and completely sucks because there are literally thousands of things that they could do to make everyone's lives better but they don't because that would take money out of their pockets and reduce their power base and they're not going to do that for you.


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I'm not even American you simple pond-dweller

>you made this?
>I made this (by putting a maga hat on your meme)

Hillary: Saudi ---money----> America
Trump: America ----money ----> Saudi
Here is a diagram for you migafags to try to understand

Because you haven't lived in a border country of the EU

"And then I told them Mexico was going to pay for the wall and I was going to lock you up!"

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It works both ways!

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why ? i have to pay a bit more for the electronics i install but business is good and i have a full order book

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Right, that's the law on the books. It's a shame it's totally ignored.


In practice, no one has the balls to go up against the holy "job creators" when push comes to shove. So Republicans only care about immigration when it's time to go after the immigrants. This keep them scared and docile while the wealthy Republicans are practically given carte blanche to hire.

funny,did trump's twitter account tell you this.or are you so far out of touch with reality to not realize that immigrants dont want your handouts and actually work for a living?

what a pile of shit america has turned into since trump and his cult following destroyed it

what then ?

nah this one is wearing lady clothes too? i think (hope)? ethnic commie lad is closest so far im not a trap

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close ?

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>Saudi ---money----> Clinton Foundation
>America ----money----> Saudi
>America ----weapons----> Saudi

fixed that for you

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i said republicans,retard.not trump supporters

remember Democrats are advertising welfare in their home country
and helping them get here and coaching them on what to say / claim at the border


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nah these dudes all have glasses, i wear sunglasses but not the regular kind, my vision is pretty good. also i dont have a micropenor or whatever is going on down there i didnt really want to look

The worry is with a little thing called Cultural Transformation. Let me unpack it for you. There are two countries: Zor and Zam. Both have 100 million people. For a LONG TIME, both countries were stable and there was little population flow from one to the other. Then, came a 30 year span where 50 million poor, uneducated Zamians flooded into the more properous Zor. All of a sudden, 1 out of every 3 people in Zor was a Zamian! Question: Wouldn't Zor, by that point, be a little less like Zor than it was a a little more like Zam?

I live in the Mid-Atlantic. 40 years ago (a blink of an eye in historical terms), in my region, Latinos were around, but you had to kind of go looking for them to find them. Now, you can't drive 3 miles or walk into any store without seeing them.

the fact you probably cant tell the difference is more proof of how stupid americans are

because they drain away america wealth.

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remember when you could have an argument without retards bringing up obama or hillary

>I want to punish a company because of hearsay despite them never being caught

you want the equivalent of someone being able to calling 911 and report speeders, sans radar guns, and they mail a ticket. and I thought speed cams were unconstitutional

then again, you're a liberal shithead who doesn't think things all the way through, just far enough to your perspective

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The Trumpgret in this thread is real. Look at these NPC's cope. I hope Trump is going to win again just to see them suffer. America is done. China is where it's at..

really? so what about all the trailer park meth addicted,welfare abusing whites who is trump's core supporters? i guess its somehow better because they are what you would call "real americans"

right so Zor is north america and Zam is europe?

>crys about trumpgret

>uses npc like he isnt some retard trumpshit himself

>using NPC
>not meaning trumptards like yourself

They don't, just the illegal kind
Nice bait thread, sage

Keep samefagging this entire thread, make israel great again!

>who is trump's core supporters
oh you

>remember when you could have an argument without retards bringing up russia or racism

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China interfered on behalf of Hillary
Ukraine interfered on behalf of Hillary
Saudi Arabia interfered on behalf of Hillary (crown price says he paid 20% of her 1.2 billion dollar run)
Russia interfered on behalf of Hillary
USA has had it in hands in elections around the globe and vice-versa.
Its all nothing NEW

right so im after a normal looking lefty

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because illegals don't pay taxes and take low end jobs which keeps the demand for labor low which also keeps the wage for those low end jobs low, we also are over populated and have tons of debt, we don't need random people coming over, if someone is going to come here they need to be someone who will contribute.

read the thread genius they clearly do

i hope trump loses and his supporters are kicked out of the party.simply because they dont belong in the republican party.they are democrats,not republicans.republicans support the constitution,not trump and his feelings

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haha,so were still believing that trump and his retarded supporters really want to seperate illegal immigrants from legal immigrants.if they arent white and redneck they might as well be out of america.because thats the only people they want in america

Normal looking
>Pick one and only one.

read the thread genius they clearly don't

because it will turn america into a 3rd world country.

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again with the glasses
really you werent that far off with this guy if you just picture him a little whiter

Actually I don't, your argument doesn't even make sense. I want enforcement of current laws on both sides of the immigrant equation.

But somehow this is always missed. Why do you think that is, hmmm?

>projecting this hard

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a trump supporter ran people over in charlottesville.funny how they dont want to ban cars because of it

come now some of them can pass as actual people

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Meanwhile your hard earned tax money is rolling straight into trumps & co pockets. best thing is you don't realize it and vote him into a second term. Glad I live in Europe

>really? so what about all the trailer park meth addicted,welfare abusing people who are Democrats core supporters?

fix that for you, we are the people working that pays the taxes the fund the Democrats handout for votes programs and welfare traps. The Democrats new slave plantations , you vote dem or have to actually work

not sure what your stupid comic means,other then you being to ignorant to respond with something educated.i dont care about russia,i care about the presidents hatred of the 2nd ammendment and his supporters lack of outrage over this.time to vote for a 3rd party i guess,one that cares about the constitution.not some left wing snowflakes feelings

Republicans have all of those things too

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>Meanwhile your hard earned tax money is rolling straight into trumps & co pockets. best thing is you don't realize it and vote him into a second term. Glad I live in Europe

unproven conspiracy theorys
just as you guys like to say

Trump will win. You underestimate the stupidity of the American people. The second term he will be able to ruin the country so much more. Or at least what's left of it. Best thing is to move out to a better country since America is a third world country soon, if not already.

Explains why Trump donated to the Clinton Foundation.

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America is already a third world country, you stupid piece of shit.

Look at your health care, education, police, journalism, public services, etc etc.

What do you possibly have that makes you think your country is not third world except hurr durr big millturry and rich people? You realise that is NOT part of being first world.


usa is 3rd world though, look it up

same as how many illegal immigrants are in the country, if you aren't actually catching companies hiring illegals, how can you punish them? if you can't find an illegal, how can you deport them?

stop trying to shame businesses, not all of them are hiring illegals on purpose, they hire a legit immigrant who brings in family and friends. if you had worked a day in your life of a lower end job, you'd realize the nepotism.

they do want to ban cars

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>not sure what your stupid comic means
too dense

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yea well not leading
and fact is over 80% of people in prison are registered as democrat that say a lot

This. If companies got spanked hard for hiring illegals, the problem wouldn't exist.

we also have a president

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no glasses
also wtf, Yea Forums cares more about women than comic books now when it suits their argument?


*Laughs in taxpayer-financed golf and hotelstays*

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its not hard to comprehend I'll use small words...
It's hard for them to spy on him property he controls

>let 3rd world meme
Piss off you little jealous peasant. Our """poor""" live better than most countries middle class.

that was old Yea Forums new Yea Forums is 12 and posts Reddit tier stuff

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>look it up
I don't have to because I know the definition

1st world - NATO and it's allies
2nd world - USSR and it's allies
3rd world - everyone else

No one wants a country full of spics and niggers
aside from democrats of course

That moment when you are out of arguments

Ok, now I think you're a troll, you can't possibly be that incoherent.

They always do immigration busts at job sites and make a big show of prosecuting. But each goddamn time, I'm wanting to see the face of the manager / director / owner in the news, shamed and fined for contributing to the problem. But it NEVER happens!

The immigration stuff would be MUCH easier to solve if we just went after the companies that are known to hire illegals (*ahem Maro Lago). But they fucking WON'T, they'd rather chase the powerless immigrants that don't line the pockets of the government.


>no president has ever golfed and vacationed on the tax payer's dollar
>literally paying obama $250,000/year salary

Indeed, a country full of spics, niggers and white trash with an orange is much better

Imagine thinking everyone falls for the partisan cock-sucker meme. Wew, lad.

>lives in europe

>talks about taxes

doubt you've paid taxes in your life eurotrash.get raped by a muslim now,socialist retard

oh ok i gotta say i preferred the antiestablishment stuff to this red vs blue

Just the fact that obama went to school and trump didn't and has the vocabulary of a 12 year old kid, says enough about how well your country is doing

sorry to tell you this,but trailer park meth addicted welfare abusers do not vote democrat.they vote republican,now fuck off and go back to trump's fantasy land with the rest of the retards

Cool arguments, pretty good coming from a Trump supporter.

>or actually work

is that right redneck? im sorry,but fucking your sister isnt a real job.republicans are poor and stupid,why do you think trump won as a republican

>Ok, now I think you're a troll
because you're dense and aren't seeing the whole picture, you're blinded by your liberal blinders. if CNN or MSNBC didn't say it, it must not be true, amirite

>They always do immigration busts at job sites and make a big show of prosecuting
lying on the internet isn't going to get you anywhere

again, you need proof in order to investigate or prosecute. you can't just call up the police and say, "hey this guy on the road is going 75, I know this because I'm going 60 and he just passed me, you probably should mail him a ticket". now if you called the police and said, "hey this guy on the road is swerving, he might be drunk" and they see it happening, they'll ticket him

yeah but there was a lot of goofin in those days

dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3510958/How-viral-fame-killed-father-left-foster-care-friendless-Girl-meme-bullying-Yea Forums-members-age-11-reveals-horrific-toll-Internet-family-six-years-later.html


except the fact that im not a trump supporter.why would i want to vote for a left wing piece of shit like donald trump?

might as well vote for the democrats if you support donald trump,since you basically are one

so if you agree that spics and niggers are shit why would you want more of them?

>“I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things."

so you'd rather have a nation of redneck inbred white people? news flash idiot,they arent any better then the niggers or spics you whine about

>dude Trumps not getting enough done
>im going to let a far left fag like bernie get into office and let every beaner in the world become a citizen
absolutely based retard

This post goes beyond all logic, I think it even invented a new kind of logic. It's amazing, I think he can doublethink

yup you makes claim trump did something illegal without proof and i'm the one out of arguments

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Interesting. What's the source for this data?

Illegals don’t pay taxes, retard

pity some people don't understand when something is just a goof

it factual there are paid trolls posting shirt on Yea Forums right now

funny,a trump supporter calling other people retards.have fun with your left wing retard who convinced your stupid redneck ass that he was a republican

They are objectively better.
I've been to the midwest, its not paradise but it might as well be next to detroit, france, or baltimore.

neither did trump.and the majority of his meth addicted trailer park poor supporters


I quit my job after 2 years of succumbing to depression and alcoholism upon learning that for the $13 an hour I was making, I was bringing in 113-130 an hour for the company.

>wage slavery
>retards call it "opportunity"

Now I'm on SSDI and proud of it.

>Take Trump's speech
>Hand in as essay claiming as my own
>Your sentences are too short and simple and you lack vocabulary

man, to be 16 and not know how the world works again. treasure these years user

nope,they arent better.sounds like you need to stop living in trump's fantasy world and start living in reality.also,ive lived in the midwest my whole life.you obviously have not

are you retarded trump has an ivy league education

Obama applied as an immigrant non citizen

I thought they did it for free.

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absolutely cringe

Hopefully when one of these left wing homos gets in and bankrupts the country your gimmedats will be the first thing to dry up


oh right,another idiot kid who thinks his political opinion matters.well summerfag,how about you go fuck yourself

literally every president since 1820

It's not ilegal if you voted for it

trump doesnt even have a high school education.neither does his supporters

>being so autistic you can't tell when people are talking about you

Really? which state do you live in?

Yeah, an opportunity to get taken advantage of.

God bless America!

well at least there was a happy ending (Yea Forums style)


well,im 34 and i know how the world works better then your stupid zoomer ass does.go back to thinking your some political activist because your school got shot up,moron

Im voting for Trump as it will increase the tranny suicide rate

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yea nice argument

Highest IQ, smarted most educated man in the entire country voted for trump
So did husband and wife both Hold PHDs

debunked that fact is poor uneducated tend to live on welfare
and live in those trailer parks and vote Democrat

Trump was admitted to Fordham university and managed to transfer to the University of Pennsylvania, reportedly through family connections. Mr. Trump misleadingly refers to attending “Wharton” when he speaks of his education. Although technically this is correct, undergraduates at Wharton’s undergraduate school generally self-identify as “Wharton undergraduates” at UPENN, unless they’re trying to give the impression they attended the graduate school. Mr. Trump was never on the honor role or dean’s list, and was described by one professor as being the dumbest goddam student I ever had, I ever met”. He has no graduate degree.

oh wow i had no idea

again insulting people that work hard and pay taxes
do it more just gets more people to get out and vote for Trump

Nobody, Dems, certainly not GOP, is talking about banning guns.

>Actually believing this shit

he graduated collage, stop just making shit up

>actually believing the truth REEEE


we did that face your guilt, we did this to although that kinda temptation is hard to resist

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Any decent communist leader would have sent these pussyfooting snowflakes to the gulag

I have a phd of physics and an MBA
This is truth.

James Buchanan, Jimmy Carter, Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama. wouldn't be so proud of your demtard presidents, also dems founded the KKK, did the segregation, and fucking up the whole country still by endorsing that sjw lgbt+ bullshit while pretending to be the knight in shining armor.
larping retards
that nitwit did more in 1st year than the above stated ones in their whole terms.
also don't forget that kek has spoken 77777777

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>I know how the world works
>but not about federal taxes

if you knew how the world worked, you would know that when most people don't pay taxes, they're garnished from their wages the following year, besides the fact that most of those "inbred hillbillies" already have it taken from their paychecks. they aren't getting paid cash like illegals

sure, trump who runs a business may have skirted the laws on some of his taxes, but his companies have been so thoroughly investigated since his political career started, it definitely would've come out and he would be facing really big fines and jail time if this was true

of course, it's not true, it's some LARPing fantasy you are living in, since it's the only way you can cope with the fact that Hilary got embarrassed in the election and Trump is the president for the next 5 years.

We got dumb and dumber here. Who the fuck do you think is hiring this people under the table? No large corporation that has higher illegals has been slapped with a fine that effects them in any way. Farmers still higher them. Restaurants hire them. Construction highers them. Why? Because there isnt any real oversight on undocumented under the table workers. Big business loves them and that's why they'd rather waste tax payer money (your money) on an inefficient wall and useless border control and over inflation the threat as some USA values and safety ending event, over the businesses themselves losing out on their profit from giving away your job. If you dont understand that is a fact and not a fucking feeling, get off the thread and go read a book.

>more larping
lol tldr

buddy, reread the post. nowhere in it does it mention illegals. LEGAL aliens.

you forgot the illegal part in illegal immigration my dude

Who gives a fuck as long as they were lower before you were paying for a useless fucking wall.

The chart was made by someone who doesnt understand how economics, policy, or job creation works or when things come into effect.

Because they couldn't use gays being a big issue this time, so they had to go with another boogie man.

Its dirty, but it works pretty damn well.

The Mexican boogie man now is no different than the Russian boogie man of the 80's... and the the immigrant taking all of your tax dollars through free healthcare right now used to be the black 'welfare queen' having baby after baby to stay on welfare and have a new Cadillac and a house.

Times change but the game stays the same.

Why so many people do not explain their point of view? Afraid it has nothing of value?

shills? on my board? get the fuck out of here

Such aspirations

27 million people not paying taxes

And so what?

Are you implying that there is something inherently wrong about Zam?
Is there something inherently better about Zor?
If so how old is Zor again?
Is is not possible that Zor will become something else then it was before and maybe even profit from the new culture?

You changing the name does not serve any purpose given that the example is very precise.

Do all of you contribute?
Would you send out people that don't?

Also you have one of the countries with the lowest population density in the whole world, so what overpopulation are you talking about?

this is some low effort faggotry

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There's no point, nobody's jobs are getting stolen. There is a shortage of workers for the serf jobs, tech workers are really the only ones competing with immigrants.
It's mostly because Republican voters are uninformed, like most of us they are stupid and have an aversion to truth, inquiry, and pragmatic deliberation.
They ought to be considered about a real problem, like the invasive plants that are actually destroying America. The government doesn't do anything about that, as a matter of fact the highway department road planners prodigiously plant invasives like Lespedeza cuneata. You would think the rural Republican base would be up in arms about this but they are too ignorant and too caught up in the spectacle to notice. vile serfs, I'm sick of the impotent masses having political power.

I can't believe it a man expressing his freedom of speach? uuhh coping much haha uhh look guys I'm with you!!! So please stop calling me a nazi!!!

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Because they're too fucking stupid to compete with immigrants for the low-level manual labor jobs that nature has equiped them for.

This is what happens when you let kikes run this country