fuckable black girls
Fuckable black girls
Please keep posting her
Thanks fort the bump
Lose some weight
Why are there pictures of hot black girls like this, but no good porn videos???
Be not black.
Because the ugly ones don't respect themselves
I'm monitoring this thread
Never fucked a negress myself.
My friends who have told me that they are tighter than their white counterparts relative to size, but are more stinky.
Can you anons confirm this ?
*sigh* If I could have a girl with the body of a black chick and the personality of a white girl...
Kim Kardashian.
Black women are usually very tight, and no they don’t smell that’s just a retarded meme
how is she
Niggers smell if they dont use 2 liters of parfume.
she's cute user. Nice lips and stuff.
Black girls usually smell good especially the Shea butter
No fucking way is this real. People don't exists that are this dumb/clueless. Granny saved the kid, but fucked up her own somehow.
Beautiful ass
pick one.
Yeah you must be real fuckable yourself, right? Nigger.
anyone want to see more of her
I'd fuck 17 of me before I stuck my dick in a negroid AIDS pot.
There’s lots of girls like that. Lots of black women who sound completely white when they talk and only date white men. They’ll still have their moments but it’s something you can appreciate in doses
yea lol. more body
like that
Yeah fuck healthcare I wanna give more tax money to Raytheon
oh fuck. MOAR
Why do only the most useless white people have this sense of entitlement because their ancestors developed a melanin deficiency and had a tiny gene pool?
Not wanting to participate in bestiality and get aids makes me entitled? Niggers are disgusting. It's just the way of the world lol.
You’ve really gotta be the crown prince of gay niggers to stroll up into a thread that you clearly hate, and then respond when you’re called out for your autistic behavior
Welcome to Yea Forums.
How mean were the blacks to you on the school bus?
I can tell you have never been with a black woman before because there are some that smell, some that their weaves smell, and the girls that smell goooood.
They weren't. I grew up in an affluent, low-crime white neighborhood. Thank god.
I get sausage all fucking week bro. You couldn’t tell me what to eat for breakfast, I cooked that shit yesterday lad
This isn't reddit, faggot. You gotta go back.
Then why are you such a whiny cunt about something you don’t know about
I would hold that sluts hand at the mall
so u like her
Try watching the news maybe. Niggers are incorrigible. If we sent them back after the Civil War, we'd be colonizing the moons of Jupiter by now.
Yeah niggers are the problem. Not lazy autistic hateful little faggots
13% / 50%. Enough said.
oh yea. that's the stuff.
Try leaving your fucking house and experiencing the world for yourself
Niggers aren’t profitting off of illegal wars. Niggers aren’t fucking coal miners out of their pensions, niggers aren’t rigging the congressional maps, and exploiting the pharmaceutical industry.
I do., and I have a saying.
"If there are more than three, I shall not be." I ccw, but three niggers is a lot to deal with.
Violent crime, and the real reasons our lives aren’t as good as they could be aren’t the same thing.
Did you know before the new deal and a subsidizing of a new middle class, white people were pretty god damn backwards and violent in America too.
Niggers aren't in a position to do any of that. They live in mud huts still in Africa. Daily life is horrifying in Africa. Ebola, lions, etc. etc.
Yellow archer needs cock badly
You’ve never been to Africa just stfu
It's the current year nigger. 13% of the population is responsible for 50% (+) of crime. You're not convincing me of SHIT lol.
Do you know any Africans?
And none of that has to do with anything other than the fact that they’re skin is black so they must be crazy right?
God willing, I will never visit the dark continent. God willing, Ebola-chan is victorious.
I want to know what your mother did to make you so like this
there's a cure for Ebola now, look it up.
Go. Back. To. Reddit.
Holy fuck you faggots are insufferable.
And I don’t want you duck out on it. You’re up here talking about how much you hate an entire continent of people who have never done anything to you. You’re mom obviously fucked up. Tell us more plz
don't exist
Yea that's why niggers are dropping like flies from it lol. Have you seen the death total? These people are so backwards, they dig up their dead and literally dance with them. They think the doctors are giving them ebola. Even if there was a cure, which there isn't, we're talking about clusters of sub 65 IQ people.
I’ve been here since way before I ever went to reddit. I remember when I had a child’s brain and thought hateful things like you.
>Duck it
Watch the news. Blacks are trouble. You know they are. Crime statistics don't lie. The great majority contribute NOTHING to society and are a net loss.
I love when they have a splash of Cherokee
Plz tell me how YOU contribute to society more than a nigger who changes out trash bags all day
so u are enjoying her
I hate her you should stop
Via my job. Via my paying taxes. Via my lack of proliferating crime. Via my lack of having 16 kids by 19 different mothers. Via my lack of a 65 IQ. I can keep going if you want.
I doubt very strongly that the majority are the problem. The media likes to make it seem like it is. Much like most rednecks aren't racist, trigger happy morons, I don't think most black people are, as you put it, "trouble".
I respect statistics and math. The statistics and math tell me otherwise.
You haven’t stated how you are any better than a nigger who changes trash bags all day. You don’t think he pays taxes too? What have you done for the world with your vastly superior IQ?
Then please cite your sources. I'll wait...
My job itself contributes more to society than a janitor's.
FBI crime statistics. They're easy to find. The federal government is terrible at everything, except keeping metrics and statistics.
You ever heard the story of the statician and how he can tell you whatever story you want to feed preconceived biases? In Japan, Koreans commit a disproportionate amount of crime. But they don’t ANYWHERE else? Why? Is there something about the island of Japan that makes Koreans act crazy? Or are there distinct factors that should be accounted for?
What’s the highest level of education you received. Just curious. I’m not going to associate your societal value to your education level. I’m just curious about understanding edgy internet racists better
The crime is (and I'm guessing here because Asians are predisposed to it) likely gambling. Not shooting other niggers over colors and drugs.
Bachelor's Degree. Most smart white people are racists. Some just keep it secret.
what why do u hate her. this is a black girl thread
fuck yes.
The vast majority of criminal convictions in America are for non violent crime you know... poor blacks get really fucked over shit like parole or probation violations over harmless shit. The majority of incarcerations right now are for victimless crime
>Most smart white people are racists.
It's nice to know you're proving that dumb people can be racist too. You go!
whatever floats your load, little brother.
>parole or probation violations
lmfao, thanks for proving the point faggot.
so do u guys like her
MORE yes
thanks some guy said he doesnt like her. if he doesnt like black girls then he should just leave this thread
I'd rape her
oh u should. i bet she would really enjoy that and make sure to fuck her ass hard too. she loves that
damnnnn anymoar ass?
u should hook up with her
ya and what do u want to do to her ass
none of them are since this is just a cuck thread for cucks to salivate over the women they want to watch get bleached.
God damn that ass is perfection. I could spend an entire week feasting on it.
clearly you're a redditor, because he could've saged it you inbred nigger.
You poor, naive, summer child.
Is that Chris Cantwell?
im in love post more PLEASE
Nice body
Imagine her riding your dick
You and me both man
She’s cute as fuck
Natural black woman’s hair is so fucking beautiful I love it so much. Hope I’m not fetishizing though
I've got pics and videos of me fucking Somalian, Ugandan, Egyptian and mixed black chicks.. and requests?
Fuck yeah bro!
Fuck yeah, any topless?
I think the most you've ever fucked are 10 of your fingers, mong.
Oh Jesus!! I never get to see sexy black milfs... More!
I love the blacks.
She's got me diamonds..
post them all, I might be able to find some I have
She never even turned around... Now I am a sad user.
so u guys like her and do u want to see her videos
I’m glad I’m in the south a lot of pretty dark black women
Pick one
I’m glad I didn’t fall into the racebait politics would be missing out on sweet black pussy
more pls
some oc
Hit that from the back