Why did the Nazis use currency when currency is the most Jewish thing I can imagine?
Why did the Nazis use currency when currency is the most Jewish thing I can imagine?
Capitalism is good
Jews are not
Currency predates all current religions
Capitalism is Jewish moron
alright then nigger what is your alternitive
the nazis actually really liked the jews, but they didn't know how to express their feelings
Anarchism lol
Currency can be rejected by the enlightenment of a "religion", I'm wondering why the Nazis didn't.
Hitler was a Jew
Why there are so low-IQ posts here today?
Are you fucking serious?
Go research before you start a thread.
You are the dumbest cunt. Jews didn't invenet currency they invested usery. Read a fucking book.
What? When has that ever happened?
I can't get any information online, surprisingly.
Wrong. Central banks are the most jewish thing you can imagine.
Competing currencies is the most anti-jew thing you can imagine. If less people use their money, the jews have no power.
You wouldnt survive 2 months in anarchy you fat fuck.Other alternatives?
>devestated infrastructure and logistics after ww2
>no rations, materials, anything because ww1
>wondering why they had currency in their regime, keeping in mind the ideology and the country itself changed, but not the world and capitalism throning over it all
Maybe you can figure it out on your own
Currency forces people to serve those who have more material wealth, and forces people to manipulate and be malicious towards each other to obtain it amd to gain that power to control others. That's the definition of semitism.
Look up anarchist Catalonia during the spanish civil war, Hitler actually financed fascist Spain to fight the anarchists, ironically enough.
Because there aren't any decent alternatives for large scale societies.
Societies could be easily organized without currency, even during wartime, see my previously posted empirical proof of revolutionary anarchist catalonia, which lasted for years and whose population numbered in the millions.
Yea, but why would you even want to?
Currency works pretty well, it's well understood, and there's a lot of infrastructure and support for it already.
I don't want a a society that worships wealth acquisition (which is barbaric), I want a society that enjoys life for its own intrinsic value.
I like some Nazi ideas, loke being against jewishness, but I disagree with their adoption of currency
You can't get rid of that just by altering the way wealth is represented.
I'd say just practice what you preach - enjoy your own life and not worry about others.
"I pray that some day Jewish and Nazi children will be able to join hands and sing together in peace and harmony" - Adolf Hitler
No it's not, but it when unregulated it suits the jewish soul.
Well then your problem is not "currency", it's people's morals.
Currency in its self is not "jewish", it's a basic thing that allows you to convert the energy you spend gaining currency on different things rather than one specific thing.
Without currency you would have to trade something you have for something you need and there wouldn't an easy option for what you have or need, currency makes that easy.
Now the jewing starts when you start fucking up the wages and give minimum wages for hard work and have high prices for materials that you need to buy.
If you have a good regime then you would not be facing that, but if you would have a jewed regime then my friend it will be fucked.
"hey guys, I was thinking, you know maybe I was wrong about jews... I actually quite like those little hats they wear" - Adolf Hitler 1945