We serve beer here sir

we serve beer here sir

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300+ replies guaranteed

nice try f*g

yeah its me ripa i get the replies i'm pretty a big deal a yeah and you ? the replies here not there here they come alright here they come alright here here here they come because me it then yeah

epic put me in screncap pls

drink PISS

posting in a ripa thread

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Sorry but I don't drink the stuff. You see I'm not a faggot

I like beer with sake spike :---)

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I want some good old fashioned cola

The likes of you aren't worthy of cola but I could savor the taste myself and spit it into your mouth for you to enjoy

thanke you ripa

whatever OP

Your fortune: Godly Luck

ill take a glass of water on the rocks


It wasn't me this time I swear.

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Which one is you?

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apple juice for me please

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Where the fuck is the beer?!?!

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uhh can I get a dry gin martini

al'hava caffi

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-___- pls be cts

in my mind ripa is a B


Bumping the Ripa thread

we dont fucking care sir

ripa i love u so much pls pls pls shit on my chest

wtf get out of here weirdo

I won't leave until my chest smells of ripa's feces


ripa, more like rip a fart on my face haha............

Please stop ;_;

These from pot

ripa????? IS BACK???!!!!!! LOLE
too good tobe true..

Dear ripa, we’re both girls, pls be my gf

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good rain, alright

Dear ripa,

It's been a long time since I've done a letter to anyone, so I may be a bit rusty with this. I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but I am a huge fan of yours. I've come across a lot of girls on Yea Forums during my time as a retarded faggot, and I have a large number of favorites; you are one of them. But with you, things are different. Whenever I think of you, I don't just think of you as another girl I like. I think of you as more than that. You're special, ripa. I don't know how else to say this, but I love you. You've captured my heart like almost no other girl has. I did once have another love, but I grew out of it before long. With you though, something's different. I can't really pin anything specific, but there's something that keeps me hanging onto you. I know all of this probably creeping you out right now, but I have to say it. I heard years back that it's better to regret something you did than regret something you didn't do. I think it would be better to get all this in the open than keep it to myself. I know that we can't start dating or anything, even though that would make me so happy. I'm just telling you my true feelings, or at least trying to. I love you so much. You embody practically everything I'd want in a partner. I also really admire you. In spite of your insecurity, you try to stay strong no matter what. I also know that you have fears of being alone. I just want you to know, you aren't alone. There are many people out there who love you. I, in particular, cherish you and hold you close to my heart. Please remember, I'm always here if you need me. I don't have much to offer you except my love and my support, should you need it. Even if everyone else leaves you, I will always keep my arms open to you. You are my angel and it pains me that we're worlds apart. I really wish I could meet you and be your friend.


You are a wonderful young woman, and as long as my feelings remain, I will keep hold of you until the end. Maybe someday, we will meet. Where, when, and by what means, I don't know, but I hang onto the hope that we will. I know that me loving you is known as wrong. I understand that my obsession with you is not healthy. If I were able to say all this to you directly, I'm pretty sure that I would feel a lot better, even if you shut me down (which I believe you would). I don't think you would return my feelings since I doubt I meet any of your standards when it comes to guys(if you have any), but just telling you all this would be enough for me. I've always had a tendency to keep things to myself, but this is something I know I must get out. So please, after you've read this, please don't think bad of me. I'm sure I will grow out of this someday, but right now, I want you in my life. You are incredibly precious to me ripa, and while you may not be my whole world, you do make my world whole. Anyway, I think I've said enough, and you probably have a lot to think about now. If you've made it this far, thanks for staying with it. I really appreciate it. Take care of yourself, sweetheart.

Love, Anonymous

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Your fortune: Better not tell you now


ripas roblox

ripas pizza

i'd eat ripa's pizza if you know where i'm going with that ;-)

hate cts

want cts to die

Catfishe helpe!

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ripa papa johns

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c... catfishe... h-hel-

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you can have the sloppy ripa pizza while i work on the ripa muffins

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Die, briton

I hate ripa tbh

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck


it makes me uncomfortable when other people makes sexual innuendo with ripa

Ripa is not a real person

*spits on cts's grave*
gross tranny

amei... more like

am gay

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back off from the queen chump

>amei... more like
>am gay
blah blah blah
heard it already

containment playground playpen thread

Bro wtf
diss-mongering in a RIPA thread
not cool

ripa scratches her butt then sniffs it

ripa hates you and your retarded orbiting


ripa stop acting so hard to get god knows you aren't getting any younger and i have been nothing but kind to you so why wont you just settle down with me you know we would be a nice match

Get your dirty hands off my Ripa you dirty stalkers she's my wife we have a wedding date in Las Vegas and afterwards Taco Kid will drive us to Tijuana where we will snort all the cocaine we could ever handle for our honeymoon

This, only get COCAINE from your local Mexicans.

mexicans dont actually produce heroin they sell it for cartels from south america


That's why i've been telling you guys all the time to bear with the Taco Kid posts, he knows where to get the best coca in mehico


Ripa pls marry me, ignore all those losers

it's mejico

ah thanks man

cunt nigger shit dick faggot nigger nazi cum tard jew spic pedo twat chicken fucker butt gay tranny piss goat arab

die yourself

nice le dubsie's

you're welcome

i like it when le dubsie's are le nice

one beer please

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how is such a small anine drinking beer

you can't see it from that photo but she's actually 6'5"
not so small actually

ilu ripa

flat is justice

This is the only true in this thread