Penis inspection day at my gym class at school is tomorrow

>Penis inspection day at my gym class at school is tomorrow
>Really nervous because I failed my last one and got sent to the principal

Any tips please?

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Dafuq is penis inspection day ?!

I think you should actually go visit a gynecologist.

The gym teacher lines up all the boys on the locker room, have them strip and then judge them by cleanliness, size, etc.

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It's actually about health issues prevention, but I don't know he insists that size, color, taste and smell are related to it

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Use some baby oil on your penis the night before. It makes you pass the inspection the next day during gym


I guess I'll be that guy.


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lol that "gym teacher" would be buried under the gym in today's day and age... and then dug up and sent to prison... and not some white collar bullshit prison.

Make the most of that weekend, don't be a pussy

What do you mean?

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Lol he gay

Polish it up real nice like.

Very informative, thanks

Wasn't this a copypasta?

oh god oh fuck I remember penis inspection day it was such a nightmare hope you'll be ok OP

Me too

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He's Japanese. I had to do that too my senior year as a foreign exchange student in japan I thought it was weird as fuck

Nigger spaming chink I'd post your name and pic again but I'm to lazy to avoid a ban attempt again.

OP was joking penis inspection day is not real even in japan

I can assure you it is very real

If you're going to write shit in the chat, please keep your shit classy

Shitting is classy. And if you start fucking around, don't be a fucking pussy.


Dude I'm Japanese we don't do that

TTHE FUCK. Hold up so I did one semester abroad in Yokohama. The student nurse told me she needed to a heath examination. She made me put a gown on then sid a physical grabbed my nuts told me to turn my head and cough. Then she pulled my forskin back and forth until I got hard. She told me she did not mean to get me hard then said it was her fault and she would fix it. She pulled her top down showing her tits and jacked and sucked me untill telling me to cum in her tits. To this very day I still have never came harder then that. I KNEW THAT WASN'T RIGHT

Bahahaha dude she raped your ass

idk man that seems like standard procedure to me

Haha real funny. Jokes on her I came in her mouth when she said tits. Anyway I should have know when she said the other students did their examination to first semester something was up

ahh good old days in japan

Really because I couldn't find anything on a health inspection day on google. I really think she just took advantage of me not being able to speak Japanese very well and did not think I would tell

You think. How old where you?


that is not a thing... if this isn't just a fabrication then your gym teacher is a pedophile...

Penis Inspection Day refers to a copypasta story about a gym teacher who insists on examining a student's genitalia for an ostensibly routine health inspection that could be interpreted as a child molestation.

On August 8th, 2010, Ebaumsworld[6] user UsedCarMan posted a screenshot of a Yahoo! Answers question question asking if anyone recalled a "penis inspection day" in elementary school. The original Yahoo! Answers post has not been found.

On June 6th, 2011, IGN Forums[9] users jaymun submitted a thread titled "Penis Inspection Day wen't really wrong today," retelling a story about having his penis mutilated by nurse during a penis inspection.On March 21st, 2012, the image was reposted to /r/funny,[5] where it gathered upwards of 900 votes (80% upvoted) and 300 comments prior to being archived. On November 5th, 2014, Reddit user fuckingpsychopath asked about the event on the subreddit /r/OutOfTheLoop,[3] to which several comments speculated that it was a joke. On May 18th, 2015, YouTuber mrBleepyCat uploaded a YouTube Poop video in which footage of Michael Rosen is edited to sound as if he tells a story about being molested while a child at school (shown below). As of September 2015, the keywords "penis inspection day" yields over 260 results on Yahoo! Answers,[7] many of which feature variations of the original copypasta.

How do I report him them though? Everyone on my school seems to love the guy.

Also yes, this is in Japan. Also no, this isn't some made-up thing like some people are assuming

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see above fucktard

I also jacked it to that movie.

I wish i lived somewhere where i got raped by an older woman during school... goddamn it why does cool shit always happen to other people...

I remember 25 years ago in german school, we had that day, we were supposed to show our genitals. But the person inspecting was a doctor and an assistant. Can't say why and if they don't this nowadays

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see above

see above

I remember when I was in middle school and we'd always have penis inspection day. The coach would always single me out for not washing my foreskin properly. Lucky for me he would always hold me back after class and show me the proper way to do it. He was a really nice guy who was always willing to go out of his way to help a student in need.

>implying I'm lying
I think we have established it's not real. Dosen't mean that I wasn't raped on that premise though

hatten wir auch. vorhautverengung oder so sollte erkannt werden oder so. wobei ich nicht verstehe dass das bei siebenjährigen überhaupt relevant sein sollte. immer dieser schwanzbesessene lehrkörper...

Please just stop - this is ancient pasta - just stop

I just want an older woman to find me and on-sight decides she has to have my cock. is that SO MUCH TO WISH FOR?!?!

ok junior whatever your wet dream fantasy is haha


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Ok dude you don't wanna listen whatever