Does Trump have your vote in 2020?

Does Trump have your vote in 2020?

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Nope, i'm eurotrash

fuck no, im not retarded

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nope, neetbux.


fuck no

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Fuck yeah, I'm not retarded.

Personally the last 3 odd years have been fucking hilarious at the amount of butthurt by snow flakes.
>Muh Russia cOlLUSION!
>Muh pee pee tape
>Muh Orange man bad and dumb dumb.

It is non stop crying... It never ends. For that reason alone I will vote Trump 2020. I don't even give a fuck about politics... I just hate the smuggy liberal Obama types who think they are fucking jesus. Fuck those guys.

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At least U.S. is not in war with Syria anymore, did you already forgot about that?

Yea, now theres only all the other conflicts around the world that America has willingly put themselves into

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>Be mad at Trump voters because you are told to be mad
>Doesn't actually care about politics or policy - just needs someone to be mad at, and will jump on anything that confirms bias

I kinda wish Trump was actually Hitler because you would be the first person in the concentration camp.

Kennedy and Clinton cheated on their wives while in office.
That's an achievement too, right?

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"obamacare" and "obama phones" were previous republican ideas that simply happened while he was president and um, they both sucked but that's beside the point that you're a fucking idiot.

Haha, 1.82/10 for decent attempt

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No and, at this point, is there actually anyone who doesn't know that Trump is literally a moron who is incapable of thinking and/or caring about anyone but himself?

LOL you HAVE to be trolling. There are multiple reasons to dislike Trump, I dont need reasons from anyone else.

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It’s amazing how much time you put into a shitty forced meme.

Delete this you faggot.

Andy Sixx would never support that mushroom shaped dick Trump.

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imagine being that ugly, retarded, and "handicapped"...why fucking live?

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he didnt get my vote in 2016, he wont get it in 2020

I vote Trump for anal-rape prison in 2020.

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>How sad it must be to be a Trump voter... Believing that everyone is deceiving me.

.... I see no impeachment over Russia on TV... or by any of the Democrat candidates.... I guess that was just a lie? Who was being lied too there? Me or you?

The obese and soon-to-die folks are good for population control. More people dying from shitty health means less people.

yes but only because harambe isnt running

Lol fuck no. Trump's a one term president.


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>believing that scientist, scholars teachers etc... devoted their lives to deceive you
>tv stars becoming your beacon of truth
oh how the tables have turned, dipshit

ITT bunch of kids and immature adults who don't know nothing about politics

You're just being stupid.

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pop quiz: has this thread been made by:

a) actual lib trolls
b) the cia and jidf
c) some shitposters

LOL you're in this thread too


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no because hes THE KING OF THE KIKES

just observing how far your retardation can go, only for my own entertainment and lulz

Well the overall I.Q. average has gone down now that you're here.

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hah, thanks

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>I Am stupid....
>Posts CNN article where they use quotes over a year old.
>Saying they support "starting" impeachment when actually not doing anything.

This is why you can't just use CNN. They make it look like all those senators support impeachment - but when you read it a lot of those remarks were made over a year ago.

If Impeachment would have been a thing it would have started by now... it would have started months ago.

I didn't vote for president last go around because I couldn't stand either of them. Definitely going to vote for anyone running against Trump this go around. What a fucking shit show.

Imagine thinking voting actually solves any problems.

He started out his presidency bombing the shit out of a Syrian airbase

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Only for Kennedy since he didn't face an impeachment trial over it





identity politics in a nutshell

Americans are dumb. Dems or Repubs, it doesnt matter.

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only because he's going to die on stage during a debate from an anneurism


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When did all these libtards start using Yea Forums, go back to plebit

>a) actual lib trolls

the left can't meme


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There's a massive difference between wanting to be completely free from critism and wanting to be free of niggers

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He's a dead meme man.
I remember when he first got voted in and it was funny trolling all the libtards but he hasn't actually done anything that crazy. He's just an idiot who talks a lot of trash, which was funny to begin with, but it's just boring now. Nothing has really changed that much. Frankly, who gives a fuck if he gets another term or not.

But niggers are American as apple pie. Hell, most niggers have family lines in the U.S. that trace further back than your jew loving president.

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I'm voting for macho man randy savage

Nice to come back to Yea Forums every election and see that no one here knows what's going on in politics.

he will if i was amerifag, just for the lolz

No shit I wrote in Macho Man Randy Savage’s Ghost vp Jesus Christ