Why do the democrats want open borders?
Why do the democrats want open borders?
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Know nothing idiot.
You wanna try this post again? In english this time fag
because cheap, functionally slave labor, is what keeps much of the agricultural sector afloat in this country. i mean, no one born in this country wants to work for minimum wage picking fruits in the hot sun or rendering chicken. plus, seeing as illegals dont get minimum wage and still pay sales tax on everything they keep our prices low and our wellfare system funded.
it would gave them a net + voter base
The sales tax doesn't cover the cost of the welfare system in this country
A net of what? If anything it's costing them votes
Why? Not because it is easy, no. But because it is hard. And because it is the right thing to do.
May God bless these United States of America and may God Bless the Democratic Party.
I'm Andrew Yang and I approve this message.
>Why? Not because it is easy, no. But because it is hard. And because it is the right thing to do
Let me guess, that chink faggot really said this?
Literally how DARE you use racialist speech in this thread!
So sorry :(
>The sales tax doesn't cover the cost of the welfare system in this country
And? they still pay more into the system by taxes than they take out in form of welfare. They are a net win for the economy, and if you don't need them anymore you can easily deport them.
Only poor people who can't afford to travel want open boarders. Asking someone if they own a passport is the best way to determine their stance on this issue because you won't get the typical: "Der takin our jerbs!"
want *closed boarders
No ones asking for open borders dumb ass ....What a waste of sperm you are hahaha
Do you realize how many of them are having children over here that will need welfare, seats in the classroom, jobs eventually, etc? It's an exponential issue that needs to be fixed.
Democrats are fighting tooth and nail against immigrant enforcement because GASP they all vote Democrat!
>they still pay more into the system by taxes than they take out in form of welfare
Except they don't and no they are not a net win for the economy. They dont' pay a dime into property taxes, so they go to public schools for free. Then you throw in how they don't pay for ER visits. They drive without car insurance. Now we have the democrats pushing to give them free license, college and heathcare. You need to get your head out of your ass. They are a massive drain on this country, both financially and resource wise.
"Easily deport"
Yeah it's easy to transport millions of people thousands of miles, and then they'll all surely stay there afterwards right
Ask me how I know you're an ignorant fucking child? The fact you think you can just round up millions of people and deport them just like that. If it were that easy we wouldn't have this fucking problem would we? Especially given that the democrats protect those subhumans from deportation and give them welfare when they are here.
>Democrats are fighting tooth and nail against immigrant enforcement because GASP they all vote Democrat!
This reminds me of the plot of Poolboy 2 - Drowning out the furry, where the evil Russian scientist want's to import mexicans as Poolboys so they fuck with the wifes of hard working americans to overtake america with spics.
you know all those stories of illegals who have been "around" for 20 years, never became citizens, have 3-4 kids and have been deported 4 times and now, when TRUMP the WHITE RACIST wants to deport them, he's WORSE THAN HITLER?
the first time you're deported, you're banned for a few years. the second time, it's like ten years. the third time, you're BANNED FOR LIFE. you can NEVER come into this nation and have ZERO chance of becoming a citizen.
how many of our illegals are actually already federally BANNED FOR LIFE? the only issue is money. we can't go find them. we don't have the desperation of nazi germany but if we had the money, we'd ditch 10 million of them, i'm sure. i bet 1/10 californians are actually banned for life from this nation.
>If it were that easy we wouldn't have this fucking problem would we?
You know, if you would deport all illegal immigrants, your whole low income industry like the agricultural industy would collapse.
The reason they don't get deported is because your countries economy depends on them.
That is literally what the democrats are trying to do. Import as many spics as possible so they can stay in power permanently. Not to mention hispanics are anti-gun and pro-socialist, both of which the dems want. Of course we're going to have some beaner come in here and try to tell us that hispanics are "conservative", even though there is NO evidence of that and plenty that they aren't.
Currency, you mean. We dont use money in this country.
Currency is created out of thin air to finance massive deficit spending. If the powerful wanted the illegals gone, currency wouldnt even be a slight hurdle. Currency has nothing to do with it.
If an industry has to depend on cheap slave labor, maybe it deserves to collapse? Why should I be in favor of saving a dying business that can't survive without illegals? How does that benefit me in any way?
Because any Mexican or Peruvian would be a step up from the shit-kickers, paranoids, and rubes who are the base of Trump's support.
Peruvians come here legally, so generally they are good people. Unlike the fucking trash like you that crawl their monkey asses across illegally.
>Import as many spics as possible so they can stay in power permanently.
Nice conspiracy. Not like theres another party that actually fucks the system to stay in power right now... I love it how you retards make up imaginary problems, even though the republicans are actually commiting a shit tone of undemocratic shit to stay in power right now.
>both of which the dems want
Wrong. If Dems want socialism, than why have they ditched Bernie (who don't even want socialism, at least not by the definition of that word, but rather social democracy, which is something totally different) in favour of Hillary? Fact of the matter is the Democratic establishment doesn't want socialism or social democracy. The american public want's it, thats why Bernie is so popular, but dems are fighting against it more than they do against republicans
>even though there is NO evidence of that and plenty that they aren't.
Depends on what you define as conservative. Of course they don't want to deport Mexicans (duh..) but if it's about gay marriage, or religous freedom, most spics are very conservative (as they come from a very christian conservative countries)
People that regurgitate "left/right" partisan nonsense are the problem. This means you. The sooner you snap out of your coma and realize that "both parties" practical agendas are identical, the less time you'll spend sounding like a dumb fuck.
Says the soiboi libtard.
>How does that benefit me in any way?
>like the agricultural industy would collapse.
So you don't eat food?
>most spics are very conservative
LOL, see I knew some dumbfuck spic was gonna say this. No, you fucking beaners are NOT conservative, at all. You don't live in a single country that is conservative and everywhere you live in this country is a leftist shit hole.
Yes I do, now answer my question
>You don't live in a single country that is conservative and everywhere you live in this country is a leftist shit hole.
Citation needed.
I mean brazil just voted in Bolsonaro, how can't you call that conservative?
You need a citation to see that every spic country is a socialist, "gun free" dump? Or how they all vote for gibs? Everywhere that is hispanic majority is run by democrats.
Guaranteed Democrat voters for life. By the millions. Give it 20 years and the fucking GOP will literally cease to exist.
>Yes I do, now answer my question
If you don't get it, without the cheap labor (as they are illegals they are often payed much less than minimum wage, and even if they would, no fucking american would want to do that work), the price of food would fucking skyrocket. You would pay 4x or so as much for your food.
If you think that doesn't effect you, fine. But many americans are dependen on the cheap price of food, you know, to not die and shit
They don't
I would GLADLY pay 4x as much for food if that means every illegal is deported the fuck out of here. And it's funny how this argument is made, yet the costs of food and housing and college goes up every fucking year anyway, and wages stay the same, WITH millions of those people living here illegally. Interesting how that works out.
>Everywhere that is hispanic majority is run by democrats.
First of all, democrats is only an american thing, all around the world they are called either socialists or labor.
Second Bolsonaro, you know the president of brazil, the largest latin american country, is in no way shape or form left. He is so fucking right wing, he can see donald trump somewhere on the horizon left of him
If they rent,they are paying property taxes? Are you an adult or even an American citizen?
Illegals can't vote user.
WOW ONE GUY, out of the fucking dozens of countries and hundred of years of leftist bullshit. Better let them all in then, they FINALLY figured the fuck out that voting for leftist bullshit doesn't work. I'm sure the rest of south america will follow suit, not.
>If they rent,they are paying property taxes
No they are not. The only people who say this are dumbass kids like you that don't know how real life works.
>I would GLADLY pay 4x as much for food if that means every illegal is deported the fuck out of here.
You would, but many americans just couldn't pay for this. And you know what is much worse than some conservatives not liking you because of immigrants? If your nation would starve. Because than conservatives would be like: "See democrats can't even feed the people".
Not that I'm supporting this either, but thats just how it is. They can't get rid of them because than they would either have to massively increase taxes in order to substitute for the price increase, or would litteraly watch their people starving. Both of which would be political suicide.
So basically it's better to embrace the demon you can handle, rather than go down shit road
They soon will be able to in NY and other states will follow.
And then Trump will sue those states and the SC will rule that non-citizens cannot vote
>topkek... again
You know how dishonest that is don't you? Let me quote you
>You don't live in a single country that is conservative and everywhere you live in this country is a leftist shit hole.
>Everywhere that is hispanic majority is run by democrats.
These two claims are provably wrong, and I show it. How you now come to the conclusion that I think you should therefore let in all of them is quite a leap isn't it? All I did was debunk the bullshit you spout. Now you say I use this as a justification for letting in all spics? You know how this is called? A strawman fallacy.
TBH. I absolutely don't care about the american immigration policy, I'm not american. I just called out your bullshit. Take them in, deport them, or round them up and kill them, idc. This doesn't make your statements right.
>they FINALLY figured the fuck out that voting for leftist bullshit doesn't work.
Not like voting right wing would work. Ask post WW2 Europe how voting far right has turned out
Well, you should be! Make sure to watch your mouth, otherwise I'll get AOC to come to your house, tie you up, call you names and slap you around. Hard.
Now, you wouldn't like that, would you?
Open borders is a mistake.
>If anything it's costing them votes
Votes don't mean anything if you can mint them at the border. They get a guaranteed voterbase by importing mexicans. Even if illegals can't vote for the time being, their children still get to do so.
help me come up with the name for my new company idea. it's a robot that replaces 100 illegals in a field, works by GPS--i know it's only accurate within 5 feet so that's just to get it started and sensors/cameras work from there--and has 20 arms, HD cameras, LEDs and works 24 hours a day and no more listeria, e. coli, salmonella, etc from filthy illegals pissing and shitting on all our produce.
how about "exmexitronica"?
>by importing mexicans.
Imagine being this retarded. This is how I know you're a brainwashed republican. Most of the immigrants coming accross the border are from south america i.e. guatemala, venezuela, nicaragua, etc. Only to the idiot republicans its too complicated so they just label all them as "Mexicans". That and the fact that its an easier soundbite then listing out all the actual countries and it has the added benefit of having an automatic scapegoat for all your problems. Read a fucking book user, you make Americans look bad.
But that's wrong. Corn harvesting is done by machines. Spics harvest non staple crops like berries; their removal wouldn't affect anything but luxury food production.
the white genocide is real
>written words
>physical barrier
someone doesnt understand basic smarts
logical fallacy checked and called out
Good luck living on your Corn Diet faggot.
Why do Republicans want to sleep with their mothrers?
There is no Democrat of any standing that wants open borders. They want to change the level of illegality that comes with crossing illegally so that families aren't torn apart. That's the main goal.
>arguing semantics
Who gives a shit, everything south of the border is one homogeneous blob anyway. Calling them south americans doesn't change the fact that they're an imported democrat voting base. You're just dodging the issue, retard.
>someone doesnt understand basic smarts
logical fallacy
Is it you? Its you isnt it?
Corporations want to be able to treat employees like shit.
Legal slavery.
Fuck off to /pol/
they up for changing having families separated due to DUIs and domestic abuse as well?
>costing them votes
the illegals vote
Im just pointing out how you dont even know what youre talking about, so how the fuck could anyone trust a word of what youre saying, regardless of the issue youre making up.
Idk. Seems like a separate issue tbh.
You do understand there is a difference between obtaining a physical object, and attempting to circumvent a physical barrier, right?
No one actually cares about that.
1)They’re paid by corporations to help them get cheap shit kicking labor
2)They increase voter base
3)they get paid by Cartel to make running exponentially easier with less red tape
Win win win for Democrats
64% of federal arrests were of illegals
just every 2020 hopeful and all the party leaders
Of course they're not. They only care about "family separation" when it comes to their pet spics. Everyone else is expected to follow laws and pay taxes.
Oh yeah I'm sure they're all coming to vote for Trump. That's why the democrats want them so badly.
We heard you the first time, samefag, no one cares
That's factually wrong, though. Sorry pal.
Ain't nobody samefagging, champ. Why are you so triggered? You need a safe space?
Not really, if you're saying you want to give out free health care and de-criminalize crossing the border illegally, what is that if it's not open borders?
>64% of federal arrests were of illegals
Lol thats not what that says faggot. Non u.s. citizens could be anything from U.S. Residents to people on vacation visas. Try again faggot.
Arguing semantics is the biggest brainlet thing you could possibly do. No one cares what the spics are called, just that they're coming over and diluting the voting pool with their illegitimate population count.
Man, that is one hell of a spin there. You don't happen to work for CNN, do you?
So you're saying youre pro slavery/indentured servitude simply because of the economic necessity? How incredibly Democratic of you. Never thought pro confederate civil war era politics would come back in vogue
>You need a safe space?
No one needs a safespace more than the country trying to build a wall around it to protect it from the world.
Corn is fed to beef too you retard. The only food that goes with spics is berries. Grains are all mechanized, and livestock is fed a diet of corn. You wouldn't even notice if they left.
No, not the world, just third world monkeys who are uneducated and don't follow laws
You tried
>just third world monkeys who are uneducated and don't follow laws
You just described Americans
But not the white ones
>America has a population of 370 million, the world has a population of 7 billion
>huh why do Americans need borders? What's the worst that could happen if suddenly half of the south American continents population suddenly just walked north
At a certain point you cross the line of simply ignorant to willfully ignorant.
Not him, and that map is likely exaggerated, but it's not like it's far off either
>attacking the source
brainlet alert
Thats even funnier. NEWSFLASH, Niggers are AMERICAN as apple pie. Shit, most niggers have roots in america that go back to colonial times, probably further back than your disgusting ass, and definitely further back than your jew loving president.
Are you retarded? Of course you need a real valid source. Saying "Numbers taken from last poll" means nothing. Anyone with ms paint could put that. This is why you are so easily brainwashed. Heres a statistic: Your mother is a whore. Source: Blacks and hispanics between the ages of 25 and 30. God you make me laugh.
>not even attempting to refute the nigger crime rate
I rest my case
this nation isn't average. it actually happens to be the best nation on earth that saves the entire world and has the most power. why should it give any reject the right to have a piece of it? then, also to give them 15 an hour and put them in the top 1% of the world? how can 1 billion losers join the best nation on earth and join the 1%?
it doesn't make sense. it's already gone way too far. we should have zero immigration unless you have already secured a nice job, home, and come with a master's degree.
If America sucks so bad then why do people need to migrate here? If its third world and lawless why do Mexicans prefer it over their completely lawful and incorruptible utopia that is mexico?
>Niggers are AMERICAN
Uh, no they are not. Not real ones anyway.
>not even attempting to refute the nigger crime rate
Why would I? We're talking about America. Stop trying to separate yourself from the niggers you created.
>this retard is seriously trying to argue that spics are a red voter base
o i am laffin
>be the best nation
That's where youre wrong bucko. Didnt even bother reading the rest of your text.
Lol Imagine being this retarded
No one fucking knows the real answer, because our whole system is a complete shit show joke that none of us even understand a fraction of. Fuck you for even asking, actually. You're probably here just to start arguments.
Nah. The behavior of brown people in america highlights exactly why we shouldn't let more of them in.
They want open borders because the vast majority of the illegals crossing the border will vote Democrat.
Why do they want to get rid of the electoral college? Why do they want to add more supreme court judges?
Its because they have no answers and no solutions of their own, so let's change the laws.... To their benefit. They are total losers.
kek you fuckers said the exact same thing about niggers.
to add:
there is NO nation that should have the right to demand amnesty from having to take fucking refugees except US. every other nation is a fucking motel 6, at best. we are a fucking towering ultra rich hotel. we need to throw the fucking statue of liberty and its fucking "send us your losers" plaque in the fucking ocean. that was then. now, we have all the nukes, all the tech, all the movies, all the power.
things HAVE to change sometimes and they HAVE CHANGED. this isn't a truck stop with free toilets and benches.
lol we rule. we own all the tech companies, we're country code 01, region code 1, have all the nukes, we fuck OWN THE WORLD. we have the most power in the known universe.
if it's not the best nation, then the fucking brown things can FUCK OFF.
As a non American is seems pretty fuckin dumb that a good chunk of Americans are perfectly fine with people dying in their country when they could receive help. For example, an immigrant gets hit by a car, bleeding and broken on the road. Is it really telling of "the greatest country in the world" to say ehhhh fuck it he ain't from here?
Fact is universal health care is a necessity, even if some leeches will use it immorally. Save money, better care. Literally win win but Americans have been programmed to think they can't afford it or that they'll pay more or wait longer. Everything about the paranoia is false.
I find it funny how those quotes are always from some well off Citizens that never had to lift a single finger in their life.
Its always the same pampered city boy with out any clue what is actually going on out there writes a manifesto and other pampered city boys quote him.
yes, everyone fight!
There isn’t one democrat in that photo. Unless you mean you want to ban G7 leaders coming to USA. Or perhaps you heard some dumb fuck on Fox News call Angela Merkel a democrat.
Turn off your TV and get fucking educated.
What is a forced birth, you had unprotected sex, what did you expect? a new tv?
but what are you really saying? we don't have free health care and free education? for WHO? blacks and latins? they are too fucking dumb to get through high school, let alone higher education. white people pay 92% of the taxes and we are told all day that we're the worst people in the world and our filthy women find salvation by being SJWs and lesbian fag hags.
we are ultra winners that give the world the best it's ever seen and you diss us and then, the straight white male still wakes up and goes to work, creating the future and saving the entire world while tolerating the colored filth.
If America isn't the best nation then why do people immigrate to it illegally and risk penalty of incarceration and deportation IN THE MILLIONS, if its such a shit hole why is it the most requested country for asylum GLOBALLY, how can we be a third world joke and the answer to the question of where most people globally would like to live at the same time? Where are the millions of people globally clamoring to move to Mexico? To India? To china? To Australia even? Where are the millions of people demanding entry into Brazil? Supply and demand dictates American citizenship is a fucking high end commodity but yes I'll believe your fucking shit opinion user.
Retarded picture lol
lol sure bud. Subsidized spic healthcare doesn't magically create more medicine and doctors. Either you put a price on it and bidders get the scarce resource, or you hand it out indiscriminately and then people wait in line because there isn't enough to go around.
Good one bro. Super original.
no ones making them come here and work for $5/hr. thats probably still more than they can make at home
Can you even name one fucking benefit that the G7 provides? Other than open border globalists patting each other on the backs, because they have morons like you defending them.
and still retards like you think that there is something like forced birth even that this is common knowlage that there is a chance you will get a kid during unprotected sex, kys xD
I'm Canadian. Watching people like you desperately fight against universal health care is legit funny. It exists, and it works. 35-45 thousand Americans die a year because they can't afford healthcare, many of those are insured. You have to be fucking brain-dead if you believe the Mafia middle-men pharma and medicine cunts are actually treating you well. Get fucked and go bankrupt paying your medical bills, nerd.
So their self-righteous, wishful thinking cocks can be jerked by the people who think they’re retards who’s only purpose is to fund their private pedo islands
Why are libtards constantly asshurt? How do they live on like that? Constantly butthurt?
holy shit the left cannot meme
That's 35-45 thousand medical operations the taxpayer isn't being robbed for faggot. I don't give two shits about government healthcare, my employer takes care of that for me.
Enjoy dying on the waiting list for your chronic illness.
Shut up leaf. 85 percent of your Economy is contingent on American buisness, you’re our attic, and occasionally our doormat. The only reason we haven’t invaded you is because it wouldn’t be worth the hassle anyways.
Good whatever makes the racist burger population shrink. I favor it
Communists aren't people.
>no ones making them come here
Except there is a political party in the United states in the current year 2019 that is attempting to push policy that totally incentivizes the illegal immigration of millions of people to work in the United states illegally, that same political party COINCIDENTALLY receives millions in donations annually from the corporations that utilize cheap undocumented labor. Face it dude, its fucking indentured servitude/slavery with more steps.
Open border globalists? Get outside and start living in the real world. Perhaps talk to your neighbors. Walk to a grocery store nearby. Eat some vegetables, maybe some fruit too. Live a little.
Capt. Vasili Borodin:
I will live in Montana. And I will marry a round American woman and raise rabbits, and she will cook them for me. And I will have a pickup truck... maybe even a "recreational vehicle." And drive from state to state. Do they let you do that?
Captain Ramius:
I suppose.
Capt. Vasili Borodin:
No papers?
Captain Ramius:
No papers, state to state.
Capt. Vasili Borodin:
Well then, in winter I will live in... Arizona. Actually, I think I will need two wives.
Captain Ramius:
Oh, at least.
Won't have to wait, thanks to the good system we have. Anything serious has you seen asap. Keep trying faggot. Also, nice wishing death on your fellow citizens who can't afford help. Fucking die, dude.
Yeah, lol that's the 'only reason'. Christ how fuckin dumb
>open border globalists dont exist
Yeah there are totally not ultra wealthy people in the world that stand to gain from open borders and the erosion of immigration laws universally so they can have access to larger cheaper and stupider slav- I mean employee pools while also skirting international tax and business laws, TOTALLY A BOOGIEMAN people with over 500 million dollars in assets looking to turn that to a billion are simply old wives tales, they're made up figments of imagination. Except when Bernie Sanders says they exist you suck his fucking cock, when you attribute real human behavior to those people like greed or a desire to change the laws to suit their lifestyle/business practices NOW WE FUCKING JUMPED THE SHARK. You really don't think there are uber wealthy people that enjoy lavish international lifestyles and own interests and businesses multinationally pushing for globalization because it benefits them further and dont give a damn about the poor plebs that dont even own passports that will inevitably be fucked over by these policies?
The only reason why elites and MSM are pushing for a multicultural mixed society is to create a population of docile, dependent welfare slaves who won't challenge authority. It isn't even a racial thing, elites don't really care about Africans and arabs. it's about power and domination. Elites
want a world without identity whites. Only white men have consistently been able to beat back the elites push for world domination. If they are successful in destroying the white race then there will be no one left to stop the elites. That is why the ruling elite are trying to create a mixed civilisation with short minded thinkers. Easy to manipulate and control. Smart enough to pay taxes, dumb enough to keep voting for them.
Fuck off, cunt
10/10 argument here folks.
Call your mom. Tell her you love her.
A little white lie can’t hurt.
Genuis level comeback
I don't disagree with this, as someone who is a little more right leaning than left.
However I do disagree with the notion that people here don't want to work for minimum wage. I own a business for instance and don't need to work, but I would be happy to pick fruits for a little extra money (can never have enough) and do something productive and fun (I love working outdoors).
But I get your overall sentiment. Most mexicans I've met aren't fruit pickers and chicken render-ers though, they own landscape businesses and cleaning services and shit and actually do quite well.
I can't believe someone just said this. user, you don't pay property taxes when you rent. The landlord does, who OWNS the building/house/apartment/whatever.
Does he build the cost of taxes into your rent? Maybe. Probably, if he's smart. But either way, renters do not pay property taxes. It comes from business owners.
Plus we have a shortage of housing, especially affordable housing. Too many people, too few houses. Great for business if you're in that line of work, bad for economy and people.
Ok I'll do that if you can actually refute anything I stated and stop squirming around like a worm when reality is presented before you.
What's next tell me to have sex or maybe regurgitate one of your other le epic maymays so you can feel like you have some sort of high ground that I can only dream of attaining, I can hear you smelling your farts from here.