Non-political things npcs say

Non-political things npcs say

I'll start

>Oh I can't wait to binge watch the new Game of thrones

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>LOL that is such a mood!

>I'm so excited for the next Marvel movie!

what a gay thread

>can't wait until the pumpkin spice latte comes back

>also pic related

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Found the NPC

>something something climate change...

>nobody's president
>he's still your president
>two scoops two genders, two terms

>Non-political things npc say

>Posts something political

camt weed wurdz

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>*insert character here* being ICONIC for 3 minutes straight
Look it up on YouTube. Cancerous shit.

fuck off libcuck

>I loved skyrim

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>oh yeah you watch anime too?

Imagine thinking that hating popular things makes you cool

>that's problematic
>can't wait for [insert capeshit]



that was a good one

never mind I just realized you were being serious.
Still an excellent contribution though

Game Of Thrones?

You're running an old version, run a patch.

look how cool I am being different

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>stranger things is good

>baby bitch noises

>why do X question thats not really a question but an attack.

ITT people who hate the popular because it’s popular therefore becoming the same as the people who love the popular because it’s popular
You just want to be cool and fit in with the misfits instead of just liking and hating what you like and hate. Pathetic

>yesterday i saw a really funny meme

>ITT people who hate the popular because it’s popular therefore becoming the same as the people who love the popular because it’s popular
>You just want to be cool and fit in with the misfits instead of just liking and hating what you like and hate. Pathetic

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Do you charge Trump or does he just live rent free in your empty fucking head? Jesus Christ, can you people talk about anything else other than politics? That’s why you get called NPCs because there’s just no substance to you

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Jesus fuck you think you have it all figured out don't you.

Every fucking moron i've ever met thought they had it all figured out. Your not special or especially smart. If you were either you'd realize.

ur just mad ur not iconic

It’s almost like politics are everywhere because it effects people’s lives and Trump has caused the most damage politically that it’s seeped into everything you love. Wanna get rid of politics? Get rid of ‘bad orange man’ and maybe it’ll quiet down again.
Also, not being into politics is a sign of low iq

Trump sucks but politics has always been heated. Trump is just an easy way to let out your anger I guess, idk why people talk about him so much... It's not like complaining on Twitter does anything

Okay I don't know if politics has always been really heated im just assuming, ur actually right probably lol

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>Your not special or especially smart.
>You're neither special nor smart

This post really proves your point user

>Someone famous who's already dead said something... It must be true

I wish my parents loved me

What has trump done policy wise that has hurt the country? (I'm not a maga fuck but most people are retarded and think he's bad) he's not that bad.

Yesssss. If you actually care about politics, get involved on the local level. It will have much more of an effect on your life. I can almost guarantee nothing in your life has changed as a result of the president's actions over the last 10 years. You can easily tell who the NPCs are when they rage about Trump, Obama, or whoever

Just from a policy perspective he's just another average republican president.

The damage he deals is two folded. First his rhetoric is dangerous in the sense that actively spouting fake news, as well as his aggressive We- against them narrative really lowers the bar for any followup president. No president prior would have talked like this. This now opens the doors for future presidents to be even worse. To put it short, he pushed the overtone window may further than any other president in recent history.
Secondly, he really, really harms the international image of your country. America lives of it's economic empire. By damaging foreign relationships he makes it harder to sustain.

Don’t kid yourself. Trump has set a new normal and politics are not only more talked about but more heated than ever. Ask anyone that’s been keeping up before 2016
You haven’t been keeping up even a little? His most recent fuck ups are the tariffs and trade war. We’re headed to a recession now

Being this braindead. Look around idiot


hey guys centrist here
just wondering if you all could stop talking about trump and how smart you are and just go back to what we were suppose to doing originally
thank you

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>makes up red herring
>feels superior for shitting on red herring


>I think other people lead meaningless lives, even though I don't do anything but shitpost on Yea Forums all day

It‘s your problem if you cannot realize that modern mainstream is just a patchwerk of unpopular entertainment elements.

It is again your problem if you never heard of these elements, neither read, nor researched.

I do not think hating something popular is something cool.

Current situation of men really upsets me.

You are a fucking moron.


Not being into politics is also a political statement, in form of embracing the status quo