Why do liberals get all the sex when I’m still a virgin

Why do liberals get all the sex when I’m still a virgin

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because turns out that women don't like politics or rage

Because you can't hide inner ugliness. It always shows through.

liberals have no standards

they'll fuck any smell old cock/cunt

I bet this doesn't account for blacks who had kids out of wedlock at absurd rates

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>muh virginity
I find it sad that people put so much worth into something so mediocre.
You had people in the past that didn't have sex until they were over 40. But O boy if you don't manage to get an std while you are 12, your a loser lmao!

Moaning about how your mom burnt your chicken tendies and how she never knocks when she comes in your room (she calls it her basement) isn't sexy.

Especially if you're over 18.

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This is now an official MAGA thread!

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MIGA fellow pedo!

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Why do you post fake articles? Maybe that's why you're still a virgin.

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It has nothing to do with political affiliation.
Don't be daft.
You just got to socialize more.

probably because they're conservative you idiot.

what's wrong with you.
you're not even actually anonymous and you're here saying your a pedo.
what if I gave your ip to the FBI?

4 more years Donald J. Trump!
And a lost job and a std and angry family members and a tarnished reputation and maybe even wounds around the shaft. But hey you managed to get laid with some easy slut that was used a hundred times before you used her. Gongrats.

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women like men who respect them at all ever

whoda fuckin thunk it

leftists literally beat pro life women in the streets


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>a small minority of people that dresses terrible and bitches about politics all day has problems getting laid

Yeah no surprise here.

Liberals are raped as childs that's why they're homo and can lose their virginity to everything.

Maybe the kids there can’t afford to fly to Pedophile Island.

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>conservatives more likely to be christian
>christians more likely to wait for marriage

>be me
>live in america
>no one loves me

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You mean take miles of cock in their mouths and asses, while pretending to be virgins.

>implying they would turn down pussy if they were capable of acquiring it.
whew lad

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I love you, user.