Are you sure you want a race war?

Are you sure you want a race war?

Attached: White bitch chocked.webm (720x720, 1.95M)

Other urls found in this thread:

of course human males lose unarmed, individual fights against gorrillas, just like they do from elephants, rhino's, bears, lions, ... whats your point?

Please keep the racebait at /pol/ you fucking spam faggot this shit is getting annoying

I don't want a race war.

> when /pol/ goes outside


I was waiting for the armbar that never came, jesus christ why don't people get a minimum of training?

If there is ...niggers will just kill them selves...they do that already...

If you look closely you can see that they're both niggers.

this, no self respecting white man would be found in this situation

I am craving for a race war. I will take my men and guns and shoot those invaders in the face.

but I want
countless niggas would be killed for the glory of humanity

that pussy deserved this.. go train you fucking cunts

100 fucking percent I do. Niggers should be eradicated from this country.

The United States is not a jungle. We don’t need gorillas, baboons, and chimps here.

The Hulk was being gentle to that guy. The chick tho, my gawd! If Super niggah was fighting over her, y'all won the race war.

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reasonable: cops only kill 3 people a day with guns, but blacks kill 50+ blacks a day with guns.

more reasonable: yeah, but that's not enough. somehow they're keeping their population growing like crazy and white people pay all the taxes and have to pay for it all and feel sorry for them all day, forever.

In a race war, white chicks will flock to the black side in seconds, so better protect your sisters before the Niggahs get them. Secondly, there are a lot of blacks ex-army that own guns and probably know the same stuff white soldiers do. Third, gangsters literally shoot and have killed and probably gotten away so a white nerd with a bunch of guns that have indoor shooting range experience won't stand a chance. Your number one weapon, the cops aren't going to do much soon.

are YOU sure you want a race war, black sissyboy?

Attached: nigger rekt 15.webm (222x400, 1.82M)

Attached: nigger rekt 14.webm (500x302, 1.38M)

even white girls kick your monkey ass

Attached: nigger rekt 13.webm (320x240, 1.23M)

Attached: nigger rekt.webm (326x180, 772K)

Thor vs Wakandans

Notice how the fuck only tries shit with someone half his size that doesn't even fight back. Pathetic cunt.

Homeboy would have caught 2 in the chest, 1 in the head and bleed out before ambulance and PD arrive.

Attached: nigger rekt 10.webm (202x360, 1.31M)

This. Besides "whites" are the most divided of all races. 2/3 will end up killing each other before the race war even starts. Obama is black while some german girl with brown hair and brown eyes isn't "white"

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>you fight wars with your hands
niggers are so stupid lol

The negro per se doesn't have boundaries that prevents him from being impulsive. That's why they don't have higher culture.
It's hard for white guys to understand that, you wouldn't attack a dog without backup.

Wonder what got the monkey so angry

OP, you are no better than the black guy on the webm. You gave no context of what happened on the video, you are probably raging like the guy and want race war because you are just emotional pussy. What I would do in similar situation is to run away - I am a runner, until the guy gives up chasing me, then I would pick up a stone throw in his head and run more until he stops chasing me again. Rinse and repeat. The white dude is clearly stupid so he deserves that.

Bring on the jigaboo boogaloo

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If we quit feeding them they would all be dead in a week. Niggers are so simple minded they can't even comprehend their own extinction.

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Actually these guys could have easily settled this over a beer. The question is do women want a gender war

i heard tell that if you remind them they're a nigger they get all out of sorts.

you better hide if shit hits the fan, niggerboy

Attached: nigger rekt 4.webm (636x360, 1.78M)

>post video one instance where a black man bests a non-black man
>thinks this is indicative of how a war between non-blacks and blacks would go

how the fuck you want to win a race war, if negros never invented something useful for humanity? You even didn't know what a wheel is.. how fucked up can you actually be?

Amerindian here(Peru)
Can I be on the side of the whites?
at least like a pawn?

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Money wins wars. Always has. Yeah, not to worried

Always love the Thor vs nignogs video

Settle down there collateral cruise

South Americans are fine, it's the African "Americans" people got a problem with

I guess

Well that's clearly assault on camera and the black dude's career and life are now ruined forever

The Dark tries to cover The Bright, little does The Dark know, it's Ineffective

Yes, but whites should be developed enough not to need resort to fisticuffs. Design genetically selective viruses and sit back to enjoy the show

>Are you sure you want a race war?
No, now please go to jail for trying to sow the seeds for one.

Just shoot harambe

We have all our niggers in one place, and we have no problems.


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Race war is what they want to keep your attention off of the real crooks, the real people who steal your money everyday. Only color that matters is green. If you dumb son of a bitches can't figure that out then you should be exterminated for being a retard. Good day.

By divided you mean diverse.

He should have started hitting as soon as the guy got in his face.

Lol! He was being gentle too

This is most of society. Reason why corporate headquarters are always far far away from their slaves.

Divide and conquer, an age old strategy.

Create a race war, let poor people worry about that while we laugh about it all the way to the bank.


Does this white faggot even lift?

A race war in inevitable.

The Democrats know this; why do you think they're so desperate to disarm Americans?

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i'm ready for the race war. are you?

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Only Anglos are white

FYI: niggers mostly travel in packs. this is an act of aggression

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>that fucking tree trunk of an elbow
jesus christo - say night night nigger


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sure i'm bored as hell

Kanye got rekt

hazza, a man of quality

Fuck you white toy you wouldnt make it around the corner bitch.Ya bitchin yo iz habben but da realz Gs aint no fucken jokes mane. Fierce combat hardened Gs from tha hood would easily driveby your dumb fat defender vigilante within days. Dumb geeks would surrender immediately and offer the boipucci. Police will kneel down and beg for mercy. You racist think you are tough byt in a real confrontation you cry for mommy and just want to let go home. Haha you better be careful what you wish for whitey

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I would love a racewar to be honest. No niggers that can cry about "I dindu nothin" while I put some lead in to their empty skulls.
Nigger can't fight for shit unless its blatantly obvious they are in a better position. Either they are bigger, they got a whole nigger army behind them or they fight people who definitely don't want to fight.
No kikes to protect them in court either. Just my trusty ole shotgun and Tyrone "suckerpunch" Whiteman.

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TNB Syndrome. Perfect example of the "Typical Nigger Behavior"

And it's just a left.. yees. Nigga aint got chance against white chick

All these videos depict stupid white niggers trying to assimilate with the monkeys.
Take the monkey out of his ghetto. His balls shrivel up like peas in the white mans land. Knowing very well he may be hung from a tree in the middle of nowhere

>shows a random clip of a white dude getting beat up

Wow yeah, I'm totally scared now

in real confrontation i would use my superior white intellect to annihilate all the niggers careffuly and methodically

This is why you need a gun.

Where I live, I could pick niggers off all day long with my .308 and scope.
I pray for the day we have open season on the niggers

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I will eat your pumping hard i ripped out your chest alive while i rank up to be general KFC in my guerilla force. No white peeps will stop my warriors from rape and pillage town after town and holding your spine like a trophy up in the air. Its time to show whos real boss. Racewar im just waiting here for the sirens to roll out and massacre whites to conquer this land

Damage control? Haha

Niggers are only still alive, because white still feed, and house them.
Lol, whether its in a ghetto project, or jail.

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the last time another race pissed off the white man we split the atom and turned it into a weapon, are you sure you want a race war

we can and have won barttles against niggers where we have been outnumbered 20 to 1

Gots to feed the Niggers.

oh look.... the Russian who spams traps threads..... trump threads.... porn threads...... race threads.......celeb threads..... Facebook threads..... makes yet another appearance

It's not hard. Just use a small amount of planning. You could kill 35 niggers for 1 homemade bomb

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What a piece of shit, this isn't something to aspire to, these people have no ability of empathy or ethical thought. It has nothing to do with race, that's irrelevant and a midieval fear, these are just two animals with no control of their animal instincts.

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So the greeks and romans aren't whites. Ok.

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It got weird.

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Cause I'm white.

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Look how easy it would be to grab that nig nog by the fucking balls and tear them off.

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If there is going to be a race war white people aren't going to chimp out like niggers. They'll use firearms and technology

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Ishukouhai Kiroku 2

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So is all the stinkin' porn.

look at his alt-right hairdo, lol That's 100% a /pol/ tard trying to 'logic meme' an angry black man

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>2/3 will end up killing each other before the race war even starts


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a race war is a cultural war you fucking idiot. Not a literal war. You're basically a forest gump.

Race is not color so much as identity.

"Race! It is a feeling, not a reality: ninety-five percent, at least, is a feeling. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today. ... National pride has no need of the delirium of race." - Mussolini

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kek this

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Yes. Gas chambers with 30 cm thick concrete walls masked as KFC

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Lol, that girl is like almost white.

He's definitely not going to be racist after that

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Football player vs a random douche bag? Hardly a microcosm for a race war. There are just as many aggressive white dude as their are black dudes. The difference is we actually created the big black dudes during slavery. Whites have been conquering the world for hundreds of years.

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what is the point in posting this? To prove that you are mentally ill?

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Can't we just give all the fat ugly shank white women to the blacks, and call it reparations ?

Its interracial.

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Romans were not originally white, although they took so many white slaves, Gauls, Thracians, etc, that the genetics worked their way in.

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I would systematically hunt and rape this gang of ferrel niggers, in a pack niggers are all brave and shouty, on their own they're like all niggers fucking pussy's, just waiting for their white master to tell them what to do

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You’re literally referencing society from almost a hundred years ago. Whites don’t see Irish and Italians the way they did back then, culture changes retard. Not to mention the fact that a common enemy brings similar people together despite internal struggles.

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if we had a race war, that white guy would have stabbed that nigger to death without fear of people calling him a racist bigot.

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Yea Yea Forumsro that’s fine, just don’t leave your trash laying around

notice how he didnt throw one punch or provoke an attack and it's all on video? Now the animal gets to go back in his cage where he belongs for assault.

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And battery

Hope this one isn't too creepy.

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Check Out this EXTREMELY HOT Active Server for the BEST LEWDS of FEMALES and TRAPS!

discord gg/jUUeATY

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Says the moron that's not an amerindian, but calls himself american.

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the plume of smoke... did the white guy knock him out while holding in a vape hit?

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Wow, complete sucker punch.
This totally proves white supremacy.

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But you're white too, fool.

It happened again.

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I'm not Russian. I'm an Indian freelancer that gets $4 a hour doing this. Bite me twice.

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Fuck off, faggot. Take your stupid shit back to /pol

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4 sure I want race war. You will have to face me on a curvy mountain downhill.

No chance against me and my 86.

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>2 results

why the fuck is everyone retarded. This man would never have children if that had been me.

Anyone who answers this thread with anything but "This is just bait and bullshit" is fucking retarded and should be put down immediately in order to purify the gene pool.

Guess what really happens when s race war emerges.

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fucking idiot doesn't even know how to spell, you guys are all dumb as shit

Upgrade it with a nice solid steel bar welded to the chassis, just behind the front bumper. Don't want to mess up your body kit with some shit hitting it..

Why can't ever be in this situation? Where a nigger tries something with me so I can murder him and call self defense.

Why war. Stop helping this apes and aids ebola and foot shortage will do the job.

I would have caught him in a flying armbar the second he reached for my neck, and snapped his arm like a twig before we hit the ground.

>See this New Chan. What whould be changed here ? Your opinion needed

2015 was the last year white births outnumbered minority ones. It's just a matter of time till all whites all gone.

Please keep posting so we can archive the last breaths of a dying breed. Good riddance.

A lot of people die, and no one ends up victorious dipshit

>strong black man
>weak white man

niggers only prey on the weak lmao, ill take that race war for sure

So you're saying we need to go all Fight Club and burn down all corporate headquarters?
I'm game.
Okay everyone. We have a new agenda.
One I think we can all get on board with.
So, how are we going to make this happen?
It's certainly possible and perhaps the only thing that could save humanity.

Got that everyone?
All of them...

Nazis die or kill themselves or end up having to hide in Argentina? Yeah I'm excited for that!

funny controversial get a lot of replies
>funny greentext

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Newfag...tits/timestamps or GTFO.

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Why do monkeys get tattoos?
They can only ink.
And they just look like someone scribbled on them with a marker.
Seriously, tats on black people seem like a waste.

I read that with an accent kek

low IQ beta always thinks there's a "context" that justifies non self defense physical violence .

I did not see that coming..

Imagine being this guy
>Kill black kid
>Nobody will hire you
>Constantly in fear of being killed
>Nobody wants to talk to you except gun nuts
>Can't even get on Bumble or Tinder to pick up some pussy
Why do y'all look up to this faggot?

please do, if you need any funding i will give everything i can which is a lot

Damn now that's some serious cope

fucking marry me user god damnit i love you you beautiful son of a bitch

Not a bad idea tho.

Pic related 2 topic

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A structured, organised, industrialised, global scale genocide is what will happen. And why it won't end like WW2 because all countries are aligned already. It will be a co-op this time.

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Attached: little nigger learns about sleeper hold.webm (404x720, 1.08M)

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both races come in all sizes. that porch monkey should try that shit with a white guy that's his size and see what happens

Attached: nigger falls for bike trap.webm (400x240, 429K)

Yeah, you're not black you're with us. We just need a nigger holocaust

Pretty sure this thread is full of hot opinions from people that have never actually known a black person.

pentas of truth.

>A structured, organised, industrialised, global scale genocide is what will happen.
Look around, that's happening already with music and hip-hop. They made all the pop music and all the white women are doing twerking and racemixing.

Whites couldn't even hold onto Country music without a black guy beating them in strides.

Look Mumbasa, we got stiecks! Thats a good muslim to the right there..

All it takes is a single hard punch to the windpipe.You can come at me whenever you want niggers.

Check Out this EXTREeMELY HOT Active Server for the BEST LEWDS of FEMALES and TRAPS!

discord gg/jUUeATY

Attached: Nigger gets splattered at the beach.webm (1280x720, 597K)

Don’t worry, we have the greatest warrior to defend us

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Attached: nigger laid out like a bitch.webm (360x640, 1.41M)

Blacks won't fight alone. MOST whites will fight alongside blacks. Did you learn nothing from your last civil war you fucking faggots?


Oh fuck I hope that's real.

Attached: nigger punks EMO and gets pwned.webm (480x360, 1007K)

I'll fucking kill you.

that nigger with the towel wanted to start taking cheap shots

Looks like he deserved it. Was probably being a racist piece of shit and started it. Black guy looks genuinely upset. I would have supported the black guy.

Attached: niggers stealing bike with shocking seat.webm (480x270, 1.03M)

Bigger ape went to jail for assault

Dating a fat woman?

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what is it with niggers and bikes? do they sell them for malt liquor?

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Dude it looks like that 'nigger' was just a kid who didn't even want to fight. That's pathetic.

I guess crack is hard to get in africa

all of you are racist nazis, black people cant commit crimes, its part of their reparations we deserve it for slavery.


This nigger will be dead in 5 years anyway. Niggs gonna nigg

Typical nigger shirtless. Shirtless monkey.

You mean species war? Yeah

Quit larping on a Mongolian anime forum.

At the beginning it looked like he was getting ready to square up.
It was only when the white guy started doing his cobra kai shit that he started to walk away.
But the other fool seemed to talk him back into fighting.
People are just shit bags in general.

This guy gets it.
If you want to selectively breed for recessive traits that are white, you're all going to have a shallow enough gene pool that you go extinct. Idiots.

Also, anyone who thinks because Africa is a shit hole it = blacks are dumb is ignorant. You realise their country is fucked because of what we did to them, right?

Also also, you would lose a race a war. Like you did last time.

Also also also, the dems are not trying to disarm you guys. You have more shootings in 1 day than any other country does in an entire decade on average. That shit is fucked up. They just want a bit of regulation in getting guns. No one is trying to disarm anyone. You're a fucking retard. Kill yourself.

>supported the black guy
by supported you mean suck his cock and let him nut on your face

I couldn't even tell what gender that alt right boy/girl was

ngl I'd tap that

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>are the most divided of all races
I guess you've never heard of crips and bloods. niggers kill each for driving by someone's house too slow

This is why white people should have guns but not black people.

the guy should have, at the least, tazed him

is that MC ride?

I've seen that boys 2 men movie too, that's all them niggers do.

Typical retard response. Accuse someone of being homosexual because you have nothing else. Child.

Nah pretty sure he has heard of them. You're retarded.

I assume by that loaded question you're equating the upcoming race war with this unarmed encounter between a skinny white guy and a completely buff black guy being a blowout.

You already are, Zimmerman was 1/2 Peruvian and was labeled as a white hispanic.

First of all,
>56 replies to one OP
And people still call me a tinfoil for believing bots are rampant on this site. They're not even trying to hide anymore. Fuck me.
Second, that black dude isn't even remotely big. You could literally flail your arms around and still come out with at least a draw from that squab. Will admit, he's got one hell of a fucking grip, though. Tl;Dr just keep an arm's length away and you could probably win. Don't know why this guy got punked immediately. Especially in front of his lardy skank gf. Give me a break.

>also also also
The word you're looking for is three. Today is Thursday not monday monday monday monday

Fucking Fabio kicked they ass.

he had a white nationalist tattoo, that's why

Wouldn't it be Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday?

try it with a real white boy

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I wasn't asking why. At all.

>Don't know why this guy got punked immediately

But you did.

niggers will die. slavery was a choice.

I would have slipped the knife outta my pocket and stabbed him in the throat.
Monkey never would have seen it coming.
And the look in his eyes as they went from "angry nigger" to "oh my God wtf is happening" would be priceless.

all the real Gs are middle aged now. hood is soft now

But it's more of a rhetorical question you idiot.
Did you go to school with the black kids?
If you can't understand semantics you must be a nigger...

Still wasn't asking. That statement was implying I don't know why he let himself get punked. You don't let people just take you down when they wish to cause you harm. You fight back. People tend to forget that we are still animals. Having some silly tattoo doesn't make you a better or worse fighter.

All the real Gs are dead.
And I'm not talking about any niggers.
I'm talking original gangsters.
Italian crime families.
Chicago nuggets don't count.
The only true gangsters were the original La Cosa Nostra.
Fuck all these gun-toting, hip, gangster wannabes.