Best game you've ever played thread. Everything goes

Best game you've ever played thread. Everything goes.

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Perfect dark n64

path of exile

Unfinished unoptimized shit
Morrorwind was meh


Haven't played this since 5 years ago back on the xbox.
Time to find a tor and see what all this modding is about.

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Gothic 2 notr

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Horizon Zero Dawn is certainly up there on the list

Its ya boiii elvis

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Big dick niggers

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Oblivion is better than skyrim

>pic unrelated

The original kingdom hearts game possibly
Fingers crossed that the FF7 remake is a masterpiece

No it's not. The main quest in oblivion is boring as shit and every time you cross into the alternate dimension it doesn't feel like Elder Scrolls or high fantasy at all

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Fallout 3 was amazing

The Elder Scrolls Morrowind, Skyrim, Oblivion, and Online are all tied as my favs

i doubt that, are they going to release the thing in several stages? it's going to take another 7 years until it's finished and it's going to suck in the end

Go for it


Hollow knight

Only played the beta on the SNES

first game that gave me the feeling of total immersion, being separated from the world around and sucked into the game.
graphics, game design, sound and music mix in a perfect way.
still enjoying the game today now and then but mostly for nostalgic reasons, the only thing that aged well is the music and sound, except you are into pixel art.

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Days Gone, Horizon Zero Dawn, World of Warcraft

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How can you immerse into a 2d platform jump n run game? Lul your standards

Is the game THAT good? I've heard that it's kinda meh..

12 year old detected

It's about nostalgia, wich is sometime a millennial like you will never understand untill about 10 years.

> millennials calling games like COD nostalig over 10 years.

You want to know nostalgia? Commander Keen, SUper Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, Super Metroid, Castlevania etc.


also the DLC was pretty amazing. also New Vegas was a good setting.

I played it when it was at its absolute worst, and I still fell in love with the game. The zombies are like I am Legend, so it's not the same old shit, the crafting is minimal but great (also includes upgrades for certain weapons), bringing down a horde of 100+ is so fucking satisfying, sketchy and keeps you on the edge of your seat, the AI is good, the story is.. God fuckin' damn, it's good. The whole game imo is 10/10, I feel like the reviews are a smear campaign from the left because they didn't bow down and pander to those faggots. Eagerly awaiting either a second one or DLC. I pre-ordered this one, will do the same with the next.

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wrong, nostalgia is a perspective feeling. you are not to decide what other people are reminiscent about


I'll decide what I want, cunt

I dare you to name a better game.
Pro tip: You can't

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You should decide to kill yourself

Very edgy user, you fit the Yea Forums profile.

That's why i said " in about 10 years" because the kid is cleary 10 years old.

All the Bioshock series

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The Talos Principle.
The OST is something I still listen to every week or so, and It's been a few years since I finished it.

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So is your dumb nigger fag ass gonna a kill your self or not?

> Skyrim, Morrowind, Fallout NV, Minecraft, Terraria, MGS 1 and 4, original spyro games, LFD2, MKX, GTA: San Andreas and Vice City, Diablo 2, TF2. Half Life 1 and Quake were the first video games I ever played and still regard it as one of the best shooters.

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Spotted the incell guys

Thoughts about Fallout 4?

fuck off kid

Wow vanila bc and wrath game started to go down hill from that. I still play. Disc priest here.

Horribly optimized for PC but I played it on console. Really good shooter but the story and the settlement crap was lackluster as hell. Ive played all the fallouts and the story is what pulled me more than gunplay or the action.

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Preston was a dick lol

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to bad it's only for xbox. I love hard games like cuphead.


It’s not only for Xbox I play it on pc

Oof disc

Diablo II. I’ve taken year breaks but can’t stop coming back. Doing a holy grail right now.

Hands down pic related. 17 different endings. Replay value through the roof.

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Gotta be 2nd favorite.

MS-DOS 6.22

Fallout New Vegas and Morrowind are amazing

This game is amazing probably a unpopular opinion but the sequel was awesome as well.

Oh didn't knew, thanks


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TES are decent games but I don't know how people can call them their favorite games. Bethesda is a shit developer and never fix their bugs. And now TESVI will be smothered in micro transactions.

KSP2 on the way yeaaaah boiiiiiiii

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Fallout 3 was very fun to play, but indeed, they are not my most favorite games.

Conker's bad fur day n64. Played that shit for years, even the multiplayer was awesome

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That game fucking SUCKED and its the best you've played? Jesus you have fucked up standards.

If anyone doesn't have this game yet, what are you doing? This is my favorite game to be a dairy farmer, pot dealer, and war criminal all at the same time.

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i've got a colony staffed by man eating arachnids led by a bionic god and his legion of half breed children. raiders are either fucked to death by horny spider women, forced to work in the mines for eternity, turned out for fun and profit when my allies come by for a visit, or used as a sacrifice to summon an elder god.

second chrono trigger

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The last of us

seems interesting!

Some of the things you can do in Rimworld: get attacked by hordes of manhunting predators, get attacked by hordes of manhunting rabbits, forge a masterwork longsword, create unique art for your colony, build a spaceship, train an army of attack dogs, train an army of attack bisons, train an army of attack chinchillas, watch a colonist spiral into uncontrollable drug addiction, watch two colonists get married, watch two colonists cheat on each other, build a wonderful colony that's pleasant to live in, build a horrible psychopath slaver colony, build a cannibal colony, build an organ harvesting operation, build a charity which donates medicine and food to local poor villages, build an army of super soldiers to go stomp those poor villages, the possibilities are endless

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Starcraft 2 by far. Great single player, with all addons at least 50 hours of SP gameplay, with the greates cutscenes in gaming history, great multiplayer (I mean SC basically made e-sports a thing outside of Korea) and infinite custom mods.

Except maybe for pokemon yellow, by far the game with the most hours I've played

You're joking right? It's not even better than Diablo 2

For me it's gonna be Bioshock 1. Never played a more atmospheric game. It was really awesome at the time. Outdated graphics now though.

I also really liked Resident evil 7:Biohazard.

I recommend you play it.

Resident evil 2 remake is great as well.

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played all of them, and i love them even more. Good taste.

Not sure what kind of spastic made this, but it's wrong by about a decade.

I'm not a Boomer, but Monster hunter,, Smash bros? Unless you only started playing any kind of games in your late teens then this is just utter bullshit.

Lately my playstyle has been to start a naked brutality game in a very cold climate, but bump my tech level back to tribal. It's so satisfying to just barely survive the first winter, start to thrive by the second, and really build a colony starting from scratch and making it wonderful through sheer will and good fortune. It can be very difficult to farm, gather and hunt enough to make enough pemmican for the first winter but surviving feels like such an accomplishment.

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They will always be my top games.

very agreeable

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My g

great soundtrack too

>still regard it as one of the best shooters.
Only by people blinded by nostalgia. If you play them today you can't reckognize shit because of the shitty graphics, their gameplay plays like a brick and the voiceacting is just absolutely terrible.

If you've never played them and start a game like them today, you'll most likely vomit on your screen.

These games where great for their time, but today nearly all games are better.
Around 2005-2006 was the barrier from which games weren't shit anymore. Games like Need for Speed Most Wanted (2005) are still playable today. Sure it still don't look nice, but at least you don't get cancer when playing it

Just imagine playing Oblivion with todays engine/graphics, would be pretty epic


Literally no one likes oblivion for the main quest. I have 400 hours in Oblivion and finished the story only once.

The exploration and the side quests where much better in Oblivion. One example, the dark brotherhood sucks in skyrim

Been a gamer for a really long time. Since the beginning but Bloodborne is hands down

Stfu choose the rope

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i like 2 of the zoomer games mhworld and skyrim but freedom unite is better than world and trying to get morrowind is hard but im getting there only started the mages guild and fuck yes crash altered beast 007 and dmc also im 21 so what am i

lol i knew i saw that pose somewhere before

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>so what am i
A faggot

Those fucking sounds.

what? no plancescape: torment?

Terraria. Hands down.

These games were fucking garbage from the voice acting to the gunplay.

Greatest game ever.
All other viewpoints, perspectives and opinions are invalid.

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My nigga

Best value: GTA 5, with just under 2000 hours at this point for a game I paid 30 euro for.
Most engaging story: Mass Effect trilogy, never felt that invested in a collection of video game characters before.
Most memorable: World of Warcraft, but only because of the guild I raided with for a good three years straight.

I don't really have a one best game, but if I absolutely had to choose I'd probably say Stardew Valley, something about the relaxing pace, cozy music and just overall feel of it. It's engaging and therapeutic, and it's oddly satisfying watching shit grow.

Excellent taste, user.

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Fucking loved these games. By the second game I knew this was my all time favorite

Gothic 2 NK obviously.

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Missed where OP said "Anything goes".
So Dungeons and Dragons, if it counts. Otherwise the above.

The best game ever :D

Love this game

the game

Wasn't this the game that was so buggy, walking through doors could kill you?

Stardew valley the rip off of harvest moon?

Gothic games generally were very buggy upon release.
Can't remember any agressive doors in G2 though.

Love bad box art megamanl

Stardew Valley, the game heavily inspired by Harvest Moon.

I wouldn't know anything about that. But I do know a thing or two about exploiting bugs and game mechanics.

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Hotline miami 1&2

Super addictive, and one of the best stories ever.

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There you are.

Great gameplay, aesthetics and music, but story?
Come on.

Miss those times

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Fuck the sewers tough

I didn't like playing as raiden

Yes it has great story once you understand it

Crisis, if I had to pick one. Nice story, no multiplayer, because fuck you.

Come on man. I collected all parts, unlocked the laptop, met the 2 dev self-inserts posing as agents of 12 blessings, read the whole wiki up and down. Each character page several times.
It IS a good alternative history scenario, war tension, Blackmailing into murder, etc. But the story itself is rather sparse, making you fill up most of the gaps yourself.

gran turismo ps1

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

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Fifa 05, back in the day when you could run throug other players as long as you didn't have the ball

Very fun, though the last part was rushed.

Heavily inspired lmao. Its a blatantly copy of the original harvest moon. JAPAN MASTERRACE

Diablo 2: LoD


>the last part was rushed.
the whole game was rushed. even while STILL they said they finished and weren't allowed to release because they were utilizing the source engine and HL2 had to be released first.

Extremely great game. Thankfully, it became playable later.

Do you know that that there's a guy that STILL maintains and updates regularly releases an unofficial patch for it?
Aregular and a director's cut version that restores content.

No shit, even the Dev said it was.
It's meant to be a modern and streamlined Harvest Moon.

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Borderlands 2 Bunkers and Badasses

The Bards Tale 1, 2, 3 on c64. I loved those games.

Also Little Computer People and Infernal Runner.

Doubt any youngfag here knows those...

Yeah the whole game was rushed but you don't really feel that up until the last part, the story is cut and the game forces you into combat even if you don't want to. I haven't played it without the unofficial patch so I don't know how bad the original is.

disgusting polanfag

t. polack

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Dungeon Keeper
Planescape Torment
The Last of Us
Alien Isolation
Diablo 1 & 2
Dawn of War 1 & 2
Legacy of Kain & Soul Reaver series
The Warriors
GTA series

Also Maniac Mansion and Zak Mckracken.

I feel like you people have shit taste in games. No wonder you fags are incels.

Eternal Darkness
Metal Gear Solid 1-3
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
The Witcher 3

> user learns new word
> Keeps calling everyone incells because of his own insecurity

icewind dale

Alien Isolation is great

What games would you recommend?

> The Witcher 3

You sir have taste.

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Baldurs gate is better

Deadly Premonition
Thimbleweed Park
LA Noire
Indigo Prophecy
Alien Isolation
Evil Within 2

Final fantasy 7 Would pick as top for everything.

Golden Axe, Mortal Kombat trilogy.
Monkey Island 1 and 2... All uniquely amazing.

Spec ops:the line

Never been into fighting games. What's your opinion on Street Fighter?

Originals were ok as there was pretty decent balance, not so into the new ones though, same for Mortal Kombat with the x-ray moves and shit like that. But I'm the kind of person who treats 'special moves' in fighting games as a form of cheating.
Depends what you're looking for to be honest. I just like them a bit more basic.


Also probably one of the best intros ever, and shockingly it never seems to have been hijacked by /pol/


i might give fighting games a try, where do you recommend i start? Mortal combat gams seem kinda hard for a beginner, right?

the witcher 3 - the wild hunt

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Found the incel

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No, not really. Try again.

MK is beginner friendly i played the arcade as a kid.
For pc i would go with MK3 nowadays

If you're playing online then yeah, any fighting game is going to be way harder.
Play with friends if you can. Makes it so you're not constantly playing against a computer that can beat you 100% of the time if it wants to or a permavirgin with 12000 hours that can beat you 100% of the time if he wants to.

Hell yes

there are two kinds of games (fighting and sports)
sports suck nigger dick

if you didn't play fighting you didn't play games.

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>hurr, I’m not what you thaid I am

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unironically accepting and using that word.

play skyrim or starcraft III/warcraft III

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So I guess my favorite games are millenialcore? (Civ V, FNV, GTAIV)

i mean the second part

Unironically using that word

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Skyrim and Witcher 3 are my all time favorit.

What I rly enjoyed as a kid was Knights of the old Republic. Was awesome.


Check Out this EXTREMELY HOT Active Server for the BEST LEWDS of FEMALESs and TRAPS!

discord gg/jUUeATY

Metal Gear Solid 3

Thoughts on The phantom pain?

Fallout 76

How is it no one’s said mass effect 2 yet?

you wut

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Europa universalis 4 about 2,5k hours played. love it

>Best game you've ever played

Nervous. It was in the 8th grade. Ended in my first sexual experience; a blowjob.

I actually got a blowjob before my first kiss. Shame that was both the beginning and the end of my alpha days.

love it too, but removing quick play was the biggest mistake steam have made...


Ksp-ma nigga

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This guy fucks.

He said he's interested in playing fighting games, not that he's Korean.


Nice digits

tf2, still play it everyday despite it being mostly f2p, scammers, furrys, tumblr bitches, bots.

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I hope you're not saying yours is Skyrim kek

Its this. /thread

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Why? Skyrim is a great game. But no, it's Banjo Kazooie

It's objectively the better game due to it's more involved story, better world space, more complex levelling and build choices, and overall less action more RPG feel which is what TeS titles are supposed to be. Skyrim is smoother and looks better but if you applied those differences to Oblivion it would be unstoppable.
Skyblivion is soon, friends. The end is near.

If those are the criteria, then Morrowind is objectively better than both.

>I was born in the mid 200×'s and your standards are sooo low lol!
Underage b&

Better gfx analog p0wa!

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Millennial problems, tldr

He's right though.

lol, how's it going mamzer boy?

Skyblivion soon

me and my friend used to play a game were me both pinched the heads of our penises and see who gave up 1st it was pretty fun


Is that battletoads?




holy shit you're retarded

Fallout 76 has a rich environment with many hours of quests and activities for the players to undertake, why don’t you pick up a copy?

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nice try todd.

stop lying Todd, i don't want to go on a 80 holotape quest chain.

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If I had to pick one out it would be Kotor, based on the overall experience. FF9 for nostalgia reasons. Purely for time spent though it's the PS2 era dynasty warriors series. All the base games plus the Xtreme legends expansions, maxing out all the characters, getting all the 4th/5th weapons, items, horses etc. Went full autist on those. Also spent quite a lot of time in oblivion keeping every gemstone/pearl and eventually dropping them one by one into those display cases in the skingrad house.

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Magic carpet. Loved that one back then.

Your right the base games are buggy but they have some great modding communities to fix what Bethesda fucked up. my favorite unmodded game has to be The Witcher 3

>more complex levelling and build choices
I remember skyrim having more options, but I haven't played either in a while

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I know everyone's sucking Team Cherry's dick at this point, but damn Hollow Knight is fucking incredible

I knew I fucking recognized that. Can't say I ever fully understood the mechanics of it though.

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Shit fallout game overall but we got some nice gunplay and assaultron waifus