Donald Trump
Does it feel good to get that all out?
And hes still a better option than anyone the Dems. are putting up to run against him.
Not just a liar, a pathological liar.
You forgot "gun grabber."
Okay never mind, you did cover that.
Someone's a little triggered..
>believing the "two parties" functional agendas aren't identical
>giving weight to anything any politician does or says
Who the fuck cares man. Turn of your tv and pick up a book and you'll be a lot happier.
>a trump supporter telling someone to pick up a book
No, you lying piece of crap, someone's NOT suffering PTSD like the veterans you just disrespected.
Someone's saying his opinion, using his free speech, and your attacks on his character won't shut him up.
>anyone who doesnt agree with my butthurt propaganda is a Trump supporter.
>Triggered even more.
A trump supporter? That's what you got from what I posted? You need to learn to read or develop your reading comprehension
for all that is an good president.
Holy shiiiiiiitttttttt
The dems could run a bar stool and will clobber trumptard.
Nailed it.
You have extremely low standards.
They already tried that in 2016 and lost.
Soldiers are just henchmen of the state and deserve to be mocked and disrespected for their stupid life decisions of being all-obedient slaves to bankers, politicians, and Israel.
You would be raped and killed by invaders without your countries military dumbfuck.
OOOHHH the cringe is strong with this edgelord.
Someone’s obviously a faggot too. You claim your free speech but are so upset of someone else using theirs. Go back to your dictionary and thesaurus to think of more words that you can slap together to try and impress anons.
4 more years of MAD? I vote Trump
>t. bmi of 32
I’ll be joining you, never cared to vote in any other election. Not even the last one but now that there is someone in charge who is actually doing their job and keeping their word I will be. And there are ALOT like me. It’s a breath of fresh air and I hope that for the 2024 election the cycle repeats and someone new and worthy steps up to the plate.
How’d that work last time?
The majority of enlisted personnel in the US armed forces come from low income/ unemployed backgrounds and are using their service to gain training in professional skills and/or access to higher education without going into debt. Some do join out of patriotism or family tradition, but far fewer than you'd like to believe .
Can you really blame them for wanting to improve themselves?
Just don't care anymore
Libtards do. They want everyone to sink to their level NEET in order for them to be happy.
tell us how you really feels
Peak breadtube
What do you consider valid sources?
who gives a fuck?
>Your/our history
Says the person who as contributed absolutely nothing to society. Kek.
still better than shillary and her fucking iran war she had planned before even reaching office, along with lord knows how much other bs to chip away at our rights just like they always do. at least he ain't her.
When i typed in 'white couple' i got a bunch of trashy news articles about white people who dyed them selves black/had black babies ect. Weird.
THEN i just typed in 'happy couple'.... all white.
THEN i just typed 'inventors'.... almost all white.
Happy man, all white. Happy woman, all white you get the idea.
Think about it, the only reason some weird shit shows up when you type 'white couple' or 'white European people inventors' is because white people are the cultural 'default'. So usually the only time someone includes those particular keywords is in an articles discussing that issue.
If they are trying to 'erase us' why the fuck are all the context-less searches 90% white.
If you type all that shit without
Shilling all day everyday
funny. all of those cities are democratically run and fall under state jurisdiction. Not federal.
Fucking kek its true though, white pride is only used by crazies.
There a million white things no one has any problem with us being proud of, the term 'white pride' though has been fucked into oblivion by fucktards.
Military dont touch invaders. They only fight desert wars for Israel, pushing more invaders towards civilization
What backwoods school did you go to retard? The "desert wars" you refer to had absolutely nothing to do with the jewish religion and only 2 out of about 10 have actually been fought in the desert moron, but keep twisting history to push your meme-tier edgelord anti-semitism.
oh look, the spambots are doing a psyop