I haven't showered in 2 weeks due to depression. I need encouragement
I haven't showered in 2 weeks due to depression. I need encouragement
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you should shower
np bro, you got this
girls love armpit funk, embrace that shit. it's chock full of pheromones that scream I WILL GET YOUR BUTT PREGNANT
shower feels good
feeling good feels good
You've forgotten what your arms feel like without all the dead skin.
Eh not when I'm up like 15lbs since December and feel disgusting
I get the same way, man
Sometimes I can get myself to shower by allowing myself to masterbate after or something.
And remember, your shower doesn't have to be perfect. It's better to take one than to not take one
>being clean isn't going to make me not feel disgusting
sounds like you're fucked in the head this tbread isn't going anywhere
I know that feel, Yea Forumsrother. Pick something else to omit from your daily grind. Hygiene isn't the place to neglect.
ya can't go out and slam ass if your gooch smells like a neglected turtle aquarium. scrub your balls and tame some strange. impale that snizz. hump that stupid bitch at your local market. or just jerk off, i don't really care.
Nah like I feel disgusted with my shape. I appreciate everyone's words though
Thanks bros
Even if all you did that day was take a shower, you did something
go get clean
Don't worry bro, it gets better.
Have to put a little work in though.
I feel you bro OP. Im depressed too and to the point i didnt shower. This summer i havent showered as i came to conclusion that one only showers for social interactions but i dont want socialize anymore cause depression so whatever. Not showering is OK
Keep going and in youll get through it.
i know the feel bro. i haven't showered in a good 3, maybe 4 weeks. i can smell myself and know it's offputting but i just haven't given a shit. i currently have grease all over my mouth area from eating pepperoni straight out of the bag at about 2 am and my shower is crusted over with drunk puke that's been accumulating for months. i'm just too lazy to go the extra few feet to the toilet when i get the vodka spins. but here's my proposition OP if you take a shower today, i will scrape out my shower and bleach the tile and take a shower myself. you have my word.
Hey that's nice. Thx.
For sure. I noticed my depression ramps up every summer. I track my weight and I always build up heading into fall and then every winter i drastically lose weight, but feel better.
If I think too much about being a tough bastard then that makes me a weak bastard . You know what I should be a tough bastard. Thx.
You drink vodka too? Haha so we depressed folk got something in common. I'm telling you man, I will in fact take a shower soon after reading some more posts. You have my word. Go fix your bathroom. We gotta fix ourselves. I have your back
Take a shower and clean your room, bucko. Then go clear your headspace with a drive and some music. Reward yourself for your activity by buying/preparing your favorite meal. Then watch motivational videos and take notes on how you can make small changes to your daily routine.
Or, you know, you can drown your sorrows in alcohol like the rest of us.
i havent showered in 3 years and took 110 lbs due to medication
Have an insane amount of self worth, know that you are way better than average, which u can get through experiencing shit like sailing, weight lifting, working hard as shit, picking up women, dressing well. But it's a mindset homie, like damn bro I feel like no one irl can touch my shit. I dont give a shit about your success or beauty like if u get affected by that shit youre weak.
If you don't know where to start, then fake it until you make it. First 2 months will be hard as fuck, reccomend u sign up for something organized like 2 month hike with a group to toughen you up.
Next time it rains at night, go out in just shorts and a tshirt, and stay until you're drenched. Then go in the shower, adjust the water to the same temp as the rain (cold!) and just rinse off the rainwater. You're now used to both showering again, AND cold showers. Insdand live ubgrade!
yeah i drink a full handle of that bottom shelf paint thinner shit every other day. the only liquor more nihilistic than that is gin. but a promise is a promise OP. gonna go out and buy a cat litter scoop and start getting my shower back into useable condition. hope you enjoy your shower bro. go get some of that clay shit, like benzonite or something i think it is. it's great for pulling grease out of your skin
Bentonite. Most white, unperfumed cat litter is 100% bentonite. Dissolve some in water, let it evaporate and you have an easy source of it. Go in shower, get wet, clay up, let dry, and wash off again. You will transform your skin!
Also works wonders for the hair, it's the only thing I've used since I stopped using shampoo. My hair has never been better!
Guys is not taking a shower for 5 workdays considered still ok? Cause i only wash at weekend
go turn on the water and get undressed. take things one step at a time or else its impossible when depressed. you got this user, im here for you
Shower puke with timestamp pl0x
I think you should upgrade every 3 days at least. I dont get the shower every day meme. Is your job physically demanding?
never tried it for my hair but i might give that a try. i have hair down to my waist and it's a hassle to wash and dry so i've moved onto making my own dry shampoo. baking soda, cornstarch, and cocoa powder is a great combination
You both fucking stink and everyone talks about how they wish you didn't make their day worse with your reeking odour
Shut up no I don't
Sometimes as i am at Walgreens and occasionally have to restock the stuff. But its airconditioned
AUSfailian here.
Last shower I had was 9 days ago. About 4 days in my butt crack start to smell musty and odour from armpits becomes noticable. Change clothes and wipe brack, apply deodourant.
About 6 days in I can rub my skin on my shoulders and start getting light coloured dirt saussages forming. Time is when you need to shower because a build up of dead skin will accelerate the stink process dramatcially.
Yes, 'reactive clinical depression' (and other things too) here.
here go. yes that's a paper plate, it was closer to me than my notepad. and yes, that's the cap to a handle of vodka chilling in the corner.
Bruh just let the bleach soak on it
Yes, just think of how you probably smell like an obnoxious stoned dirtbag, and then think about how you don't look good enough to pull it off AND that you aren't high enough to enjoy it.
REAL SUGGESTION Try just rinsing off in the shower without soaping up.
It literally takes 5 minutes to shower yourself with a bar of soap which is all you really need to do, how can you be this degenerate?
Us depressed are slow, sluggish, lazy, and hate the bodies we live in. Plus there can be anxiety picking out the outfit afterwards. And the shower is where I get a lot of dark thoughts about my past and I tend to overthink a lot of shit.
Wow bro you straight up need to get your life together
I'm also depressed but i have to take a shower because of people at work, i don't want anything with them but bacterias living on me smell so bad
only shower i need is in pussy, my dudes. ho yeah!
that shits pretty gross, you should shower
Shower if you want social interactions
Dont shower if you dont care for others
It's all fun and games until you get an infection.
i have social interactions, you just don't know them. they go to a different board
Damn nigga I don’t even know what to say there. I’m depressed and anxious but I can still take a shower
For what you take a shower? For what exactly?
Hey bros OP here. Just letting u all know I showered and feel pretty good about myself
Thanks for the kind words and motivations. Hope all goes well for everyone
Because it helps me feel not quite as disgusting about myself and literally anything helps
Happy for you bro, make sure you eat if you haven’t eaten today
good shit OP. am currently getting ready to scrape out my puke pit and shower. like i said, man of my word
Nice. Next time use the toilet, man. And maybe treat urself to a diluted mixed drink next time. Nice to see tho ur cleaning the puke pit tho.
There should be a YouTube or tv show where someone travels to different houses of Yea Forumstards in search for the highest levels of autism, degeneracy ect. Each season would be searching for a specific deplorable trait.
Yo good job m8
Proud of you for pushing past that barrier today
I'm more curious about the elites of Yea Forums
my toilet doesn't flush anymore that's why i've been using the shower. i piss in the sink and only shit at work
why don't you make me, faggot