Let's say I give you a $100 note, to spend on whatever 'extra' you want. What would you spend it on?

Let's say I give you a $100 note, to spend on whatever 'extra' you want. What would you spend it on?

Attached: $100 Note.jpg (1200x505, 124K)

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Bicycle Accessories & inner tubes...
Lunch & Cigarettes (A carton)

Attached: Bumblehooves_4_full.jpg (667x1000, 66K)

Sex toys

I would purchase 22 shares of HEXO and make more money during the legalization of recreational weed.


chastity device, lingerie and dildos

I would spend it on the effort to make better quality 100$ bills.

Alcohol my boy


I’d buy gas or pay one of my bills with it


Clearly you would chose soy cubes and Big Bang theory dvds, kys


Couple grams of dank, chic-fila grilled cool wrap, gas in my car and stock up on Gatorade Zero for my workouts. That outta do it

I'd put that shit in the bank nigga

what if i choose large cubes and the Avenger blu-rays?

Whores. I love banging whores

cam we be friends then


3 packs of juul pods ($90)
1 gran of weed ($10)

I’d take a day off work and go rock climbing

I would buy more money with it

A prostitute

Juul pods where I am are 22 CAD with tax. Where the fuck are you from user? That's fucking shitty.

How many times have you posted this today?

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Pay off a few bills, then use the rest on groceries.

>How many times
That is none of your fucking business.

I'd put it in my gas & miscellany fund for my bullshit 1.5 hour long commute I have to do every tuesday and thursday

Easy. American eagle silver.

Cocaine and phone sex hotline

I disagree, he would spend it on cock at a gloryhole for sure.

Box of diapers for the baby, then take the wife out for a decent dinner for our anniversary.

I count three

Jesus, you can easily get a refillable salt nic rig, replacement tanks or coils, and at least one bottle of juice for under $90

Hookers and blow

i would go to costco to restock on a bunch of shit that i need


these niggas are right

big dildos 4 me

meth because 3somes are fun for 8+ days

okuma coldwater low pro fishing reel

food b/c broke atm

weed + fast food

Bump for interest.
I'm a 39 year old virgin so I don't know.
Looking for ideas because I have a 1000$ spare.

A pair of JBL 2404’s. one of mine blew

Weed, duh


Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 215K)


A hooker

a real two dollar bill

I get juul pod packs for like 13 bucks

God dammit. This.


black ops 1 and weed

Attached: 1566375989548.png (300x300, 123K)



Another fish tank

Belgian beer. Then drink it all

an extra 30 minutes with you mom

Groceries and booze
>not growing your own cannabis

I would shop for healthier food and probably barely fill my fridge for that amount.
But I'd have a few healthy days.
Pic unrelated.

Attached: 1562182059891.gif (460x298, 1.39M)

As many gnomes as possible to purchase.

33.33 to save it for a rainy day
33.33 for getting some games from steam
33.33 for charity

>pic unrelated.


I would honestly spend it all in post it notes:
paypal me / oneiricon
Will eventually deliver as soon as I get the money and can buy the post it notes packs.

1 cent left. What will you do with it? Shove it up your ass? Tease your clit with it? Reply or mom die.

New sneakers
>[email protected]

Attached: 5 Dollar Bill Murray.jpg (597x536, 75K)

Well, it is.

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Guys, he’s 15, the senior he’s buying them from told him they’re thirty in the stores so he could make fifteen on every pack he buys him. He’s clearly retarded, he’s spending ten on weed, most likely Reggie.

I really can't remember.
Such is life on the internet, you find silly stuff and forget all about it.

Pretty much this.

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True story my guy. Thanks for getting back to me

I'll put it on my mothers grave next to your hopes and dreams.

Attached: fc5a34835aeba8878adb58035592d668.534x300x34.gif (534x300, 629K)

no problem, take care.

You too

Attached: 1565802073275.jpg (1024x913, 59K)

Go fuck yourself you foreign cunt

the world's longest pair of shorts

Yugioh cards fren

LoL skins


lp gas for heater this winter

Burn it

Attached: alfred-pennyworth-dies.jpg (550x300, 13K)

Food and porn

I would buy your mother for the evening. Then you would have a mew sibling, and step daddy

gonna buy archage unchained and if i got some money left some weed as well


doom eternal preorder

Two chicks at the same time.

Food and Fuel

>$100 note

What kind of fucking foreigner are you??

Some weed and fishing supplies and go have a day on the river with my dog. That’s recreation baby

Read the bill you dumb nigger is says"Federal Reserve Note" right on it.