Boomers, Gen-Xers, Millennials, etc... What does Yea Forums think characterizes the different generations or is this as stupid as astrology? I'm a late Gen-X and I think extreme nihilism is a trait of my generation.
Boomers, Gen-Xers, Millennials, etc...
It’s as stupid as astrology. People cling to generational insults because they can’t take being accused of fucking up so bad that years later people are still feeling the consequences. Boomers like to feel entitled, and everyone else wants to blame someone else for their shortcomings.
Well put.
>what this guy said
but fuck stuck up boomers
>or is this as stupid as astrology?
Nailed it. There will always be massive amounts of dumbfucks with every "generation," and even classifying who falls into which generation is stupid and arbitrary.
The ultimate stupidity is when people begin believing they need to act a certain way because "muh generation."
Facts. Ask anyone what that the cutoff for boomer, zooner, gen x, etc are and you’ll get a different answer every time. It’s like those faggot 12 year olds on classical music playlists on YouTube complaining about being born in the wrong generation.
1982 here, I'd like to think it's all as dumb as astrology, but other than my wife I don't know anyone else my age. Friends from school all ended up being retarded, so all my friends are 5-15 years older. 1985 seemed to be some sort of "failure to launch" cutoff.
I don't think it's astrology at all. Let's face it, people have a strong group mentality and the time you were born in colors your view of the world because of the prevailing mentality.
Granted, there will always be outliers and there's no real cut-off for Gen-X, boomer, etc but still, it matters.
Especially when you think of the economic and political things going on at the time. Boomers were born right after a big WW2 victory. Gen X had things like "Threads" and other nuclear war threats. The current generation is growing up with prevalence of crazy school shootings. That will *absolutely* color a child's upbringing
Lotta boomer hate on the internets
Genx'er here: No it's not. We're in the middle of the biggest shift in humans ever.
The shift happened this decade, when we became cyborgs.
Imagine what all those 2 year olds in strollers watching AI optimized and generated youtube cartoon content are going to be like in a few years. They're completely fucked.
We'll all be robots soon.
We won't be robots, and that's a big part of the problem. We'll be fucked for an entire 1-2 generations until we figure out that humans *need* to be bored to reach their potential. Lack of self-reflection is the mind killer.
the redhead is oddly hot
Do we need a Butlerian Jihad?
Oddly? She was straight up hot.
Generation X?
Well, Billy Idol went solo and Tony started "Sigue Sigue Sputnik".
I don't know what the rest of the band are up to now.
Molly Ringwald. This is from "Breakfast Club" considered a "defining" film
>She was straight up hot.
>Molly Ringwald
brb, need to fap
you're entire triait is as stupid as an entire generation. You're a retard. Fuck you.
Gen Z, reporting for duty sir!
who's in charge atm is it gen Xrs or boomers
why can't gen xers be boomers. it was at the end of the vietnam war and a lot of guys were coming home just like when the baby boom happened after ww11
most boomers are too old to take charge of anything. they can't even change their own diapers
why cant gen x'ers be fuck'ed in their heads by psycholegical trauma, right?
i'm a millennial, i'm confident that i am more knowledgeable than my predecessor's and savvy enough to stay ahead of the Zoomer's
The whole generation whatever, was started as a marketing ploy.
Nobody really gives a damn what gen you are from, in the end it makes no actual difference.
1964 was the cut off for boomers, still enough spring chickens out there to burn the world down.
Boomers like to blame millennials for all the problems in this country. But remind me who is actually in control of this country? What's the average age of a congressman or women? Whats the age of the president? What's the average age of top managers?
they get all their worldly input from the telebox
lol... that's exactly how everyone feels at your stupid age. you think you have it all figured out. i bet you think racism is dumb and you're a good person who understands the world and objective morality.
wait 10 years and you'll see how dumb you are right now.
Generations weren't made to be used to say how individuals would act but the differences between two age groups. What made it astrology was business gurus and the news, they pretty much love to make wide generalizations that cater to common sense because it creates a "logical" background for people biases
It's absolutely fucking real. As someone who regularly has to interact with multiple generations (both above and below myself, and I was born in 88 so I'm an early millenial), it's ABSOLUTELY fucking real.
Baby boomers are entitled fuckwads who are willfully ignorant of how banking institutions fuck them in the ass and think that the problem with todays youth is that they "are just lazy", and refuse to see that the reason most of them don't have jobs is because those jobs they did at that age don't fucking exist anymore.
Generation X are basically babyboomer-lite, with a dash of narcissism on the side, since that's where they started the "you can be anything you want" lie.
Millenials are self-entitled shitstains who truly felt the brunt of the "you can be anything you want" lie; raised to believe that they were special and as such act like self absorbed cunts 24/7.
Generation Z aka Zoomers embody every single meme you see on here and Yea Forums, without exception. They are Ritalin infused spastics with zero attention span and have this insane idea that somehow watching some moron play a video game is the same as actually playing it (it's not - streamers are a bane of society). Most of them don't even know what a fucking pencil is for; I've encountered a startling number of them that are illiterate outside a keyboard, they literally cannot write with a pen or pencil.
By FAR I hate zoomers the most.
culture and ideology shift back and forth over the decades this can cause polarization between people of different mindsets, best place for this to become relevant is in university.
DEAR GOD YES! Bring in the Mentats and the Bene Gesserit!
all boomers or even traditionalists
Most Gen zers, cant even touch type. I can but thats only because I actually care about technology and how it works. They can only use touch screens.
You're forgetting the jews controlling the strings of those congressmen and presidents and managers.
Might as well go all the way
if this is true then it must happen every ten years cause i already had that realization a few years ago.
racisim is a dumb as any other form of tribalism.
i dont consider myself a good person but not a bad person just some fag with an opinion.
Racism is the acknowledgement that just as biology and evolution gave us differing physical characteristics, it also gave us differing mental characteristics.
AKA reality.
harsh word's for the zoomers but in many way's is their literacy with a keyboard not far more useful in the world moving forward, and as for twitch thats just a way to relax with an imaginary friend and jack of to g-girls all in one
Problem is that they literally throw their money (and their parents money) away to twitch thots and retarded """""e-celebs"""" like asmoncunt.
sounds like your cherry picking differences based on visual appearances,
biological differences are a reality in every form but what ones we use to sort ourselves into tribes is a choice and a pretty broad spectrum dumb one, tribes work best in small groups, it would be better if we divided by eye colour.
I am a memeber of gen z, and let me chime in here and say I hate my generation. I honeslty prefer millennials over gen z people. Most of my friends are 3 or 4 years older then me.
>stupid as astrology
>proceeds to link all boomers
every generation is guilty of that is some form, marketing has been corrupting us for years
>Boomers, Gen-Xers, Millennials, etc
People who use these terminologies are reatards who get high on their own farts and stroke their over inflated egos on a daily basis.
I'm really not.
I have a saying I like to use: Everything is based in physicality.
Your brain is a physical object. Your personality, your intelligence, what you know and don't know, all of this is transcribed into the fleshy blob in your skull.
Blacks, whites, asians, american indians and everyone in between have differences in their physical brains.
It's just biological fucking fact and no amount of squirming and uncomfortable donating to pointless "causes" will change that.
best thing to do is find common ground with your peers, appealing to an older generation is a little sad and just puts you out of touch
>they will always consider you their pet
Late gen x here. We just want to be left alone. That's our guiding philosophy.
Damn it was awesome graduating from Michigan debt free!
same differences will exist for every individual so check mate, where to you draw the magic line in the sand, its a CHOICE user, a simple choice!
Gen Xer here. You can make a huge seperation in people that grew up and remember the days befoere the internet. People who grew up wearing bike helmets and anti bullying nonsense while they stare at a screen all day lack social skills
>Late gen x here
a whole generation of people living vicariously through their children.
The book "The 4th Turning" is probably the best on how generations differ
OP here. I agree for the most part (bike helmets, anti-bully bullshit, screen zombies) = lack of social skills. However, those days of yore sucked too. They call it bullying now when some kid says something insensitive to another kid. I recall the kind of bullying that involved getting the shit kicked out of you and fearing for your life.
why do so many call that book pseudoscience?
You're just wrong bro.
The various races have measurable mental capacities that differ between them, and differences between individuals of the same race are negligible outside a few people, the number of which is so small as to be statistically insignificant.
Not him and I dont have kids, but Im a GenXr and I cant believe how people my age including my friends are raising such pussies. Its all feelings and safety shit.
Because it has no scientific basis or research behind it, but is couched in complicated language so as to seem as though it does.
average foot size varies massively as well why not associate this way seems easier to prove and doesn't require a neuroscience degree to understand, a science that we as an entire species are admittedly shit at.
maybe it should be a dumb or not thing, someone google dunning kruger
I just wish Hitler had won.
That guy's rocket launcher pistol was 10/10
Generational culture is real, but it’s more subtle than put out there.
i think its insulated not subtle, just look at what generations use what platforms.
He did have a cool mustache.
Gen X was the last "normal" generation raised.
We remember World War 2 vets when they were still young enough to give you the business if you crossed them.
We remember the older people still had a pantry fool of food...just in case another food shortage came along.
We remember the Vietnam vets being young crazy men, raising hell as only young men USED to do...
We went outside and played almost all day...
We remember when the people decided what the number 1 music hit was...and not the record industry.
It was good.
And cool ideas.
this movie sucks in content, only working for me as conducive to getting fucked up. you start by drinking. by the time the guys drink beers and talk shit about kids you should have a buzz. then the stupid kids get stoned and you smoke a joint yourself, all the while ignoring all the whining and lame posturing and bullying. that's the only proper way to watch this bullshit.
facebook is full of millennial's and gen Xers
youtube is full of zoomers and kid's
explain to me, what exactly is a zoomer?
its a disgrace, kids today have never known scheduled television and probably never will.
zoomers are kids generation Z the ones after 2004 or around that time.
>the planet pluto in astrology is the generational "planet"
do you see gravity?
Because there is no documented correlation between foot size and intelligence you moron
>maybe it should be a dumb or not thing, someone google dunning kruger
if its a dumb or not thing then why not hate dumb ppl instead of people with too much melanin, seems like a stupidly complicated reason to hate someone, hence dunning kruger
Anyone else here born in 1998? A lot of people would say I'm Gen Z, but I'm definitely in between Gen Z and Millennial. My class didn't get smart phones until we entered high school in 2012, etc. I honestly cant stand kids born after 2000 at this point for the most part, I feel like I can relate way more to people born in the late 1990's, and I hate when 2002 bitches lump us in with them. As far as I'm concerned they're morons at least at this point. Anyone else can relate?
Born 2000, anyone born post-2003 is cancer.
I just hope a certain percentage of Gen Z smartens up and finds their own way besides social media in the next few years.
I was born in 1978 and I cant really relate to anyone under 30.
People try to categorize others in whatever ways they can. Most people are conformists so it often works to lump people into groups.
Because there is a measurable correlation between average intelligence and melanin content.
I'm not sure how more clearly I can explain this.
Xannial master race here. Say no to fags, porno, and drugs. Ty and have a nice day.
well u could actually explain it instead of reference it for starter's.
remember plenty of things can relate to intelligence LEAD for example, if that shits in your environment your gonna be a dumb fuck for sure.
the zoomer rebellion starts with #nofap
switch Yea Forums with reddit, and it's spot on
don't waste your life kiddo.
stink's of OC, switch out twitter for snapchat
I'm 34 and can't relate with anyone over 40, there was a hell of gap with the internet.
this more often than not
>i really don't need to travel all the way out there to see this ffs
then you are a poorfag and just got internet in your late 20s
or just too stupid for it
I've been on the internet since 98 and I'm a certified mensa IQ (internet test) so I have no idea what you're talking about.
do better math,
56k internet is not internet.
www is not the internet
Unless you have issues fapping to a 14 year old Molly, enjoy
that's edgy, careful who u stir in here
Colloquially, the internet is the ability to browse web pages and connect to services over the wan. If you want to semantically define it be my guest but you will be using a technical and useless definition that will never serve you properly and impede your ability to communicate with other people.
most irc and mailbox edgelords are long dead
I always thought there was a D-generation between boomers and gen-xers (early 70s-80s kids)
Oh yeah, there was that interesting book he wrote. And that whole taking that country from abject poverty into a world power in just a few years. What a fine fellow that chap was.
>everyone else wants to blame someone else
>I blame Boomers
>by "boomers" I of course mean Gen-X because I don't know what a boomer really is/was
i'm not who picked on you but i understand. i'm 42, and i started with a 2400 baud modem using dial-up to a unix shell at a university and i had the first issue of "wired" magazine and would troll "micromuse" which was a text-based mmorpg with coding possible to create scripted effects. i got banned at age 15.
then i trolled usenet and downloaded porn and .mod breakbeat music to play on 386. i interviewed for AOL tech support stoned on resin, because i ran out of weed, and was really nervous and sweating and told them that i liked to FTP and check out usenet and knew my modem and they hired me.
the first time i actually saw a "web page" was in training class because before then, i only tried lynx and it was a text browser in a terminal and web pages sucked in 1994. if you used AOL, i might have taken your dumb ass call and helped you find viruses on your stupid computer.
by 1998, the dial up world was nearly over. i used a cracked copy of netzero for free dialup. were you some rich faggot with cable in 1998? i hate you but i actually worked for @Home network in redwood city which supplied all broadband cable to the nation so then, i might have taken your tech's faggot ass call because i was tier 2.
Every generation blames the one before when all of their frustrations come beating down their doors.
The idea that generations should be grouped together and categorized based on some arbitrary points in time seems to be a distinctly American thought process. Moreover, while they may be some differences between those who are separated by a large age gap, these differences are likely outweighed by the overarching cultural lens that can be used to examine any given point in modern time with another arbitrary point in time that is much father away on the calendar. People born in the 50s and in the 2000s have much more in common culturally than people who were born in the 50s and the early 1700s. The relevance of these groupings is trivial or superficial, although they may have some value when used to point at very specific aspects of our society that have rapidly changed (i.e. the cost of living, inflation, the availability and cost of certain jobs and higher education, etc). This is primarily why these categories exist.
thats commitment to the troll
how dare you spoil our stereotypical fun with your logical observation's
>Breakfast Club
is it, defining?
Millennials are responsible for the gender revolution and the legalization of gay marriage.
You politically correct SJW faggots must be so proud.
don't forget about the WHITE GENOCIDE
now we're working on making guns illegal. you'll thank us later
i do not identify myself as a millennial. i like to declare myself as a human
Generations that go beyond like 6 years don't exist. My dad has two younger brothers, one was born in 1968 and the other was born in 1978, which would supposedly make the two part of the same generation, gen x. Yet, the born in 68 is nostalgic for the 80s (like my dad born 4 years earlier) and the other is nostalgic for 90s stuff like Beavis and Butthead and the sega genesis
thats true but those were the rejects from the millennial community and they just wanted to be accepted. The late comers and soon to be zoomers will bring all your concern's to fruition who'd have thunk they could come together so easily.
member berries is an individual thing not a generational thing.
>I think extreme nihilism is a trait of my generation
shut the fuck up kike. youve just been jewed so hard that you think its normal to be a lazy nigger.
Late gen x/early millenial here. My childhood was a typical gen x one. I am curious, what happened to most gen x people? The ones I used to know never had kids, tended to be quite successful and could see things coming. Millenials are just kinda dumb. they really bought into the boomer meme and are paying for it.
OP here. You silly goose. I wasn't talking about myself, I specified an observation about my supposed "generation" without an editorial slant. But you calling me kike did give me a half boner, so thanks. :)
Born in 78. Married no kids. Me and my wife are self employed and successful enough
Exactly. The international banking cabal wants to keep us enslaved through debt slavery and distractions such as social media, but Hitler was the prophet, our prophet who wanted to free us from that slavery.
I've really gotta get around to reading his book. I've heard it's rather persuasive.
what ever his plan, he failed hence the reason i always back the winner.
You should read it, if only to see how much of a whiny bitch he was. Blame everything on someone else, tell others that everything is the fault of the people you blame, and tell them that if you were in charge everything would be perfect because all problems are caused by people you don't like.
Who are you talking about?
Yep, just get the earliest English translation possible, that's what I always do with every book.
>t. faggot who never read it
share with us your favourite dilating tranny podcast
Wow this generation thread went full Godwin's Law rather quickly.
I was born in early 1997 and I don't give a fuck what anyone says, if you consciously remember 2004 and when social media didn't exist then you didn't grow up the same way some retard born in 2004 did
it wasn't even worked in, user just started spouting off.
My memory of 2004 isn't very strong but yes, I very slightly remember the old internet of 2002-2005, and definitely remember in 2007-2010 when people were first getting smartphones and Facebook becoming popular.
That time until about 2013 or so, the internet was still very very different than it is today. 2013-2015 is when memes and social media started getting way more fucked up and more common, and 2016 seemed to be the apex that tipped the shit over into the next few years. My point is that 2019 seems to be the year when Gen Z has really entered the internet, and it's terriyfing because you know for a fact that they hardly have any knowledge of what things were like as little back as 2015 and before. All they know is cancerous as hell memes and Snapchat.
I remember in 94 or so the computer teacher telling us about internet. I think I was a sophmore in high school. We went online and had a text conversation with another school. I was not impressed
i know that feel, i still remember watching things on VHS. Myspace was barely a thing and i had a flip phone with minutes for emergencies.
I took the TAKS test before it was the STAAR.
Internet was something you usually went to the library for and flash games/animations were the shit.
At the same time heading into my teens everything exploded with social media, video games became more graphically advanced and smart phones replaced flash games/animation with mobile games and memes.
lol my first time seeing porn/masturbating was hooking up my PSP to wifi and going into the internet browser to xxxdessert . com
My little brother was born in 2003. He wouldn't remember much before 2008, when Facebook and Youtube were already established. I relate way more to my older brother born in the first half of the 90s, since he was also a kid back in 2004 when there was no Youtube or smartphones. I always viewed myself as being part of the same generation as my older brother, but now I guess I would view myself as being the buffer between him and the gen z brother
Funky town.
Kids today dont know what it means to be bullied. Girls will kill themselves because somebody says something mean on facebook. When I was a freshman in highschool the seniors took a mouthy fucker and duct taped him to a stop sign, pissed on him and left him there over night.
Wasn't it like that always with girls? Call them mean namies, doesn't matter irl or on the internet and they'll have a break down?
Born 94. People in this thread are trying to justify how much of their childhood was pre smartphone and Facebook. Who fucking cares? Not like you could have altered time anyway. Anyone over 40 hates us all the same anyway.
I guess. I just see this antibullying shit and it makes me view these kids as pussies and makes me want to bully the shit out of them
I know what you mean, what pisses me off is the whole "everyone is a winner" bullshit. That crap has hurt and will continue to hurt people in the future. Now you get awards for participating in something, not for winning but for alone participating. You're told that you're special and deserve everything and special credit just for being around. I've already seen some people I knew back in high school fuck up their start in life because of it.
That attitude will be the downfall of the world. Ricky Bobby had it right. If you aint first your last!
1999 reporting in. I agree with most of the ppl on this thread saying anybody born post 2004 is basically retarded and wouldnt remember life pre internet. Most of the people i surround myself with are much older than myself including my girlfriend who has 5 years on me, simply because i cannot relate to anybody born after 2002 on a personal level. The problem with all of the generations i feel and the reason its getting worse is because technology is so prominent and parents just sit their kids in front of tv or computers cuz they dont wanna deal with them. My brother who was born in 2008 is a prime example. He doesnt even understand the concept of going outside or not playing with electronics. He still cant even ride a bicycle im pretty sure too. Take that and add his two helicopter parents. My mom and his dad and thats just a recipe for a child with no social skills and no direction in life. All the crap that is on youtube and on tv thats being pumped into kids faces nowadays is slowly dumbing them down.
Yeah. I was born in 75. Spent 18 of my 44 years as a teacher. Because the principal somehow overheard me talking about getting bullied, she decided I had to also take on as sponsor for the "anti-bullying" program. My bullying had been things like getting beaten so badly by 17 year old retards in my 8th grade class that I nearly lost an eye (got beaten for being white and transferring to a majority black school). The kids in the group got called names on the internet and didn't have their "preferred pronouns" respected.
I couldn't even pretend to hide my disgust.
Perhaps its a step in the right direction.
Speaking for Gen X, the faggots in my generation are the ones who first fell for the "gay marriage" meme. What a fucking mistake!
But that "choose a gender" bullshit is definitely a Millennial thing.
retard "caveman" detected.
Born 1975. Divorced, no kids. Ex is a crazy pit bull aficionado now. I'm not rich but I'm what they call "comfortable." I date a succession of women in their twenties with "daddy issues" and break up with them when they get too clingy. NEVER getting married again.
that is astrology level retardation, its just used by boomers to force the millenial=liberal x=conservative memes to stay relevant with the kids
I'd never do that, I was a latchkey kid, seen what divorce does. Something about millenials i've noticed, they embrace pop culture and religion yet somehow thing they're not going to get screwed like a lot of the boomers did, i'm seeing it now.
Huh, the gay gen x couples I know tend to be quite well off, good for them. The whole choosing a gender thing is retarded, they need to eat more tidepods.
I don't think so. Bullshit like this convinced me to leave teaching permanently.
>that face
>those tattoos
>those teeth
>that hair
>the smoke emanating from his gab
nignog the clown?
76 here. It's infuriating what gets passed for bulling these days. Bullying used to be goons out to maim and fuck you up physically with in your face humiliating intimidation. Calling someone a bad name or hurting their fucking feelings is not bullying.
The only troglodyte here is you, kiddo.
You're a retard.
Is it? or is it you actually?
>I'd never do that, I was a latchkey kid, seen what divorce does.
So was I. Parents divorced when I was six. The ex was the one who decided to get divorced because she didn't want to be oppressed by muh patriarchy. Walked out of the marriage and went to work for lefty orgs.
>Huh, the gay gen x couples I know tend to be quite well off, good for them
The reason it was a mistake was that, except for a few examples, "gay marriage" wasn't about gay marriage. It was a wedge issue to lead the way for the current insanity (drag kids, pedo acceptance, etc.)
Takeshi69. Latino "rapper" who narced on his posse and now lives in fear of their revenge.
Boomer-drugs, communism, and body odor.
Gen-X- apathy, sarcasm, heavy metal.
Millenials-weakness, entitlement, safe spaces.
>denies a first class existence.
> retard.
One of the kids told me that getting bones broken wasn't as painful as being misgendered. All I could do was stare at her/him/them and blink.
>proceeds to relate jews with trannies
good job!
Decent breakdown.
You're not even reading the posts before you respond, are you? Shall we call you the Non Sequitur Kid?
>meh generations kids today are so swoft i had it so tuff UwU
Shut up or fuck off back to the retirement home you wizard cunts
Fucking huh?
>get young gf that's into neumerology.
>Learn what retarded spear chucking faggotry really is
Were you viscerally tempted to initiate a comparative experiment by smashing the little fuck's face then allow the kid to weigh it out?
>tfw you instantly believe in something in particular if you are born in a certain time period.
Sounds like horoscope tier shit
Boy, we sure seem to be touching a nerve with you. Is it dilation time, or do you need to shave your neopenis of its misplaced arm hair?
I can neither confirm nor deny any such scurrilous rumors. But yes.
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Nihilism has been a facet of the human experience since the beginning of human philosophy, we just didn't have a language with which to express the concept.
Gen X-ers aren't fucking special. They're no more overtly nihilistic than Millenials or Zoomers. Stop wingeing about it and cope harder.
For pretty good reason. All other generations blame them for selling off public water to bottled water companies and being anti-nuclear/pro-coal/pro-oil. It went Lost Generation, Greatest Generations, gay faggots, nobodies who had high divorce rates, tech-hooked/9/11 kids, and finally nihilist school shooters/interracial. Boomers put a bump in the road
....jesus fuck... boomers man. Largest voting base
Gen X here ('68). I'll tell you what fucked things up for millenials and now zoomers. There used to be a thing called "entry level jobs." They didn't require education or experience. You'd get a job as a teenager and work after school, weekends and summers. You didn't make much, but that was okay because you were a student. By the time you graduated school, you had several years or more of work experience.
Then the immigrants flooded in (at least into the US). They took all the entry level jobs and squat on them permanently. There is no way for a teenager or new graduate to get experience because all the "no experience required" jobs are taken by immigrants. No experience = no job = no money = live with parents = depression = anger at older generations.
And it was boomers that let in the immigrants because they wanted cheaper labor. Don't blame gen X.
Thats the only way i can watch most movies
Aren't Gen X killing themselves off? Not like there's a lot of them.
>trackable social shifts in political opinions and national thoughts is pointless and has no effect on a country in a global soci-economy.
Born 74, no kids, never married, work all the time but own my own place.
Boomers. Not enough of X.
This. Immigrants and older adults have created careers of intro-level work. I'm not even 30 yet and I am in charge of one migrant, four people +50, and two women younger than 25. Young guys are fucked for office positions, they only want young women or people with +10 years for an entry level $13 position.
>they really bought into the boomer meme and are paying for it.
What do you mean?
A few of my younger friends got married, have a morgage and a kid on the way. They're scared shitless, they bought into how religion was revamped for millenials, the Jordan Peterson meme, the shit you read off sites like return of kings/art of manliness, etc. The economy is going to take a shit, they're now going to have to send their kids to public school and deal with all the other degenerates. They never even planned for their kids education, they thought magically moving to a red state would solve all their problems.
How you coming up with that? We are in our prime productivity years
>But that "choose a gender" bullshit is definitely a Millennial thing.
Written by Gen X and Boomer women's studies/"sociology" professors. Gen Z is really getting it in the media and school but I think they're starting to see it the same way as you do the tooth fairy, santa, god, etc. It's b.s. they grow up with and realize is b.s.
Oh. None of my friends bought the boomer rat race but I know a lot of dumbasses that do.
There are some objective differences in the generations. Born in 74 myself. The 'Baby Boomers' called as such because a lot of kids were born after WW2. Gen X was also called the 'Baby Bust' because so few were born during some period between 1970 and 1990, compared to boomers and millennials.
I feel like I grew up during the time where things changed. Gay came out of the closet, women got jobs, guns became automatics, vegging on the TV became surfing the internet, phones left the wall and came with you, three genders had a dozen kids.
I graduated high school in 1996. It was a good time for music and the internet was something you had to look for. Kids today can watch extreme porn, rekt threads etc. I dont know how they cant be fucked up