What if a good portion of Yea Forums posters are not autistic, fat losers but total Chads in disguise

What if a good portion of Yea Forums posters are not autistic, fat losers but total Chads in disguise.
They do this so that losers will become entrapped by the lure of Yea Forums and will never try to live a successful and an enriching life.
Not only is they're less competition for higher paying jobs but they can hog and clap all the cheeks they want.


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Other urls found in this thread:


There’s a saying that used to be passed around here: “Those who get their enjoyment from pretending to be retarded eventually find themselves surrounded by actual retards who think they’re in good company.” I believe it stands that the saying proved to be correct.

double reverse false flag?

mind = blown

True story, my name is chad

So much porn is posted here. It would only take seconds to upload a picture that losers would spend minutes drooling over.



check them

>what if jews consider themselves very smart and advanced for being able to troll the LCD while being able to pay for whatever they want. Basically the stereotypical sheltered rich kid.

Three keks, and one kek to be decided upon later.


Doesn't explain the autistic green text stories. It'd take some time to type those out unless they're just pasta.

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>"I acted like a retard for so long that I actually started to feel like I was becoming retarded"

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The flaw in your plan is that Chad is too busy out fucking your girl to ever bother with this pissant website

no no there are chads that come here because theyre just so bored of having sex, railing coke, and hitch hiking to parties.

only kids think that stuff is exciting

Confirmed for Chad
This theory is unfolding as we speak.

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having sex is overrated
coke is pure trash
hitch hiking is dangerous and uncomfortable.

Pick better things to appeal to our senses, you're making "chads" sound like losers


I've never had a problem getting laid and my other friend that browses here is like... the toxic type of Chad dude. He gets laid but he has a folder for ever girl and gets the nudes himself. Idk. We are among you.

>never had window to wall sex
>lmao u wut
>pussy McPusserface

actually, you're making it super clear how betas explain things to themselves

things that don't exist for 100, Alex.

This bored used to be for extremely immature people, which we are. Only now is it filled with said pussies who cannot fathom somebody less pathetic. You kids are fucked.

But I'm good guy chad trying to help you incel niggers get laid through advice.

So Chad sleeps with girls. Gets nudes of said girls. Posts nudes of Yea Forums.
We've all been fapping to Chad's accomplishments!

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31 year old home owner and electrician making 120,000k in nyc here. I was exposed to this a decade ago because i played video gamea and had mirc young. Internet was available when i was a child and capitalized on it. Somehow i ended up here.

Yes, actually. He gets their nudes well before fucking them though. I'm not sure hes active right now as our local threads die quickly, and he used to provide 75% of their content.

chad here, can confirm

>self made man children justifying a known mental illness inducing vice while referring to themself as chad

No you see, people ignorant of the stupid things they do are LESS sad. You're AWARE you're sad, and expend all your extra IQ justifying idiocracy. You are the bottom. Surprise.

31 yo business and home owner here. Same story basically.

>be me
>20 years old
>model frequently
>lost virginity at 14
>fucked 9 different girls to date
>browse Yea Forums religiously for the past 8 years

I've been trying to hand you guys the keys to this life, cause you can have it too. But every time I mention that you porn addicted faggots need to start practicing no-fap, which is the most important fucking step if you want to get laid, you guys start screeching the most retarded delusional shit in response. Like damn you incompetent imbecile, it's not that fucking hard to not beat ur dick for a month.


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>have no skills but being a dog
>idolize me


I'm not sure what this mentally inducing vice is supposed to be, you faggots kill some free time in my work day. I have an immature sense of humor admittedly, passed that your opinions are meaningless.

oh shit dudes, the dweebs have us cornered. Better just silence it like we did the mass brainwashing.

Most of you nerds wish you were dogs though :/

Truefact. Just not my cuppa.


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oh no famalam, you do you pay it forward bro

>dont believe Jews are demons with magic powers
>scroll here exclusively seeking laughs

Wtf I'm cured.

Wasn't like any of you fags were going to be clapping any cheeks anyway.

and all they had to do was refrain from playing with their dick for a while. But I guess these nerds just don't have enough self control for that.

They seriously masturbate so often I suspect they have no drive to seek real women. It's a self perpetuating cycle.

*post screenshot homer drinking duff explaining Yea Forums specifically calling out everyone who thinks they aren't everyone*

This thread is extremely hilarious considering this one is also running rn

With everything that I've read in this thread; I am now convinced that this theory is true.
I thought Yea Forums was home to my fellow autistic brothers but Chad has infiltrated and compromised Yea Forums.

Not our fault you autistic sexless zoomers started showing up and spamming porn threads. Go outside faggot. Come back when you're sick of it.

Thank god I got back from the gym in time to debunk this myth.

No Chads here, now lets all draw dicks on our waifus to turn them into dream traps.

Oh man, I miss old b where there was a bunch of just energic chaddy nerds who did shit other than just post porn and fap.

Guess I can't complain too much; I grew fat, old and content so I ain't doing shit. But to see the younger generation sinking into apathy and boredom is just fucking sad.

Take a cam. Go somewhere with a friend or two and find something real and weird and tel is about it with pictures!



Damn. I thought I was the only one who remembered Yea Forums not being so porn heavy.

What if man.

>take a cam
Know how I know you're legit...

You're not the only one who remembers. Fucked up how being nerdy back then would is prime chad today

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

This. Anything non-porn gets buried immediately to makes room for traps, blacked and other crap threads

When I have time to be active I bump the good ones and effortpost. I know you guys are still here. What I find funny though is that the echo chamber of sexless trap addicted blacked lovers believe they're the only ones here... and refuse to believe otherwise.

I'm confused.
So is it actual Chads that have infiltrated or are we such betas that anyone with the remotest level testosterone who posts can be a Chad?

There does seem to be a concentrated effort to post certain kinds of threads. I've noticed that once the spammers realized that BBC threads weren't really working that well, they switched to black women getting fucked by white men. It's the same philosophy behind it, but a tactic that is likely to be a hell of a lot more effective.

I think what didn't help was that some posters with cams sometimes had their identity compromised.
Then you know the rest, shit posting, spamming porn to fb friends and family, etc.

The board just goes through phases. Anyone remember?
>Mods asleep post ponies
>The shy banana

Jesus that was awful shit.

They're on to us boys

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So we have Chads and zoomers both ruining Yea Forums?

The OPs joke is chads want to keep you down. The reality is every type of dude is here but heavily beta virgins really really want to believe that they're alone. In reality your porn threads and trap threads are just good containment.

Non chad here, don’t know what you’re talking about. What you’re saying is untrue.

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These aren't the Chads you're looking for.
Move along.

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I highly doubt chads post here.

> fucked 9 girls

Those are rookies numbers

Are you even trying
You come across as a closeted homo
Because you care enough to count them

What are you talking about? That's crazy.

No, it's bonkers.
I'm a 39 year old virgin.

Herr derr 4chad is a trap pron

Make content that would make pepperidge farm proud

Who the fuck do you think gets the win you dorks fap to?

Sure as hell ain't you.

Well chads get them, then revenge sites get them, then Yea Forums gets them

Unless you count sex offenders as chads, probably not

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I don't even think Chads would know that they're called Chads.

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Nah, we're all just retarded faggots online.

Before revenge sites they dumped them here. During revenge sites they dumped them here. After revenge sites they still dump them here.

Op here.
Only half joking. Have seen that they're genuinely smart people here. Despite popular opinion intelligent people tend to look fairly good. While everyone might not be a Chad, I think everyone's not as much a faggot either.

That's why I like Yea Forums.
I love you you intelligent faggots.

Maybe there are no such things as Chad's but we all have Chad moments or Chad periods throughout our lives. Maybe some youse haven't had your Chad experience yet.

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Well in that regard, I personally believe that Yea Forums is the height of intelligence on the internet.

Chads don't have to waste time typing green text. It takes away time from their daily blow jobs and sports cars.
They just have to copypasta from actual autists who have been tricked into thinking that they're amongst comrades. This will then encourage further green text.

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>MFW I realize Chad is a country in Africa.

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You're definitely right about that. It was more of the intelligent crowd initially with trends bringing in or subtracting the socially and fundamentally inept. Thing is it's now easier to access this board and zoomers can grow up only interacting with humans at school. It's going to get worse.

Royally fucked with Shia Labeouf.
Found a flag in the middle of nowhere.
Not bad.

You guys could be a Chad too if you just stopped wanking to traps. Get help.

An interesting concept has come to my attention. In the same way an electron can be in two places at once, so it is with the chad. A chad is never a chad in all areas of his life, because the social structure changes depending on the situation. A chad with his friends, could be considered a lowly cuck among his more attractive coworkers. Therefore, considering the fact that Yea Forums has no inherent social structure, every chad automatically becomes a neckbeard, while simultaneously remaining a chad. We are all chads and we are all neckbeards, but only a select few can truly be incels.

Im top tier at fortnite did I just become accepted into chadhood?

No that makes you a faggot

>Theory makes too much sense to not be true
>Chads if you are reading this know that i am coming for you

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wise, frien?

this is what BTC got me but then yes i come here.