what is your REAL opinion on this.
I fuck guys and girls since I can remember, but never identified with the so called "community". And this kind of stance is what keeps me away even more. Is there any need for this, really?
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My opinion: you forgot the other P. Pedophiles.
Should rename in M E N T A L L Y I L L
Gender as a social construct is a concept invented by pedophile/child rapist psychologist Dr. John Money and was part of his campaign to normalize pedophelia. Then a stupid femenist lady took the ideas to teach at college.
There are only two genders, so technically it should only be LGB.
I mean, how many more letters can you add, where does it end? and does it have any positive effects to IMPOSE this on other people?
OP here. I agree, what id you like fucking dogs.
should there be a Z in there somewhere. and what the fuck is the purpose.
I fuck guys and enjoy it, but I never fucked a dude that acted "gay", just not attracted to that, not judging, just seems like a fad, or as the way you must act. Seems weird.
please tell me more. you know some shit I never knew about, but it sounds legit?
i get there are gay people and bi people. i still have a hard time accepting this whole trans thing, but i mean if you feel strongly about who you are, go for it, you do you. what i cant stand is how this is being shoved down everyone's throats like its some raging issue in the world. so many worse issues to care about than who youre fucking and what hair color you define yourself as. there are way too many letters, these people are just following a phase. bet these wont be as big by the end of the 2020's when the world realizes were actaully killing ourselves from climate change
This is what I assumed would be there at the end. This is Yea Forums.
like this? how does this get you equal rights? how does this normal display of affection in this particular public setting, advance your ideology, it only sets you back I think?
sorry forgot pic.
Look up Dr. John Money and David Ramier.
Here is my opinion:
1)all woman are a little bit lesbians, so if some of them decides that they only like woman is no suprise. Guys are ugly anyways.
2) gays have existed since forever even in animal kingdom, but it was better back in good old days when they kept it a secret, not like now when being gay equals hero.
3) transpeople have mental illness, but as long they are not abnoxious about it, its ok.
4) every other snowflake are fucking retards who don't know how to develope a real skill that could make them special from others so they make their own gender, sexuality, etc. cus they don't know what is personality and how to differ from others.
5) asexuals are cool.
every day we stray further from our creator
>normies find internet
>10 years later theyve confused themselves so much they cant even tell what gender they are
The internet was a mistake. Everything stopped being cool before 2010 and then went way gay way fast
All of this trans faggotry is memes. We nees to kill off anyone who uses memes IRL, including anyone who says yeet and all the /an/ plebbit faggots who decided we needed baby names for all the animals.
Bunch of gay shit imo
Real lesbians don't exist because they masturbate with penis shaped objects.
I get that being bi, something is different or "wrong" with me I guess, but It never affects me as I only fuck adult willing males in the same condition, enjoy it just for me, andnever make a spectacle about it. But it scares that me that the "community" makes it more dangerous for me to live life as I see fit, because of the backlash they cause. and also yeah ONlY two genders: what you do in each one of those genders is your choice, dress up, get surgery, still male. why do people need for others to accept them?
White elites need to create minorities to be, besides being wealthy whites in an urban area.
>acronym keeps getting longer
someone needs to tell these faggots that the whole reason we have acronyms is for the sake of brevity.
Look at these totally brave adoptive parents, teaching their child love and acceptance with tongue kisses and anal sex
Hey guys whats the same about broccoli and anal sex?
If you had too much as a kid you wont like it when youre older
bi here since I can remember and I agree.
Most straight people dont go around in life telling anyone that will hear, how they fuck, if they like anal, blowjobs, fat girls, these are sexual preferences, and most normal people keet it to themselves why does the "community" need to tell the world how, and who they fuck??
seems like a cult to me.
>be me
>living in Massachusetts
>groups come around to public middle and high schools
>they bring in teenager MtF trans activists
>give lectures about gender pseudoscience and modern degeneracy
>students are informed that if they have any identity issues at all, it's because they're actually trans (but nobody in middle or high school has any identity issues, right?)
>Counselors are responsible for following up and hooking up as many kids as possible on HRT
What other shape would fit into vagane, profesor retard?
I'm trans and feel the same way. The community is just a way to force acceptance, more letters = more members. It sucks cause the thing that usual makes me feel like shit is being treated differently and that's what they encourage.
It's funny cause a lot of the letters are redundant. Like why have transsexual if it's 'outdated' or why have ally at all?
the classic Tranny meme
>Hurr durr if you have any trans thoughts, it means you are probably Trans!11!1!!!
oh I forgot, another thing they teach is that making out with your dudebros and jerking each other off as long as one of you think of himself as a girl while you're doing it
Civil war can't come soon enough
Oh god dude if youre underageb& pls drop out of school and hoof it the fuck out of there
or gay, but it's only gay if you both think of yourself as guys, it has nothing to do with the two dicks rubbing against each other
it's science, people, trust us. of course there are no actual experiments, just our canadian fanfictions
I feel you, really.
how can a "community" be so separated into categories.
like if it was the black community but like this:
fat blacks. skinny blacks. tall blacks. deaf blacks. poor blacks. rich blacks. !!??
where is the UNITY in that?
pansexual means you are sexually attracted to everything, not just humans
you might see a hefer with a nice set of udders and get aroused, you might see a dog with a red rocket and get aroused
People who get upset about the queers are somehow always bigger faggots if you hang around them over a long enough period of time.
Coupled with nearly every lgbt person I've met being pretty chill, I think it's fine.
The worst part is that parents aren't allowed to object or they're accused of child abuse and the state will come to make sure the child can "freely express xer true gender identity"
this is what I fear.
I just want some man ass, for 15 min, cum and go eat some food, talk to the guy like normal or not, depending on the guy, but this goes for girls as well.
I don´t need the lifestyle!! what is that anyways?
>pansexual means you are sexually attracted to everything
That's just wrong?
It means you can be attracted to any human, regardless of gender.
This just sounds like /pol/bait
That's called zoophillia. Pansexualnis a made up term.
you're wrong, the prefix pan doesn't mean "anything" it means "all things"
They're all mental illnesses.
Yeah and then there's the weird overlapping of trans and gays and gay covering lesbian and pansexual covering bisexual and intersex being based on actual science unlike the rest.
Pffftahahahaha please
Every gay i know is chill too, and also a complete fucking mess and shell of a human being. You know the difference between them and my straight friends?
The straight ones have a future, goals, dreams and motivation to accomplish them. The gays have fuck all going on besides job/education hopping and fucking each other with some amount of drugs and alcohol mixed in.
One of these groups of people is going somewhere, the other is just hoping to fuck eachother to death before they get old and ugly.
texas pediatrics board has ruled that if you prescribe HRT to a kid under 18, you'll lose your license, and if a parent is caught administering HRT to a child, they'll be reported to CPS
I’m bi, have been for years, but the whole lgbtwtfbbq shit is a complete joke. They’re a bunch of morons.
made me even more confused, and what the fuck is an ALLY, if you fuck normally and dont judge you are an ally??? what is this? the league of Justice, everyone is a superhero cause they lick pussy? os fuck a guy in the ass? that is your "special" power? that sets you apart and makes you better, more important, that you need allies? WTF
I can agree with this, the only people I'm confident are straight are the ones that don't give a fuck about it all.
Look up sgut about california. You can get your kids on hormone blockers there for free on state insurance. In oakland they have a special grant for struggling single transparents.
I wish this shit was bait my nigga
Waste of time and energy to worry about where people like to put their bits to get off. Really effective way to make a ton of people split into smaller, more easily controlled groups and to get those same people to focus on something that doesn't matter instead of real issues.
I know it does but Massachusetts is looney tunes liberal. I have several stories through close friends and co-workers that are shocking how far the state government can interfere if the child wants to do HRT and the parents object.
what If I am "curious" of fucking a family member...what letter is that????
Don't care. This current obsession with them is getting out of hand.
This is utter bullshit, it's LGB and that's ALL. Since fucking when does being trans mean you're some kind of special sexuality? You either like the same sex as yours (gay/dyke) or you like both. There is nothing else!
good, it truly is child poisoning
I never get upset at all, I just feel they are in need of being SPECIAL, that it makes people like me who only like to fuck people of the same sex but dont feel that we need to be rewarded for it at peril, because of the backlash they create.
>Really effective way to make a ton of people split into smaller, more easily controlled groups
based and redpilled
I don't care about gay people or lesbians. I care about people pushing HRT and surgery as a way to magically transform into a woman. It's pseudoscientific bullshit and very harmful to our society, especially when children are exposed.
not sure If I agree or not, but if it were why do bipolar people dont get a parade. why do they feel that fucking different makes you special.
Bipolar people also want the same level of acceptance without doing anything to better thenselves. Its easier for the mentally ill to cry and shout about how everyone else is persecuting them than it is for them to fix their issues.
Humans hate hard work.
are you me? that is what I think I always fuck WILLING good looking adult humans who are not related to me, I see no poblem with that, it never made me be discriminated against, I enjoy the fuck out of it, that is my REWARD. I am not special for it. But the "community" makes it dangeous for me because of how people think gay people are and the backlash they cause on the right.
Oh my, what an effective argument, you have changed my views
based GOD. I never tell people how I shit, where I shit, what it smells like. Is something I do for me, and dont need a parade for it.
Man, that looks like a lot gay shit.
being BI, i would fuck that in a second, no questions asked, could care less if she/he thinks its a woman, to me is a pice of ass. I will call it what it wants, but I will not go to their fucking parade, unless I get to fuck it
You see, everyone is lgbt. You're a fag. If not you're a nazi.
>>give lectures about gender pseudoscience and modern degeneracy
Its funny cause is true.
you are right, you either "fix" yourself if you feel it is a problem, or get fucked in the ass in the privacy of your own home, enjoy the fuck out of it, but dont make the whole world accept you. why no drug junkies parade, some are actually "born" that way and are different, I never got invited to a drug "community"?
when people say I am fag, It hurts. Not because of what they say, but because I never get to discuss with them how much I like pussy as well, and how many hot whores I fucked, I feel they will never get to know hpw good that feels.
Agree to Agree
this is basically my life being bi "closeted" male I guess you would call it, insert a few guys every once in a while in the pic and all set.
why does the "community" need acceptance when you can have this life, if you dont IMPOSE your views on the entire EARTH. sorry for the rant, I enjoy it so much I dont want it to be taken away.
It shouldn't be a community just a collective to identify under, it's been politicised way too much for anyone with half a brain to even consider identifying under it
As a gay guy I think the whole group is retarded, Politically charged SJW's who are just abusing a name and an atmosphere of concern over you might offend this month to further their own mentally ill views and opinions instead of getting help or even just keeping it to themselves.
I will never consider myself a part of this group, I will always hate them and the overly degenerate gays who just make things worse, Trannys are the worst of the bunch by far however, They need to be locked up to spare the public their horrendous bullshit.
OP is a dumb queer. go back to /lgbt/ faggot
Some people are capable of critical thought
You are not one of them
I am "sorry" for "questioning" the validity of "your source" but who the fuck "takes anything seriously" that has so many "quote" marks?
Nigga go back to lgbt
All fags get the rope.
I'm happily married, faggot. If you are a guy who fucks guys, you're a faggot. You can call it whatever you want, but you are what you are.
Shit looks like an autistic child slamming the keyboard cause he got killed in fortnite
You must not be a native English speaker. If you were a native English speaker with this much difficulty understanding when to use plurals you would have to be an actual retard.
If you are not a native English speaker please take all this as constructive criticism intended to improve your use of our language, and good luck to you on your journey to fluency.
If you are a native English speaker you are actually a retard and your opinion is about as valuable as you'd expect.
You mean women
You mean lesbian. No plural needed after a pluralized group noun.
>back in good old days
Add a 'the' to make this coherent
'cause. Abbreviation of because.
>what is personality
what personality is. Other way round is a question form.
Good luck learning English, user.
or alternatively
Good luck living as a retard, user.
That's not how pansexuals define themselves, and pan doesn't mean 'all things' anyway, is just 'all'. Like Pangaea was not 'all things earth', it's just 'all earth'. Pantheon is all gods, panoply is a full suit of arms (all arms). It refers to everything in a given set, so for sexuality, all sexualities.
Quotes from the book.
"That's" still "an inordinate" number of "quotation marks" in a "single sentence".
They're weirdly placed too. The odd splitting of "buttocks" from "his crotch against" and a non-quoted 'his'. Smacks of amateur editing and inability to paraphrase quote in an academic text.
bunch of self-validating freaks who can't even wrap their head around their own group
asexuals are ill, if you consider that pansexual are only attracted to humans (and not everything with a pulse) they're just bi (and saying that bisexuals exists says that there's only two genders, witch gets invalided by their next line of bullshit), queer and questioning doesn't mean jackshit...
i guess the main issue i have against them is that they're loud and pushing for so much shit while they represent such a small portion of the population
in the end, just be a good neighbor and nobody will truly care about what you do in your bedroom.
push for child abuse, dirty the streets and try to get nonsensical laws approved? that's how you get attacked and stigmatized.
that faggotry is disgusting, but if you take that out of what he's saying, it's not completely wrong
the a for ally shouldn't be there.
the lgbt+ community is for non straight people. an ally is someone that's straight. so they don't belong in it
>shoved down everyone's throats
How so? If not for the people complaining, you wouldn't even be aware of it.
People that think having a fetish makes them special. Makes me laugh how boring those fetishes are.
if not for the people doing it, there would be no-one complaining though
It's a cult basically. Dont join there community/hivemind just do you love who you wanna love fuck who you wanna fuck of dont.
Or don't*
the entire thing is just soy boys looking for ways to cry and complain about anything.