Most slave owners were NOT Jewish

Most slave owners were NOT Jewish
this is a revisionist lie for pussies who are afraid that niggers are gonna beat them up. blacks have a significant amount of white blood with the majority of it coming from the British Isles and it mainly got there during slavery. 35% of African-American men have a white European Y chromosome almost all of which came from the British Isles. Anglos owned most slaves not kikes.

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>Most slave owners were NOT Jewish
Yes they were lmao.

no they were not and you have zero evidence of that bullshit claim. you're just too pussy to own up to slavery. a real man would be proud of slavery and shove it blacks faces

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Whites put an end to slavery in the western world. Blacks can thank white for that.
Slave trade is still alive and well in africa and the mid east. I'm sure that's whites fault too.

>35% of African-American men have a white European Y chromosome

Shh, don't tell them that. What will they do with all the black indentation victim hood?

>“In one area of what used to be Dutch Guyana, 40 Jewish-owned plantations were home to a total population of at least 5,000 slaves,” he says.
“Known as the Jodensavanne, or Jewish Savannah, the area had a Jewish community of several hundred before its destruction in a slave uprising in 1832. Nearly all of them immigrated to Holland, bringing their accumulated wealth with them.
“Some of that wealth was on display last year in the cellar of Amsterdam’s Portuguese Synagogue, part of an exhibition celebrating the riches of the synagogue’s immigrant founders.”
Rabbi Van de Kamp says the exhibition sparked his interest in the Dutch Jewish role in slavery, which, he says, was “robust.”
According to research, on the Caribbean island of Curacao, Dutch Jews may have accounted for the resale of at least 15,000 slaves landed by Dutch transatlantic traders, according to Seymour Drescher, a historian at the University of Pittsburgh.


And this was just for the dutch.

yeah and it was a fucking mistake

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>Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.

>This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the ‘triangular trade’ that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750s, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760s, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760s and early 1770s dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent.

>15000 slaves
and Anglos owned millions of slaves


if you were a real man you would be proud we owned niggers and raped their women but you are a sissy bitch who thinks whites were always passive sissy bitches like you are

>you are a sissy bitch who thinks whites were always passive sissy bitches like you are
And how have you drawn this conclusion? All I did was challenge your view that slavery was dominated by the anglos.

you didn't challenge shit. almost all white DNA in blacks is from Anglos
15,000 kike owned slaves is not significant

>15,000 kike owned slaves is not significant
Well that was just a small example I gave

>almost all white DNA in blacks is from Anglos
Ok, so this would just mean that Anglos bred with their slaves, right? doesn't actually prove that they owned the most slaves. Still, why are you proud of pure blooded Anglos throwing their whiteness away and creating mixed race kids?

>throwing their whiteness away
they didn't throw shit away
they had kids with their white wives and watered down nigger genes with white genetics

Ignore shill posters they are trying real hard to get rid of their responsibility clearly appealing too the white ego by posting interracial Pornography.

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Refuse any interracial porn unless there is a certified jew participating.

low testosterone pussy

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Black People and White People let's get United to destroy the real assholes who use slavery as a business.

Let's not forget we are still their slave, we work for them for free because we are in debth.

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We'll need Jewish pussy lips tattooed so we're certain it's approved porn.






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Gentle reminder that the vast majority of slaves were imported AFTER the War of Independence, so those owners were actually AMERICANS of British or European descent...