What are your guys' thoughts and experience with tinder? i think i might delete it. I barely match with people...

what are your guys' thoughts and experience with tinder? i think i might delete it. I barely match with people, when i do, its a gamble whether they respond or not. whenever we make plans to meet up, they ghost or bail out the day of/before. losing a lot of self confidence since idk if theyre saying no because of me or cuz theyre just hungry hoes looking for self validation

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Met my GF of 4 years on there. Super cute 100lb light skinned Asian. There are good women on there, but you have to shift through mountains of bullshit. If anywhere in their bio they mention the words "real man" or "outgoing" dont even bother.

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I'm banned, so I dunno.

Nope I get pussy on the regular with tinder you’re just a neck beard user. Kys

1. Take good pics
2. Don't message more than 2-3 times a day
3. Don't respond back to a first text quicker than 4 hrs. After that you can respond every 15 mins then end it after a few messages.
5. Always try to get their number to set up a date
6. Once you get their number call them a few days leading up to the date and have a brief 20 min conversation so they are comfortable with you. This will lower the ghosting by a lot. But only do this once. Don't turn into phone call buddies.
7. Don't become texting buddies with them either.
8. Never box yourself in with plans. Always ask for their availability. For example: you ask her if shes free Friday she says no, then you say how about Saturday, she says no. Don't do this. It makes you look desperate as fuck with no options.
9. If you match with her during the week don't make plans with her until the following week.

Had an absolutely amazing first experience but absolutely nothing after that

Uninstall it. Its for gold digging girls, semi fat chicks and female ego boosting.

I had a couple good flings from it, every gf i had i met in real life. Tinder is a boredom killer and shouldnt be treated as anything more tbh

This guy knows what’s up

Dumb advice.

They are either interested or not tbh.

10. Forgot one of the most important things. Never ever validatile these hoes. No compliments. None. Period
11. Don't text them after you fuck. If they want to they can come chase you but you don't.
12. Self improvement. Never stop improving yourself. Gym. Hobbies. Learning new skills. Reading. Fashion.

If you stick to these you will be fucking.

True but there are high interest matches and low interest matches. If a girl thinks you're a 9-10 it doesn't matter what the fuck you do. But if she sees you as a 5-7 you need an absolutely tight game to raise her interest. If shes see you as a 3-4 you're fucked.

damn, really out here with that fire advice. thanks for the reply, inspiring me to just self improve tbh

Guess what... girls get thirsty too, even the hot ones. They just dont want to be fucking some fat slob who doesn't know how to groom himself.

Just upload some pics of a lesser known thor looking male insta model and pretend you're him...

Enjoy the flood of matches. Have a couple extra pics on your phone for when they start texting you.

Get nudes. Fap.

It's better than being on there and just not matching with anyone.

Once you get their attention never tell them who you really are or show them your real pic, because they will stop talking to you immediately.... even if you make them promise to send a pic after you show them the "real you"

real talk.

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Year and a half ago, wife and I did a trial separation. Both hit Tinder and Bumble hard. Need to have decent looks, income, and confidence. Can share more of our experience. Back together now.

that sounds like such a depressing lifestyle. yeah fapping is nice but id rather actually meet someone, make a decent connection and possibly get some pussy

You wont do it as a fat disgusting slob. So if you are one... might as well get some quality faps.

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found the fat disgusting slob

Yea there's no way i can prove otherwise to ya so keep on thinking that. Sorry i hurt your feelings.

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No problem. Think of tinder as a backup for meeting women, not a primary source. Not too long ago online dating was looked at negatively, like you were a complete loser if you had an online dating profile. Now its changed a lot, but it still lingers in the back of womens minds. So this means you have to demonstrate to matches that you have a much more important life outside tinder, ect. I can't count how many times I would message a match once per day until she was like heres my number. Thats what you have to be. Unavailability turns women on not availably. The more interested you are the less interested she becomes. Always be on your purpose in life. Figure out ways to make residual income. Turn you hobbies into profit. Get on a diet and get back into the gym. Learn new skills. Make friends with successful people and see how they act and live life. It will open your mind. Self improvement will give you a rush of confidence which will help draw women towards you.

Again don't take tinder seriously. While you're self improving, get a photographer to take better pics. Interesting places doing fun things. No selfies. You have no idea how many attractive people just take bad pics with terrible settings.

Good luck user. You can do it if you put your mind to it.

my man been watching AMS

Tinder is great. It allows to check more women if they meet your requirements in a fraction of time than you could ever do irl.
Found there my wife (small blonde petite ex-model, academic degree, god job, with excellent character). Took me 4 dates with different girls and 6 weeks of my prevcious time. But I am good looking hipster and belong to upper 5% of society. Makes it easier I assume.

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More pics of wife?

How long until she put out?

Does anyone use the show me on tinder option? If I turn it off will people still know I swiped right on them