I'm a legit pedophile. AMA.
I'm a legit pedophile. AMA
Why tho
Are you attracted to regular adults?
What kind of schooling does that require?
You're not special here. Go away
I was almost raped when I was a kid. I narrowly escaped. I wanted to see what his mindset was like, so I downloaded CP. Now I'm a pedo.
As if downloading CP neccesarily makes you a pedophile lmao
High school education minimum.
I know.
Is it there Gender or age more of a deciding factor.
Gender happens to be a non-factor for me, being bisexual. Age is the deciding factor. I'm 18 and attracted to 13 and up.
Possessing or viewing child pornography is a crime and in prison, If the boys find out you will be labeled and treated like one
You do realise that every regular man is attracted to 13 and up.
You're a pedophile if you are attracted to sexually immature shit
Kkkool, any other specific characteristics you would look for?
Hello I'm Chris Hansen would you please take a seat over there.
Yea but should we really follow the law in that regard?
That's the same as saying that the law could decide if I'm fucking bipolar or not lmao
Cool. Sorry about the white supremacy/black pill bullshit. Hope you don't actually hurt kids and just fantasize about them. :) Obviously as a pedo you know that pedos are attracted to children under like ~16 or a little older, do you get irritated with the guys who pretend liking 14 year olds doesn't make them a pedo?
Lmao, actually believing that you're not sexually attracted to tits that are attached to a 15 year old
Have you ever been diagnosed with autism?
Wrong. 13 year olds are entirely sexually immature and in fifth grade. They are very clearly children.
>Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.[1][2] Although girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12.
13-17 is sexually immature. If you don't realize that, maybe you're a pedo like me.
Yeah, I like trans guys and girls.
It irks me to the core.
I saw a bunch of 15 year olds with tits today and I wasn't attracted to them because I am not a pedo. Bad news dude. You're a pedo.
>13 year olds
>fifth grade
user you were held back because you're retarded, it isn't normal
Ok uneducated moron lmao
What are your sources, mainstream media?
You understand that mature means through puberty, not just beginning it, right?
You think 13 year olds are adults and not children? Lol weird! Pedo!
Don't go pretending you're neurotypical. You're on Yea Forums.
the cutoff for pedophilia diagnosis is 13
liking 13 year olds = pedophile
My source is you saying you're attracted to children. Be like OP just admit it. Don't pretend like everyone else is a pedo tho lol pedo.
You're not very good at trolling, maybe you're good at killing yourself
Actually it's being attracted to anyone who is a child or not sexually mature. There's no age cutoff and an adult being attracted to a 15 year old is certainly a pedophile.
I think 13 year olds are not 5th graders
Mental health professionals disagree
I'm not trolling. I think it's good that you want to fuck kids and pretend like everyone else does.
13 year olds in 5th grade? You must be in Alabama or West Virginia.
A 13 year old should be in the 7th or 8th grade.
The laws of the united states. Unless you are also a minor (if so gtfo while you still have your dignity) having any type of sexual relationship or actions with or involving minors is a crime.
I hope some redditfag is taking screenshots. I wanna be famous.
No. You disagree. You are not a mental health professional. If you're attracted to kids though and you're an adult, you are what we all call a pedophile.
How do you avoid being found out and police?
Are you scared when that time comes?
Do you kill them or leave them live?
That is literally what it's called.
Hello fbi, cool picture
+1 voted from me!
Someone doesn't understand that pedophilia is a mental illness lmfao
braindead moron
Guys I want to fuck 14 year olds just like everybody right guys? Haha right? We all want to fuck children haha? Look at those sweet tits! Right? Nah man nah it's normal! You're probably gay haha. No it's normal to want to fuck kids hahaha.
The police know about me. They're cautious with me because of my autism. I'm not scared. I leave kids alone, except my 14-year-old boyfriend who loves me.
Thanks FBI fren
Perhaps you should want to kill yourself
I hate to say this buy after sexual maturity (14-16) its considered ephebophilia
I love that you just own it OP. It's fucked up and bad and you're hurting your boyfriend but at least you aren't pretending it's normal and everyone does it.
Which is a subcategory of pedophilia. :)
Ok as long as you dont kill them.
Is your boyfriend autistic too?
It's only considered a mental illness if you're primarily attracted to those.
The attraction itself doesn't make you an ephephile.
Sexually speaking a 15 year old is not a kid. Your dick does not know what age is, it doesn't get hard based on a number of years. What you sexually react to is a level of physical maturity. Pedophiles are people who are attracted to Tanner stages 1 and 2, though stages 3 and 4 have not finished puberty they still qualify as sexually mature and it is normal to be attracted to them.
another thing I hate saying technically they're separate but equal groups
Thanks. I try to be honest with myself and everyone else.
He's not. He just accepts me for who I am.
That's not a pedophile. It's hebephile, nothing wrong here, that's normal to be attracted to this age range at age 18.
Ok i see no problem. You two arent breeders anyway so no harm done imho.
Any attraction makes you a pedophile. Any amount of attraction to minors. Some are worse than others. The fact still stands. Even if you have fair skin and one of your parents are white your still a nigger
Understand that the only person who cares about your justification for your attraction to kids is you. As an adult, if you walk into a Hooters with your 15 year old girlfriend, you're going to get called a pedophile and it will be an accurate description of you.
>nothing wrong here
Okay retard, let me explain this. Attraction to children under 18 is morally wrong where I live. Maybe not the same case for you, but my case still stands,
No it isn't. Psychologist here. It is a question of the physical features.
Yep. Unless you're squarely in their peer group, if you're attracted to minors, you're a pedo. Everyone knows this. Pedo pretend it isn't true and are the only ones interested in pretending it isn't true.
Guys itt hunting for hairy 12 year olds to fuck - I'm not a pedo! She has a mustache!
>Psychologist here
I don't believe you
i believe him.
>She has a mustache
Well you're gay so who cares what you think
What's wrong with girls who have a mustache, user? What are you, straight?
That's because the US is based on an outdated religious puritanical system of morality. The rest of the world evolved. Americans share the moral values of sandniggers and Jews.
How soon can you kill yourself?
You don't need to. I could not care less what you think.
Is actually really fucking interesting thread for once,
A few more questions.
>Are you ever going to act on the urge
>Other than possession of material have you >done any other sexual explorations
>If you did would you prefer consent or force
>What's your favorite color
Real headshrinkers are all on reddit talking about microagressions and other dumb shit like that
Good questions.
1. Never. I will never rape anyone.
2. I've had sex with my underage boyfriend. Does that count?
3. Consent, always.
4. Orange.
What's your favorite method of suicide?
When you two are outside IRL it looks like older brother and younger brother?
I mean what fun stuff you do in RL, not sex related.
Hanging from a tree branch. It's the method I first tried when I found out about my attraction tto young guys and girls.
Yeah, we look like adopted siblings, especially when we smile at each other. Also forgive my autism, I though you meant sex related things. We go to state parks every so often to hold hands and walk.
I'm surprised nobody asked about his family and their opinions on me.
You seem like a pretty cool guy. Another round
>would you leave him after he aged out of the demographic
>is he open about his fealings with his parents/guardien
>if so whats their view on the relationship
>favorite tv show
Hello, FBI?
1. No. I love him for who he is, not his age.
2. He talks with his parents about me, so yeah.
3. They seem okay with me. They know who I am and what my values are and they know I will never hurt him.
4. To Catch a Predator. Believe it or don't. I like seeing the actual rapists being brought to justice.
I am a mental health professional and I've worjed with eex offeders. finding teenagers attractive doesn't make you a pedophile, nor does looking at cp.
sexual attraction towards teenagers is inapprorpiate for adults, and acting on that in any way is certainly unethical, as is looking at cp, it's not harmless even if it doesn't make you a pedophile.
technically speaking most convicted child molesters aren't even pedophiles, they are simply rapists who chose an easy victim.
pedophiles have recurring, persistant and sometimes exclusive attractive to children.
but again, just because these other things don't technically qualify as "pedophilia" doesn't mean they are acceptable or ethical or harmless.
Can you say something like that but use workplace and how its not harmless or ethical?
? Yeah that would be pretty cringe huh ?
You think Trump did it? How about Clinton or Prince Andrew?
I guess ill just ask the next questions straight up
>hows the sex
>are you top or bottom
>dom or sub
>(LEGAL) porn recomendations?
Fucking lol no consent laws in central Africa. Consent laws in the most modern nation on the planet. You're right though trump does love Jews.
Definitely. Politicians, filmmakers, anyone with power will eventually exploit it.
i blame batman personally
Prove it or fuck off. Post your license with a timestamp. Pedos want to fuck children. The end.
Wow, thant's a little blunt! I guess I can answer those, since I'm anonymous and all.
1. Amazing. He calls me master all the time. He's a little heavyset, but I can't complain, because that just makes the sex so much better.
2. Top.
3. Dom.
4. I don't watch porn that often, but when I do, I recommend a model called Max Anax on PH. He's an absolute beauty with a cute pussy and plenty of love for his fans.
I gotta go clean my garage. I've got metric tons of kitchen appliances to donate to Goodwill. It's been fun gents. Ask your last qeustions now.
No more questions? Okay! Arrividercci, Yea Forums!
you know Yea Forumsro for a pedo your alright.
I hope you and your boyfriend do well, and that it lasts well beyond the point if legality.
An eye opening disscution to say the least
Thanks for the honesty and transparency aswell.
What if somebody stumbled on cp and was too aroused to ignore it and they fapped? Asking for a friend
You a pedo nigga welcome to the club
user, were you considered, well, "special" when you were a kid?
Honestly if you get aroused by it your a pedo.
But my friend wants to know if it's ok because he stumbled on it
Your friend is fucked legally speaking
Do you rape kids?
You should know by now that everyone is a pedo. Millions and millions of cases of paedophilia around the globe each year. Catholic priest literally every priest, the elites have harems on islands, orphans homes widespread and systemic sexual abuse. Trust me there are more pedos than non pedos. Its nature and whatever you try to ignore it in your head and repeatedly tell yourself its a kid its wrong im a good dad, still you are sexually attracted to them. Its nature
Kids are hot
You should know by now that everyone is a murderer. Millions and millions of cases of murders around the globe each year. .... Trust me there are more murderers than non murderers. Its nature and whatever you try to ignore it in your head and repeatedly tell yourself its its wrong im a good human, still you are a murderer. Its nature
You should know by now that everyone is gay billions and billions of cases of homosexuality around the globe each year Fox News hosts the entirety of CNN now you can say I'm not gay I like pussy on you want what is not going to change the facts
Stupid and wrong comparison
That damage control.
Being this wrecked.
When did you start realizing you were attracted to children? I've heard of it happening young to some people.
Have you touched children and/or do you plan to?
>"You've ordered a Cheese Pizza?"
Not OP but I've been into kids since I was one, didn't really 'realize' shit because it was basically normal, my tastes simply didn't grow up with me. It first occurred to me that liking kids made me a pedo around age 16.
can I crash on your couch for a few weeks until I get back on my feet?
Damn, that must've been a seriously confusing time
they make the worst pizza. would not recommend ordering from them. half star and 5 thumbs down
how do you even remember anything from when you were one let alone your sexual preferences?
implanted false memorys ofcoz