new rekt thread
also someone gib me the story on this
new rekt thread
also someone gib me the story on this
Other urls found in this thread:
rape? seems pretty obvious
user took Yea Forums's advice after posting here about being rejected
Fuck this guy. I hope he gets tortured for life
Dumb fat nigger
Just a homie on the hunt for cunt
Think he fucked her good?
he definitely had some tenderized beef
Bet he shot a huge load. Must have been so turned on.
Holy shit I thought he was going to step on the phone
Before and after kidnapping gone wrong, Brazil of course
You know, I would pay $1,000 to be given the chance to inject hydrochloric acid into his veins.
Well my dear femminazis, this is what I call rape, not the "omg he looked at my boobs" stuff you wish would also count.
did they burn the face off, the fuck
I have a stinky feeling it was a female rider!
Holy shit, what did they do to her?
More like beating her to death and rape. That guy should be thrown to desperate prisoners
Is she ok?
OP should be shamed for letting his thread die.
Did she died?
Nah, just put on some foundation and lipstick & was on her way. Close call, tho -
Still would
Wtf this guy hits like a pussy he can't knock out a small girl after like 30 blows how much of a cuck can you be
The power of a god
What the fuck is taking them so long?
Are they using butter knife?
>how much of a cuck can you be
He'll find out in prison. Rapists are above only child molesters in the inmate hierarchy.
Last time some one posted this they said he didnt actually rape her he was looking for someone to punish after his gf broke up with him. got like 6 years if I recall correctly.
well, her face wasnt the best party anyways
>I have a stinky feeling it was a female rider!
I have a stinky feeling the niggah driving the white truck that hit her was texting on his phone.
give me sarah connor!
le kek :o)
that was intense
what happened later?
they shut down cyberdyne systems and there was a tomorrow
Dude is such a fucking bitch hahahaha imagine being too afraid to fight literally any man so you have to sucker punch a woman in HIGH HEELS
Let's find this cunt and gang rape him while the girl watches and drinks Prosecco
Sneezing while pissing, literally how
This makes me sick
Now that's getting rekt
i know its just the technique, look at how his hand in turned inward toward the guy, but still its hilarious
fucking disgusting. kill all brazilians
You may be wondering how I got here... well... it's a long story
she was tortured
would what
Man that really pumps my nads
That girl really pumps my nads
Man that girl really pumps my nads
don't report me, she's 19 now
She is so hot she really pumps my nads
shes only 17 user
Jordyn Jones is 19, you twit
Thats not rape you feminist retards its assault
I don't care she still makes my nads pump
What the fuck is wrong with Chinese people? Are all of them disconnected from reality. Dreaming about their next meal of rice and dog?
Damn that ass really pumps my nads
Man that ass really pumps my nads
Fucking animal
read the chain retard
oh well i got reported in a pedo thread yesterday, so i'm jumpy
That was educational
what the fuck is this?
EDC 2019
selfi after the castration what more do u need to know.
how about: why?
god I hate dumb fucking kids
i would preform lobotomy with a dremel on this guy
Ah fuckin bitch fucking hell with this
Android gore
I genuinely believe the general concept of hell is better than living in Brazil.
Anybody got teh long version?
I'd LOVE to kill that faggot.
The guy on the hood is a restaurant owner who has a bad reputation and shitty food and was actually shut down, but continues to serve. When some patrons said they didn't like the food, he attacked them and they drove away and the video shows the rest. The crazy thing is he isn't trying to get them to stop the car, he is still trying to get to them to attack them Terminator style.
thats what he gets for wearing such a faggy shirt.
he only got 5 years for this lol. fuckin chinks. that should be a 10 year sentence for attempted murder
That's what he gets for not eating his veggies.
thank god the webm stopped, otherwise he would had hit the ground.
>Zhao Lei, a partner lawyer and vice-director of the Beijing Zewen Law Firm, said that the man might face up to more than five years of imprisonment for the severity of the crime of coercive indecency and the insulting offense against the woman.
i thought In China you would get 20 years in the mines for this.
>you boner you lose
nice , thank you.
How can people be this dumb? I seriously cannot comprehend why anyone thought this was a good idea. What the fuck?
you, yes I'm talking to you. what went wrong in your life for you to end up on Yea Forums watching children being murdered in horible ways?
Because she is a person of colour
Oh my dear, where to start with a pathetic fuck, like you
This is not your ecochamber that tumblr is, this is where you are confronted with the purest that mankind is without its restraints, you are confronted with reality, these videos show fucking reality, if you are like me, you are desesitized to this kind of shit due to prior happenings, but your comment just shows that you are some priviledged weak cunt who never had something bad to experience and lives on in his isolated dream world where never something bad happens
most people here don't even fucking value their life due to how others treat them, tell me a reason how you shouldn't shrug off death, if life does not treat you well
Yes, let's pretend their news outlets always post the truth. This dude is lucky if he gets out of the other end of this alive.
Robbed them at gunpoint, then put the gun away while literally outnumbered
Its a nigger
thanks user.
I didn't know it was in China.
Because vet clinics are boring as fuck?
open in new tap youtube with terminator music
my $2 I want my $2
It's from Super Troopers... Not real.
i hope he passed quickly, that shit looks painful af, but seeing how long it takes for them to cut....
Columbian Necktie after shot
Bitch did someone dirty.
What’s wrong with that? Majority of black teens are in jail for being niggers. Majority of white teens are getting educated and bettering themselves
Good doggo! Good boy!
HAHAHA Thot patrolled!
So when this is happening...
You speed up as safely as possible.
Try to get up to about 30ish...
The fucker will fly off. Or his arms will become dislocated and he won't be able to hold on much longer anyway.
Simple physics people.
Fuck, it'd be kinda cool to do that and have an arm still attached to your dash as the body goes flying the opposite direction.
Trump supporter runs into a female weaker than them(finally)
Man and wamenz are equal
Is he flipping them off as he's being shot?
That's a hardcore nigger right there.
Dumb dead nigger.
But he was hardcore.
> dumb fucking white kids*
Jamile Fernandes da Silva
She was murdered on her way to an event in Brazil
Not bad.
For a human.
why no sound?
the fuck is happening here?
Woah how they teach a monkey to work a smartphone?
he is removing his nerve gas mask
stfu newfag
Calm down incel trash
your Yea Forums pass probably expired
^ itty bitty baby
This is a cut(e) canuck. Wouldya think?
Ive never seen a faggot as new as you
fucking china man...
Check Out this EXTREMELY HOT Active Server for the BEST LEWDS of FEMALES annd TRAPS!
discord gg/jUUeATY
>majority of Yea Forums is kid in background
someone post the girl throwing a shovel onto another girl please
Chineses have physic autism.
Anyone have any good combat footage / posting what I have rn
They are basically 4v1, they can't stop the car and immobilize the damn guy. Instead they keep driving and filming.
you nasty nigger fuck
To death?
The 29-year-old woman has been released from the hospital after being treated for facial soft tissue injuries, the police said.
Fuck you, Brian. No matter what, you won't get laid.
That may be a vet clinic but she's not a veterinarian. She's an immature tech.
I'm on probation for being black.
Yeah, maybe you should just stop that, it'd be better for everyone
Bump for dead niggers.
stop fucking arguing, i want moar rekt webms
Imagine inviting these savages into your country and offering them shelter and food at tax payers expense.
And grouping 10s of millions of people in order to put things into a comprehensionable perspective, thanks to your low IQ, is better than his incel remarks lol.
>Inb4 but muh grouping saves time!!!11
No, it's lazy and low IQ af
>Majority of white teens are getting educated and bettering themselves
Majority of teens aren't white anymore, how does that make you feel?
whiteboi vs a real man
needed his homie to back him up lol
you mispelled "stop him from murdering him by accident lol"
3v1 lulw
"real men"
whiteboi an eternal manlet
fuck niggers
>Imagine inviting these savages into your country and offering them shelter and food at tax payers expense.
Do. not. make. eye. contact.
Those are narcos. They don't need your money, Jack.
Mmm~ that's so hot!
You just know he is one of those Liberals who believes Niggers are great
>This is what happens to trump supporters irl
keep your racist politic beliefs to yourself honkeys
whites are funny stfu
Ok fellow racist
Walking by with hands in pockets lul
The guy was caught and is in jail getting his asshole reamed out while she is basically fine..
he's shooting at them you dumbass
>maybe if they see that I'm defenseless that won't provoke them lol
so beta
>said that the man might face up to more than five years of imprisonment
>up to more than five years of imprisonment
>up to more than five
I would consider 20 years in the mines part of up to more than 5
what did the black kid do wrong in the second webm, he seems to show fine restraint and doesn't hit the kid while hes down or anything
I knew what was gonna happen, but these always make me flinch
Lmao why
>my sides
Seriously how my wife loads the dishwasher.
Ivanka getting what she and all trumpist whores deserve.
no that's what happens when you get to many niggers in one spot.
why are all American drivers so shit
Any news story on this
His asshole will be fucked inside out. He does hit like a bitch.
chinaman detected
>The one that wasnt checking the road continues to not check the road and gets hit again
fucking moron
That dude is dumb ass
Why were the board he went off and the white guide lines there? Was this a prank?
She was raped to death. Let's just find him and torture him to death.
Why are you all calling each other feminists without any reason? No one said shit about feminism you fucking faggots.
Rape is rape. Assault is assault. Sometimes it's both. Fucking die.
They are in my country. How does that make you feel?
Aaah, Turkish people...
17 is legal in my country (Australia) fuck off Americunt. I can fuck 16 year olds if I want.
That's the US
I hate niggers
Wow. What a way to die/cripple yourself.
You wife loads herself?
lmao white boi dropped like a tin of bricks
>a recemixing capital
surely there are no chineese people there lol
5'11" Chad vs 6'0" virgin
Gotta be fake. Why didn't the cuck stomp on his fingers. Heat up the cig lighter and burn his hands? Stomp on the brakes? The dumb fucks in the car are total dickheads.
i think the question on everyones mind is this. If 2 bikers hit each other. Who blames whom for not looking both ways?
When Manlets Attack!
Guess again, burger
hi your post was so retarded that its been linked to in other boards as an example of pure aspergers.
i came here from /5/
I'm dead
Based. Fuck white "people"
They're already here, sweetie
look like she couldnt transform back from ghost rider
Good night america, you had such potential
Okay. Pretty sure both those people are chinese though.
when two bikers hit each other they enter a state of constantly blaming each other until they hit a super critical state and morph into a big fat guy and the bikes become 1 moped or motorized scooter
Here's to hoping one gets you.
"Hello, pest control?"
Everything about this makes me happy. The /fit/ Yea Forumsros surprised reaction, trying to play with the guy. It's like little brother and older brother.
watch the actual videos
ha ha ha that's my video, it's an ex-friend Lynn she was so drunk that day, crushed a kid and laughed about it. Stupid cunt.
he means right after he took 3/4 shots. you see him raise his hand, one finger.
I guess black people never fights somebody their own size.
Fuck, marry
so civil
Its always fuckin china. Are they day dreaming all the time or what? Perhaps too much nerve gas?
You got a name for the video or link.
How to view webm on iphone
Thats true, but sometimes its deserved
Whites can't be that size and can't fight lmao
>Sell the iPhone
>Buy an Android.
>Enjoy rekt threads
Use firefox
3v1 is why I carry 17+1.
first of all use proper screen not this tiny nigger phone one
second of all kill yourself asap
Good user
Base jump gone wrong, I think. There was supposed to be a parachute.
future of trump supporters
you deserve a you
have you stepped outside at all today?
that's a funny thing to hear coming from a Trump supporter. Get a life, kid
like for a whole hour, yes
He fucked a drug lords daughter and filmed it. This was his punishment.
God I hope so
Just turn on the windshield wipers.
That guy looks asian.
look at these little faggots.
Jesus, Americans are beyond brainwashed and retarded
fetish mask
Could you be any more of a wanker?
ha ha ha
this fuckin' owns
Kill yourself Op
That's fucking funny. I hope the birds were okay, but that's gold.
Trumptard detected. Can't even count.
4 more years? Are you sure about that, retard? Try again.
Only Americans think this. I live in Europe and have never seen a black person in my life. I am 30.
literally so easily triggered to think what a teen posts is what goes for all of america that you kneejerk insults. for your info the age of consent varies wildly by state.
Only pussy amerifats need windshield wipers.
crybaby leftard needs a bottle and a diaper change
literally so easily triggered that he calls someone triggered that is never going to see their reply
bet you are american too, can tell by how retarded you are.
Where the fuck do you live so I can move there asap
>first of all use proper screen
ok pip — you fruity homo
Get VLC media player from app store.
>Be this much of a newfag
You sandnigger british are real faggots.
Made me lol, what a dick
jesus, way to stay a cowardly user
I don't even support Trump but I love posting him, as it never fails to piss people off. Greetings from Germany
they will indeed nig
white people are better than you, get over it
cry harder, little leftard
>I hope the birds were okay
faggot ponce
Better at what? lol whites ain't good at fighting, ain't good at sex, ain't good at sports lmao whites people can't even cook lmao
honestly one of the hottest things I've ever seen.
white soi-boi
Anybody have the one where the guy puts the container in his ass and it shatters?
jigs always lose in a fair fight
>Whites aint good at fighting
>Asking repetitions for being enslaved by whites
Pick one
Did you not see him start taking her pants off before dragging her away?
Its called natural selection
My wifes boyfrield? What in the fuck?
Why would he even care if he got a vasectomy?
lmao fighting don't have nothing to do with owning repetitions lmao sup stupid
this should be always played with this kind of factory gifs
my moms basement
(you are not welcome there)
The whole idea of reparations is that whites kicked the blacks ass so good that they still can't catch up without the help of whites
repetitions OMFG YOU IDIOTS!!!!!!
My karate teacher showed me this video when I was 10. First rekt I ever done seen
you subhuman baboon, you literall nigger
start to live like a human ffs
>never seen a black person in my life
To dreeeaaam the impossible dreeeaaam
"Everyone who i dont agree withis worse than Hitler" were you always a spoiled piece of shit? I'll make you eat your own asshole soy boy.
Watch out, fucking 14 year old intel edgelord here! LOL!
other black people enslaved blacks, no little whiteboi with tiny dick could do that
lmao you don't anything that it's about lmao no whit boi ever kicked anybody ass lmao
Nice reddit post faggot
you wouldn't know because you think only about yourself
repetitions is what their going to give for slavery lmao learn something lmao
Need I remind you where niggers would be technologically without whites? Without whites to maintain the infrastructure, computers, satellites and the internet would disappear if left in the hand of niggers to maintain them