What do if someone sends you this?

What do if someone sends you this?

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>What do if someone sends you this?

order more

hoooo no....is a man
blocking nigga

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Murder the trap, but not before defiling the corpse with your benis.

I'm going to fuck

Hate to break it to you but that cock looks disgusting, but then again you probably enjoy that shit

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Well what's your idea, user?

I dont know

You must have an idea.

I can't have no idea

Well, are you posting pics of yourself user, or did someone in fact send you these?

Someone sent them to me

Does your penis like these?


send one back

Does your cock like the images you received? Do they get you hard?


Then to answer your original question, I suggest asking said person for more maybe.

Joke, I just want to post my ass on Yea Forums

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Well the file names were suspicious to say the least, but even so, I'm disappointed!

Not disappointed with the ass, mind you.
Just with you being a deceptive cock tease like that.


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Do you have someone IRL to send them to?
You know, to make amends.

I do not know what it is

I meant, if you knew someone in real life that you could send those pictures to. That would make up for the deception.

Me d:

Doesn't count!

No they didn't, these are from a "dubs post ass" thread last night. Stop larping newnigger

It's really me

Post some more.

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It's all pretty enticing OP. You really should send them to someone. You do want the D right?


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I want

It is a fine ass, wish you luck.