Mom open fridge

>mom open fridge
>see dis
>mom screams and calls you come upstairs
>mom demands explanation why you kidnapped belle delphine
How you react?

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To rape her to death, of course. What kind of a silly question is that.

Id rather kidnapp dog shit than her

sounds like the dumb plot of a generic "so whacky XD" slice of life manga

Don't worry. I'm going to cook her and eat her later. You want some?


I don't live with my mom.

However, I absolutely would kidnap BD in order to burn her to death and upload it to Insta for all her virgin fanboys to watch and cry about.

She just needs to eat this bowl of eggs, then she can leave.

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to save her soul for Jesus, get married and then have children.

also, sex slave.

gay lord

time to lock the fridge.

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turn 360 degrees and walk away

An incel's gotta do what an incel's gotta do. Would you rather I fapped to shota all day?

Says the faggot defending an E-thot.


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i wonder how tryharder you gotta be to post a thread like this
fucking go back to ED nignog

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I throw leftovers out, must be yours mom.


Why the fuck is mom here?
And why the fuck is she living on the roof of an apartment building?

>You know who
>Youre not above it all, ngger

A man of culture i see.

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>"mom I thought you wanted grandkids"

Don't make headcheese with her, all that makeup ruins the flavor when you cook it down. Washing her head off won't help cause that shit's in the pores.

"How the fuck is she still alive? I thought the mercury laced cake would kill her!"

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I didn't kidnap her. I would never kidnap her. I don't even find her attractive. Just like docuhe bags can try too hard, e-girls can try too hard, too.