So basically I either have to make enough money to finish high school and a computer science/STEM university or die...

So basically I either have to make enough money to finish high school and a computer science/STEM university or die under a bridge, since I'm getting thrown out of my house in 6 months for not wanting to become a doctor. I thought that I could try to make some money by doing art comissions since I draw pretty well, but I don't have enough money to buy a graphics tablet right now. I'm currently selling my Casio keyboard and a game to buy that tablet, but I still don't really know how to begin. How am I going to combine my school life with work? What if nobody will want to buy my keyboard so I won't get the tablet, or even worse - what if my art comission plan wouldn't work because I wouldn't get enough comissions? If that will happen I'm going to resort to being a wagecuck, but I'm afraid that even this won't help me, since I can't work the whole day because I have to go to school, so nobody will hire me.

I'm just so afraid of the future. If you were me, how would you proceed in my situation? Can doing art comissions even work? Also killing myself isn't really an option since that'd mean admitting defeat, and I ain't planning on dying because of someone's influence on me (in this case my mother, since she's the one who will do anything to force me to go to a med school).

I forgot to mention - my situation isn't nearly as bad as if I were to live in USA or Japan, since high school and college are completely free in my country. So at least I can be a little bit happier because of that.

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I'm not reading all of that, but I do kindly suggest you go fuck yourself.

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Can't even do that bro, don't even have the time for that

Well then eat a snickers, you can eat that on the go.

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you won't survive on commissions. get a normal job

Are there even any jobs that will allow me to work half the normal time (because school) and will give me enough pay to survive?

depends. I would say find jobs that look good on a resume, even if the money isn't that great. I was a part-time receptionist at a PR firm, a temp at UPS, and an inventory controller. all simple jobs, but I could emphasize tasks and skills on a resume. I get it if the money is essential, but waiting tables won't help you get you a job.

are you aiming to be a doctor like your parents want you to or are you gonna do what you want?

I want to finish computer science on a university to become a programmer

then I suggest illegal/unethical options. buy cheap womens' underwear and sell it as used to pervs online, steal brand name clothing from stores and resell them on ebay.

are you female? I have a lot more tips if you're a woman.

Just be a doctor you faggot.
If your parents are encouraging you to go into that, consider yourself lucky.
If you play your cards right you can retire at 40 if you want to.

Sorry, I'm a guy

get a job i guess. you dont need to be a wagecuck, plenty of jobs out there that dont need a degree, just actually make an effort to search your city, dont just google good jobs or soemthing

Sorry, but if I'm going to spend most of my life inside a building doing pretty much nothing that I even remotely consider something that I like, then I'm better off just dying.

sell vapes, donate plasma, sell car batteries, buy weed in bulk and sell retail, drive for escorts, if you look good onlyfans can make you a lot of money I reckon.

Look into maybe some department of your uni needs a techitian or something simple with it
Live in the dorm and, spend your time in uni working/studying
Your parents should come around once they realize you don't need them

Thanks everyone for all of the replies. I'm still going to at least try with the comissions because I still have 6 months, but if this will fail I'll definitely look for a normal job.

can you give us a sample of your art? not difficult to judge if someone will make it with commissioning by looking at their art

I definitely don't draw regularly and I don't spend a lot of time on this, so I definitely know that I will have to grind every day to polish my skills. I also don't have many photos of my art, so please just wait a bit while I'll try to find them

When I was in your situation I worked 3rd shift, just get a job at night and go to school during the day. I explained my situation to my employer and since it's just a gas station job the schedule is flexible AF, I went to work right after school.

This one's really old because its from elementary school, but I've gotten quite better at drawing and painting, and it doesnt look too bad. I've seen art thats worse looking, and it still sold on the streets

Also sorry for the late reply, since I had to scale and crop the image because it was too big

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elementary school? I mean, it looks fine, but I reckon you won't be able to earn much on that. the commission market's big, and there's very high-quality art out there.

I also drew this for my friend half a year ago. This is looking bad, yeah, but I drew this really quickly so it's just a sketch. If I were to draw for a whole day, it would definitely look better

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Being a doc is a blast, you'll love it I promise, don't waste this chance and become a doctor, you can later specialize in a low effort sun-speciality and do whatever the fuck you want with the shit ton of money you'll be making. I wish I could express myself better but not an eng native. Point is, you won't regret becoming a doc

yeah, that's not gonna sell for much, man. gotta get grinding

I've also heard that it is way easier to earn money by drawing nsfw commissions rather than normal ones. Is it true?

What do you like?

Yeah gonna grind very hard. I have to at least try

Everything related in some way or another to computers - programming, photo editing, 3d modelling, maths and physics.

well, if you truly love drawing, I'm sure you'll improve. your art is actually quite decent, and improvement can go a long way if you're invested. good luck, man.

The thing is, I want a happy life, even if I don't have much money.


Get yourself a gatehouse/reception job on nightshift somewhere.
If you get one quiet enough do some commissions there.

>Did a year of uni using this method.
You have to be disciplined about sleep though, not a lot of time for anything else.

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Get a normal job and develop actual skills retard. Entitled faggots like you are why the world sucks so much ass.

Epidemiology has all that.. which is required for most investigations.

Calling me entitled isn't gonna change the fact that my family isn't really rich and I don't even have a father. I don't think that I'm entitled. I didn't ask anyone here for any money whatsoever. I will earn everything by myself. I just want advice.

Underwater welding faggot only takes 6 months to get a cert

You will not make enough money to support yourself doing commissions, become an emt It is easy money and sounds like It would make your mom happy, also if you are asking could a make money doing commissions why don’t you post some of your art so we can give you a better answer to that question

How am I gonna post good art if I don't have a graphics tablet. Thats like asking me to post a painting without using a brush

>finish high school and a computer science/STEM university or die under a bridge, since I'm getting thrown out of my house in 6 months for not wanting to become a doctor
Luck bastard.
Nobody ever believed in me enough to think I could be a doctor.
And (holy fuck) my parents know I'm smart as fuck.
Appreciate what you have. I never had that much.

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this video should help

p.s. STEM degrees are a meme.
And yeah, I'm 99.9% certain I'll die living in a cardboard box under a bridge somewhere.

Should my whole life be decided by others just because I'm smart? What can't I just live happily doing what I love, even if that would mean living with less money (which no matter how you look is ridiculous because in my country programmers earn even more than doctors do)

*"Why", not "what". God I hate replying with a phone.

Dude, just TELL them you're premed, then study whatever. Your school records should be confidential.

Is that ricky?

Attached: Ricky.jpg (400x268, 14K)

>Should my whole life be decided by others
You're honestly asking this question...
So you do understand it's your choice.
Which (by definition) means it's not decided by others (unless you just drop the ball and let them decide).
>What can't I just live happily doing what I love
That's a question we all face.
There's no clear answer, but try this: go get a shot of vodka, whiskey or whatever. (I've been drinking since 8am).
Then smoke a little if you're so inclined.
Then watch this video over and over until the pain goes away:
or maybe this one:

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I hate lying. Also it can't be confidential since I'd have to take different exams to get to med school, than to go to a CS university (biology and chemistry vs maths and programming), and I can't hide those documents because they're given to you by a high school and then you take them to the university of your choice. She'd definitely want to check how I did on the exams, so this document will expose me.

what kind of connections do you have?

Literally none

then i feel bad for you son. godspeed you user

>Are there even any jobs that will allow me to work half the normal time (because school) and will give me enough pay to survive?
You can easily survive with a shitty part time job. You won't have your own place, or many luxuries, but you won't be in endangered.

Start using heroin it will calm your nerves

I wouldn't even pay you in dogshit for that

Get a full time job and go to college many ppl in the world have to live with this burden. Problem solved. Man up friend.

omg what if u actually have to work op