Why does this make white boys so upset?
Why does this make white boys so upset?
The dicks in your favorite porn, are fake.
I think you mean extremely horny
These threads are spammed by discord trannies and sissies who frequently organize raids on Yea Forums.
All the threads you see are made by the same small group of people every day.
>223 results found since April
>288 results found
Not counting all his other threads.
>133 results found
notice the filenames. Same guy.
>171 results found
>239 results found
>140 results found
You did good work, user. What do you think? Is it (((paid advertising))) or just a crazy subversive? I'm leaning to the former.
It makes me throb in my chastity cage.
Or cash to feed a NEET drug habit, in a basement. This has been going on for 4+ years.
thing is, it doesn't. I have a big dick, so black guys don't intimidate me.
I fuck black girls and you wanna know how many say "you got a big dick" and love my dick.
Only guys who are intimidated by blacks, are small dicked guys. And those guys would find something else to complain about if it wasn't black guys smoking these whores. (ie bitch about being chad or whatever nonesense)
Checked, nice subversion. GAY AF, but you do you.
But it doesn't make me upset
Because she is one of 1326 girlfriends.
my money is on
>beta white so insecure he went full circle and gets off of cucking himself on this board
>beta skinny black incel-like guy who can't get with women. so he gets off on the stereotype that black = big dick and tries to trigger other anons for amusment
>Some seriously racist guy against whites and posts this for (you)s from triggered people he will automatically claim to be white
with all that said shitposting of this magnitude is 11/10 autism
Exactly. I only have 2.
You're overthinking it, it's simply the standard Russian trolls that have been on here over the past few years posting anything that they can to sew division in "western" societies. Why do you think there are so many cuck/race/circumcision threads? They're paid to do this shit.
Rookie numbers, apply yourself and don't shoah posts, if you want to be taken seriously.
There are no Russians. Stop watching the electric jew.